DOCUNENT RESUME ED 164 900 AU1HOR Douglass, Bruce E.; -4nd. Otb.ers TITLE Occupational Safety' and hympoSia (37th American; M4dical-AsSci4.iatiOn,-Congress on Occupational Health,. "St. Louis, Missouri,. 1977). INSTITUTION ,Center lor Disease ,Control AAHE.111/PHS).,A.tlanta,Ga.; NatiOnalLust-..for `Odcupational Safety. and Health (DHEW/PHS) RO'C'ki3211e,: Md. REPORT ,NO DABW-NTOSH-78-169 PUB DATE Jun 7_8 CONTRACT -210-77,-0088 NOTE 341p. AVAILABLE. FROM Superintendent of Documentse U S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 20402 (Stock No.. '017-033-00312-2, $5.50) EDRS:PRICE MF-40.83 HC-$18.07 Pluspostache. DESCRIPTORS Accldent Prevention; *Accidents; Business Responsibility.; Conference Reports; ?Disease Control; Employer Employee Relationship; Health; Health Conditions; Health Needs; *Health Programs; Health Services; Ifidustrial Personnel; *Occupational Diseases.; Physical Fitness; *Safetif;' Stress Variables; *Wo`rk Environment ABSTRACT The papers compiled here ?Fere presented- at, the fourth symposium inia series designed to providea continuing introduction tocurrent, aspects of occupational safety and health. The papers represent eight topics:(1) Special health programs,(2) degenerative 'disease and'-injury of the baCk, (3) job stress and wo'r-k performance, (4) role of ind-ustry in preventive cardiology,(5) toxic conriounds in ihdustry, (6) emergency medical planning and industrial disaster,'(7) industrial toxins and the community, and (8)problems in occupational . health piogramming. Some representative titles of papers included under each of these areas consecutively areaslfollows; (1)How-to Establish an Employee Health Service in a Reluctant Hospital; and Occupational Medical Support of a Research Hospital,' (2) Examination of the Lumbosacral Spine; and BiomeChanics of Manual Materials Handling and Low-Back Pain,(3) Variables in OccupationalStress;and The Stress. of Relocation- Recognition and. Prevention,(4) Exercise Prescription in afn Industrial FitnesProgram; and Cost. Effectiveness in Hypertension Management, (5) Pri iples and Practices of Industrfal Air Standards; and Cont butions of the Industrial Hygienist,(6) A Pre-Triage Syste -for Mass Casualty Care; and Electrical Injuries, (7) Arsenic Contamination Near a Copper-`Smelter; and The Michigan PBB Incident, and (8) The Role of Nursingin Occupational Medicine; and The Benefit-to-Risk Ratio' inOccupational Health. (EM) ' hI , ************************************************************;g********:* * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be )nade * * from the original documemt. ****************************************************************4***** OCCUPATIONAL. SAFETY AND HEALTH SYMPOSIA . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, Public Health Service . , Center for Disease Control National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Division of'Techvical Services Cincinnati,* Ohio 45-2-2.-6= June 1978 For sale tthe Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government' rinting Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 U.S 7 OE PART,ME NT OF HEALTH, E DUCATION6 WELFARE '.NATIONAL'INSTiTUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCU,A100 HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACT.L.Y AS .RECEv)VED FP6AII THE PERSON 6R.oRGANIZA. ION ATING IT P0105 OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NQT NECESS/NILY REPRE-. SENT OFFICI&,V NATIONAL INSTITUTE Or EDUCATION POSITrON OR POLICY 74';.; a AL'.DISCLAII4M, The contents of this report ,are reproduced herein; as-eceivd from the contractor except for minor editing.-47C1h4 opinions; findings, and co;9sionspexpressed herein are notnedessatily those of the Nat' nal Institute for OccupationalSafety and Health, nor does mentiOn of company 'names orpr6ducts constitute endorsement by the NationalInstitute for Occupational Safety and Health. NIOSH Pioject Officer: Loren L. Hatch, DO, PhD Principal Investigators Theodore C. Doege, M.D, Robert_ H. ?,Theater; 14,S: Contract#216)77-0088 ,DHEW NIOSH Publication No: 78-1.69 .1 a . This 1977 Symposiais the fourth volume' in a seriesresulting from coogeration between the 'Nat'iona*Institntefor:POCcupatimial Safety and Health;.And thg American Mea i6a1 AsSaciation in coordiilatine the diSseminatiOn:Ot;;6CcUliational health knowledge Wit4n the generaL hea4h care: fieldcOncerribie,./kierican w6rkers and, their, families. hoped that these proceedingsGYIlicetihartce the delivery of occupationall safety;f'and health services. The sympOsium brought-.to'gether persons pre-eminent in the fieldofoccupational safety and health who, 'Sy their generosity in sharingtheir knowled&e, provide a continuum on the state of the Artin the .field of occupational safety and tealth./ review, of th'ese 'proceedings arid w ld appreciate your We inviitee your . C011111111tS dMillar, M.D. tant Surgeon General ng Director, NIOSH This publication Contains_MAlorpapers preSeilted at.the.27th.AMA' .Congress:On,OccupationaIHealth Aseditedfor publication by 44A.staff'., This the. 