MARY CHENEY U BRAR'i BATDSDAT, AUGUST T, 1M< tAUE TWELVE lEo^nins Ifi^raUk AMTHfS IkUjr N«t ProH R n .N m i Bwr m aamm et M y im s babes In arms, funnelbd Into “wolf in sbssp’s dothing,“ but ^ th Spruce street via Bast Center. For ths wrong people one may be coo- To Sail for Europe Soldiei^s Body A b ou t T ow n fully fifteen miutes or more dur­ demnsd, piuhed aside and forgot­ D m to flhiMii^ Joha 8. 9 ,3 3 9 Heard Along Main Street ing the full fury of the storm, peo­ ten. Wliito will tfoeoiitfaiM Uo ple stampeded down both sides as During the next two yeara H ere T uesday • Ccrporml and Mra. Donald Wood- And on Some of Manche$ter*» Side Sfr«ef«« Too well as the middle of this street, to 302,000 European refugees wW egg roBto BBtil fartlMT ro> i'f of Penna)hranla aro apandlng their homes or cars parked along flow into the united States, accord­ Mmtehaatar-^'A City o f VUtaga Charm elr lioneynnoon at the home of tieo. both sides, bumper to bumper, as ing to President Truman’s recent Hebron Youth to Arrive Kr. and Mn. Kenneth Reynolds of On top of other troubles beset-^ week. Preceding him at the par­ far as one could see. Many took report. pRioiPdinr( BucMand riace. Mra. Reynolds Many of them will arrive into AdeerIMpg am Page 19) MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 9,1948 (TWELVE PAGES) ting home gardeners, a new one i cel post window was a man well advantage of the call of one of the At the Local Railroad y O L , LXVn„ Ko. 264 rla the aiater of Corp. Woodniff.has developed this week, accord- ; past the bloom of youth who, after home owners near Ekist Center, this country with a Jiigh purpose, Corn, and Mra. Woodruff were Ing to a local grower. He says mailing several parcels, bought whose large L shaped veranda believing that the opportunity to Station nariled July 11 in Carlisle, Pa., at Uiat he has noticed a green aphis- ; stamps for letters he had in his soon protected some thirty or for­ make good will now become possi­ the home of the bnde'a parents. ble. iniey will separate at Ellis FENDER AND BODY like insect on his com thaM s do- ; hand. Llcjcing the stamps and ty persons from getting wetter if The body of Pvt Arthur Mau- Corp. Woodruff is a Jude Instructor ing considerable damage. This in pasting them on the envelopes, that was possible. At this point Island to trek North, South, East ■tationed at M. P. school at Carlisle and West to find their homes. sect, he says, tackles the com at while The Herald staff member let it be stressed that getting wet­ ride K8efe of Hebron who was WORK Reports Russians Perlo Says He Never For all of them there will be harracks. They plan to reside in the base of the tassel, near the was having his wants attended to, killed in action oo July 11, IMS Manchester when he is discharged. ter was not as important as pos­ new, experiences, successes and two small leaves usually found the letter-mailer inquired of the sible safety, as we shall soon see. during the invasion of Sicily, will S oUb m m ani Ptagf. be. there. The pests multiply rapidly postal employe: failures. Only a few minqtes had lapsed The man in the wicker chair arrive at the Manchester railroad Miss Rosemary and Miss Louise and unless one looks closely they ‘‘Do you think these three old after the last of rain-soaked station Tuesday evening, August ladles will object to me kissing came here when he was 17 years Digging Trenches Palller, of 14 Middle Turnpike I are Indiscernible. He is killing mob had cleared thA. street amid of age; he did not become wealthy 10, and will be taken to the W. P. West, have returned home after them with the usual sprays but them ?” . the terrific thundeK lightning Violated U. S. Qtilsfa Funeral Home at 22S Main says if he had not noticed them The stamps he had bought car­ or famous but I think he gave a ^>endlng a vacation on Cape Cod. j fiashes, and rain laahmg, when part of himself to America. street Friends may call at the in time it would have been too ried on the face the likenesses of lightning struck a tree diagonally funeral home on Wednesday