8978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE May 10, 1999 reach it at the young age of 56 is even Senator BIDEN was the lead sponsor COMMEMORATING CARLOS more impressive. of the Juvenile Justice Prevention Act HATHCOCK II I am proud and fortunate to count of 1974 and the Juvenile Justice Pre- ∑ Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. President, I Senator BIDEN as one of my best vention Amendments of 1992, which rise today to honor a man of extraor- friends. Since he came into the Senate provided states with federal grants for dinary courage. A fellow Arkansan. A in 1972, we have worked together, a comprehensive approach to pre- soldier and a hero. His name was Carlos learned from each other, and swapped venting juvenile crime and improving N. Hathcock II. stories. One story I recall in particular the juvenile justice system. And in Carlos was born on May 20, 1942, in is that Senator BIDEN used to practice 1996, Senator BIDEN led the floor fight Little Rock, Arkansas, the son of a ‘‘speechifying,’’ as some of our prede- to restore 1996 appropriations to fund welder. At the age of eight, Carlos saw cessors in the Senate would have said, crime bill initiatives, most notably the his first Marine in full uniform. The in front of his classmates to overcome Community Oriented Policing Services sight left an indelible impression—a a stuttering problem. Well, Mr. Presi- program to help local and state govern- mark that would lead him to commit dent, I think we all will agree that he ments hire more police. his life to the military. But in the has overcome that problem quite nice- The Senator from Delaware has long meantime, he had some growing up to ly and has learned to excel at been a leader on Women’s Health do. Carlos spent a great deal of time in speechifying. issues. He sponsored the Medicare the woods of North Little Rock, hunt- One of the most amazing facts of Mammography Screening Expansion ing squirrels and rabbits and bringing Senator BIDEN’s career is that he was Act, which became law as part of the them home to eat. He had no problem elected to this body at the ripe old age Balanced Budget Act of 1998. For five filling the table. It seemed as if he was of 29. His 27 year-old sister was his years running now, he has authored the anticipating his future career. Carlos could hardly wait to start his campaign manager, and he saved mail- annual National Mammography Day. ing costs by having volunteers hand-de- career in the military. In May 1959, at And, in 1998, the President signed into the age of seventeen, he signed up with liver campaign literature to every law a bill co-sponsored by Senator house in the state. Of course, Senator the Marines with the permission of his BIDEN, which required the creation of a father. The moment he turned eight- BIDEN’s campaigns are run a little breast cancer postage stamp, with pro- more professionally now, but he has een, Carlos went into the Corps. He ceeds from the stamp’s sale going to quickly realized his talent as an effec- not lost touch with the people of his breast cancer research. state. In fact, the Senator from Dela- tive rifleman and began to carve out ware has told me stories about vir- Like many of his colleagues, the Sen- his niche in the Marines as a sniper. tually every town in his state, no mat- ator from Delaware has had to triumph The intramurals of the Marine Shoot- ter how small. He is as familiar with over adversity to attain his many pro- ing Team was his first official match, a his constituents and as concerned with fessional achievements. The hardships match that he won handily. This vic- their needs as any Senator I have faced and overcome by my dear friend tory would certainly not be the last. Carlos won many more shooting com- known. and colleague include the injury of his Of course, his devotion to his con- sons and the death of his beloved first petitions and rose steadily through the stituents has not prevented Senator wife and infant daughter in an auto ac- ranks, with a only a few minor bumps along the way. Indeed, the months and BIDEN from playing a sometimes cru- cident shortly after his election to the years could be counted by champion- cial role on national stage. As we all Senate in 1972, and his own recovery ships and promotions, and marked by know, Mr. President, he presided over from two operations for a near-fatal his marriage to his wife Jo and the two of the most controversial Judici- brain aneurysm in 1988. Despite this birth of his son, ‘‘Sonny’’ Hathcock. ary Committee hearings for Supreme tragedy and adversity, Senator BIDEN has never succumbed to pessimism or But soon enough, the skills of Ser- Court nominees in American history: geant Carlos Hathcock II were put to those for Judge Robert Bork and Jus- forgotten his role as a public servant. He has never ceased working to serve use and put to the test. In 1966, the Ma- tice Clarence Thomas. rines sent him to Vietnam. His tour of Senator BIDEN was one of the fore- his state and his nation. He remains optimistic about America’s future and duty was no doubt difficult, but Carlos’ most proponents of expanding the amazing rifle skill made him a valu- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. his ability, working within the Senate, to improve his state and nation. able asset to the Marines and an oppo- Last year, he led the successful effort nent to be dreaded by the North Viet- to expand NATO. In 1997, he led the The Senator from Delaware has namese. For his great service, Carlos successful effort to ratify the Chemical called serving in the Senate the great- was presented with the Navy Com- Weapons Convention. Today, the Sen- est, most privileged post-graduate edu- mendation Medal with combat ‘‘V.’’ ator from Delaware continues to take cation in America. I think all of us will Carlos proved himself again on his an active interest in events in the Bal- agree, Mr. President, that he has fateful second tour of duty in Vietnam kans, the Middle East, and Asia, and as passed this education with flying col- in 1969. By this time, Carlos knew the Ranking Member of the Foreign Rela- ors. There is no more devoted, hard- sweltering jungles of Vietnam. He tions Committee, he remains an out- working member of this body than Sen- could become one with his sur- spoken voice on foreign policy matters. ator BIDEN. He is known for his integ- roundings. With painstaking patience, Senator BIDEN has been a leader also rity, bipartisan collegiality, and desire he crawled and lay in wait—his hands in the fight to protect women from vio- to serve the public good. These quali- controlled, resisting the urge to lence. He authored the Violent Crime ties will always be cherished in this scratch or stretch, his body still as Control and Law Enforcement Act, body, as in all walks of life. For any death—until that moment when he which was signed into law in Sep- young Americans seeking a public fig- struck. Carlos was an expert. He even tember 1994. This act, which included ure to emulate, I can think of no better gained a reputation among the Viet the landmark Violence Against Women role model than the Senator from Dela- Cong who dubbed him ‘‘Long Tra’ng,’’ Act, was the first comprehensive law to ware. And that, Mr. President, is the or white feather, for the single white address gender-based crimes. The de- greatest compliment I can think to pay feather in his hat. But as precise and sire to prevent crime and help crime’s my dear friend, Senator BIDEN. For 27 deadly as he was, Carlos did not enjoy victims has long been one of the guid- years, it has been my great honor and killing people. In fact, he saved the ing lights of our esteemed colleague’s pleasure to serve with him and to lives of his comrades in the 7th Ma- career. In 1984, he co-authored the Vic- count him as a friend. It gives me great rines, 1st Marine Division. tims of Crime Act, which provides hun- pleasure to know that before he leaves On September 16, 1969, the amphib- dreds of millions of dollars to crime this great institution, Senator BIDEN ious assault vehicle Carlos was riding victims each year, paid for by crimi- almost certainly will receive accolades ran over a landmine and exploded. Car- nals. on the casting of his 20,000th vote.∑ los, sprayed with burning gasoline and VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:53 Oct 02, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S10MY9.000 S10MY9 May 10, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 8979 his flesh melting away, focused only on beans, and hogs are all down, some at ‘‘Last year was our best in the past 10 or 12 helping his comrades. Carlos went back 20 to 30 year lows. A recently published years,’’ said Lewis R. Riley, an Eastern to the vehicle and dragged his compan- article from The Baltimore Sun illus- Shore chicken grower and former state agri- ions away to safety. He was burned al- trates the impact of this crisis on the culture secretary. ‘‘Poultry prices stayed healthy throughout most beyond recognition. economy of Maryland.
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