Technic an North Carolina State Universitys Student N€ltspap ti {HlLL U; M4 «22’ /' Volume LXlX, Number 79 lrtdd) Apritgiiiaaa Raleigh, North Carolina IIv . F O'-. rial '7 2411 /Adv€'rtislni17l7-2f)’9 9' Poulton freezes Design SchoolmI i' u or audit By Paul Woolveton not take personnel actions make Assistant News Editor We‘re doing tlti rt w it met. lh': thrcc othcr deans~ Afc‘lll'L‘lllL‘lll \( Sl because of lllt recent scandal icar lhc tree/e has been purchases or issue travel authori/a The chancellor said tlir‘ri' \sr‘i'i‘ '1” up. been known tor sonic nine and inyolinig former \llllCllL\ Director rescinded trons. problems With the l)t“‘l"l st‘hryitx l’oulton said hc docs not hair: to tllllll July I. when the new liscal Chancellor Bruce Poulton froze Some Design School ftfiltltlll. in budget Wllll\ ( ascy and nirsnianagcriient of year begins the Design School's budget Tuesday cluding longtime viioycasqtircllt, departmental llllltl\ Poulton said and Wednesday so he could audit McKinney Cl‘llIL So far. none of the orbit crillrrgv» He said Vicc ( hanccllor tor “i: should hate done it when McKinney did not return Dennis Wood charged that the \iitli retrrttii' ill to» lri‘ iitir-i- R'tslllLWN and finance (reorgc Mr ('asei retired Nim iiliat messages left at l1|\ office lhtirsday the school before Dean (‘laude freeze was designed to punish the :titditl‘rl Horslcy \Hll diziternitr‘ “hen the I‘m McKinney leaves on June 30. faculty lor their role in McKinneys l’ottlloo sitrl lic ysas tort-ml l‘l doing is nialong sure those audits get l’oulton said he \Hll appoint an ‘l'he freeze took effect at noon' resignation other colleges \Hll be audited done while the person l\ Kit” in interim dean in early May ”1“ Tuesday and ended noon Wednes- audit the Design School no“ l’oriltoit said \( Statc lull no“ olltcc ' person “ill take oicr .is soon as Regarding retribution. Poulton because (it Mckinrtcys sudden rcs truiht colleges. \t‘lttklla and tire in a memo rclcuscd llirtrsdat day after l’oulton met with the dean said. “there‘s none of that iii this igiiation. Although McKinney must :iililctrcs department bclorc iicvi \lCKlllllL') lcascs ofticr' l’ouilolt about the budget. situation." The audit “was, a lctryc \chiniici \dltl he in” not i’t\l(\\ \dltl he mpctts to take about \Ix During that time the school could perfectly normal business office by Junc .itl. Poulton said tt-adcrs talc ollicc any lllltlllclill or pc-rsontirl riirttcrs months to find .1 permanent re procedure the dcart could leave sooner. lhis is runs a standard policy at regarding tltt Willi 89 academic placcmcnt tor \chitinci Jim Hunt Four NCSU colleges speaks seeking new deans to students By Tyson Smith llul helm" .lll\ deans .trc sclcctcd. By Tor Bllzard Stall Writer 'llt'\ llltt‘l pass through .i sclcctiiiri Staff Writer process four of the nine collcgcs uithm lllt‘ \i( Kl .idntiritstratioir has (iood leaders aren’t born with Nl Slat" t'r' rtt lltt‘ Ilftkt‘\\ til enacted spccilri criteria that must bi: their abilities; they must develop sclccting deans to fill rcccntly nict \\llL‘ll \clcctutg possible LSIH them through hard work. That’s vacated nisittons ilttlttlcs for lllt' dcaii‘s position what former N.C. Governor and l l’lt l llttood. thil". ol the ( ollcgc N.(.‘. State alumnus Jim Hunt said ol l-orcw RI‘VIHH r‘ Hid that th “\lH atadcniic official I\ selected at the second annual Role Model b--¢~o»¢*"‘a selection process for thr- ricii dcait ol by .i rioiittnatioii coriimittcc that l\ Leader‘s Forum Tuesday night in .v the (‘ollcgr' ol lilirt illlitlt is no“ “in si'lcclcd by. tlllltllll'. others .i rr'pri the Student Center Ballroom, its l‘lllill stttgr‘ " \lfllltllHt ol thc faculty rriioltcd Hunt addressed about 80 students lll" faculty tllcr'. r‘lccts by sctict and several faculty members in- llic nomination coriintrtri't- l\ brllol at lr'ast (htt‘ third of lllt‘ volved with the Student Leadership intcryicmng its lrl\l ll\" r llltllrl‘ll('\. rtotiiirttittott t‘otittllittct‘ Center, which sponsored the event and hopes to submit Ils rt‘c'illllltlt‘ll llic nomination L'tllllllllllt‘t' sub honoring Hunt’s outstanding leader- vlzitions to lltc chancellor iii about nuts rituucs (\l |X)\\lth t'.llltlltltllt‘\ tor shipqualities. tuouccls the position It .i rioiiuncc Irorii After the speech. photographer llic \Clt't'llttll of the ”CH l-orcst outstdc of thc campus I\ brought Burnie Batchelor presented his Rt'sourrcs tlt'ari hm hm t‘ iiztrrovtcrl onto tlic tailiptrs lllt'L'U'llllllllrt‘l to portrait of Hunt, which was later to \|\ Ltitttltdtrtcs. sud lcshi: ll hints ll‘ltlllll the taitrlt\ ol the i-lHl placed in the Special Program's of the ('ollcgc til Physical and allotiirtrr it .in opportiiiiitt to -'r.