2015, 2016, 2017 MDDC News Organization of the Year! Celebrating more than 160 years of service! Vol. 165, No. 23 • 50¢ SINCE 1855 Thursday, November 14, 2019 INSIDE The Blue Line Flag Debate Brothers Before Others Kirwin Commission show support for Blue Goals Hundreds of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Line Flags in county employees, parents and students played in the station. gathered at Montgomery Blair By Elle Meyers The social media posts were High School to learn about objec- @_ElleMeyers tives and concerns of a commission met with some pushback from mem- that focuses on public education. GERMANTOWN — Members bers of the community who felt that of the nonprofit group Brothers Be- the wall hanging has a resemblance Page 3 fore Others handed out Thin Blue to the Blue Lives Matter symbol. Line Flags along with coffee and One post on social media noted that donuts at the Fifth District Police Thin Blue Line Flags were used dur- Station in Germantown on Nov. 8 in ing the Unite the Right rally in Char- a show of support for Montgomery lottesville in 2017. County Police (MCP). Noting the backlash on social The charity’s demonstration media to the flag, Elrich released a comes about a week after Mont- statement saying that it should be gomery County Executive Marc El- taken down. rich decided that a wooden wall “Acting Police Chief Marcus hanging bearing the Thin Blue Line Jones and I understand the concerns Flag should not be hung in the Ger- of the community. The flag provides mantown Police Station. a symbol of support to some, but it is ‘Guys And Dolls’ Thin Blue Line Flags are typi- a symbol of dismissiveness to others. cally black and white American flags Because it is divisive, the flag will with a single stripe of blue running not be posted at the 5th District nor in A wonderful performance of any public space within the Police beneath the stars; they are meant to “Guys and Dolls.” Department. Under my administra- show support for law enforcement Page 11 tion, we are committed to improving officers. police relations with the community On Nov. 2, James Shelton and and will immediately address any ac- his son delivered a wall hanging with tion that stands against our mission,” the Thin Blue Line Flag printed on it he said. to the Germantown Police Station. Since his announcement, local PHOTO BY ELLE MEYERS Later that week, the Fifth District County resident Laura Weetall joined the Brothers Before Others Station thanked Shelton and an- demonstration on Nov. 8 in Germantown and showed support for local police by bringing her own Blue Line Flag and sign. Story on continues on Page 8. nounced on Facebook and Twitter that the wooden flag would be dis- See Flags, Page 8 Elrich and Navarro announce County Economic Development Plan Historic Run Ends economic development. The resolu- and all other Councilmembers are orating Montgomery County’s eco- By Elle Meyers tion, according to the council, is cosponsors,” wrote the county. nomic development efforts to Montgomery Blair High @_ElleMeyers meant to be a guiding document that achieve a thriving and diversified School’s girls soccer team fell to In recent months, the council ROCKVILLE — On Nov. 12, economy in our community,” said Perry Hall High School 1-0 after a identifies a diversified economy, in- has paid special attention to econom- Montgomery County Council Presi- Navarro. remarkable season. novation, racial equity and environ- ic development and racial equity by dent Nancy Navarro and County Ex- mental sustainability as goals. focusing on ways to increase afford- “We must elevate and leverage the intellectual, business, and cultur- Page 20 ecutive Marc Elrich announced a “The goal of the resolution is to able housing, engage with business- new County Economic Develop- institutionalize a strategic economic es that would bring more jobs to the al assets that make our community ment Platform. framework that enables a focused county and finding sustainable best an outstanding place to establish and The new platform will focus on and disciplined implementation of practices. The council has also been grow businesses across all sectors. business development, housing the county’s economic initiatives. briefed and voted to support recom- Advancing our economic develop- transportation and workforce devel- Adopting this platform is an impor- mendations by the Metropolitan ment goals includes making strategic investments in business develop- opment. tant step to emphasize the fact that Washington Council of Govern- ment, housing, transportation and In addition to the development Montgomery County is a great place ments. platform, Navarro introduced a reso- for business, Elrich stated. Navarro “We stand united as a govern- lution to unify the council’s focus on is the lead sponsor of the resolution, ment that is laser-focused on reinvig- See Economic