Appendices to Agenda 1 25 GA INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY TWENTY-FIFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY Appendix 1 to Agenda Approval of Agenda By-Law 1.7 requires that, unless decided otherwise by the General Assembly, matters concerning adherence to the Union shall take precedence over all other business at the first business session of the General Assembly. Appendix 2 to Agenda Amendments to Statutes and By-Laws affecting adherence to the Union There are no proposals to amend the Statutes and By-Laws in matters affecting adherence to the Union. Appendix 3 to Agenda Applications for membership of the Union United Arab Emirates An application for membership has been received from the President of the Emirates Crystallographic Society for membership of United Arab Emirates in Category I. The Adhering Body would be the Emirates Crystallographic Society (ECS), UAE, which undertakes to pay the subscription. The National Committee for Crystallography would comprise the Executive Committee and Commission Chairs of the ECS: P. Naumov (Chair), S. Mohamed (Vice-Chair), L. Li (Secretary), W. Rabeh, B.M. Suleiman, K. Daoudi, M.T.A. Khaleel, D. Anjum, S. Kaliappan. At the time of preparing these papers there are 15 entries in the World Database of Crystallographers for UAE. The Executive Committee has considered the application and recommends to the General Assembly that the application be approved. Guatemala An application for membership has been received from the President of the Guatemalan Crystallographic Association (ACriGUA), for membership of Guatemala in Category I. The Adhering Body would be the National Secretariat of Science and Technology, Senacyt-Guatemala, which undertakes to pay the subscription. The National Committee for Crystallography would comprise the Executive Committee of AcriGUA: I. Benitez (Chair), L. Velásquez, (Vice Chair), C. Gordillo (Secretary), A. Cacao (Treasurer), C. García, R. Posadas. At the time the application was received there were eight entries in the World Database of Crystallographers for Guatemala. Appendix 4 to Agenda Withdrawal of Adhering Bodies Republic of Ireland The subscriptions due from the Adhering Body in the Republic of Ireland, the Irish Crystallographic Association, had not been paid for the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Accordingly, the membership of the Adhering Body for the Republic of Ireland had been automatically suspended in February 2021, in accordance with Statute 9.6. Appendices to Agenda 2 25 GA If there are no further developments, the General Assembly will be asked to confirm the withdrawal of the Adhering Body for the Republic of Ireland. Morocco The subscriptions due from the Adhering Body in Morocco, the Moroccan Crystallographic Association, had not been paid for the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Accordingly, the membership of the Adhering Body for Morocco had been automatically suspended in February 2021, in accordance with Statute 9.6. If there are no further developments, the General Assembly will be asked to confirm the withdrawal of the Adhering Body for Morocoo. Appendix 5 to Agenda Changes in names of Adhering Bodies Albania and Kosovo The Adhering Body for Albania and Kosovo is the Ivodent Academy (formerly Polytechnic University of Tirana - PUT). Regional Committee – AsCA The Adhering Body for the Regional Committee of Crystallographers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam will change to the Regional Committee of Crystallographers from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam Appendix 6 to Agenda Changes in Category of Adherence of Adhering Bodies At the time of preparing these papers no request for a change in Category of Adherence has been received. Appendix 7 to Agenda Approval of Minutes of Twenty-Fourth General Assembly The Minutes of the Assembly are contained in the Report of the Twenty-Fourth General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography published in Acta Crystallographica Section A [Acta Cryst. (2020), A76, 739-778]. Copies of this Report were sent to the Secretaries of all National Committees for Crystallography. Appendix 8 to Agenda Amendments to Statutes and By-Laws not affecting adherence to the Union There are no proposals to amend the Statutes and By-Laws in matters not affecting adherence to the Union. Appendix 9 to Agenda Report of Executive Committee Executive Committee and Finance Committee meetings The Executive Committee met in Hyderabad, India, in August 2017 before and during the General Assembly, in Oviedo, Spain, in August 2018 at the time of the European Crystallographic Meeting, in Covington, USA, in July 2019 at the time of the American Crystallographic Association Meeting and virtually in August 2020. The Finance Committee met in March Appendices to Agenda 3 25 GA 2018, August 2018, March 