![Radio Age, 1941-1952](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
INDEX RADIO AGE, 1941-1952 ( Volumes I throngh XI) ALPHABETICAL INDEX Article A Number Tear Article Atomic Display—Radio Message Circles Globe Year 33 Number [July] 1951 1 Adventures on ths Air by H. B. Summers 34 Atom's Challenge, The, by David Sarnoff [April] 1943 [July] 1946 2 Adventures in Marketing by Frank M. Folsom 35 Audience Research: Critics by Request by [January] 1948 Hugh M. Seville, Jr. [October] 1946 3 Advertisi)ig in the Public Interest by Niles 36 Auditions for Servicemen [October] 1945 Trammel! [January] 1947 37 Aurora Spells Radio Trouble [October] 1941 4 A. E. C.—Facsimile Equipment at Oak Ridge 38 Australia: Pacific Link [January] 1942 [January] 1951 38a."Autronic Eye" [October] 1952 5 Africa—Market of the Future by B. F. Moore, 39 Aviation SO Years Ago, Radio and, by George Jr. [July] 1950 H. Clark [July] 1942 6 A. I. E. E.—Address: Radio Station Protec- tion (Arthur Van Dyck) [April] 1951 7 Air Conditioners [January] 1952 8 Air Conditioners and Dehumidifiers Marketed B by RCA [April] 1952 9 Alert Receiver [January] 1951 40 Batteries with Long-Life [July] 1952 10 Allocations, World Conference on Radio by 41 Beat the Promise by Thomas F. Joyce [Octo- Philip F. Siling [October] 1947 ber] 1941 11 Aviahl and the Night Visitors—First TV 42 "Berkshire." Introducing the [October] 1947 Opera [January] 1952 43 Beverage, Signal Corps Honors, RCAC [July] 1944 12 America Moves Steadily Toward Goal of 44 Bikini, Electronics at, by Dr. Arthur F. Van Equal Opportunity for All (address by Dvck [October] 1946 Walter A. Buck to Urban League) [April] 1952 45 Bloomington: RCA to Open New Plant [July] 1949 12ei. American Inventory [October] 1952 46 Blue in New Offices [July] 1942 13 Amplifier—liBC Field Pickup [October] 1950 47 "Blue Network Company, Inc." [January] . 1942 14 An Exciting Era Ahead by Thomas F. Joyce 48 Blue Network: Daytime Programs Change by [October] 1944 Edgar Kobak [July] 1943 15 Anniversary Dinner, 25th [January] 1945 49 Blue Netivork Sale Announced by RCA [Octo- 16 Announcer Training by Patrick J. Kelly [Oc- ber] 1943 tober] 1949 50 Blue, New Ideas Come Out of the, by Edgar 17 Antenaplex [January] 1950 Kobak [October] 1942 18 Antenaplex on Luxury Liners [April] 1950 51 Blue, New Offices for [April] 1942 19 Antenaplex, Pottsville, Penn. [July] 1951 52 Blue Tries New Program Ideas by Philips 19a. Antenaplex, Laconic, .V. H. [October] 1052 Carlin [January] 1943 20 Antenna, Calculates ... Design [October]... 1945 53 Boca Raton Convention [January] 1952 21 Antenna, Empire State [April] 1950 54 Bond Sales, $10,303,600 in [October] 1942 22 Antenna, Empire State-WNBT [July] 1951 55 Boston Symphony on Blue [January] 1943 23 Antenna, Neiv Television [October] 1945 56 Bottling Machine Speeds Handling of Milk 24 Antenna, New Television [July] 1946 Containers [July] 1952 57 Bound Brook— 25 Antenna, Pylon . for FM (W. W. Watts Home of NBC Shortwave Sta- address) [October] 1946 tion [July] 1952 26 Antenna, Reduces Interference, Television 58 Box-Offices, NBC Operates One of World's [April] 1949 Biggest, by Peter M. Tintle [April] 19.52 27 Antenna, Tilted, Increases UHF Signals 59 Brand Names Are Trusted by Frank M. Fol- [July] 1951 som [April] 1948 28 Antennas, Better Television (J. B. Elliott 60 BrazU