EN KAISER OTTO PREIS 2017 KULTURSTITUNG KAISER OTTO MAGDEBURG Commemorative publication celebrating the conferral of the Emperor Otto Prize Imprint of the City of Magdeburg Published by: City of Magdeburg, Office of the Mayor Edited/designed by: Office of the Mayor, Press and Public Relations team on Federica Mogherini Picture credits: City of Magdeburg, E. Göbel p. 1, V. Kühne p. 4, A. Lander p. 5, approved by HRVP p. 6, U. Steinmetz p. 16 Printed by: Grafisches Centrum Cuno GmbH & Co. KG, Calbe 17 October 2017 Programme Musical prelude In recognition of Award 1st movement (Allegro) from: Concerto for three oboes, three violins the work of Ceremony and continuo, B flat major, TWV 44:43 Federica Mogherini Programme Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) Welcome address Dr Lutz Trümper, Mayor of the City of Magdeburg Magdeburg, the capital of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, awards the Emperor Otto Address Prize in recognition of those who have Dr Reiner Haseloff, made an outstanding contribution to- Minister-President wards promoting the European idea and of the State of Saxony-Anhalt the process of European unification. After being presented on the first five occasi- Aria ons to prominent international figures and Ombra mai fù, F major, from the opera: great Europeans, the 2015 prize went for Serse (Xerxes), HWV 40 the very first time to an institution: the George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) Organization for Security and Co-operati- on in Europe (OSCE). This year, the Emper- Laudatory speech or Otto Prize is awarded to Federica Mo- gherini. Presentation of the award to Federica Mogherini The High Representative of the EU for Fo- High Representative of the European Union reign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Mogherini, is a dedicated politician and Vice-President of the European Commission a staunch European. Precisely because of the challenging times we live in, she has Entry in the Golden Book of been a thoughtful advocate of cohesion the City of Magdeburg and the continued evolution of the Euro- pean Community, in the course of which Speech by the prize-winner she has made a name for herself as a Federica Mogherini strong voice in Europe and a promoter of European values. Musical finale 3rd movement - Tempo di menuetto: The decision as to who should be the re- Allegro from: Concerto for trumpet, two oboes, cipient of the seventh Emperor Otto Prize strings and continuo in D major, FWV L:D1 of the City of Magdeburg was made by Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688-1758) the prize committee on 25 October 2016. This year the prize will be presented on Performed by: 17 October 2017 at a ceremony by the Chamber singer Undine Dreissig (mezzo-soprano) tomb of Emperor Otto the Great in Magde- Chamber ensemble of the Magdeburg Phil- burg Cathedral by the city’s Mayor, Dr Lutz harmonic Trümper. Conductor: Yoichi Yamashita 2 3 Address Address Dr Lutz Trümper Dr Reiner Haseloff Mayor of the City of Magdeburg Minister-President of the State of Saxony-Anhalt The state capital of Saxony-Anhalt can than 1,000 years ago. The importance of Emperor Otto the Great was one of the built bridges, and has made a contribution look back not only on a very colourful his- Emperor Otto I to the development of a historic figures who had a lasting impact towards containing conflicts and protec- tory which stretches back more than 1200 shared European history and culture is still on a changing Europe. The importance of ting human rights around the world. Her years, but also on a roll-call of prominent evident today. In keeping with this traditi- the role he played in the gradual emer- commitment to peace, freedom and de- individuals who have had a lasting influ- on, the Emperor Otto Prize should not only gence of a shared culture of history and mocracy deserves the greatest respect. ence not only on the city’s own fortunes, remind us of the great debt of gratitude memory on our continent should not be but also on European development and which we owe to its namesake; above underestimated. In the fragile world we live in today, Euro- culture. all, it should pay tribute to those of our pe’s responsibilities are greater than ever. contemporaries who are dedicated to the Since 2005, the City of Magdeburg has The challenges we face are immense. There is no doubt that the city’s greatest European idea and to promoting under- awarded the Emperor Otto Prize to indivi- Europe can only tackle the many crises proponent and pioneer was Emperor Otto I. standing between the peoples of Europe. duals and institutions that have promoted ahead if our people present an ever more He elevated this city on the Elbe to the the European idea and served the