Education, Freedom Higher Educational Driving Forces in Values at TCU - Escape from Reds First Sditorial See Page 5 The Skiff On Page 4 TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, FORT WORTH, TEXAS VOL. S7, No. 18 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1959 8 PAGES Debaters Host It's O K Now (v. National Teams Here Feb. 20-21 1 I.I. nl Mathen) i] 'he TCU debate squad, announced Sans Raincoat yesterday that plans have been completed for the TCU tavita- tional Debate Tournament to be A new Administration policy allowing women more held here rcb 2D ind 21 freedom in wearing bermuda shorts, pedal pushers and ■"I here «ill bt debate ti blue jeans was announced Tuesday night to Student Con- from about 25 to :m schools from as far away as South Dakota ' gress. Matheny said The pronouncement of the University's Personnel Staff 'I'h TCU teams ire la Abi- was contained in a letter addressed to Congress President lene today debating In the Abi- lene Christian I ollege D< Paul Youngdale, Beaumont, . : ——TTT ° ! which sports wear would not be Tournament Senior, from Dean of StU- permissible. Non - permissible The six men who II e debating dents Laurence C. Smith. I areas on campus included dormi- are hfeyei Sankay, Fort Worth freshman; Kaurie Maryanow, The revised policy permits ! in,^J°^y and Pf'or are as- and ... all buildings including theu Stu- Fort Worth sophomore Neil women to wear sports clothing , dent Cemer except Qn «.„,(„„, Weatherhogg, Roscoe lophomore; when walking between dormi-, when women wearing sports i.iiiin [aylor, Fort Worth lopho- tories and when they leave the clothing are decorating it. mure. Waller Webb. Pittsburg, campus to skate, play tennis, go ' Dr Smith's letter cited a need Kan . lophomoi e, and Hill Eng- horseback riding, bowling, pic- for agreement between students lish, Kike Jackson freshman nicing, boating and traveling, !and the Personnel Staff on "provided they wear skirts when ; standards of appropriate dress, entering and leaving dormitories ^_ MARK WILL and when they are in public places " The established ruling permit- HORSES, PROF, FALL YET ting wearing of sports clothing Ri i from dormitories to campus ten- NOT RAILROADS thai old record of > 899 I .- nis courts and to scheduled Uni- "And was my face red," said ibnis for i spi 1114 leme iter versity activities remains in ef- will topple ibis week as stu- fect. Dr. Comer Clay, professor of government, blushing as he re- dents continue to register dur- Dormitory hostesses may also ing this late period. grant individual special permis- lated an incident in a recent state government class. Noun tomorrow is the final sions. day for registration and Cum- Administration of the new poli- The class was noting simi- larities between constitutions lue tayi the mark undoubtedly cy and penalties for violators will will fall before then be determined by Dormitory of Texas and the U.S. "Take railroads, for exam- The old mark was set in th< Councils and approved by Dean spring of 1957 and last fall tb«< of Women Elizabeth Shelburne. ple," the professor drawled. • Our Texas constitution has a University had a record turn- Student Congress voted Dec out of 6.474 students 0 to submit to the Personnel provision for railroads. Now, what does the national consti- BEFORE AND AFTER Cunabie first predicted the Staff, a proposal presented by new total In excess of 5.900 the public relations committee to tution say about them?" Gay Walker, McKinney junior, models the bermuda The class pondered for sev- but a alack In the final regis- modify the former policy on worn shorts she'll be wearing legally to spring picnics. The tration in the Evening Col- en's sports wear, under which eral moments until a back row brain chortled, "There weren't skirt replaces her raincoat as the TCU coed's ticket to lege likely will find the new they could be worn only to the total Just over the 5.725 mark. tennis courts and to scheduled any railroads when the Consti- leave dormitories in sports wear—Skiff Photo by activities. tution was written." Harvey Little. The committee asked permis- Feb. 24 Flick Nite sion for women to wear sports clothing between dormitories, Features 'Tender Trap' while traveling and to picnics 41 Gals Signed Up and sports activities, but did not The next "Flick Nite" Is sched- provide for wearing skirts when uled for Feh 24, and the fi entering and leaving dormitories. will be 1 be Tcndei 11 ap" star- The proposal listed movies, ring Debbie Reynolds shopping, and eating in public Rush Activities Under Way 'I Ins will be the last movie in February, A few shows on the establishments as activities in Sorority Spring Rush with 41 I three contacts with any one 1 three hour limit on the party March calendar include The women participating officially group. Parties may not be given No sorority may give