TV Station [April] 1950 address) [April] 1946 61 British Technical Mission Visits RCA (photo 29 Antennas, Point Ahead by Dr. George H. layout) [January] 1944 Brown [April] 1944 62 Broadcasting, 18 Years in, by Niles Trammell 80 Army Takes the Air by William Burke Miller [October] 1944 (January) 1943 63 Broadcasting, Plant, by David J. Finn [April] 1944 31 Army-Navy "E" Is Won by RCAM Plant 64 Broadcasting Station, Midget (George Mc- [October] 1942 El rath address) [April] 1948 32 ASCAP: Close Harmony [October] 1941 65 Broadway Play Given Try-Out [January] . 1943 www.americanradiohistory.com — .. Ar*iett Article Sumber Ymar y^xmber Year S6 Buck Sleczed F'-^sxaenz of Sa&rmarinB 103 Distribution Costs Sought, Lower, by E. W. [April: 194S Brnier [July] 1943 - 6? Buck. W -titer A. ^Addrss 'tn Urbaa LeaguE) 104 Z?ts— - - Hadenu by Frank ML Folsom [Ajirr 1352 : 1947 58 Biuiding SumiBi Resota-ces by W. B. Dominick 105 ZTti-T Outlets, Buffalo amd Rochester [JaiyI 1344 [Ocrooer] 1950 106 Dominican TV Installation [Jannaryl 1952 107 Drive-In Mjvi^s [October] 1946 108 Drive-In Theatres by if. F. Bennett [October] 1349 109 Dumont Patient Litigation Settled [July] .... 1950 HO Duo-Cone Speaker by Dr. H. F. Olson and 59 Cakm Elected ECA Dvndar, John T. IJxtLfi 1946 J. Preston [Ocraber] 1946 70 Camdai: Plant Wins "S" WUh Star [Janu- ary! _• 1943 7X Canada Sas y^Tc Raaio Voics [Jtdyl 1945 72 Canada -'Operation TV" [JuIyT ISSO E 73 Canada P-roduces for War, BCA. in (pfartB Echoes to Order lavtrar) [JuIyT 1944 111 Made [October] 1946 112 Ecuador: yavr Radio Circuit Opens [July]. 1343 73a. Canada. Television at, by F. H. Deakzos [Octn- berT 1952 113 Education by Radio bv Sterling W. Fisher T4 Canada.- ^" ""' i yarth of the Border [April] 1949 1943 114 Education. Radio in. bv Tbomas D, Hisbworti by A. L -I .' [jTiIy] 1942 75 Ct"-'— .,: ^.. elected Seervtarg of RCA 1952 114a. Election yight. Operation [October] 1952 115 Electron Micro-Analyzer: Device Identifies 75 "L . _ . :7' "WCC" by George Clarfc [Octo- berj 1942 Atoms [Jannary] 1944 Chatham. Mass„ Scenes frrm Radio Tmns- 116 Electron Microscope Advances [Jaanary] . 1943 miiting and Receiving Stations WCC-WIM 117 Electron Microscope Aids Dentistry [January] 1945 US Electron Microscope and Cancer Research ( phoro layonr't rJannaryl 1949 78 Chatham: ^Tew TmnsTnitter BmLding Erected [JannaryT ....." 1950 frrr Station WCC [JannaryT 19^ 119 Electron Microscope: Deeper inta the Un- knotvn [Jannary] 79 ChejKisrry Aids War Work hy Oiffirrd Edfi- 1946 son [CcroberT 1943 120 Electron Microscope: Wood Research Aided 30 Chess by Radio [TairaaryT 1948 [January] 1947 "t'"'i Electron Microscope Improved ai China. RCA T^-'msTnitiers in [Jannaryl 1945 (Dn James ELIlier address I [January] 194S 2S. C' ~ Txbe P'.ant [JuiyJ 1951 122 Electrorn Microscope in Industry by Panl A. 33 C se WzTting_ System [QcluLecI . 1951 Greenmeyer S4 C "sd Radios [Apiill 194T [April] 1949 123 Electron Microscope in yew Fields by Dr. '-] :io Plan [TniyT 19<^ -• V. SL Zwory kin [.Jannary] 1942 ( _ . - for TV iicenery Designers by Aibenr W. ProTzman [OcKiberT 1952 124 Electron Microscope : Penetrating yew Worlds Color Television see ander TELEVISION"! [October] 1941 Electron Microscope: 87 Communications—Kay ta Victory by David. 