. , ., r . Yanks Win Scattered Showers ..., r Over White sO][ IOWA: Scattered showers and ,. In 1Mh thunderstorms ill east and south Se~ DAILY IOWAN porUons. Cool~l' today. stor, on Pare 4 THE Iowa Cit, yls Morning Newspaper hvE CENTS TBB ASSO~T&D .a&SI IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, JULY 19, 1942 TB& ~SSOCLlT&D .aBll VOLUME XLD NUMBER 255 • e· . or Iver: * * * * * * * * * . .. .. * *:* • 11 I! uct Hord~H"itting Raids Africd' Far-Reaching Attacks' Destroy JAP BOMBERS RAID ALLIED 'CON VOY ARRIVING IN American-Made Bombers Help: e d u his Ship~ in West Li~yan Ports Reds Pierce German Positions' It I g British, Axis Land Crushing Nazi ~rive \ Forces Parry Blow~ Interpreting In South Threatens West of EI Alame;n The War News Rostov, Stalingrad BY' EDWARD KENNEDY 2nd Front MOCOW SUNDAY JULY 19 . CAIRO, Egypt (AP)-Disclo­ Blood Cost to Nazi (AP)-RLlssian troops counter­ sure of new, hard-hitting raids attacking 1 nth e Voroneth on the. axis supply pOrts of Tobruk During Past Month area under protection of Ameri­ and Bomba by United States army Was Extremely High can-made Douglas bombers were ilr forces under command of Maj. Acfion--. reported today to have driven a, Gen. Lewis H. Brereton marked wedge into the German positions the rising power of air warfal'e * * * and to have occupied a number of - over the western desert yesterday. By KIRKE L. SIMPSON * * * popu la ted points. On the ground, British imperial WIde World War Analy.' By DREW MJDDLETON The midnight communique and axis land forces battled back The first month of the critical LONDON (AP)-The serious- otherwise Indicated little change ind forth in blt­ ness of the German advance in in the desperate defense of the war summer of 1942 closes with t~r but inconclu­ the Don basin may prompt the Don river basin. The Soviets at the sive conflict for Hitler's master offensive omin- U. S. and Britain to drive across other end of the front still were possession of the ously close to vital aUied resources the English channel soon to open locked with the nazis "south of barren ridges and cOlllmunlcatJon lines In Rus­ a second front, but the tremendous Millerovo," but the exact area ~PS ~st of EI Ala­ sia anc\ Egypt, and still no sign shipping and training problems was not named. me!n and about confronting the allies made it un- The sinking of an 8,000-ton en­ '5 miles west of that an Anglo-American second- likely B.uch a drive would be an emy transport In the Baltic was Alexandria. Iront offensive is clOSe at hand. aU-out invasion. announced. General Brere­ Comparison of the battle maps Such an attack would differ D~ml&lre 80 Tanks taD, .whose as­ as ' they stood In RUSSia and Egypt appreciably from the grand war- Russian airmen, 'presumably sumption at the summer solstice, June 21- winning operations for which flying the Douglas planes as well (Ommand · 0 v e AmeriClln, British and Canadian as Russian craft, were reported to the American air EDWARD ~INNeOY 22, and as they are now, a short armies are training. said military have destroyed or damaged 8'0 forces in the middle east was made month later, would be gloomy if experts who will not be quoted German tanks and other arma­ kDown only yesterday, said that in it told Ill! the story. They do not. by name. ment. Three battalions of German 36 days of operations the Ameri­ But whatever the scale of at- infantry also were "dispersed 'and tin Liberator and 'flying fortress They do not even reflect all the unhappy events of those tack, the allied armies approaching partiany annihilated" by the aix bombers had conducted 21 mis­ France or ' force, the communique said. lions and lost only three planes weeks. They do not record, either, Co1um~s of water ~hoot Into the air, above, nearly obscuring thc ship, IarrIved at the outpost north of Australia with troops and snpplles. low Ncws dispatches told of t'fle in combat. any of the factors that tend to as near mlsscs aFC scored by Japancse bOlDbers dudng a heavy raid on Jap bOmbl.n. raids on this base have become less frequent. would entry Into action of the twIa Port Moresby, New Guinea, Just afater a united nations convoy had Dlreet HUll brighten the war prospect for the • I veteran engine Ught attack. Dou.lu In the newest of these' assign­ anti -axis league despite the grave generals, B08tons on the Rullllian front lIlents they set fire to an axis and growing perils ln Russia a2,.q coastal rresllma.bly thelHl shipS entered. tanker and scored direct )'tits on the axis ' d- gger-thrust