B j ø r n I n g m u n n S l e t t o Program in Community and Regional Planning School of Architecture 310 Inner Campus Drive Stop B7500 Austin, TX 78712-0222 512/853-0770 [email protected] E D U C A T I O N 2006 Ph.D. City and Regional Planning, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Dissertation: Burn Marks: The Becoming and Unbecoming of an Indigenous Landscape 1999 M.A. (Honors) Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Thesis: Landscape of Resistance: Reading, Producing and Representing the Nariva Swamp, Trinidad 1990 B.A. Journalism, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis H O N O R S A N D A W A R D S 2019 Provost’s Writing Fellowship, University of Texas 2016 Best Professor, Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas 2015 Best Class Project (Applied Research) Award, American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) national competition 2014-15 Faculty Research Assignment, School of Architecture, University of Texas 2011 Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in Latin American Studies 2011 Commencement Speaker, Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas 2011 Faculty Research Leave Award, Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas, supported by the Houston Endowment and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; fall semester 1 2010 Best Class Project (Applied Research) Award, American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) national competition 2010 Outstanding Teacher Award, School of Architecture, University of Texas 2009 Innovative Instructional Technology Silver Award, Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment (DIIA), University of Texas 2009 César Chávez Si Se Puede Community Service Award, People Organized in Defense of the Earth and her Resources (PODER), Austin 2009 Texas Exes Teaching Award, University of Texas Alumni Association, University of Texas 2008 Outstanding Service Award, School of Architecture, University of Texas 2008 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Faculty Fellowship in Latin American Studies, Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas 2005-2006 Mellon Foundation Fellowship in the Humanities, Cornell University 2004 Community Service Award, Municipio Gran Sabana, Venezuela 2003-2004 Geography Dissertation Improvement Research Award, National Science Foundation 2003-2004 Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship 2002 MacArthur Peace Studies Fellowship, Cornell University 2001 Mario Einaudi Pre-Dissertation Grant, Cornell University 2000 Olin Fellowship, Cornell University 2000 Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship (Portuguese), Cornell University 2000 Graduate Summer Fellowship, Cornell University 2000 Sage Fellowship, Cornell University 1999 Best Student Paper, Cultural Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers 1999 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Kansas 1998 Best Student Paper, Latin American Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers 1998 Best Student Paper, Cultural Ecology Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers 2 1998 Summer Fellowship, University of Kansas 1997 Inter American Foundation Field Research Grant 1997 Oppenheimer Memorial Fellowship, University of Kansas 1997 Pierre Stouse, Jr., Memorial Fellowship, University of Kansas 1997 Tinker Field Research Grant A C A D E M I C A P P O I N T M E N T S 2012- University of Texas at Austin Program in Community and Regional Planning, School of Architecture Associate professor 2007-2012 University of Texas at Austin Program in Community and Regional Planning, School of Architecture Assistant professor 2006-2007 University of Texas at Austin Program in Community and Regional Planning, School of Architecture Lecturer 2005 Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning Lecturer CRP 408: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 2004 Cornell University Department of Latin American Studies and Department of Romance Studies Lecturer LASP/ROM 302: Spanish Across the Disciplines Other Teaching 2017 Universidade Estadual do Maranhão-UEMA, Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil Instructor Graduate Course, “Leituras e praticas em planejamento internacional” 2002-2004 Kumarakapay, La Gran Sabana, Venezuela Instructor Introduction to Cartography 2001 Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning Teaching Assistant CRP 453/CRP 683, Environmental Dimensions of International Planning 3 1997-1999 University of Kansas Department of Geography Instructor Geography 105, Introductory Lab in Physical Geography 1996 University of Kansas Department of Geography Teaching Assistant Geography 100, World Regional Geography Geography 102, Introduction to Human Geography S C H O L A R S H I P Peer-Reviewed Publications N.d. Sletto, Bjorn. Landscapes of Care and Loathing: Informality, Performance, and the Place-ing of Insurgent Planning. Planning Theory. [Peer-reviewed; submitted January 2020]. N.d. Sletto, Bjørn, Gerónimo Barrera de la Torre, Alexandra Magaly Lamina Luguana, Davi Pereira Júnior. “Walking, Knowing, and the Limits of the Map: Performing Decolonial Cartographies in Indigenous Landscapes.” Social and Cultural Geography. [Peer-reviewed; submitted August 2019; 50% contribution]. N.d. Reyes, Ariadna and Bjorn Sletto. “‘I Built it With My Own Hands’: The Albañiles of Isidro Fabela, Heterogeneity of Informal Housing Quality, and Participatory Slum Upgrading in Mexico City.” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. [Peer-reviewed; submitted February 2019; 50% contribution]. N.d. Sletto, Bjorn, Marla Torrado, Christina Wirsching, Jane Winslow, Kristine Stiphany, Kristina Tajchman, Ariadna Reyes, Alejandra Reyes, Juan Yunda, Andrea Roberts, and Kwangyul Choi. “Demystifying Academic Writing in the Doctoral Program: Intertextuality, Learning Communities, and Scholarly Identities.” Planning Practice and Research [Peer-reviewed; submitted October 2018; 75% contribution]. 2020 Sletto, Bjorn, Alfredo Wagner, Joe Bryan, and Charles Hale, editors. Radical Cartographies and New Territorialities: Explorations from Latin America. Austin: University of Texas Press. Edited peer-reviewed book with indigenous authors focusing on participatory mapping and indigenous territoriality. [Accepted for publication; undergoing proofreading and design]. 2020 Yunda, Juan and Bjorn Sletto. “A Century of Zoning in Bogotá: Private Sector- Led Development, Uneven Densification and Social Polarization.” Cities 97 (February), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2019.102550. [Peer-reviewed; 50% contribution]. 4 2019 Van Meerbeke, Gabriel and Bjorn Sletto. “‘Graffiti Takes its Own Space:’ Negotiated Consent and the Positionings of Urban Artists in Bogotá, Colombia.” CITY, DOI: 10.1080/13604813.2019.1646030. [Peer-reviewed; 30% contribution.] 2018 Sletto, Bjorn, Kelly Strickler and Sam Tabory. “Sustainable Urban Water Management and Integrated Development in Informal Settlements: The Contested Politics of Co-Production in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.” Global Environmental Change, DOI 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.12.004. [Peer- reviewed; 50% contribution.] 2017 Juan G. Yunda & Bjørn Sletto “Property rights, urban land markets and the contradictions of redevelopment in centrally located informal settlements in Bogotá, Colombia, and Buenos Aires, Argentina. Planning Perspectives 32:4, 601-621, [Peer-reviewed; 50% contribution]. 2017 Sletto, Bjorn. “Community-based Mapping as Creative Disruption: Commentary to ‘Community Mapping and Participatory Action Research in the Simeto Valley in Sicily: an Account by Giusy Pappalardo.” Planning Theory & Practice 18 (1): 142-144. [Peer-reviewed]. 2017 Sletto, Bjorn. “Mapas y memoria en la Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela: La cartografía participativa y el rescate del territorio Yukpa.” Antropológica TOMO LVIII n° 121–122: 89–121. [Peer-reviewed.] 2016 Rodríguez, Iokiñe, Bjørn Sletto, Bibiana Bilbao, Isabelle Sanchez-Rose and Alejandra Leal. “A propósito del fuego: el dialogo de saberes y la justicia cognitiva en territorios indígenas culturalmente frágiles.” TRILOGÍA (Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad) 8(15): 97-118. [Peer-reviewed; 30% contribution]. 2016 Sletto, Bjorn. “Indigenous Mobilities, Territorialization, and Dispossession in the Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela: Rescuing Lands and Meanings in Hábitat Indígena Yukpa, Toromo-Tütari.” Geoforum 74: 117–127. [Peer-reviewed]. 2016 Sletto, Bjorn and Joshua Palmer. “The Liminality of Open Space and Rhythms of the Everyday in Jallah Town, Monrovia, Liberia.” Urban Studies 1-19, DOI: 10.1177/0042098016643475. [Peer-reviewed; 75% contribution]. 2015 Sletto, Bjorn and Anja Nygren. “Unsettling Neoliberal Rationalities: Engaged Ethnography and the Meanings of Responsibility in the Dominican Republic and Mexico.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39 (5): 965- 983. [Peer-reviewed; 70% contribution]. 2015 Sletto, Bjorn. “Inclusions, Erasures and Emergences in an Indigenous Landscape: Participatory Cartographies and the Makings of Affective Place in the Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela.” Environment and Planning D 33 (5): 925–944. 2015 Sletto, Bjorn and Omar Diaz. “Inventing Space in the Cañada: Tracing Children’s Agency in Los Platanitos, Santo Domingo.” Environment and Planning A 47 (8): 1680-1696. [Peer-reviewed; 75% contribution.] 5 2015 Sletto, Bjørn, Tania Dávila, Nathan Brigmon, Matthew Clifton, Rosario Rizzo, and Pamela Sertzen. “Lombricultura comunitaria y economías alternativas con enfoque de género en asentamientos informales.” Letras Verdes 17 (March): 86- 107. [Peer-reviewed; 75% contribution.] 2014 Sletto, Bjorn. “Protests
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