Think Tanks/Policy American Consumer Institute Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy Washington, DC University of California at Berkeley www.theamericanconsumer.org http://brie.berkeley.edu Public policy International economics and relations American Enterprise Institute The Brookings Institution for Public Policy Research (AEI) Washington, DC Washington, DC www.brookings.edu www.aei.org Public policy and scholars Public policy Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC) New York, NY Washington, DC www.carnegiecouncil.org www.afpc.org Ethics and international affairs Foreign policy and relations Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) Asia/Pacific Research Center (A/PARC) Washington, DC Stanford University www.carnegieendowment.org http://aparc.fsi.stanford.edu International peace, foreign relations Asia/Pacific relations The Carter Center Asia Society Atlanta, GA New York, NY www.cartercenter.org www.asiasociety.org Peace and human rights Asia relations Cascade Policy Institute The Aspen Institute Portland, OR Washington, DC www.cascadepolicy.org www.aspeninstitute.org State and local issues Leadership, non-profit Cato Institute Atlantic Council of the United States (ACUS) Washington, DC Washington, DC www.cato.org www.atlanticcouncil.org Public policy Foreign policy and relations Center for American Progress Atlas Economic Research Foundation Washington, DC Arlington, VA www.americanprogress.org www.atlasnetwork.org Nonpartisan public policy Public policy Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Ayn Rand Institute Washington, DC Irvine, CA www.cbpp.org www.aynrand.org Nonpartisan, federal budget Objectivism THE OFFICE OF PERSONAL AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT REYNOLDA HALL 230 • [email protected] • opcd.wfu.edu • 336.758.5902 Center for Defense Information (CDI) The Claremont Institute Washington, DC Upland, CA www.pogo.org www.claremont.org Military, security Conservative think tank Center for Immigration Studies Committee for Economic Development (CED) Washington, DC Washington, DC www.cis.org www.ced.org Immigration Economic and social policy research Center for International Policy (CIP) Commonwealth Institute Washington, DC Cambridge, MA www.internationalpolicy.org www.comw.org Foreign relations and human rights Public policy, security and defense, fiscal analysis Center for International Security and Strategic Studies Competitive Enterprise Institute Mississippi State University Washington, DC www.ciss.msstate.edu www.cei.org International relations Libertarian think tank Center for International Studies (CIS) Council on Foreign Relations Massachusetts Institute of Technology New York, NY Cambridge, MA www.cfr.org http:cis.mit.edu Foreign relations International relations Demos Center for National Policy (CNP) New York, NY and Washington, DC Washington, DC www.demos.org www.centerfornationalpolicy.org Non-partisan public policy Public policy The Development Group for Alternative Policies Center for National Security Studies (D'GAP) Washington, DC Washington, DC www.cnss.org www.developmentgap.org National security Development Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Discovery Institute Washington, DC Seattle, WA www.csis.org www.discovery.org Public policy Religion and culture Center for an Urban Future Drum Major Institute New York, NY New York, NY www.nycfuture.org www.drummajorinst.org City issues Equality Center of International Studies (CIS) East-West Center (EWC) Princeton University Honolulu, HI www.ciss.princeton.edu www.eastwestcenter.org World peace Regional studies The Century Foundation (TCF) EastWest Institute New York, NY New York, NY www.tcf.org www.eastwest.ngo Economic, political and social issues East/West relations, security CFED Economic Growth Center (EGC) www.community-wealth.org Yale University Washington, DC www.egcenter.economics.yale.edu Social equity, poverty Economic development 2 Economic Policy Institute (EPI) Heartland Institute Washington, DC Arlington Heights, IL www.epi.org www.heartland.org Economic policies Conservative and libertarian public policy Economic Strategy Institute (ESI) The Heritage Foundation Washington, DC Washington, DC www.econstrat.org www.heritage.org Economic strategies Conservative viewpoints of issues Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace Washington, DC Stanford, CA www.ebri.org www.hoover.org Employee benefits Education, politics, public policy Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC) Hudson Institute Washington, DC Washington, DC www.eppc.org www.hudson.org Bond between religion and public policy Public policy Federation of American Scientists Independent Institute Washington, DC Oakland, CA www.fas.org www.independent.org Science, technology, and public policy Public policy - social and economic Foreign Policy Association Information Technology and Innovation Foundation New York, NY Washington, DC www.fpa.org www.itif.org Foreign policy Tech policy Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Philadelphia, PA Princeton, NJ www.fpri.org www.ias.edu Foreign policy and relations Education through fundamental research Foundation for Economic Education Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS) Atlanta, GA Washington, DC www.fee.org www.iags.org Libertarian economic think tank Energy security Foundation for Rational Economics and Education Institute for Food and Development Policy TX (Food First) www.the-free-foundation.org Oakland, CA Libertarian www.foodfirst.org Food as human right Freedom House Washington, DC The Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc. (IFPA) www.freedomhouse.org Cambridge, MA International policy and human rights www.ifpa.org Foreign policy Goldwater Institute www.goldwaterinstitute.org Institute for the Future (IFTF) Phoenix, AZ Palo Alto, CA Conservative and libertarian public policy www.iftf.org Society, technology, and economy Group of 30 Washington, DC Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) www.group30.org Washington, DC International economics www.ips-dc.org Democratic policy studies 3 Inter-American Dialogue (IAD) Middle East Policy Council Washington, DC Washington, DC www.thedialogue.org www.mepc.org Foreign policy Middle East issues International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Migration Policy Institute Washington, DC Washington, DC www.ifpri.org www.migrationpolicy.org Food policy Migration James Madison Institute Mine Action Information Center Tallahassee, FL James Madison University www.jamesmadison.org http://maic.jmu.edu/ Free-market Landmine issues Japan Policy Research Institute (JPRI) Mises Institute Oakland, CA Auburn, AL www.jpri.org www.mises.org Japan relations Praxeology John Locke Foundation The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) Raleigh, NC Seattle, WA www.johnlocke.org www.nbr.org Economic, political, and social issues in NC Asian-Pacific policies Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Washington, DC Cambridge, MA www.jointcenter.org www.nber.org Public policy - political and economic Economic issues Latin American Network Information Center National Center for Children in Poverty University of Texas Columbia University http://lanic.utexas.edu www.nccp.org Links to many Latin America policy resources Low-income families League of United Latin American Citizens National Center for Public Policy Research Washington, DC Washington, DC www.lulac.org www.nationalcenter.org Civil rights Conservative issues The Manhattan Institute National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute New York, NY Washington, DC and other locations www.manhattan-institute.org www.thetaskforce.org Free-market Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues MDRC National Institute for Public Policy New York, NY Fairfax, VA www.mdrc.org www.nipp.org Education and social policy Public policy - international and security Mercatus Center Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development Arlington, VA Berkeley, CA www.mercatus.org www.nautilus.org Free-market Security and ecology development Middle East Institute New America Foundation Washington, DC Washington, DC www.mei.edu www.newamerica.org Middle East issues American renewal 4 North American Congress on Latin America, Inc. Reason Foundation (NACLA) Los Angeles, CA New York, NY www.reason.org www.nacla.org Classical-liberal idea, public policy Latin America relations Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies Northeast-Midwest Institute Johns Hopkins University Washington, DC www.reischauercenter.org www.nemw.org East-Asia issues Regional economic and environmental studies Research Triangle Institute (RTI) Open Society Institute Research Triangle Park, NC New York, NY www.rti.org www.soros.org Human conditions and technology Foreign and domestic public policy Resources for the Future (RFF) Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy (PRI) Washington, DC San Francisco, CA www.rff.org www.pacificresearch.org Environmental Public policy Roosevelt Institution Peterson Institute for International Economics (IIE) New York, NY Washington, DC www.rooseveltinstitute.org www.iie.com Liberal think tank International economic policy Russell Sage Foundation (RSF) New York, NY Population Council www.russellsage.org New York, NY Social sciences www.popcouncil.org Well-being and health School of Advanced International Studies Johns Hopkins University Population Reference Bureau www.sais-jhu.edu Washington, DC International studies www.prb.org Domestic and international
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