in ' Egypt numerotlll Russ\a, eUber thrOlllb Ute per- I large motorship at Tobruk Fri­ still dangerously close to Alex­ d rom e s f 0 sian gulf or the Murmansk artie da, night, added to the !ires which andria. planes w h i c supply line, bu~ thel' eoul4 have the RAE alreadY had set raging The war maps plot the route of could b e been flown in from the middle around the harbor, and reached the British eighth army in Libya. (Tllis '" tile first of a scries of June 14 when the fog broke long of six hits by bombs; one destroyer eternal fogs waiting for the time to patched from east. on farther west into Libya to They define a vast new German­ stories by Staff Corresponiient enough· for eight of this command's set afire; two transports hit; seve- shoot the works. Russian fro The Russians apparently were ~und small ships in the Gull of occupied' area in southwestern Keith WI,ee/er of t"e Chicago Times Catalina flying boats . tp drop ral four-engine patrol seaplanes Thl'ough the same waters, but as and most having their gravest problems in Bomba, where the Italians once Russia. 0 .. actio? !in tile .dJeutiall Isla lids. through the clouds over Kiska and destroyed; one cruiser plane, one shut. off as though we occupied tant of all-an !),ew t.!;ddl,ton the south where a crushin, Ger- bad a seaplane base. • • • lVI'ce/cr, attached to the U. S. PM" dump six tons of dynamite pn the Mitsubishi bomber and several another ocean, the ship on which army operating on short interior man advance was slowly rollllll The British noted that Rommel But they do Dot show the fit; fleet .i?we 8110rlly aflcr Peart Jap ships. Zero fighters shot qown, I am an observer proceeds about lines uf communications. through ripening grain fields above himself was using air power on blood eost to Germany and her : Harbor, orrived il' dlas!.;a lOitll a One 500 pound crump fell square The contest has develo/?ed into its mystel'ious affairs'. As this island grimly watched the river Don to menace Rostov at an increased scale and was using satellite allles of thelHl stIll In- fleet UlI-it shortl"y after the illitiat on a light cruiser and started a as grim a game of. blindman's buff • • • the tide of German successes in the mouth of the river, and in- more Italian planes than ever be­ concluSive victories. They do not JlIp,mne attack ou Dutch Harbor gaudy fire. Another dropped as was ever contrived by man for It is a slow and painful busl- RUSSia, the minister of production, dustrially-vital Stalingrad on the fore. For the first time in several show the terrible toll of united anel tQa,IJ ' 'lie firs! aceredited corres· alongside a tl'ansport close enough, the destruction of his fellows. ness, for though daylight runs 20 Oliver Lyttleton, declared the Volga to the southeast. Weeks axis planes operated Fri­ natlosn dtJpplnc" taken by axis I pondo/.t to ·rcacll .J.I(I3ka.) the bombardier left, to mllkj! ser- Thrc;lugH the unending fogs it hours' a day and the nl.hts are German army was "committed to The Germans claimed their day over British landing grounds submarines In western heml- - jous undcrwater damage a cer- ranges up and down the Qleak nevj!l' really dark. the for Is the grip of a second paralyzing troops had reached \he lower in the Burg EI Arab region some sphere waters; but neither do Br KEITH WHEELER tainty. Aleutian l'ocks, from Dutch Har- always here. winter which may well prove to Don on a broad front, but there to miles west of Alexandria, be­ tbey 'how tbe tremendous and .(Copyrlibt, 1942, Chlliago Times, Japs" Wing Bom~rs bor 800 miles past Kiska and Attu, There has been no contaet be- be its last" if Hitler tails to crush was no confirmation of that here. hind the land battle lines. continuinr Ilow of American Inc) . As usual, the Japs had their where the Japs are getting set fol' tween surface ships since June the red army in the 90 remaining Sav&&,e Firhtllll" Position SUII Intact flchtln&' farCH and war rna- i AT SEA WITH THE U. s. PACI-I guns trained on the cloud breafs I what may become a major push 1, when at sunset this ship fighting days. While the Germans moved On the ground, Australians and chines to the Brltiah Isles or the ·FIC FLEET. June 18 (delayed)-I and five Catalinas cam!: away full a1lalnst continental America. I raised the elusive sticks of three Fsee Hure Task throuh the waist-high fields of ri- lOme South Africans moved from swellin&' tide 01 Anrle-Arneri. jThe Japs are dying in Kiska har- of holes.
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