'fourth SyMposium in a series designed-to provide a continuing introduction to current aspects of occupational safety and-health.-The information contained herein is significant not only to,part-time 'occupational physicians and nurses, but also to multi-specialty group practices,,private practitioners,medical and nursing students, industrial hygienists, safetyprofessionals,! and all others-interested in the provision of a safe and healthful work environment. Publication by the National Institute for Occupa- \ tional Safety and Health extends this knowledge to the thousands, of. intereSted persons for whom the only availablesource of this information is this text. / 'Th6se proceedings do not necessarily represent the views of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, .but they do reflect the Institute's concern for improving the delivery Of occupational' safety and health services. This series of proceedings constitutes a valuable reference for use by those involved in the field of occupional safety and health. A Always, suggestions and comments for future Symposia are in vited. Additional copies of the proceedings are available from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Divi- 1_sion of Technical Services, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio,45226, mail stop C18. Professors wishing multiple copies for use in their classrooms should direct their requests to the Project Officer. Loren L. Hatch, D0, -PhD iv t 1 ABSTRACT1 This volume consists of papers presented-at the'37th AMA Congress won Occupational Health,cosPonsorea\by t ,e National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health' (NIOSH) t, St Louis, Missouri in " 4ptember 1977. The proReedlings are p lished Eby NIOSH.' The \ topics include: Special Health Progr s; Degeneative Disease and Injury of the Back; Job StreWand Wok Perfdrmanc; Role of q industry in'Preventive Cardiology; T is Compounds 1Industry; Emergency Medical planning arid Industrial Disaster; dustrial Toxins and the Community; anc0Probl s in'1Occupationat\ ealth Programming. ..2. , 1 The 1977 AMA Congress was support d.by a' NIOSH-CDC Cost-Sha ing COntract #210-77-0088. ACKNOWLEWMENT The National Institute for Cr al S'afety and Health is most appreciative of the Workthat-theodore C. Doege, MD, MS, Principal Investigator, Director of the American Medical Association's DeRartment of Environmental, Public and Occupational ealth, and Robert H. Wheater and Barbara S. Jansson of the gme AMA Department performed for these proceedings. Further acknowledgment is due not only to the individual authors who presented papers, but also to all those who took part in the often' lively discussions. Also A'cknowledged are contributions by the following NIOSH pexsonnel: Jane Lee, OcCupational Health Nurse Consultant, Paul Pedersen, MD, MPH, and Elva Elesh, MD,' who gave of their time to provide cognate review. and offer suggestions for improvement; Gayla M. Osborne and Ann Battistone for their support services; and Gerald Karches, Lorice Ede and Carol Browning for publications assistance. CONTENTS t9'4' 4/ rtlpit,, Preface - Abstract, V Acknowledgment vi SPECIAL HEALTH PROGRAMS: STUDENT, HOSPITAL, LABORATORY , Introduction `-8.' ,, Bruce E. Douglass, MD , 1, .6 How to Establish an Employee Health-Service in a , Reluctantilospital Cynthia A. Hunstiger, RN :5 Problems in the Management of College Students' Health John M. Miller, MD . ''' 10 Occupational Medical-Support of a Research Hospital ..Robert J, Brandt, MD 16 Health Service Problems -Mary L. Parker, MD 24 DEGENERATIVE DISEASE AND INJURY OF THE BACK Examination of the Lumbosadral Spine e -30 '4 Lee T. Ford, MD ..J. ,.,., . Conservative Treatment of Low 'Back Conditions Lee T: Ford, MD , ...... .34 - The Role of Myelography and Discography in Low-Back-Pain Lee T. Ford, MD r* 37 Biomechanics of Manual Mate'rials Handling and LoW-Back-Pain Don B. Chaffin, PhD . 41 Epidemiology and Differential Diagnosis in Injuries and 'Degenerative Diseases' of the Low Back E Eugene Nordby, MD . , 83 Radiologic Examination.of the LuMbosacral -Spine r Louis Gilula, MD 89 Chemonucleolysis in the Treatment ,of Lumbar Disc Disease Henry W. Apfelbach, MD . 45 -4 , JOB STRESS AND WORK PERFORMANCE Introduction , Herbert C. Modlin, MD Variables in. Occupational Stress , Tobias Brocher; MD . 104 vii -7 Healthy r in_the Encdunter with ,Stress s cobasa, 'PhD .. Robert: `R. J, Hilker,, MD. --. Salvatore 13.:. Maddi,PhD . ...... 114 ... The Stress of Relocation - Recoinitionjand Prezention Janies E. Kelsey, MD. 123 I,OLE OF INDUSTRY IN PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY :Introduction James A..0'SchOenberger MD ../ ... ..; ... .. 135 BehaVior
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