2019, July 2019, March 2020, August 2020 and March 2021, to prepare its advice and recommendations on finances, establishment and staff matters. The most important items of business dealt with by the Executive Committee during the quadrennium at these meetings, and in e-mail ballots between meetings, were: appointment of a new Editor-in-Chief of IUCr journals, editorial policy, pricing policy, review of work of Journals Management Board, development of IUCrJ and IUCrData, approval of appointments of Main Editors and Commissiong Editors, approval of appointments of Co-editors, Special Issues, open access, facility information pages, and other matters concerning the IUCr journals; requirement for raw diffraction data images to be deposited in a publicly accessible database for all macromolecular X-ray diffraction structure publications review of contract with Wiley; approval of audited accounts; review of applications for membership of the IUCr; the removal of the accounting Funds as being a hinderance to transparency; level of unit contribution, status of membership subscriptions; investment policy; revision of guidelines for the Sub-committee on the Union Calendar, sponsorship and financial support for meetings, young scientists’ support, revision of internal guidelines, appointments of new members of the Committee; establishment of a Gender Equity and Diversity Committee, a Code of Conduct and a Gender Equity and Diversity Statement; review of a proposal to establish a Commission on Diffraction Microstructural Imaging progress with Volumes A, A1, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I of International Tables and development of associated software, revision of Brief Teaching Edition of Volume A, appointment of Editors for Volume F; IUCr Newsletter, World Database of Crystallographers; marketing and promotional activities; Outreach and Education; LAAAMP and other activities; OpenLabs and other activities; appointment of the Selection Committee for twelfth Ewald Prize; appointment of the Selection Committee for inaugural W.H. and W.L. Bragg Prize; adoption of the Struchkov Prize by the IUCr; sponsorship of other prizes; discussion of arrangements for Prague Congress; discussion of the postponement of the Prague Congress; discussion of the arrangemetns for the rearranged Prague Congress; approval of membership of Programme Committee for Prague Congress, approval of Programme for Prague Congress; Appendices to Agenda 4 25 GA level of financial support for Prague Congress; consideration of progress with arrangements for Melbourne Congress; review of nominations and election procedures for Officers of the IUCr and for Chairs and members of Commissions, proposals from National Committees for these positions. Other items dealt with in this way were: implementation of the Crystallographic Information File (CIF) for Acta Crystallographica and other uses of CIF, work of Committee for the Maintenance of the CIF Standard (COMCIFS), provision of checking services to other publishers, chemical information; IUCr web site; approval of publications, jointly with Oxford University Press, in the IUCr/OUP Book Series; Crystallography in Africa and other developing regions; Visiting Professorship scheme; review of activities of Commissions; review of activities of Regional Associates; review of reports of IUCr Representatives on other bodies; merger of the International Council for Science with the International Social Science Council; relations with other Scientific Unions; Items concerning the Chester office were: staffing requirements in the IUCr office in Chester; retirement of, and appointment of successor for, R&D Officer; risk analysis; refurbishment of premises and a new lease; upgrading office technology in the IUCr office in Chester, provision of internet services. Publications The subscription prices of Acta Crystallographica, the Journal of Applied Crystallography and the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation were increased in 2017, 2018 and 2019 but not in 2020. Open-access charges for the hybrid journals and for the fully open-access journals Acta E, IUCrJ and IUCrData were increased each year during the quadrennium. The total annual number of pages published in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 were: 2017 2018 2019 2020 Acta Crystallographica Section A 488 713 918 783 Acta Crystallographica Section B 1,199 744 1,227 1,147 Acta Crystallographica Section C 1,159 1,782 1,697 1,107 Acta Crystallographica Section D 1,030 1,244 1,147 1,279 Acta Crystallographica Section E 1,980 1,929 1,952 1,875 Acta Crystallographica Section F 713 824 757 623 Journal of Applied Crystallography 1,852 1,776 1,468 1,631 Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 1,300 1,894 2,096 1,754 Appendices to Agenda 5 25 GA IUCrJ 823 879 1,133 1,215 IUCrData 1,021
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