E a ‘ :,..s'> '■, W EDNESDAY, BIARCH 90, IM t r>TO U R lllattrl;^ist?r Sttifnitts ff^raGt AvanMi DaSy Naf Preaa Ron the Weather. ri T: Far Hie Week Haded Fereeait et D. 1. WeatlMr Baragi Advaittasmant M a n b l6.U 68 Guy Hobbs Otx of DaUaatdsm. Pk. Mannheatar iaaamWy, Mira. Mary Dunpby, wlw ion- Mrs. JuUua Strong of Hebron The polish American Club, 106 Home, 400, Main St., to pay re- dome in ths fMOt floor or tlia Caeertog, hrawiy and oold !»•- apeota to the late Mrs. Mary Aim ’ntety arssftajrinc at the laOonolM IMiSMw For Oirla, wHl ■ dudU a dancing achool at the Rd., Bolton, was elected and in­ Clinton St., will have an Open family night potluok Saturday at back. Parking la no proMem at Bight. Lew. to Hw 30s. Friday rat Town House and St. Joseph’s Day party McCulley, whose daughter, Mrs. Hotel. 13,966 ' ■ »i - ^ . Brltlah American CSub, haa been stalled as financial secretary, of 6:80 attheMSiaonloTemple. Bruce the Oonnactioat Bank, and Trust BMBtly uanny,- bncdy aad eauL ■ft! ■*■ ■'>; V ' ------ 1— invited to teach at an all-day Sunset Rehekah Lodgre Monday Satu'rday at 8 p.m, at the club­ Neal Chehey, la a member. rvOT^jiany on- Mhtn (Rrast. Tibs ItaBbM r o< tile A od li house. "The event is open to mem­ L4Mgue of Women Voters will Vkndexbrook wIM A ow sUdes cm laiglMMt ia the 40b. .‘^dk. tftMTdtf UoOm^m Clroto will study aeeaion dt the Boston CSiap- at a meeting at Odd Fellows Hall. •‘Western Holiday Tbur,” Ghl» either enttmnoe. Both doors ai« B n n a a of OlmilattdB bers and guests. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. meett tonight' at 8 at the home of Manch69ter— A City o f Village Charm iQiBorrow « t 8:18 p-m. at the ter at National Association of Mrs. Mabel Down of 1 Bow St. DoCVhs Roberta Jr., 35 Ray- May contact WorAy Advlaor Mias wide open to waloame you and to Dance and Affiliated Artists Sun­ viras installed as inside guardian of Gates of 60 Ansaldi Rd. are in M r s . -------- ------------- . - aerv* you wNb efficient banMnf oC^ifas. Frank / . AaSMar, San Juan, Puerto Rloo, this week, mond Rd., to discuss the Question IQmn Fertta, 3 Osrard Bt, for In- day. the lodge. The VFW Auxiliary will meet aervtoca. y m m ot. tonight at 7 at Holmes Funeral on a week’s trip sponsored by the of economic growth. formatloii. T O L . U KO. 14S (TWENTY PAGES); MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1968 .fOMMOed Adverltoing on Fage 18) PRICE FIVE CENT! m Fred M. Nlckles, 87 Mill St., is ----------------------------------- ^ now at Crestfield Convalescent Hospital, and would like to re­ SK 0IJIL this Tkureday, Fridiy. Saturday ceive visitors. , FDA Aide Says State NetvS The UtUe Theater of Manches­ ter will meet tonight at 8 at the Volcano Kills old tedmical school. School St. A Suspect Drugs program will feature the recogni­ OPEN THURSDAY Roundup Pleased JFK; MEN’S HALF SOlES tion scene from "Anastasia," with Ruth Rowley and Betty Lund- Off the Market A Q U A ilT Y berg; a monologue, "The Treas­ 9:30 to 9:00 PAA! 400 Balinese urer’s Report,” with Ben Shank- WASHINGTON. (AP) — Police Say Ten I .an, and Beverly and Lee Burton •OODYEAR in a dance exhibition. Food and Drug Commission­ j a ^ A k t a , In donesiafkito a lull. Laat Sunday K began Ban Scheme on spewing out rock and lava. er George P. Larrick says “WOUTP '(AP)— Bfdi island’s rampag- The civil defense spokesman three drugs which an FDA Aluminum Siding mg Agung volcano has kill^ said some 350,000 persona are be­ medical officer claimed had Report to Nation Set Personal Notices OPEN MONDAY THROUGH at least 400 pe^na, a spokes­ ing evacuated from an area 30 not been proven for safety man for the InobqeBian civil mUes around, the volcano, which HARTFORD (AP) — Ten the Balinese' consider the eenter "have been off the market defense organization said to- of the universe. for a long time.” men from out-of-state were LEATHER. »L75Reg. $2.50 to $2.75 In Memoriam S A T U R D A Y , 9:30 to 5:30! d ^ . And Larrick said In a state­ arrested today in connection In loving memory of our mother. Tons of lava and rock have Anna E. Wilson, who passed away file Bpdkeaman aald there wee spreaul death and destruction over ment Wednesday, the drug law with a high-pressure scheme Costa Rica March ao, 1968. an increasing threat of more vio­ a wide area. Thick clouds of vol­ passed by Congress last year will to sell aluminuni siding that "SHOE REPAIRING—SECOND TO NONE” lent eruptions from the 10,808-foot enable his agency to deal with The Wilson Family canic ash virtually blacked out the was described by State Police volcano In northeast Bali. sun over ports of Ball and dark­ such cases more effectively in Card Of Thanks President Sukarno had declared ened the w y over nearby populous the future. Maj. Samuel S. Rome us “ one Lauds Him In acknowledraent of the kindness, the tourlat-mecca laland a disaster east Java. Dr, John O. Nestor, medical of­ of the most vicious rackets thourhts, and deeds shown us during ■one. ficer for FDA Bureau of Medicine, HOUSE HALE our Dereavement in the death of our The spokesman said lava flows of its kind”— he has ever en­ &. It was not clear immediately beloved husband and father, we wish SPRING told the Senate Government Op­ SHOE BEPAHUNO SERVICE to thank Masonic L#odge No. 73. Iron Whether the Increased death toll have Isolated several areas to the erations subconunittee Wednesday countered. More arrests were In Sendoff Workers Local No.