PAGE T E N -B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri., July 1, 1977 In sta lle d The top of the news Walter DeLisle of 173 Deming St. Tough energy plan under study / HARTFORD - State Comp­ recover the $1.4 million Burch LOS ANGELES — Rockwell killings, bombings and kid- troller J. Edward Caldwell says Saturday night was installed as com­ loaned to Andrew L. D'Amato and International employees who napings. Connecticut probably will wind up mander' of the Greater Hartford WASHINGTON (UPI) The rationing part of • C o m m u te r p a rk in g his associates. worked on the B1 bomber did not the fiscal year that ended Compiled from United Press International Unknown Soldier Chapter Of the Administration officials Carter's plan would at first restrictions and carpooling in­ have to wait long for the other MOSCOW — The official Soviet Disabled American Veterans in President Carter soon? is issue a three-month supply of centives. Thursday with a surplus of $54.2 million — $12 million more than CONCORD, N.H. - Lack of a shoe to drop. Friday the firm newspaper Izvestia says dis­ cerem onies at the Clam Box expected to propose tWigh ration coupons printed during • Weekend gasoline and fired some 2,000 workers in its sidents imprisoned for “anti- Luggage the Grasso Administation had budget won’t stop the operation of Restaurant. Wethersfield. new emergency fuel conser­ the 1973-74 oil embargo and diesel fuel distribution Aquinas gives some of the profits PHOENIX. Ariz. - The FBI For l i lt in g or Flying _ M irlow 't H u Just government in New Hampshire Los Angeles assembly plant and Soviet ■ activity” are not “vic­ DeLisle, an Army veteran of World vation plans including gas­ predicted. to the city for park maintenance. finds more than $1.6 million in now in storage, officials said restrictions, which the final Tho Luggiga For Youl Choou from thuo but no one can be forced to work, test facility at Palmdale. Another tims” but criminals who have War II, is a life member of the oline rationing that could be Ford plan did not include. cash, stolen from the home of Wednesday. Somtonllo (wo carry a com- says Comptroller Arthur Fowler 6,000 will be laid off in the future. violated Soviet law. The report Unknown Soldier Chapter and has BALTIC - Wilfred A. Ban­ slain Indianapolis heiress imposed immediately in the They said the new plan is • Boiler combustion ef­ and Attorney General David CONCORD, N.H. - U.S. coincided with reports from dis­ belonged to the chapter for 17 years. event of another oil embargo. expected to keep three ad­ ficiency requirements, also Saward"*' ****"*'®' **’*"™> *lfway and nister. accused of kidnaping District Court Judge Hugh Marjorie Jackson, buried in two sidents that two leaders of a rV r Souter. In a memo Friday, they He is also a member of the .Army & Officials say the plan — the ditional, less drastic conser­ discarded in the final Ford Charlotte Grosse, 15, Wednesday Bownes has given state prison of­ large boxes alongside a highway SKOKIE, 111. — It now appears human rights group in the Firil for said they would not enforce the Navy Club and the Manchester CB result of a comprehensive vation steps that were in plan. MARLOW’S in Florida, once lived in Connec­ ficials 90 days to come up with in the Arizona desert. the only explosion in the Chicago Ukraine received stiff sentences Lvrnihing .S(n«r ticut and left behind a string of un­ law making department heads Club. * r'A) review of standby energy Ford's program, plus two • Restrictions on il­ liable for money expended detailed plans to remedy con­ suburb of Skokie Monday will for “engaging in anti-Soviet ac­ authority throughout the luminated advertising and paid debts, Henry Kulos of tivity," other steps considered and without budget authorization. The ditions at the century-old prison WASHINGTON - The Senate, come from fireworks displays. government — will be sub­ then discarded by Ford ad­ outdoor gas lighting. Norwich, his former landlord, ,4rl displayed legislature recessed Friday mor­ described as “deplorable" and according to observers, will resist The Nazis have promised to obey mitted to Congress within a A spokesman said the plan said Friday. ministration officials. ning without approving a budget. “making reform unlikely." efforts to delete all production a court order against a march and HONG KONG — Keng Piao, a few months. It would replace An exhibition of women s paintings Those five emergency steps is designed so it could be im­ funds for the neutron bomb — a the Jewish Defense League member of the Chinse Communist less stringent measures are: posed gradually, using only NEW HAVEN - Donald Burch, from the art class conducted at the / space age weapon that destroys promised to keep quiet if the party’s Central Committee, held a proposed just before Presi­ • Heating, cooling, lighting those steps needed to cope