125 Progress by Dr. James Samoff [AarirT T349 Hillier rADrilj 1948 126 EHectron Microscope "Shadow" Unit [October] 1951 S8 CommuTtications. Jdoderrtized . Calls far 127 Electron Microscope Table Model [JtiIv] 1950 TmiTied Perrsoimei by Eari TTa^-fc- [AbtiII. 194S 128 Electron Microscove Tissue 39 Communications Secrecy Hntcbeais — Research [Octo- by Ray " [ArrcTT 1943 ber] 1950 90 ComTnunicatiorns' System Speeds Inventories 129 Electron Microscove: Two yew Microscopes r.TannaryT 1950 by Perry C. Snutb [July] 1944 91 Communicatians with Wings by H. M- Hncke 130 Electron Microscope, 20oih [Jannary] 1947 131 Electron Microscopes [ApruT 1945 Abroad (ifeade Bmnet address) [July] 1948 92 C--,y'-s-'. — ;.yi ~,.-.'"t/to FTtliyl 1952 132 Electronic Bean-Sorters M. J. Carroll 93 C '.TV 'and Radio Plan by by [April] 1946 _- - "- „-^fw fAprilT 1952 133 Electramc Cloak, Laboratories Develops 94 Conner, eloanng Broadcaster [Anril! 1952 RCA [October] 1942 9S Course. A J,.-Foid Refresher by E.' A. LaDort 134 Electronic Computer [January] 1951 [Aarill ! 7. 1946 135 Electrons Make Patterns by Dr. James Hillier 96 Crystal BotUeneck Broken. RaiBo, by TTar r y [Ocrofaer] 1945 EL L€FZwy rOctoberl 1943 136 Empire State. Antenna Changes [April] .... 1950 97 Crystal Police the Ether by E. IL WasMram 137 Engineering Advances. Human, Forrest [Aprill 1950 by H. Kirkpatrick [July] 1942 98 Cuba, yew TV Station in ZAgriLJ lasz 138 Engineering Virtues by Alfred N". Goldsmith 99 Custom Recording by James P. Davis [Octn- [April] 1942 berl 1951 139 Engsrirom—^Address to Colmnbia University [July] 1951 140 Engstrom,—Address to Drexel Instrtnte [Jan- uary] 1952 141 Engstrom,—Promotion [October] 1951 ' - ^— •- 100 Dakar Cb - -, . j942 142 Engstrom: Research Director [January] . 1944 101 Dealers ar -2SS to VAHT) A 143 European Outlook Brighter (^Samoff state- i.Jnsepnl _— —rj-J 1951 ments [April] 1949 102 Dehumidirierrs Marketed by RCA, Air Candid 144 Export Radios, Designing, by John Vassoa turners and [AprilT 1952 [July] 1949 www.americanradiohistory.com f-- =t "iur iy i. !>,' Ers. is&i 234S :S2 /a I** « Tneai. m, ly SJiSl aafi a3«fi ~ BC^ "'OsLBfter' c*r: J'- .->» ^- '44 t, J'Vwut Sy *- S. G 171 &' ITS I'iS • '?-'s.' -- 1~4 2*C! 222: -' lies — .^ iMj- 177 ^. TJ- I i»^ 'litCS -^airn'M OiCf.nrrmt 2E ?£- s^.-'jr -^'7- : r-i-5 3w ii £' :^ 'a» £CI2. OME www.americanradiohistory.com Article Article j^ Number Year Number Year 224 "Liberty" Ships Reactivated by Radiomarine 268 NARDA—Address by J. B. Elliott [January] 1951 [July] 1951 269 N.C.A.C. Formed: Sell Service (Niles Tram- 225 Lifeboat Radio, New, by Charles J. Pannill mell statement) [January] 1942 [April] 1945 270 Navy "E" Won by RCAM [April] 1942 226 Lifeboat Set Saves 8U, RCA [July] 1943 271 Navy "Whips" at RCA Victor [April] 1943 227 Listening in from "Middle of Nowhere" by NBC: Lt. Robert Sarnoff [October] 1943 272 Adult Educational Series [April] 1951 228 Listening Post [October] 1941 273 Appointments—iVi7es Trammell and Joseph 229 Loran, Navigating by, by Charles J. Pannill H. McConnell [October] 1949 [July] 1946 274 Awards 6 Fellowships by Dr. James Row- land Angell [July] 1944 275 Barrymore and Shakespeare [October] . 1950 276 Boca Raton Convention [January] 1952 M 277 Boca Raton UHF Demonstration [January] 1952 230 "Macbeth Sets Video Record" [July] 1949 278 Box-Offices, .
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