•Sft Vol. 11, No. 51 The^festfield Record Thursday, December 19,1996 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents t Briefs Schools to close Crime spree hits high school for holiday season Because of the holiday break, the Westfield public Items including jewelry, wallets stolen from boys lockerroom schools will close after a full session tomorrow and will re- By MPMM1Z ring that Mr. Kun earned while a captain on theft, Sgt. John Parizeau said. rector, said thefts are not uncommon in open Thursday, Jan. 2 at THE RECORD the wrestling team at Ithaca College in New In addition to Mr. Kurz, at least two mem- many high schools and are largely the result their regular starting time. York state. bers of the wrestling team and a basketball of carelessness among students. The boys lockerroom at Westfield High Although the locker containing the jew- player had items removed from the locker- "The kids don't lock their lockers and High school School was hit with a series of crimes last elry, which also included a necklace and a room. One wrestler had a watch and n wallet things disappear," he said. week, leaving athletes and a coach without watch, was locked, the thief was able to get stolen and the other had his wallet taken. During the school day, the lockerrooma reunions planned their belongings. the merchandise out of the locker by stick- The basketball player had a pair of jeans remain locked but after school they are open Reunions have been set for Glen Kun, an assistant wrestling coach, ing a wire hanger through the locker's and a wallet snatched. because of the number of students using graduating classes of West- was perhaps the hardest hit by the spree. grates. It is unclear whether or not the lockers them. Each clay, a large number of Westfleld neW High School. Among the jewelry items stolen out of his The incident has been reported to the po- containing these articles were locked. students as well as athletes on visiting Ctass of 1971 will reunite locked locker was an NCAA championship lice and officers continue to investigate the Edward Tranchina, the school's athletic di- (Please turn to page A-2) March 22, Class of 1977 will reunite Aug. 2 and Class of 1967 will reunite Nov. 28. If you are a member of the class, write to Reunions Un- Westfield limited, P.O. Box ISO, En- glishtown, N.J. 07726 or call 7B04S64. going Recreation offering skiing trips on ice The Westfield Recreation Commission has announced Us schedule of ski trips for Sculpting contest the community. The cost is $43 per person, set for Saturday which includes transportation and lift ticket. Rentals and By KAWKN1TZ lessons are also available at Tl IE RECORD an additional cost The bus will depart from the Munici- Get out your ice picks and be pal Building parking lot at ready to sculpt. 6:30 a.m. and return about 6 Westuetd's annual Ice Sculpting p.m. Register early because Contest will be held along the side- space is limited. walks of Quimby and Elm streets Trips are as follows: Sun- noon-5 p.m. Saturday. day, Dec. 29 - Camelback The ev?nt will conclude Wel- Ski Area; Sunday, Jan. 12 — come Home to Westfteld 1996, a Vemon Valley/ Great Gorge; schedule of downtown holiday Sunday, Jan. 26 — Montage; events and celebrations spear- Sunday, Feb. 9 — Shawnee; headed by Wcstneld MainStreet. and Sunday, Feb. 23 — Cam- The events fixture shopping and elback. entertainment tor all age groups, Children under 12 must be said Michele Picou of MainStreet. accompanied by an adult For The annual sculpting event was information, call 7KM080. Initiated several years ago by the owner of the Leader Shop on East Rec commission Broad Street, Joe Spector. After a while, the tradition offers Broadway trip laps<xl and was not reinstated until The Wettrteld Recreation the formation of MalnStreet three Commission is offering years ago. Typically, about two Broadway theater tickets and dozen contestants participate. bus transportation to see Chi- "A lot of people like to come and cago 8 p.m. Thursday, March watch but are afraid to do it," Ms. 6. Daisy Girl Scouts bkxm Picou said. "You don't really need The bus will leave at 6 p.m. Qkfs from WestfleW Delay Troop No. 56 becama official Daisy Olrl Scouts at their recent Investiture ceremony. Joining the any special expertise to do it It's from the Municipal Building, pretty much self-taught." 