the bank manager accused of PROVIENCE, R.I. - Parks SARASOTA, Fla. - Fifteen- Nazis stay put. West Side Rec is on display at Mary Waller DeLisle people, not property. “cordial and friendly” talk Cheney Library. The paintings are dent Gerald Ford left office. and hot water restrictions. with a particular crisis. embezzlement for approving $1.4 Superintendent James W, Dia­ year-old choir girl Charlotte Friday with a U.S. Communist done in oil. acrylics and water color. million in unsecured loans to a mond says he will urge the parks Grosse tells of two days of sexual ROME — Police have killed An­ party delegation visiting Peking, The exhibition will continue through ^■k'kirkiddrkirkirkirk-kiKirk-kidrg'k'kirgidf)^. Woodbridge developer in 1974, commission to waive the rule abuse at the hands of her pot­ PHOENIX, -Ariz. - A higher tonio Lo Musico, one of Italy’s top the official New China News July 10 was later hired by the bank’s in­ prohibiting the charging of fees smoking' abductor, who dragged wage offer from one firm has Agency said. The American group ^ 1 1 - ■> » ^ surance company which had for evdnts in state parks when the her screaming from a tent in a guerrilla leaders, and captured Information on fall art classes at raised hopes for a quick end to the two women associates in a major is led by Michael Klonsky and the West Side Rec Is available by bonded him. Connecticut Bank former presidential yacht Sequoia Girl Scout camp. She escaped Th one-day-old strike against the victory over urban guerrillas who Eileen Klehr, chairman and vice- calling 643-6795 and Trust Co. is suing Insurance arrives at Indian Point Park late F’riday. U.S. copper industry. have terrorized Italy with chairman of the U.S. Communist Company of North America to next week, if the owner Thomas party. Major decisions face i Th» weather Inside today Supreme Court in fall t Fair and cooler tonight, lows 55-80. Sunday sunny wtUi ■k highs around 80. Chance of ...7 Editorial __ ...4 WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Supreme Court, now ^ 10-12 Obituaries ... ..14 rain near zero tonight and - adjourned for the summer, already has important cases Sunday. Outlook for Monday: ..13 Sr. Citizens .. ...2 .. 13 involving individual liberties awaiting its return Oct. 3. Fair with early morning lows Sports............ 8-9 Manfiheater^A City of Village Charm ...6 Wings ........ ... .6 The term that ended Wednesday with actions on rape R in the 60s and'afternoon highs FOURTEEN PAGES near 80. National weather and abortion showed an increase in appeals dealing with WEEKEND INSIDE rights of women and children and family matters forecast map on Page 11. MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATimpAY, JUWf S. J«? - v a k XCVI, No. 232 PRiCKi Fif t e e n o i n t s generally, along with the usual criminal matters and dis- ^ Super Scamper Off CXir Reg. Prices SAVE UP TO 4? putes over religion, race and obscenity. SaUbOatbyKransco Selected Group Of Capital punishment was prominent in the term, although the principle was sanctioned a year ago. ,^1 33 % O F F Questions continue to arise as to whether state laws com- ,j| O ur Reg- 2 2 *-^ ^ ROOS& I ply with the standards the justices have established or SCREEN HOUSES, TENTS J whether an individual has been accorded all the required v REELS I rights. ^ $ ' Spinning and They struck down Louisiana's mandatory death J Spincasting Spirit of ’76 rings sentence for the murder of law enforcement officers, and J Rods 'N Reels, in a Georgia case Wednesday vetoed the death penalty for C many reels af!!’®’^®*3rdant(7rnnor»„. Mamtenance-Fr^^m^^Cla prefilled rape, regardless of the circumstances, when a life is not J with mono room! taken. •* J hull. Aluminum MSL line. Our Reg. 49 97 After allowing states to decide without regard either to J Not All Styles In federal law or the Constitution whether to fund non- '7^ All Stores. in most of region No Riinchecks. therapeutic abortions, the court returned to a Brooklyn 3 PER STORE. Reg. 74.99. By RON RIECHMANN Lynn, Mass., Mayor Antonio J, federal judge the question of whether a ban on federal norainchecks citizens that using town funds for SZ-w Marino and the City Council decided funds for abortions should be continued. '♦t United Press International fireworks is like putting a match to a • 1 2 ’x1 2 ’ C anopy to do away with a fireworks display A women's rights decision that loosed a deluge of The spirit of '76 will still ring “bonfire of thousand dollar bills.” this year, citing high costs and disap­ criticism held that employers may exclude pregnant throughout the cities and towns of Only 26 of Connecticut’s 169 cities pointing results as reasons for the women workers from their disability insurance plans 2% 1 5 ™ New England this Fourth of July and towns will have fireworks dis­ decision.
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