PORTLAND DAILY PRESS ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. WL 11 PORTLAND TTnn.T 1 rEBMS *8.00 ------ PEE ANNUM IN ADVANCE. Jill'. j. viiauauj* HAILI JrUESS BUSINESS CARDS. TO LEI. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. EDUCATIONAL. wisdom of ages and to become a life long stu- PORTLAND THE PRESS. dent. “It was this that PIIBLINHKNG CO., S. C. To Let. led him when a dele- ANDREWS, F. 0. Patterson’s Beal Estate St. gate of the city of Boston to the constitutional At 109 ROOMS to let with at Augustin’s Exchange St, Portland. board 53 WANTED. School for Boys, convention, where the of Counsellor at PLEASANTSpring Street. mh20eod2w** TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH question popular rep- Terms: 4* 24,1874 resentation was to be considered and determin- Eight Dollars a Year in advance* Tc Law, BULLETIN, Orphans Home” in Bath, a Danforth mail A ^thei‘‘Soldiers’ Street, Portland, Me. ed, to subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if paid in aa- 88 MIDDLE To e w°nian to do the lor the carefully study every page of the doings Rent. * t cooking family of vanee. STREET, *“ty persons. To such a a lair com- the Honse of aud the House of of money to Loan. vPf person Gossip and Commons, (in Canal Bank Building,) story building No. 88 Federal Street, Pe”8a,l°n will be given. ™£r*SSStf- JL1* Gleanings. the Lords, tc saturate himself with tbe SECONDsuitable lor Corpenter or Paint to first class Real Estate in Portland, A philoso- THE Shop. Applv Secuiity, alSl’*s wanted at the same phy, as well as with the MAINE STATE PRESS ALEXANDER ONor vicinity—Rents taxes &c., on A place. practice of the experi- EDMOND,” collected, paid, WM- E- Me. ence of PORTLAND, MAINE. mc!8d2w» Commission. Houses and sola. to F. PAYNE, Bath, Eaton “The femaelstrom’ is what a the world npon tnis great It a 18 Preble Street. bought Applv ripNonneN°°ne needn,.^PR' Family news- question Is Morning at 02 50 • aPpiy unless School! Dayton was published every Thursday Will practice in G. Dealer in Real Cftee 13 thorouglilv compe- this that led him to say when elected tT> tbe a Androscoggin aud Oxford Count- PATTERSON, Estate, paper calls the year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 year. Fluent Block.oeldtf mh23dlw present woman’s movement Senate, “Ah when I read that de9eod&wtf To Let. __ cannons are fire- __ Norridgewock, Me. in favor of ing aud bells are in New : One inch of temperance. ringing Eoglaud and Rates of Advertising space, BOARD, large pleasant rooms. Suitable Wanted. on the Western reserve of a House Wanted. Ohio, 1 know I can- eugtli of column, constitutes “square. COBB & WITHfor families or single gentlemen. not meet the first 75 cents from to Must be located a on Peak’» THE SPRING public expectations in this cause.’ $i 50 per square dany week; per KAY, At 52 Free Street. jn24*lw then tf $2003 $3500. TERM The or not ASV0!1,"8t0vW0rkisland, Portland Harbor. None neeti nnniv ruling (to Mr. Sumner':ad a to W3ek after; three insertions, less, $1 00; continu- WORTHbetween Oak and Franklin streets, but unless “ aPP’y of the Eaton School for Boys will commence spirit.—Cashier Tipples,— dis|>ositiou iorgive This first 50 below 13 they can bring good re was one of the sublime features ing evn c other day after week, cents. Oxford. Apply to F. Q. PATTERSON, eknces who has dropped off after presenting a check) of his charac- insertions or at Room to Let with Board. Fluent W’ C' ter. He ilalf square, three less, 75 cents; one Attorneys Law, Block. mh20dlw mhoflodat SAWYER & CO., MARCH 23d, to continue 13 weeks. understood that portion of the Lord’s cents week after. —“How'll you have it, sir?” week. $1 00; 50 per iront ROOM with board, at 38 State Market Square. For particulars address Tipples— prayer which we have so often repeated with Special Notices, one third additional. Sti comer oi New Stable for Sale. ll2<)D<i3t_22 a our HAVE REMOVED FURNISHEDeet, Gray. uo4dtf fe26diw H- F. EATON. “Hot, please, and bit o’ lemon ?” lips* forgive us our trespasses as we Under head of and “AUCTION TO forgive “AMUSEMENTS,” STABLE built last year. Can be easily finished Wanted. them who trespass against us. He loved his Sales”, $2 00 per square per week; three insertions Is For Rent. A for a bouse. Purchaser can have until May 18 to 20 enemies. Their hatred and or less $ 1 50. an,d a.ctiTe y°un8 “an, years of brutality towards No. 42 1-2 to remove it. Any party a small lot to lease ANa»ene8l t0 The Cleveland Herald him were Advertisements inserted in the Exchange Street. genteel Tenements on Green contain having AppIy A. G. CROSBY, requests its volun- recompensed by forgiveucss. He “Maine Stats Street, can also ^nh2M?f teer Press” has a TWOing six rooms each water and En- apply. Portland Pier. The Stock correspondents to use cards and hazarded his owu to (which large circulation in every part Portland, Jan. 15, Sebago gas. mh20dl w F. G. 13 Fluent Block. postal reputation wipe out the 1874,_jalGd&wSm of J. C. PATTERSON, mnAMtf_3 Largest write a of the St ate) for §1 00 per square tor first insertion, quire WOODMAN, IIS} Exchange Street. loud hand. It says that a smaller stain from that section of his country, which in and fe23 ti Wanted. 