John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 11-9-1979 The aC rroll News- Vol. 63, No. 7 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 63, No. 7" (1979). The Carroll News. 615. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/615 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. IS, No. '7 November t, 11'71 The Carroll Nevvs John carroll University University Heights. Ohio 44118 Birkenhauer to assume Who's in Who's Who 35 students win national recognition diocesan post in July Thirty-five Carroll students have Joseph Pembroke, Milwaukee; Ju­ been named to the 1979 Who's Who by Cbril MWer dith Pentz. Bellville, 0 .; Ruth Porritt. Among Students in American Univer­ Traverse City, Mi.; Mary Ann Schll­ Rev. Henry F Birkenhauer. sities and Colleges this week. ling. Erie, Pa.; Mary Schnitzer, Cleve­ S.J. has been named Co-Dele­ land; Edward Sekerak. Cleveland; Ju­ gate for Religious for the Dio­ Students were selected on the basis liana Smiley, Cleveland; Mark cese of Cleveland by Cleve­ of academic excellence. leadership as Summers. Zanesville, 0 .; Lydia Vivac­ land Bishop James A. Hickey. evidenced by participation through qua. Williamsville. N.Y.; Kevln B. Fr. Birkenhauer. who an­ academic and extracurricular activi­ Whalen, Tampa. Fl.; Maureen Zadel. nounced his May 1980 resigna­ ties. citizenship and service to the uni­ Richfield, 0 .; Theresa Nigborowicz, tion as president of John Car­ versity. and potential for future Sharon. Pa. roll University last February, achievement. will assume his new office Tbe selection committee consisted July 1. 1980. of Dr. William O'Hearn. Assistant SAGA food fight His duties will include as­ Dean of the College of Arts and Sci­ sisting the various religious ences; Fr Joseph Zombor. S.J .. Assis­ may lead to sanctions orders in the diocese. consult­ tant Dean of the School of Business, ing between orders. counsel­ Mr. Kenneth DeCrane. Dean of Stu­ by Chuck Hoven dents. and four students. ing priests and nuns. and pre­ Last Saturday shortly before 6 p.m. paring reports for the Bishop All juniors a.nd seniors who have in the cafeteria, the normal steak din­ and the Vatican. earned a 3.0 commulative grade-point­ ner erupted into a massive food fight. An experienced counselor average were eligible for this award. An investigation is underway to deter­ as well as administrator here pending the extent of their other con­ mine who are the responsible parties for the past decade. Fr. Blr­ tributions to the Carroll community. involved in the food fight, and what kenhauer says that he is look­ possible disciplinary action can be ing forward with great antici­ All of the Carroll recommendations taken. pation to serving in his new were finalized by the Who's Who position. Gottron sald that Jim Rose. head Board. Resident at Pacelli Hall, and another Before accepting the ap­ The students are: resident assistant are working to gath­ pointment. Fr. Birkenhauer Dan Beringer. Akron; Gary Brosvic. er information and names for the food had to consult with Detroit Je­ Pittsburgh; Thomas Carr. Cleveland; service. "We will follow through and suit provincial F r. LaVelle Marty Conroy, Cleveland; Timothy forward names to the dean's office. aJlcl ~ntt for the appotDtment Cook. Jl"alrvtew, Pa.~ Mldulel DeSaadl. Prom tbeN.,. .., - wbat ia .... of his successor. Fr. Thomas Struthers. 0.; Terry Dinan, Tonan­ to happen," aald Gottron. P. O'Malley. anda. N.Y.; Rita Dollard, Detroit; Kel­ The primary concern in avoiding fu­ ly Ellis. Cleveland; James Etheridge, ture food fights concerns avoiding in­ Belley Vernon, Pa.; Kathleen Fitzger­ juries. These injuries include slipping ald. Cleveland; Beth Friedel, Cleve­ accidents and eye injuries. Guyon attorney urges public awareness land; Nicholas Gemma, YoungJtown. Rose and several other RAs ob­ served the food fight in person. Got­ by Colleen Broderick nities especially in the area of Alex Guerrieri, Yoqstown; Mary criminal law. tron was in the kitchen cooking steaks Stanley Tolliver. one of the lead­ Beth Hammer. Louiavllle. Ky.; Robert at the time that the food flgbt erupted. Tolliver was born in Cleveland in Kasper. Cleveland; Jeffrey LaPorte. ing black attorneys in the Cleve­ Gottron was able to reconstruct the land area. came to John Carroll this 1925. He went to college at Bal­ Olympia Fields. W.; Ann Mannion. Lynn. Ma.; Victoria McCauley, War­ start of the food fiibt based on hear­ week to discuss the various aspects dwin-Wallace on a track scholar­ say. He reported that two yoqladies of criminal law and his career as a ship and worked his way through ren. 0 .; Christine Miller, Cleveland; Shirley Novak. Pittsburgh; Anthony were flipping a roll back and forth, lawyer under the auspices of the law school. In 1953 he started gen­ when a member of one oreanlzation Afro-American Society here. eral practice in which he handled O'Malley. Rocky River. 