favors. K,nL, arl,| | "Giant," and V has begun Jon Tuesday, Wednesday or Sun flowers or gifts of any kind to yjcl, j„ |n,. Crowd." Cadets Honored; The party period of rush will day evenings. j the rushees The weekly event, sponsored continue from Feb. 9-20 Bids to join a sorority may be Any questions which either by the forums committee ,,f the Receive Ribbons Sororities participating are AI-1 extended only through the Pan-, tne sorority or the rushee may Activities Council, starts at 1; 45 pha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, Delta hellenic Council have may be taken to Miss Elba pm Admission charge is 20 Members of the ROTC Flying \ Delta Delta, Delta Gamma. Kappa There will be no limit on the beth Youngblood, social director cents Club were presented ribbons j Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta number of members allowed to ' Thursday for their interest and j phi and Zeta Tau Alpha attend each party ,but there is a achievement in the club. Cadet 1 A sorority rush orientation T Sgt Robert Treadaway, presi ' session Saturday morning opened dent of the flying club, presented ' the event which is a less formal Sen/or Featured CUPID SNAPS BOW the ribbons I affair than in the fall The awards are in blue, red I Rushees met delegates of nine Jpj y O/C© Recital and gray color combination and : Greek groups at a Panhellenic FOR VALENTINE DANCE were designed to distinguish the Tea Sunday in the Parlor of Col Miss Martha Pulliam, Fort Decorations will take on the usual red and white members from other cadets. The by D, Hall Dormitory, Worth senior, will give a voice cadets are granted membership ;. During the designated two j recital at 3 pm. Sunday in Kd theme. Extending from the center of the ceiling to in the flying club after they ! weeks of Spring Rush, a rushee j Landreth Auditorium the corners will be red silk drapes with a paper maclu have logged a certain number of j may accept invitations from as j Included in her recital pro- cupid suspending from the middle of the room. Two flying hours. t many sororities as she desires, gram will be "0 del nno doles ardor" by Gluck, "Per Pieta" by heart mobiles will add a modern touch to the event. Stradella, "Desejo" by Villa I/i- A Valentine dance for all who are young at heart, bos, "Versrhwiegen I.iebe" by 1959 Greek Week Vetoed Hugo Wolf and "Cadlis" by will be held in the Student Center Ballroom tomorrow Strauss night. It is the first dance of the spring semester. The Panhellenic Council, vot the University and the non-Greek Admission is free to the public lng 7 3, has vetoed the Interfra- | public During the dance, each girl will receive a number ternity Council's plans for a Included in this three-day peri- to wear. Judges will select several finalists, and finally Greek Week this Spring J od would have been a banquet. HW Chairman Chosen The sororities suggested the 1 workshops with discussions on I^irry Montgomery, Fort Worth a queen. Her presentation will be the highlight of tha event be postponed until next I various problems of fraternities junior, was elected 1959 Howdy evening. year since no money was provid and sororities, an all Greek for Week Chairman by Student (on ed to finance it this year I mal dance, discussion panels be- gress Tueslay The dance is scheduled to last from 8 pm. until The IFC had been planning thp ' tween Greeks and independents, '\ Montgomery was nominated by 12 midnight and the Cosmopolitans, a 14-piece band, event since the fall of 1957 and a service project and faculty cof- President Paul Youngdale and will provide the music. wanted it to become an annual fees in each of the chapter rooms elected by acclamation. affair The IFC will continue to plan Horace Griffitts, Hieo senior, Admission Is one dollar per person and dress will The purpose of Greek Week is a future Greek Week but now was 1958 chairman of Howdy be semi-formal. to establish better relations with will concenrate on spring rush. I Week. Peg* 7 T H I IKIM Friday, F.bruary 13. 1959 Bus Trip Planned for Rice Game DUH, WHAT'S A bui has been chartered by Busses to later games will be WITH THE GREEKS Student Congress for the Rice hired if the first is suco MY NUMBER? basketball game Thursday Simpson indicated ZZZZ= By BETH MORRIS . The bus will leave the Student Mrs Fred Yockstick. Center at 7 15 p m for Public — ■— >r of Till Pott Schools Gymnasium It will re- <HI<>*H.\ member! and Ray Farrir Wan freshman requests that student* iearn turn to the campus after the their box number and I ■» 'he hi rted 'he ootstandinf game Round trip price is 30 nation in order to facilitate .1 pledge of (he Sig Ep pledge class cents THE OFFICIAL S pm tonight which will be i.n r\ I.H r\ DKLTA delivery of mail and also save Student body trip committee the student s time.
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