50 cants per square for each inser- sized card than tbe hour of weakness raised a arm subsequent W. L. _ that now in circulation puny against tion. KELLER, Rare Chance for a mechanic. thoroughly nnder- —OF- would suit well. immortal principles. Address all communications to To Let. A “ZE?*?*®® Vadyand lt!at can very subscriber will sell the desirable property at rtdldiw?d housekeeping take the care of When he was informed that Massachusetts PUBLISHING CO. tenement in 114 Street. offlye FRESCO House No. Spring THECook’s Mills in Casco, of a dre«ureas P Persons. Ad- had _PORTLAND PAINTER, consisting l^-story p. oTrdre°JSeiJ’.f?milyQ. Box 602, rescierided the censure.he replied,“1 thank LOWERInquire of MATTOCKS & FOX, 83 Middle honse and wood-house, with »5 acres of land, with $ stating terms, &c. mh21dlw* Street. Five Year Old—“I say, pa, need not them for removing that stain from I thank fe4dtf interest in a excellent saw-mill and water privilege. FURNITURE IN MAINE you me; S. R. NIEES, NO. 883 CONGRESS STREET, those that voted for tell those that voted Will sell all together or either separately. The above $10.00 Reward—-Dor Lost. pay a lot of money for me to learn the piano !” me; will be sold on favorable and oilers a first rate against me, that I forgive them all. for I know Rooms To Let. terms, — ADVERTISING AGENT. Scofch an- CAN BE — RESIDENCE 6 MAY opening for a mechanic. Abundance of hard and TERRIER, FOUND AT Pater.—“Why not, my boy?” Five Year if they kuew my heart would uot have STREET. Gentlemen and their wives and two or three name The Under will re- they soft timber near For further particulars enquire ceive th^ oboye ®fI.®ick- all doae it.” Contracts for Advertisements in all of single can be accommodated with by. rewartl hy leaving him at Casco Old.—“Because you have got to do is to Newspapers TWO gentlemen of WM. M. COOK, on the Strletth 2J In the Portland Me. pleasant rooms and board at 75 Free street. oc7tf premises. contemplation of this sublime princ'- all cities and towns of the United States, Canadas mc5deodlw<&w7wl0 MARFE. W. COOK. put a handle to it; then I can all Jyl7 cet~___mc20dlw Geo. A. & play day ple, which was infused through bis whole and British Provinces. Whitney Co.’s, like Situation Wanted. long, the men in the street!” nature, we lose sight of the man only to catch ft Office No. 6 Tremont Boston. Mr. Niles is TO L ET! A Good Farm for Sale. of Street, MAGNUS A. R. L1NDBERG, T>Y a reliable glimpse (Jod who dwelt within him thoroughly yonng man, good pen- Mr Sumner had authorized to contract for advertising in the Press Pleasant Rooms With In New half mile experience as faith in an overruling Prov- Board, Gloucester, only fo,?r ye5re Book-keeper not Ho. 46 St. A modest husband in York idence. His from the Corner, 50 acres good land, work. refers to former employers. Address Exchange young New whole life illustrates this fact. Vice Consul of uolOeodtf At S. S. KNIoHT. a™,mc201w He was a T. C. EVAflS, Sweden & Norway, 30$ High St., 1000 bushels apples and pears gather B.. BOX 1714 sent the following message over the wires to Christian Statesman. In giving him' ed the last fruit season. A self to his 2-story friends in this country he gave himself to God. He ADVERTISING AGENCY & PRINT* house barn and wood-house. One city the other day: “See found written \o. Lost. For the upon his heart a moral law and -- JEKN’ Office, 29 Middle Street, mile to two depots. P>ice only $2,5*0, easy pay- next Sixty we shall ninth ot WAREHOUSE, BUSINESS MONDAY last a Fur Days chapter Isaiah, sixth verse.” The helooked from the law tu tha for that DIRECTORyT ments. Apply to WM. H. JERRIS, Real Est ite Glove, which the finder Law-giver 10G WASHINGTON BOSTON. return and receive its value or be old Bible was strength which was to the STREET, Agent, Portland.
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