Scrapbook 4 - Table of Contents *designates that there is a photo with the article *next to a person's name indicates that the person can be identified in the photo 4-1 -- Cover 4-2 2/10/1937 GasPumpArtist Peters,Manuel, Artist- paints on seashells* 4-3 Next Stop: The Coastof Spain Perry,Genevieve, Miss* [terminal point of GAR Highway] Roderick, Ida, Miss* Provincetownresidents 4-3 5/25/1936 Town CriersRequest Data on Gilman, William F. - Chairmanof the G.A.R. Highway- Cape-EndTrade Town Criers'Executive Committee, Group Believes Transcontinental Advertising Division of the Road Terminal is at Race Point; ProvincetownBoard of Trade Stress PublicityValue of Definite Sign 4-3 Gloucester Seamen Rest Up [Schr. Grand Marshal of Gloucester, tied up at Provincetown 4-3 5/24/1936 Short Stories Written at Cape-End Beauchamp, D. D. Bud Writer Bring Quick Success to Beauchamp - Style Revision Beauchamp, Jack* - PainterBrother, Brings Film Contractin Lucrative Husband of Ellen Vorse, Daughter of Hollywood Field Mary Heaton Vorse 4-3 5/24/1936 OrleansBand Lists Events- Group Stewart, Herbert D. - Band President to Playat Baseball Games During Nassi, Thomas Summer 4-3 5/29/1936 ProvincetownPlans to Keep Flores, Frank- Board of Health Beach Clean Agent 4-4 Highlights in a Day's Activities Frade, Joe, Captain*- Jesse DutraDutra" Aboard a Flounder Dragger ** dragger Frade, Frank * - Engineer of the "Jesse Dutra" dragger Lisbon, Joe*- Cook ofthe "Jesse Dutra" dragger 4-4 Cape Cod Men Start Fishing Season Early- Catches Bring Prices Far Below Hardships Endured 4-5 Original of Mural to Hang in Cape Blashfield, Edwin Howland- Mural Church* Artist 4-5 8/4/1936 Coast Guard Everywhere to Observe "Birthday" Thursday 4-5 "There Is a Rapture on the Lonely Shore"* 4-5 Noted Psyc[h]ologist Purchases Murchison, Carl, Dr. - of "Castle' Psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Homeowner 4-5 8/1/1936 Cape Colony Goes Modern- Ball, Osborn- Proprietor of Ballston Electricity Supplants Oil Lamps at Beach colony Truro Beach; Some Object 4-6 Statue of Negro Boy Once PrettoHenry J., Mrs.*- Figurehead on Locomotive * Homeowner, Onset 4-6 8/1/1936 Cast Iron Image on Lawn 50 Years; Once Stolen, Found in Junk Yard 4-6 Cape Cod Sand Dune * 4-6 8/5/1936 Provincetown Artist Named Browne, George Elmer * - Artist and French Legion of Honor Knight Art Instructor 4-6 Noted Artist Gets High French Browne, George Elmer Honor 4-6 8/5/1936 Work of Local Artist Sought- Smith, Vernon- Artist Residents Petition to Have Scenes Perkins,Harley- State Director of Left in Orleans the WPA Art Project 4-6 [List of Homes open on "Open- Browne, George Elmer - end of House Day"] Franklin Emma Bush Emma, Mrs. - 96 Commercial Akers, Warren, Mrs.- 4 Nickerson Lane, "The Lilacs" Waugh, FrederickS., Mr. and Mrs.- 76 Commercial Caroline PrevostCaroline, Mrs.- 8 West Vine Harry HallHarry, Mr. and Mrs.- 58 Commercial Lindenmuth, Tod Lindermuth Mr. and Mrs. - 56 Commercial Witherstine, Don Witherstine Mr. and Mrs.- 57 Commercial Weeks, John Weeks Capt.- across from the Witherstines Benjamin, Romeyn - 40 Commercial Eaton, P. J., Dr.- 627 Commercial Ewing Day Ewing W., Dr. and Mrs.- 616 Commercial Richey, W. H., Mr. and Mrs. - 565 Commercial Stanwood, Edward, Mr. and Mrs. - 3 Atkins Macksey, Dorothy, Miss- "The Colonial" Farnsworth, Jerry- studio- adjoining "The Colonial" Caliga, Mr. and Mrs. - 198 Bradford Hawthorne, Charles W., Mrs. - Miller Hill Leonard, William J., Dr. and Mrs.