22 directly accessible parameters — 11 dual concentric encoders per channel strip • ready for 96 kHz • parallel mixdown to multiple multichannel formats • fully integrated into the NEXUS STAR routing system AURUS — Classic analogue feel with the power of a digital console! AURUS the Direct-Access Console The novel digital mixing-console architecture introduced by the The unusually large number of controls (at least for a digital young and innovative Stage Tec team in 1994 has since signifi cantly con sole) provide instant access to the desired audio channels. infl uenced the design of current digital desks and not only in ap pear- De pending on the confi guration, up to 96 channel strips and 300 ance. And CANTUS — their fi rst digital console — became a huge au dio channels are available. Optimum access to all controls and success. per fect legibility of all displays and indicators offers a high degree In 2002, Stage Tec introduced a new fi rst-class mixing console of user-friendliness whilst keeping the training period short. developed from scratch: AURUS — the Direct-Access Console. Many users have since evaluated the console, opted for it, and given AURUS as a desktop version or with easily removable legs is feedback and made suggestions for optimisations. Thus, the AURUS the perfect tour companion. Thanks to its compact size and low is now available incorporating generic software functions for broad- weight, AURUS guarantees ultra-short set-up times, saving time and cast ing, sound reinforcement, theatres, and recording. money. AURUS continues the original concept of consistent sep a ra tion These characteristics as well as the hot-swap capabilities of all of con sole and I/O matrix, which allows for setting up distributed hard ware elements, full redundancy up to double optical lines, low and effi cient audio networks; but at the same time, this sep a ra tion power consumption, and thus low heat dissipation make AURUS is supple mented by a unique control concept, instant access to all highly suitable for OB truck installation, as well. key pa r ameters. This is a novelty in the digital world! Instant access is made possible by the implementation of dual encoders. Each dual Optimum functionality and fl exibility with outstanding audio qual- encod er enables two parameters to be adjusted in the space usu- i ty are ensured by features including the following: al ly occupied by a single control and also provides an additional • True multichannel processing (parallel mixdown to 5.1 and button. stereo formats, mixdown formats up to 7.1) • Various types of static and dynamic automation As the digital console with the analogue user interface, AURUS • Complete N-1 matrix is the perfect solution for live use, sound reinforcement, and es pe- • VCA-group emulation cial ly for mobile use. The control sets composed of dual en cod ers • Integrated intercom subscriber unit and (also dual) LED arc indicators or digital displays ensure intuitive, quick, and clear control. Users, especially, from the broadcasting and theatre fi elds will ap pre ci ate the fact that two full-fl edged AURUS consoles with dis- tinct project management can share the same audio net work. This enables the live sound for one event to be mixed while record ing a Contents: dif fer ent event at the same time. AURUS can also be operated in par al lel mode. Concept ......................................................................................... Page 04 Design & Ergonomics ....................................................................Page 08 Audio ..............................................................................................Page 12 Features ........................................................................................ Page 16 Characteristics .............................................................................. Page 19 References .................................................................................... Page 22 Technical Specifi cations ................................................................Page 26 2 I Stage Tec AURUS the Direct-Access Console The meter bridges constructed with precision hires TFT colour AURUS Specifi cations Overview dis plays that can be switched between a variety of metering modes. • Classical direct access to channel parameters — up to 96 channel Fur ther, the displays are used for a detailed audio-parameter view strips and for console confi guration. • Clearly laid out control — just like an analogue desk • High resolution metering, optional analogue response curve AURUS fully integrates with the NEXUS STAR router. Therefore • I/O routing access to fi bre-optic audio network ARUS has direct access to desirable NEXUS features such as out- • Precision digital design standing converters, the diversity of digital formats, and the exten- • Analogue I/O has the headroom of an analogue desk; levels of sive application opportunities afforded by a digital audio network. If up to +24 dBu all this is insuffi cient, multiple AURUS consoles can coexist within • Outstanding dynamic range a single NEXUS network. • Noise-free summing • No overloads in channel signals; fi