-~i Office in the Student Center for Mathcnitttical Scicriccs 0t thc so lllt r‘arttliitatc propt rl\ permanent display. [\H) candidates are scrttng lll tlic The to students who received prcscnt administration. \\llllt‘ lotrr lllc l .ii'ulli Haiti‘lvwi‘i ‘l‘llt‘ ili it $500 G.().l..D. scholarships from are front otttstdc of Hit“ N'( Sl' I.“ lllr‘ lltlllllllvllltiti t'iiriiriiirlrr (iTlZ several weeks ago were also system. it'lt‘t‘lltlll prot t‘\\ is ill.l\\ll to .i clow‘ recognized for their talents in Sclcctiort ol lllt' ricit tl".lll of it lllltsl .itti\cl\ \i’t‘l tli- llt\i\l\r l leadership. Physical and Matltcriitttital St lt'lltt‘\ ttt'ultys c-\.iltt.rtioii Hi all. llltllil ll‘ In the former governor‘s speech. still has a long “at to go Slllls stilt. \\lll|.ll't_'\t'lltltl\l‘i lK‘lltl.‘ totisiilcit'd iii which he presented his personal lltttl lltt‘ ttoiltttlitlttill L‘lllllllllllt't‘ is Hil\llll! lll.ltlt' lls llll'l ill-two“ view of leadership. Hunt emphasized presently being appointed l"\ lltt‘ tlic Ltll‘lllllllt"' ~tll‘ll‘ll~ t lt'ttttllttti" that good leaders are doers. l-ticulti Senate and by t'ltttltct'lliir rltttioii .lltlllt' uii'i it '» titty Whether in school, in a profession lt‘t‘tlllllllt‘lttltlllint» c\.iluatioil, to the ".tppiopitalr .iil or in a volunteer organiration. lipon lllc l‘t‘lircltlcttt tit tlrr- llll|||\lltlll‘-t'tllllthl leaders are busy people, Hunt said. present Dean of lllt‘ \rliool oi l’ ”I'M" 'ttllll'l‘llltitls .ttt lt‘lr‘t lr'if “It’s important to get out there and Design. (’ltiudc Mckirttiiy r 'lii ioitrirrti' ‘lt'\lllll’ s I" watch. or get involved." nomination coriiniittcc should In .r llt‘\\ llllllllll.i'ltt'l "ltllllllt‘t l\ Hunt stressed that experience and instituted this \lllltlllL‘l. li ir ttll'tl education are important in that they allow students to see the world with a broad view. “The more you learn. the more Telephone registration you need to know and understand.“ he said. Hunt said that his parents helped experiment successful him to learn about leadership early. “They taught me to care about my By Becky Better lli’sttli‘s 'll' ‘1' “."l'li 'i, it. [it a fellow man and to fully understand Staff Writer \\\lClll li is (“lisp-v iil 'ir'ii that all are equal." 'Ivii While attending NCSU. Hunt was N.( State \ltltlt‘llls “I” won tic ll islii lt"" his ll . tli -‘ the first student to serve two terms able to i‘cgistci for c'lttsscs by I\ lit" llit tllllllllll't “at w”. l» l,i asstudent body president. telephone, Sound like a dream t‘tilllt' orltci scitions at similar lllllts .lllil He went on to earn a degree in true" It‘s not ti drearri days and proiirlc thi \v'r ll'tlt iiurrr agricultural economics and then, licrs lhts saws thr- \llltlt'lll llr r'lt' two years later, a 1D. in Chapel Beginning this Non-inner stu it talcs to lirid otliir possib' Hill‘s lawschool. dents voll regrslcr for spring L’lttsscs sct'lioris. \ylrit li riiat a'sri lii' lull via a touclttonc tclcphoric or innit-r Anothci llillLlltlll l‘- the \Aétllllll‘ See LEADERS, page3/1 sity ortlinc computer. and it‘s list if a \ltltlt‘lll riiust talc a t‘L'lldlll f}(‘t)l l JACKSON/SHAH gixxlbycl)l’S( ANs Llltlhl‘ that Is lit” tlrr‘ vl l‘.tlllllt"ll "for once registration |\ tun." said :il‘lr‘ririg that cottrsc tart allow up to a participant in last week‘s tclcphoiic lll names to he placed on a waiting rcgtslratioii test run list [he t‘tlllll‘lllt’t will .ilw ti'll thi Ellen Solter barrels down the downhill stretch at Wednesday's wheelchair race in the Student lour ltriridrcrl arid l\\t‘lll\ liw students where they .llt‘ ranked as Center Plaza. The race was part of Handicapped Awn'etw '; Went \llttlt‘lll\ ft'|‘lt‘\t‘lllltlt' t'\t‘l\ tolli'gt l'l' iiioic irp and tartous Lattlpus illydlll/dlltitls l’att) said the lL‘lellillllt, lL‘f'l‘slld participated iii the llttitl test of the tron system Will continue to be used nets registration systctu and Hon to revise \(‘l‘K'dtths throughout tliv' Y0w talks about her-fight with cancer l’tttt\ . assistant rcgrstrtir drop/add peritxl adding yt-l rlllttlllt't llttt this fall. till 34mm \ltttlt‘tll\ t‘tllHL‘lllCllCC By Suzanne Perez cryinBEébéei‘i 'tllllllli' riir- lit at '\..illllll.tlll)ll, \( wrll fL‘L‘CHt‘ the instructional l’till) \Jlltl he is "very excited Features Editor stow. ‘i\tltl"ll" lwlr'tball coach worltslict‘ts lllc lllllH'l’\ll\ tcgrs about lhc test results and scry Bail llD’Tll ( it“ 1'“ t, llktit‘i "cut \lrr but l‘ii'asi t.trti'cr trtir‘s office “i” liandlt .my tirie~ pleased at him posiirxr ilrir ~iiirit~rti.
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