4tft E. Broad St., and return Otlty ranks are, top row: Elation Notarl, Ciitiil wMaon, Tara Handza, Annie Re, Katie Kline end Betty Walker. Bottom row: Kate SherWan, Ivy Harrlgan, Coaila Slmcoi and Amy Frattarola. While most of the participants about 11:30 p.m. (Flense turn to page A-2) Tickets are $83 per person and are on sale now on a Arst-come basis at the Recre- ation Commission. Checks can be made pay- able to: WestOcki Recreation Commission, 42S E. Broad 1MIESS I'M A St., Westfleld. N.J. 07090. Tickets are nonrefundable. LITTLE EARIV For more information, call 7894085. Baptists to go caroling Sunday The combined Youth and Chancel Choirs of the First Baptist Church of Westtteld, 170 Elm St., will go caroling to the shut-ins of the church at 9:30 p.m. Sunday . They will go from house to house r>f each shut-in and sing a selection of carols to those who cannot make it to the church ovwr the holidays. Freshman cadet Avram honored Tell us a story Prrshrnun ciuirt Irtrw H. Aa part of Nallonal Children's Book Wook, Carol Wilaon, tho children's librarian, read a Avrnm of Westflrkl has own •election ol stories to the kindergarten classes at St. Paul's Day School, 414 E. Brond St. officially recogntavd «» « History buried in time member of the Norwich (Conn.) University Corps of By NAfMNBftl Cndclfl lifter unU<*rKolnK in tetiKR trainlMH In military lor Westfield ready for first snowfall rrattlonn, military Ittt 'n»> prvMwtt gave « liUto gill to future KPnrrtttloni of WrstflHd <m ami clow* ordor drill. Monday when « lime nipmilt* wtm hurled lx*nrlnK gifts fhirn W»«sl Nonmilly, (tic town i)O(l|-;<'t allot» IHn.UOO for snow field's hlrrntonninl y*««r, ii'innvnl $r>fi,oni) for <T|iiipm<'nt rr-iitiil, $20,000 for 'n»p t'Hfifiulc, wtiich WMH pntorhlitHl rtPBr the ruck In Youth Hlccn winlor nljni!iivc-; nnd $70.(Ki[( I'm uvfMlitu> Nfilurlet, («Tiril(tl Ht.|imrt<, tocMtf^l ut the norlhwHt tip of Mlndciwiisktn I'mk, Early deadline thi'(ift'iflnl ftisl dny of winter find iKtoidinu to I own Adnilnhttnior I'UlwnrtJ (rcitlko. flicM Ihmi MMH. (he y«<«r UIP UtWt\ IDjttkiHl ovff iln MIMlth for Westfield Record with Hint town nliicinl.'i nif ii'mlyinj! (hi'iri'n-lvi'n the "In ii lyjiiiiil winter, thi'Kf ilj'iir*vi lire iiHunlly nuf- ynnr in fxlfiffiicr. 1 l"ir<:t itiMAvliill of Ih* Kriinon, lii-ii'iit " iif the ChrintrniiN SOIUP of thr» IWH kc«'|iRfikr«i put lo jxmtcrity hy th»« <iini> cn|i;ulc |'iilili< works iilftckcil Ken Mnndi stniil IK* i» unlii/cd I'.v Uii>i (line tail VNit. Wfilln'lil Iwiil jilrrmly JHH>n linlltln.v. nil Hulimitlpd news Hit* it loffil plitim* IKH>1<, a i'o|»y nf thf town btuifirl, it li)(ih n< h<«>l 1 hv UwA ytw'r, rfcfirillMi'Mltini! !inowfnllji UTIMIM' they scvi-ml nt<niii:i willi tin- I'IIHI oin< on Nov. 'JM, 'HiB bulk to I* iiuhli.shrd In iwxt yi'iirhiHiU, WIIK's Ititjh'ti K\f cfiinrfM>inornllV(* IttMtit*. plmtntfriniliB nf nt» lifiiiinj; on wind will fmj>j» 11 (hit yun ul' In'it >•''•<!''! infliili-il lnnl|!<'l < nvi'li'd ttic lili/ynr<l of wet»k'a WmlfivM iU'vtmi must \)\v ypiif Mini Uu> W«"»ill»'ld Honid or lU'nltorst fiiulti|ilc \mf\nun ln«.k "You run'1 hudiit'l. for (i hli/./md. We'll hnvc the 'lilt, in .liiruiitrv, whlrli fir it the tnwn ovt'i $M0O,0()0. IM? In tho editor's office l»y .1 Also, wvfitil tiU-ciit^nntnl it^ms Inchntlng n hut, bltftitfiinlnl 1 With only ;i h'w Hiiyn lift in the lOfH) tilldgst, Mr, p.m. todiiy, If you hnv»> miy pfilch, lil*i»> «nrl Htfiy swt'iilshlH 4, ifilf twll, kr>y chain, enlemlm', ntloi hudt'i't JIH imimi," In f;aiil t|U<?ntlcitiH, cull tiilitor Andrew iiml lirM lo (ni« Miirtilcunlttl hnll - Wfir Included And, nt IJVA yctir. the mure limn !"•() inrhi'n of unow thnl fr>H (iollko 'iniil Ihr town I HIM ';<I-M I IIOUKII NMIJW fall thll Simpson at 270 (1000, (I'ICHW turn to p»MP A*2) «>n Wf'stficld nwt lnx|inyf>m in Hit' iH'iKhborlwMtd of $:)7(l.l)ltO, sitMhiCiciKilly im ire thnii tht< typlcnl ll'lc.i i<> turn to p<ii!(> A 2) If t not too late! Run, not rum Spirit of tho ••••on Last-minute ideas; Hangover Run Scouts give their all enter our coloring contest slated for Jan. 1 for the holidays Special section Inside ••••ports, pag*A*11 See Weekend Plus Inside i December 19,1996 A-2 WWInVKI Westfield Mayor Boothe presides over final meeting going Mayor Boothe spoke on behalf of By KAREN WR Mr. Jenkins in the absence of his THE RECORD fellow 3rd Ward Councilman Neil WESTF1ELD — Tuesday night Sullivan. on ice marked the end of an era for three "We've appreciated everything of Westfield's servants when Mayor you've done for us.
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