process united front. Peace, security and prospe- rank of a European metropolis and laid the In awarding the 2017 Emperor Otto Prize of European unification. By honouring Fe- rity require a concerted effort on our part. foundations of modern Europe back in the to Federica Mogherini, the High Represen- derica Mogherini, the High Representative That is the European way. It builds on the early Middle Ages. But time and again th- tative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Se- of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security lessons of history, and on generations of roughout the course of history, Magdeburg curity Policy, we are paying tribute to the Policy, the City of Magdeburg is paying tri- experience. The European Union is a force has served as a shining beacon which has contribution she has made to stability in bute this year to an outstanding politician with a part to play in shaping global soci- precipitated progress in large areas of pre- Europe. She has skilfully initiated consul- and dedicated European who has made a ety. And Federica Mogherini supports its sent-day Europe. Thus when municipal law tations on the EU’s future neighbourhood name for herself as a strong voice in Eu- right to do so as a strong, self-confident was in its infancy, Magdeburg Law became policy, brought to a successful conclusion rope and an active promoter of European Europe we can all believe in. She is a con- a role model for eastern and southeastern the negotiations with Iran on the limita- values. vinced and convincing European. Europe, and as ‘Our Lord God’s Chancery’, tion of its nuclear programme, called for Magdeburg was for many years one of the the deployment of the navy in the Medi- Federica Mogherini has campaigned for centres of the Reformation. terranean to save the lives of refugees, European integration ever since she em- Dr Reiner Haseloff and acted to combat people smuggling. In barked on her political career. She has set When the ‘Otto City’ of Magdeburg awards so doing, her consistent and courageous new standards to aspire to as a hard-wor- the Emperor Otto Prize in recognition of foreign policy has earned a high level of king member of the Italian Parliament, as those who have made an outstanding recognition for the EU as a European pea- Foreign Minister, and as the High Repre- contribution towards promoting the pro- ce project and community of values. Such sentative of the European Union for For- cess of European unification, the historic a commitment to the European idea and eign Affairs and Security Policy. She has foundations for this are to be found in to the future of Europe is more important our city’s history and in its bond with Otto now than ever. the Great. One of Europe’s great founding fathers, he was laid to rest in the high chancel of Magdeburg Cathedral more Dr Lutz Trümper ‘Emperor Otto Prize for outstanding services’ 4 Emperor Otto Prize of the City of Magdeburg awarded to Portrait Federica Mogherini Federica Mogherini High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini was born in Rome European Socialists, and from 2001 was Europe between 2008 and 2013, Secre- Vice-President of the Political Committee. on 16 June 1973. She is a European po- a member of the Political Committee of tary of the Defence Committee, and a On 22 February 2014, Federica Mogherini litician from Italy, and since 1 November the Democrats of the Left. In 2008, Fe- member of the Committee on Foreign was appointed Italy’s Minister of Foreign 2014 has occupied the post of High Re- derica Mogherini was elected to the Itali- Affairs. From 2013 to 2014 she hea- Affairs. She was only the third woman to presentative of the EU for Foreign Affairs an Chamber of Deputies for the first time ded the Italian delegation to the NATO hold this post, and the youngest by far. and Security Policy, as well as Vice-Presi- as a Democratic Party candidate, before Parliamentary Assembly and served as dent of the European Commission. being re-elected in 2013. On 2 August 2014, the Italian Prime Mi- nister Matteo Renzi formally nominated She has held many political offices and In terms of her parliamentary role, her Federica Mogherini as Italy’s candidate positions since graduating in political responsibilities have included being a for the post of High Representative of the science. From 1999 to 2001, for instan- member of the Italian delegation to the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. ce, she was Deputy Chair of the Young Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of On 22 October 2014, she was elected by the European Parliament to serve in her current function, along with the other members of Juncker’s Commission.
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