- 396 Commercial Little, Frank, Mrs. - 394A Commercial Lazzell, Blanche, Miss - east of Nelson's 4-7 CapeJudgeisEngaged Welsh, Robert A., Judge- Judge of the Second District Court of Barnstable County* Son of Judge Walter Welsh and Mrs. Anna Welsh Danforth, Alma M., Miss * - former Provincetown Teacher 4-7 Cape Landmark [Windmill- Old Whitman PearsonWhitman * Mill of Eastham1 Higgins, William B. * 4-7 8/5/1936 Coast Guard Retires at 64 - Wilson, John B. - Coast Guard Surfman John B. Wilson of Surfman Provincetown Has Served 25 Years 4-7 1936 Convention of 1000 Coke Dealers Barnett, Frank - Selectman Here [New England Coke Companyl 4-7 Artists at Work in Provincetown Browne, George Elmer - Artist and Art Instructor* 4-7 8/1/1936 Parade to Open Circus in Orleans - Dion, AI - Circus Performer - WPA Troupe, 40 Strong, to Balancing Act Perform Thursday Dematto and DeStefano - Circus Performers - Trick Roller Skaters Ellis, Ed- Circus Performer- Juggler Gallagher, Leonard E. - State Director of the Federal Theater Senne, Thomas -State Supervisor of the WPA Vaudeville Unit Baldwin, Fred - Barnstable County Recreational Director 4-7 8/3/1936 Stamp Collectors Wait Disposition Green, E. H. R., Colonel - Railroad of Colonel Green's Big Collection and Real Estate Magnate and Stamp Collector Chaeles OPhillipsCharles J.- New York Stamp Dealer Green, Mabel - Colonel Green's Widow Marshall, Walter H. - Colonel Green's Secretary 4-8 Artist's Home to Be Opened Pauline PalmerPauline, Mrs. * -Artist 4-8 Child on the Seashore * Thompson, Francis - Poet 4-8 8/8/1936 Men Pose for Paintings Only At Slade, C. Arnold - Artist- Portrait Insistence of Their Wives - Noted Painter* Artist Says 'Biggest' Are Easiest Nathan, George Jean- Visiting C. Arnold Slade in Truro Walter CramerA. Walter- Visiting C. Arnold Slade in Truro 4-8 8/8/1936 Naval Ships To Visit Lower Cape- Alvis, J. D., Lieutenant Commander- Three to Arrive Off Provincetown Commanding Officer of the Aug. 14 Destroyer "U.S.S. Kane" Bert PaigeBert H. - Chairman of the "Coast Guard Day" Committee 4-8 8/3/1936 Best Shark Yarn At Provincetown Peter OliverPeter- Sea Captain and Story - Captured Fish Exhibited for Teller Summer Visitors 4-8 8/6/1936 Piano Concert Is Given At Dennis Iturbi, Jose- Pianist, Peformed at Dennis 4-9 Relic of America's Early Founders Howland, John- Mayflower rThe Howland House at Plymouthl Pasenger 4-9 8/8/1936 Menemsha Fishermen, Wise in Ways of Sea, Have New 'Yarns' 4-9 8/8/1936 New Visitors to Cape Cod Ask David CrokerDavid - Employee at the Many Strange Questions Information Bureau of the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce 4-9 8/9/1936 Bids Opened on Cape Road Roach, M. F. - Contractor, Road [Orleans to Provincetown] Lawrence, F. V. - Contractor, Oak Bluffs 4-9 Lincoln's Cape Lincoln, Joseph C.- Writer 4-10 8/8/1936 'Wicked Walter' Not So Wicked, Eldridge, Walter- Mural Painter* But 'Good Walter' Is Some Mural Painter- Unrelated Men on Cape Named for Difference 4-10 8/8/1936 Blashfield Mural Panel Will Be Blashfield, Edwin H.*- Mural Unveiled Sunday in Dennis Painter Matheson, Malcolm, Rev. - Pastor, South Congregational Church, South Dennis McKinley, Carl McKinleyDr. - Organist and Composer Snetzler, John- Built Organ in South Congregational Church, South Dennis Paxton, D. B., Mrs. - Restored Organ in South Congregational Church, South Dennis Wilbur, Joy Paxton, Mrs.