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House Section (PDF 800KB)

E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRSTSESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 2005 No. 2 House of Representatives The House met at 11 a.m. and was So we will pray and act now and for- Mrs. Emerson; Ms. Granger; Mr. Peterson of called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ever. Amen. Pennsylvania; Mr. Goode; Mr. Doolittle; Mr. pore (Mr. SIMPSON). LaHood; Mr. Sweeney; Mr. Sherwood; Mr. f Weldon of Florida; Mr. Simpson; Mr. f THE JOURNAL Culberson; Mr. Kirk; Mr. Crenshaw; Mr. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER Rehberg; Mr. Carter; and Mr. Alexander. PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Committee on Armed Services: Mr. Hunter, Chair has examined the Journal of the Chairman. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- last day’s proceedings and announces fore the House the following commu- Committee on Budget: Mr. Nussle, Chair- to the House his approval thereof. man. nication from the Speaker: Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- WASHINGTON, DC, Committee on Education and the Work- January 6, 2005. nal stands approved. force: Mr. Boehner, Chairman. I hereby appoint the Honorable MICHAEL K. f Committee on Energy and Commerce: Mr. SIMPSON to act as Speaker pro tempore on Barton, Chairman; Mr. Hall; Mr. Bilirakis; this day. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Upton; Mr. Stearns; Mr. Gillmor; Mr. J. DENNIS HASTERT, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Deal; Mr. Whitfield; Mrs. Cubin; Mr. Speaker of the House of Representatives. gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. Shimkus; Mrs. Wilson of New Mexico; Mr. f Pickering; Mr. Fossella; Mr. Blunt; Mr. CLYBURN) come forward and lead the Buyer; Mr. Radanovich; Mr. Bass; Mr. Pitts; PRAYER House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Bono; Mr. Walden; Mr. Terry; Mr. Fer- The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. Mr. CLYBURN led the Pledge of Alle- guson; Mr. Mike Rogers of Michigan; Mr. Coughlin, offered the following prayer: giance as follows: Otter; Mrs. Myrick; Mr. Sullivan; Mr. Mur- God of justice and Lord of history, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the phy; Mr. Burgess; and Mrs. Blackburn. In 1821 John Quincy Adams said, ‘‘Let United States of America, and to the Repub- Committee on Financial Services: Mr. us not be unmindful that liberty is lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Oxley, Chairman. power . The nation blessed with the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Committee on Government Reform: Mr. greatest portion of liberty must, in f Tom Davis of Virginia, Chairman. proportion to its numbers, be the most Committee on Homeland Security: Mr. ELECTION OF MAJORITY MEM- Cox, Chairman. powerful nation on Earth.’’ BERS TO CERTAIN STANDING Your scriptures tell us, Lord, ‘‘Bal- Committee on House Administration: Mr. COMMITTEES ance and scales belong to the Lord; all Ney, Chairman. weights of justice are His concern.’’ Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, by direc- Committee on International Relations: Mr. Lord God, through the years, the tion of the Republican Conference, I Hyde, Chairman. three branches of government and the offer a privileged resolution (H. Res. 32) Committee on Judiciary: Mr. Sensen- Electoral College have had a lot to do and ask for its immediate consider- brenner, Chairman. with balancing power in this Nation. ation. Committee Resources: Mr. Pombo, Chair- Today as the legislative branch of The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- man. government counts the votes of the lows: Committee on Rule: Mr. Gingrey. Committee on Science: Mr. Boehlert, Electoral College to verify the election H. RES. 32 Chairman. of the President, we praise and thank Resolved, That the following Members be Committee on Small Business: Mr. Man- you for the intuition of law-abiding and are hereby elected to the following zullo, Chairman. citizens who seek justice in every free standing committees of the House of Rep- election and for the desire of founding resentatives. Committee on Transportation and Infra- fathers to have both the voice of large Committee on Agriculture: Mr. Goodlatte, structure: Mr. Don Young of Alaska, Chair- and small States, and the votes of Chairman. man. States with the most and the least in Committee on Appropriations: Mr. Jerry Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Mr. Buyer, Chairman. population, both be heard and counted. Lewis of California, Chairman; Mr. C.W. Bill May the 109th Congress measure and Young of Florida; Mr. Regula; Mr. Rogers of Committee on Ways and Means: Mr. Thom- Kentucky; Mr. Wolf; Mr. Kolbe; Mr. Walsh; as, Chairman; Mr. Shaw; Mrs. Johnson of be measured in the balance of dialogue Mr. Taylor of North Carolina; Mr. Hobson; Connecticut; Mr. Herger; Mr. McCrery; Mr. and justice. And may every citizen