* 16. neighbors and waa due to new eruptions. Prevl- east and south of Agung. However, that the agency had permitted expected. trSE OUR OAK STREET ENTRANCE—Ml 8-412.1 friends. Grod Bless ail of you. eusly, officials had put the death the areas are accessible from the sale of at least three drugs— "Many homeownors stand a Mrs. Clarence Roach SALE! sea and boats u e being rqshed WASfflNGTON (AP) — Mrs. Warren Henderson toll at 160 or more. ElntoQuel, Mer-29 and Altafur— chance of losing their property be­ James Roach A Red Cross source said latest from nearby Islands to aid victims although preliminary data on cause of the activities of this President Kennedy, back in and evacuate threatened areas. of reports listed 130 known Injured. them did not substantiate Uieir group,” said the major, commsui- the White House after ^ / ' DRESS In view of the jump in the death Besaklh, the largest and most safety. der of the State Police Detective seven-nation conference xlii toll, the number of injured also sacred of Bali’s temples, is on the Nestor further testified that the Division. was expected to rise sharply. slope of Agung, but so far it is FDA dragged Its feet in pulling Eight of the men, described as Costa Rica, was described to­ MEN'S ALL-WEATHER The volcano erupted briefly Feb. reported undamaged. The temple two of them—Mer-29 and Altafur canvassers and salesmen, were day as highly pleas^ with Expert Fitting In Our Shoe Salon, main floor... 19, killing 17 persona, then lapsed Is the focal point of a 100-year —-off the market following Indica­ taken into custody after a 7 a.m. his latest mission to Latin ceremony which waa under way tions that they produced Injurious raid on a motel in Niantic where America. when Agung erupted. side effects. they had been making their head­ During the ceremony held once Aides said he vfAa delighted at The subcommittee headed by quarters. the rousing reception he got In THE WOMAN WHO LIVES IN Israel Asks each century, bones of the dead Sen. Hubert H. Hum];direy, All but one of these eight were are burned to cleanse the island San Jose as well as with the work D-Mlnn., resumes Its study of registered imder an assumed of the conference, which brought COATS and rid it of spirits. drug marketing safety procedures name. Major Rome said. about agreements to spur Western A SHOE... HAPPILY... IS THE SALE Germans Drop A large number of tourists are today. Two others were arrested In Hemisphere economic develop­ on Bali for the ceremony. Howev Larrick In his statement con­ Stamford where the company ment And counteract the spread er there have been no reports of ceded that the original drug ap­ which did the actual work Is lo­ of fabulous bargains :::: of subversion from Cuba. WOMAN WHO WEARS THE UAR Proiects any foreigners among the casual' plications criticized by Nestor cated. The President was catching, up Ifilii ties. Most of the tourists are stay "could have been done better." that would regularly eiiii Major Rome said members of oh miscellaneous work that piled BONK, Germany (AP) — Chan- Ing at Denpasar, the capital of But he noted that the FDA is the group falsely claimed they rep­ up during his absence, prior to Bali, about 40 miles southwest of bound by laws passed by Con­ W ON DER RUIVIR •ellor Konrad Adenauer’s govern­ resented a nationally-advertis^ reporting to the nation tonight OB sell for A g ^ . gress, tmd the cases cited by Nes­ aluminum company. the Costa Rican conference. ment is expected to tell Israel It Trhe Island Is just off the east tor occurred before Congress last n ie y would tell a prospective Shortly before Kennedy left ttie 10.99 to 17.99 qahnot prevent German rocket customer, he said, that the dwell­ Costa Rican capital of San Jose 17.99 (Oontinned on Page Bight) (Oonttoaed «SB Page Bight) ing had been "selected as a model late Wednesday, he announced be T iY f ecientists from working for the United Arab Republic because home” In a special advaHsing would open a 6 p.m.
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