- Organist in South Congregational Church, South Dennis 4-10 8/9/1936 Celebrates Century of Service [Universalist-Unitarian Church of Yarmouth]* 4-10 School of Blackfish Ashore at Wellfleet* 4-10 "Sagamore Beach"[poem} Porter, Kenneth - Poet 4-11 8/10/1936 Silent Auction To Aid Fund in Provincetown Fund for Higher Provincetown - 'Bids' Will Be Learning: Dropped Into Boxes for Eduation Palmer, Alice Scholarships Horner, Morris Jonas, Lloyd 4-11 8/1936 Local Artists Show Some Fine Jury: Work in Annual Art Exhibit Waugh, Frederick J. Miller, Richard E. Browne, George Elmer Bicknell, W. H. W. Gregory, Dorothy Lake Ferguson, Nancy Dickinson, Edwin W. Malicoat, Philip Beauchamp, John W. Artists: Beauchamp, John W. Farnsworth, Jerry Waugh, Frederick J. Browne, George Elmer Hensche, Henry Malicoat, Philip Bicknell, W. H. W. Rann, Vollian B. Hawthorne, Marion C. Yater, George Moffett, Ross Lindenmuth, Tod Lund, Harold Kaeselau, Charles Gregory, John W. Lennards, Marie Groll, Albert Leif, Florence Sawyer, Helen Horner, Blanche A. Dickinson, Edwin W. McKain, Bruce Eastwood, Raymond J. Pauline PalmerPauline Bohm, Zelia How, Kenneth G. Hughes, Daisy M. Frazier, John R. Brown, Beatrice Bradshaw Floyd ClymerJ. Floyd Musgrave, Arthur Franklyn Heinz, Charles HeinzL. Ferguson, Nancy Maybin Byrd, Rita White, Dorothy Witherstine, Donald F. Blakeman, T. G. Baldwin, Nixford Groll, Albert L. Gregory, Dorothy Lake Trauger, C. Leonora Windust, M. Gilmer PetroffGilmer Fuglister, Fritz Stokes, Dudley R. Rogers, R. B. William PratherWilliam E. Scudder, Antoinette Q. Fremont, Jessie Herring, G. Garfield, James A., Jr. Gladys YoungGladys Rayner, Ada Brunk, Ann Andersen, Andreas S. Walker, Harold Howells, Alice Geisbuhler, Arnold Kalish, Max Allen, Margo Somes, Thomas D. Bolton, Brit Sarah CowanSarah Eakin 4-11 8/13/1936 Open House Tour in Truro Wilson, Edward A. - South Rd. Thursday Duganne, Phyllis DuganneMrs. - Truro Center Musgrave, Arthur, Mr. and Mrs.- Longnook Valley Rd. Laurie, Frank, Prof. - South Rd. Mielziner, Leo, Mrs. I McKenna, Kenneth- North Rd. Marx, Alfred - Castle Rd. Glaspell, Susan Spaulding, Edward Gleason, Prof. and Mrs.- T'other Valley Rd. Sayre, Ann Hamilton - Pamet River Rd. Hansen, Peter- T'other Valley Rd. 4-11 8/11/1936 Bluefish Start to Run in Cape Waters 4-11 Heat Survey Shows Provincetown is State's Coolest 4-11 Coulton Waugh To Have One-Man Waugh, Coulton Waugh-Artist Show 4-11 Cape Advertisement Costs Weeks, Lewis C., Dr. - Cape Cod Insurance Company $4,000 Advancement Plan 4-12 8/13/1936 Old-Time Firemen Say Young Lewis, T. Julian- Fire Chief 'Can't Take It' at Provincetown Bickers, George, Captain Lewis, Janet, Miss- Chiefs Daughter Magee, Richard- Truro Fire Chief Dutra, George - Truro Assistant Chief Lane, Edward -Wellfleet Fire Chief 4-12 Signs in Hyannis and Sagamore Weeks, Lewis C., Dr. - Secretary of Say Visit Provincetown the Chamber of Commerce 4-12 Captured by Orleans Brothers Bonnell, Everett and John- Brothers and Sportfishers 4-12 8/12/1936 Variety Show Is Planned To Aid Huneker, Maida- Chair of the Hospital - Provincetown Group Variety Committee Will Present Performance Night of Duncan, Maia- Damcer, Niece of Aug.
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