of Mr. Istook; Mr. Bonilla; Mr. Knollenberg; Camp; Mr. Ramstad; Mr. Nussle; Mr. John- this great Nation find balance in his or Mr. Kingston; Mr. Frelinghuysen; Mr. Wick- son of Texas; Mr. Portman; Mr. English; Mr. her own life so to find peace in oneself er; Mr. Cunningham; Mr. Tiahrt; Mr. Wamp; Hayworth; Mr. Weller; Mr. Hulshof; Mr. Ron and fairness with others. Mr. Latham; Mrs. Northup; Mr. Aderholt; Lewis of Kentucky; Mr. Foley; Mr. Brady; b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H81 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:19 Dec 01, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\TYPESE~1\H06JA5.REC H06JA5 bajohnson on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H82 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2005 Mr. Reynolds; Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin; Mr. toral College. In doing so, we will reaf- The conspiracy theorists use cel- Cantor; Mr. Linder; Ms. Hart; Mr. Beauprez; firm the historic victory won by Presi- luloid and mockumentaries and fevered and Mr. Chocola. dent Bush. On November 2, 2005, he won imaginings to try to mischaracterize Mr. PENCE (during the reading). Mr. more votes than any candidate in his- debate and, as we understand, even this Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that tory, becoming the first President afternoon, try to dissuade numbers and the resolution be considered as read since Franklin Roosevelt to win reelec- facts. and printed in the RECORD. tion while leading his party to two con- Mr. Speaker, the sour grapes, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there secutive gains in the Senate. sensationalism, the conspiracy theo- objection to the request of the gen- Based on conspiracy theories and ries, and the fear and smear should be tleman from Indiana? speculation, some in the minority laid to rest. It will be later this after- There was no objection. party will seek to derail the constitu- noon, and for the American people it The resolution was agreed to. tional duty we will seek to carry out will be through vigorous factual de- A motion to reconsider was laid on today. They are wrong for doing so. bate. President Bush won Ohio by 118,457 the table. f f votes. Again, some will not accept the results of a democratic election. They BOXER REBELLION OF TODAY ELECTION OF MINORITY MEMBERS intend to prolong legal challenges to (Mr. KIRK asked and was given per- TO CERTAIN STANDING COMMIT- achieve in court what they could not mission to address the House for 1 TEES achieve on Election Day. minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, by di- Look at the basis for the legal chal- marks.) rection of the Democratic Caucus, I lenge, Mr. Speaker. Mysterious hackers Mr. KIRK. Mr. Speaker, if you be- offer a privileged resolution (H. Res. 33) manipulating voting machines, phan- lieve in today’s Boxer Rebellion, you and ask for immediate consideration. tom agents committing unspecified must believe that the 627 million votes The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- acts, Senator KERRY receiving fewer for President Bush do not count. You lows: votes than another statewide can- must believe that the 50 Secretaries of H. RES. 33 didate, and the final results not reflect- State who certified their elections Resolved, That the following named Mem- ing exit poll numbers. were all wrong. You must believe that bers be and are hereby elected to the fol- Mr. Speaker, this is absurd. None of Ohio’s Secretary of State lied in his lowing standing committees of the House of these charges are legitimate. But votes solemn certification of Ohio’s elec- Representatives: are. The quicker we accept the fact, get torate. You must believe that Senator (1) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE.—Mr. Pe- on with addressing the issues that KERRY was all wrong when he said the terson of Minnesota. caused the American people to support election should be decided by voters, (2) COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS.—Mr. George Bush in record numbers, the not lawyers. Obey. better we will be. (3) COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES.—Mr. Today, you will hear from Members Skelton. f of Congress who want to choose a (4) COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET.—Mr. ROBBING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE President here in Congress because SPRATT. they do not like the choice that was (5) COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND THE WORK- (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 made at the voting booth. But, here in FORCE—Mr. George Miller of California. America, elections should be decided at (6) COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE.— minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. Dingell. marks.) home at the ballot box and not here by (7) COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES.—Mr.

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