Plan, Page 8 2 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL NOVEMBER 14, 2019 EFLECTIONS R The Montgomery County Sentinel, published weekly by Berlyn Inc. Publish- ing, is a community newspaper covering October 7, 1965: County Aide Admits Copter Laws Needed Montgomery County, Maryland. Our of- fices are located at 22 W. Jefferson Each week the Sentinel visits a had the power to grant permission that, in this case, the Gramax build- “Every builder and developer Street, Suite 309, Rockville, MD 20850. Founded in 1855 by Matthew Fields. All memorable story from its archives. for the heliport. ing itself could be considered an air- in the county will be coming in here mail to: P.O. Box 1272, Rockville, MD At the hearing, Deputy County port structure. to say you made a mistake,” he said. 20849-1272. Subscription Rates for The ROCKVILLE— Nobody was Attorney Douglass H. Moore, Jr., re- He also said the heliport could The county attorney’s office Montgomery County Sentinel – Weekly by mail: $40.00 per year & $26.50 for Se- against whirly-birds and their roost- iterated his office’s position that the not comply with the requirements of “should not be here,” Moore contin- nior Citizens. (USPS) 361-100. ing places — heliports— at the zoning ordinance is a permissive set an airport approach area and doubted ued, “but because I couldn’t be here Board of Appeals hearing last week. of laws— meaning that anything not if the board could grant a variance to if the situation were reversed.” Bernard Kapiloff In fact, a deputy county attorney said expressively permitted is prohibited. eliminate so many requirements. Moore said if the board decided PUBLISHER EMERITUS there was a need for regulations that “There are no standards or con- “We don’t say we don’t like he- it didn’t have jurisdiction, his client Lynn G. Kapiloff would permit helicopters here. ditions in this ordinance that relate to licopters,” the deputy county attor- would appeal to Circuit Court, “so CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/ PUBLISHER The question was a matter of helicopters,” Moore said. Therefore, ney said. “We recognize the need for it’s going to end up there in any [email protected] law: can the board grant a special ex- he reasoned, “the only place heli- helicopter regulations.” case.” ception for a heliport when no specif- copters can land is at a regular, ap- Moore said the board should not At the July 8 hearing, attorney Mark Kapiloff ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER ic regulations about the helicopter proved airport.” be reluctant to reconsider its decision Moore had based his case for a heli- [email protected] landing pads exist in the Mont- He admitted that the heliport and override it. He said the law port atop the Gramax Building on gomery County Zoning Ordinance? met the ordinance’s definition of an makes it plain the board can do so the airport regulations of the Zoning EDITORIAL The county attorney’s office airport: A place where aircraft may when it has made a mistake. Ordinance. He had asked the board said no. In fact, it has filed an appeal take off or land, discharge or receive Another Moore, John B. Moore, to disregard as irrelevant the regula- Daniel Kucin Jr. in Circuit Court contesting the cargoes and/or passengers. attorney for William Robinowitz, tions concerning such things as EXECUTIVE EDITOR board’s July 27 approval of a heliport However, he said the heliport owner of the Gramax Building, said length or runways and approach ar- [email protected] atop the Gramax Building in Silver could not meet specific requirements the board would be “opening up a eas, which it did. José Umaña Spring. such as the one that any building, Pandora’s box if it decided to recon- The Board of Appeals has 30 CITY EDITOR That’s why the board met last hanger, or structure be at least 100 sider a decision made after due delib- days in which to reach a decision on [email protected] Thursday to reconsider whether it feet from a street or lot line, claiming eration.” the case. Neal Earley [email protected] ASSIGNMENTS NEWS George Smith Community offers thanks to those who served Write us PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR The Montgomery County Sentinel Tazeen Ahmad hiring programs for veterans re- those days was considered remote, CALENDAR EDITOR By Suzanne Pollak [email protected] @SuzannePollak turning to civilian life, she noted. he said. It was located near Wash- welcomes letters. She pointed to RedGate, the ington, D.C., near Baltimore and CALL 301-838-0788 ROCKVILLE – County Exec- former municipal golf course that near Annapolis, but there wasn’t All letters must be original, FAX 301- 838 - 3458 NEWSROOM AND LEGAL ADVERTISING utive Marc Elrich looked over the has been closed since the beginning much of a town there, he recalled.
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