0.; Thea Palm­ criminal cases in the ghetto. er. Cleveland. contlnaed on paae I Tolliver described the prejudice that he as a black man faced in the field of law and said that only re­ cently. with the advent of the Civil Dormitory still waiting for official name Rights amendments. discrimination is not as prevelant in the courtroom by Barry Hudgin to honor an individual. but against black lawyers, bowever. po­ Many students seem curious such a decision would have to lice corruption has hindered the over the fact that the resi- be made by John Carroll's process of law especlally in the dence hall opened in the fall Board of Trustees. black community. of !978 is s~ll without a name. Contrary to a persistent ru­ Questions durfne the session cen­ Yet. accordmg t«? W. Do~glas .mor. Bookwalter insists that tered around Tolliver's recent Bookwalter. Vtce-Prestdez:tt there is no price tag attached court case involving the Melvin for _Development. there 1s to a naming of a building. The Guyan incident. Tolliver stressed ~othing un~ual about .~ta be- New Dorm is not lacking a the fact that throughout the highly mg labeled New Dorm . name because no individual publicized trial unfair opinions Many buildings on the cam- has contributed a set amounl were formed because the media in­ pus have names w~ch.ar~ ~ot of money. rather. the decisi~>D formed the public of Guyan's state­ named after specif1c rndlVld· to name a building after an m­ ments before the trial. Presently, uals. such as the Administra- dividual is based on a combi­ the Guyan case is under appeal. tion building or the SAC nation of the individual's phil­ Tolliver encouraged would-be building. Furthermo_re .. Book- anthropy. service, and impact law students to not live up because walter noted that buildmgs on upon the university. iliit=c=~lilaWI of overcrowding in the law field many college campuses and stressed. "Respect for each oth­ throughout the nation carry Before 1969. the decision er unites. and racism divides. U one the label "new." regarding the naming of is interested in law one must love Only some of JCU's build­ buildings lay solely in the his country." He also pointed to the ings are named in honor of in­ president's hands. Since 1969. ·~""'''''"'~"·'«< fact that good attorneys are need­ dividuals. Any of the remain­ however. the Board of Trust­ ed. both black and white in the out­ ing buildings. including the ees has been entrusted with Althoa,dllt baa been atandlnl for over a year, the lying counties and smaller commu- New Dorm, could be renamed this power. neweat dormitory at Carroll ... yet to be named. Page! Tbe Carroll Newa, November 9, 19'79 LETTERS lHlS IS ~E fiKSf OC4\0N~TI()J Football car1oon uncalled for; a slap at players LV£: SEEN ~ CAMPuS ro the Editor· of JCU students have trav- gins with camp two weeks be- IN ~RS .. l believe the 1979 Carroll elled with the team to every fore the season begins. This News cartoonist and editor away game this year. Many means giving up two weeks of owe the Blue Streak football parents have also followed summer in which many guys 1 team an apology. The cartoon our team. Some come from as must sacrifice their jobs, time which appeared in the No- far away as Chicago, New Jer- spent with girl friends. or just vember 2 issue was tasteless, sey, and Columbus and never plain relaxation before the pointless. and showed an ex- miss a game school year begins Summer treme lack of school spirit and If parents can drive in from practice session consists of support for our football team. New Jersey every week, why two practices two and a half It demonstrated the apathy can't students walk across the hours each. and numerous that is present and is con- street to Wasmer field to meetings that occur during stantly being preached about catch the Streaks in action I these two weeks. at JCU. am one of the few students Interviews with Student that has not missed a game When the school year be­ Union members and members this year. Do not tell me about gins we practice for two hours of the student body are cc!"- apathy and do not publish sar­ a day. This does not include stantly brinine this severe castle cartoons until you too film sessions and weight case of apathy to Ught.
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