May 2, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E583 PRESIDENT TRUMP’S FIRST 100 in combating climate change into an environ- collectively as a unified voice for Sacramento’s DAYS LEAVE AMERICA WEAKER mental rogue state. The only winners? Billion- business community. The delegation of volun- aires, the fossil fuel industry, and polluters that teers organized itself into 12 policy commit- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM profit at the expense of our families, our com- tees covering key priority issues for the Sac- munities, and our planet. ramento region, such as flood protection, OF MINNESOTA Billionaires and big corporations are also the transportation, health care, and workforce de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES big winners in Mr. Trump’s so-called tax re- velopment. I always enjoy meeting with the Tuesday, May 2, 2017 form plan. His proposal amounts to a massive delegation teams and hearing about a variety giveaway to the wealthiest Americans adding of topics that are important to my hometown. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, this past Saturday marked President Donald Trump’s trillions to the federal debt and leaving working I would especially like to commend the 2017 100th day in the White House. Over the last families holding the bag. Since Mr. Trump has Cap-to-Cap Chair, Erica Taylor of Golden One 100 days, Mr. Trump’s policy proposals, irre- broken with precedent and kept his tax returns Credit Union. As a leader in the community, sponsible rhetoric, and controversial appoint- secret, we can only speculate about how Erica spends her time serving on boards and ments have made our families and commu- much he and his family businesses will benefit organizations with the goal of improving Sac- nities less secure, our businesses less con- from his tax plan. ramento for all. She has immersed herself in fident about the future, and our nation more In fact, until Mr. Trump releases his tax re- Chamber activities for years, including serving isolated in the world. turns, a cloud of suspicion will hang over his as a founding member of MetroEDGE, grad- Despite total Republican control of Con- entire White House. Given that Russia inter- uating from the Chamber’s Leadership Sac- gress, President Trump has been incapable of fered in our electoral process to help Mr. ramento Program, and serving on the Cham- governing responsibly. Just this week—be- Trump win the election and his first National ber’s board of directors. Outside of the Cham- cause of Republican dithering—Congress was Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, left amid a ber, Erica currently serves on the board of di- forced to pass another stopgap spending bill Russia-related scandal, Americans deserve a rectors for KVIE, the Los Rios Foundation, to keep the government open for just seven complete and independent investigation. Yet and Sacramento Covered. Her commitment to days, denying Americans the certainty they Congressional Republicans continue to cover the Sacramento Region is clear from her ex- deserve. up for President Trump and are still blocking tensive civic involvement, and I want to con- The first 100 days have revealed a Presi- accountability and transparency. gratulate her on the impeccable job she did dent who is proposing legislation and taking Every time President Trump has made organizing and leading this year’s Cap-to-Cap executive actions that hurt working Americans alarming decisions, from an unconstitutional program. ban on immigrants and refugees to attacks on at every turn. Mr. Speaker, in large part due to Erica’s women’s health care at home and abroad, mil- TrumpCare, the Republicans’ disastrous leadership, Cap-to-Cap this year was a signifi- lions of engaged Americans have spoken up health care bill, leaves 24 million Americans cant success for the Sacramento region. I am and spoken out against his dangerous and di- uninsured and causes out-of-pocket costs to honored to recognize the Metro Chamber’s visive policies. skyrocket. It forces older Americans to pay delegation for its economic and civic contribu- In Minnesota, I have seen engaged citizens higher premiums, rations health care for vul- tions to the Sacramento Region. On behalf of make their voices heard at my town hall meet- nerable children, seniors, and people with dis- the people of Sacramento and the Sixth Con- ings and vibrant demonstrations, like the abilities, and weakens the solvency of Medi- gressional District of California, I ask all my Women’s March, the Tax March, and the care. colleagues to join me in commending their un- March for Science. There is a consensus Huge opposition from Democrats and active, wavering commitment to Sacramento’s growth among the tens of thousands of Minnesotans engaged citizens has stopped this legislation and development. for now, but Mr. Trump is still working to sabo- I have spoken to: We want America to move forward and we will work to resist and stop tage the Affordable Care Act. He has even f threatened to cause the total collapse of our Trump administration policies and proposals that take our nation backwards. health care system and undermine the cov- JUN-YONG WINS TEXAS STATE After President Trump’s first 100 days, it is erage we all depend on for purely political pur- BAR ESSAY CONTEST poses. That is despicable. clear that we must join together to hold his If working families were unsettled by Mr. White House accountable. In the next 100 Trump’s threat to their health care, his pro- days, and all the days that follow, I will keep HON. PETE OLSON posed budget shows just how far backwards standing alongside my constituents fighting for OF TEXAS he wants to take our country. He wants to the values we believe in. slash job training programs, hurt American f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seniors by cutting Meals on Wheels, slow IN RECOGNITION OF THE 47TH down our communities by gutting infrastructure Tuesday, May 2, 2017 ANNUAL CAP-TO-CAP PROGRAM funding, and eliminate important investments Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in health research, education, and the arts and congratulate Jun-Yong Kim of Katy, for placing humanities. And Mr. Trump’s backwards budg- HON. DORIS O. MATSUI first in the State Bar of Texas Law Day writing et strips the Environmental Protection Agency OF CALIFORNIA contest. of the resources it needs to protect public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES health and safety. The theme of this year’s competition was Tuesday, May 2, 2017 As the Ranking Member of the House Inte- ‘‘The 14th Amendment: Transforming Amer- rior-Environment Appropriations Sub- Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ican Democracy.’’ Jun-Yong won first with his committee, I know that the attack on the congratulate the Sacramento Metropolitan essay, ‘‘Monsters of My American Dream,’’ EPA’s budget is just one part of Mr. Trump’s Chamber of Commerce—and, in particular, which explores the meaning of the 14th all-out war on clean air, clean water, and our Program Chair Erica Taylor—for leading the Amendment through his perspective—a South public lands. In his first 100 days, Mr. Trump 47th Annual Capitol-to-Capitol program this Korean immigrant. Jun-Yong represented the and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt have un- year. As this delegation of business, civic and Katy Bar Association and will be recognized done protections for clean water, allowed the political representatives from the six-county for his first place win at the Texas Law Center continued use of dangerous neurotoxins, and Sacramento region concludes its program in in Austin, TX, where he will receive a $1,000 reversed clean air rules that help stem the Washington, D.C., I ask my colleagues to join scholarship. Jun-Yong is a student at Seven threat of climate change. In doing so, they me in recognizing these fine Sacramentans. Lakes High School. have repeatedly ignored the findings of their For nearly 50 years, the Sacramento Metro On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- own scientists. Chamber has organized an annual delegation sional District of Texas, congratulations again Mr. Trump and Mr. Pruitt’s denial of climate lobbying program in Washington, D.C. This to Jun-Yong for winning first place in the State science and pledges to withdraw the United year, over 300 leaders from the Sacramento Bar of Texas Law Day contest. We are very States from the Paris Climate Agreement are region descended on the capital for a series of proud of his talented work and look forward to transforming our nation from the global leader meetings, field tours, and receptions to speak his future successes. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:02 May 03, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MY8.006 E02MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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