rst-class audio quality thanks iF product design award to 40-bit fl oating-point arithmetic In 2006, AURUS was awarded with the Golden iF • Generous headroom on mix bus Statuette in the consumer electronics/tele com mu- • Sample rates: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz and 96 kHz on overall system ni ca tions category for outstanding design achieve- • Up to 300 audio channels (depending on confi guration) ment. After the CANTUS in 1997, this is the second •128 buses time that a console by Stage Tec has received this • Up to 32 full channels per DSP board (depending on confi guration) coveted award. As with the CANTUS, AURUS prod- • Multichannel-capable architecture throughout uct design was developed by Arno Schüne mann • Sub-systems interconnection with fi bre optic cables, spanning from Schünemann DesignSolutions, Berlin. distances of up to 100 km (60+ miles) • Snapshot and dynamic automation for all console parameters Decisive aspects included the design quality, • Excellent microphone A/D converters work man ship, choice of materials, degree of in no- • Microphone inputs: 32-bit TrueMatch A/D conversion; dynamic va tion, environmental friendliness, func tion al ity, range exceeding 158 dB (A) er go nom ics, visualisation of use, safety, and brand • Line inputs: 24-bit TrueMatch A/D conversion; dynamic range: value/ branding. 133 dB (A) typical • Line outputs: 24-bit D/A conversion; dynamic range: 131 dB (A) The 20 jurors — recognised design ex perts typical @ 24 dBu from all over the world — judged almost 2,000 • Digital audio formats: AES/EBU, AES 42 (digital microphones) and S/ prod ucts from 37 countries in a number of categories. The iF prod uct PDIF, Y2 (MEL2), SDIF-2, MADI, ADAT, TDIF, SD-SDI, HD-SDI, Dolby-E design award is awarded every year by the iF Industrie Forum De sign • Sample-rate converters as optional or standard features (depending Han no ver. Since its inauguration in 1954, the award has be come a on the module type) ma jor international award for quality design. • Modular structure for simple system expansion • Compact dimensions • Low heat dissipation • No cooling fans in any of the components •Portable Stage Tec I 3 Control + Signal Audio I/O Routing Input Channel Processing Bus Channel NEXUS RFOC RCX RMDU RMCU RMDU Base Device 1 NEXUS I/F NEXUS RFOC Base Device 1 NEXUS I/F Insert RFOC NEXUS DSP Board Controller & DSP DSP Board Base Device 1 NEXUS I/F RMF MADI I/F Routing Matrix NEXUS STAR/AURUS Base Device AURUS the Direct-Access Console Concept AURUS, the fully digital audio mixing-console system, consists of a The system components are interconnected using fi bre-optic main console and the separate audio processor NEXUS STAR. The cables that transfer all control and audio data including talkback NEXUS STAR rack accommodates all the processing components; and monitoring signals for the consoles. the RMC main-controller board and up to seven RMD signal-pro- cessor boards. The RMC provides the optical ports for connecting AURUS systems are available in a wide variety of fl exible con fi g- one or two consoles. The optical lines transmit all data including u ra tions. Thanks to modular design, the customer can decide the Ethernet, audio signals for monitoring, metering, goniometer and size of control surface, in units of 8 control strips, and the amount talkback signals, etc. Thus, only a single optical cable and power of signal processing to give the required number of channels and cord need to be connected to the AURUS console. buses. A small console can control a big mixer or vice-versa to suit the application. The mixing-console system comprises the following compo- nents: AURUS is completely integrated with the NEXUS STAR router, • Main console for operating and controlling the audio signal and multiple mixing-console systems can coexist within one NEXUS processing system. • Secondary console (option) • Remote control units for the console (option) • Router-integrated audio DSP for digital audio processing • NEXUS audio network handles different audio formats and provides extensive signal distribution Thus, a small standalone mixing desk requires just the console, the NEXUS STAR audio processor, and one NEXUS Base Device. 4 I Stage Tec AURUS at the WDR in Cologne AURUS the Direct-Access Console Main Console The Second Console The fan-free AURUS console is just a control and operating surface Simultaneous use of two AURUS consoles with a single NEXUS STAR providing 16 up to 96 assignable channel strips and a central control processor rack is a fundamental AURUS concept. The second con- section. The portable console is designed as a lightweight desktop sole can be employed in two different ways: unit and is fully functional even without the legs installed. • The simplest is as an extension of the main AURUS with both consoles sharing a common pool of DSP and I/O resources. The user interface is based on a modular structure and consists Alternatively, even with a single DSP card, the two consoles of several control panels, TFT screens, a graphics tablet, and a key- can be operated separately.
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