be­ late as the com would have been three women. From the philatel­ He sacrificed all he had to bring Mr.' and Mrs. Francis Hart of across the street, in full 'vl^ of up his children in an American tween the hours o f 10 a. m. and At Border^ Points Chestnut street left today for a advanced so far. the spray might ist son of another Herald employe these thirty or forty bewildb^d, 10 p. m. Alice Cofran we have learned that the stamps way and what man could do more? two weeks’ \-acation to be spent have injured the com itself. momentarily blinded, but wiber His is an old story, perhaps The body will then be taken to Raps Charges Made in Maine. ■ Home gardeners here abouts commemorate ‘‘one hundred years beings. I:^*I the strike come V the home of Maurice Keefe, the Readinga Dtdly of progress of women,” from 1848 typical o f hundreds of others, but British'LJcBnsed BwUn E h VOVS have surely been getting the bad few minutes earlier there is no father of the dead soldier, in He- to 1948. Those pictured on the 'when the final chapter closes, 1 169 Charch St. Hartford The price o f grass seed has taken breaks this summer. First, a cold, telling what the toll would have know we can say, “Thank you, boon where friends may call from Newspaper Also Says ^ wet spring retarded planting. stamps were Elizabeth Stanton. been, as thousands ran along be­ TclephoiM 6-2024 a Jump, according to local land­ Carrie Catt and Lucretia Mott. Frttier.” 10 a. m. Thursday until the hour Self-Teamed Ex-Cobi- scape gardeners. Grass seed was Then when warm weather did ar­ neath the trees instead of seeking \ Sincerely yours, of the funeral at 9 a. m. Friday. Weapons Now Bei^ E nter K rem liii rive and the plants were starting Our philatelist Informant con­ Rev. (Maries O. Jehnsoa mnnifit Spy RepenU ■elling for 40c a pound a few cludes: “ First convention was held safety. How many reading this, Josephine Hills The requiem mass wlU be cele­ Mounted; No Confirm* Police Find No Trace months ago and has now been to grow, along came a hail storm passed this spot that night not 181 Sumh^t street brated at 10 a. m. Friday at St. which shredd^ the plants. Many in 1848 and these three dames Rev. Charles O. Johnson, pastor Testimony Former Of- r a i ^ to 81c a pound. formed a set of resolutions which knowing what happened a few mo­ Andrew's church in Colchester. In­ ation from Ameri- To Talk Again had to replant their whole garden. ments later, right in their very emeritus jof the First Congrega­ terment will be in the family plot Then came the extended hot spell. were adopted at the convention. We chanebd to see a letterhead fifdal Headed One of footsteps. How many foolishly of the local C w Fellows lodge the tional church in South Coventry, in St Peter’s cemetery, Hebron. c a n Border Officials O f Russian' Teacher Rudolph Heck and family*of As a result, crops, for the most They Were the pioneers of Ameri­ who now resides at Manchester INSURE ■oUister street left today for a can woman suffrage.” did the same thing in other parts other day and Um noted that it Pvt. Keete is also survived by Two Groups Pasdng part are away behind schedule. of town. Keep away from trees Green is to make his 11th Atlantic Ulth Smith Leads Proeei> week's \’acation along the north For instance, tomatoes were in gave as the adwess of the Odd his mother, Mrs. Owen Donahue Bdrlin, Aug. 9.— (ff)— The Secrets to Reds; ‘Ex­ when lightning is close. Fellows building as crossing when he sails for Europe of Hartford. MeRINNBY RROTHKRS sion into Russian Neva Jersey Authorities, r ir O T I ■bore and Cape Cod in Mas.sachu- mass production last year about In defense of midget auto rac­ August IS on the steamer Grips- . British - licensed newspaper ■etts. August 11. This year at this ing the following reaches ds; ter streets. We Would consider He attended schools in Hebron Real Estate aad (miarance tremely Likely’ Oth­ the Odd Fellows buildmg as being holm out of New York. Telegraf said today the Rus- Seat of Governments Check WhUe Russian time there is heard on all sides: “ I Dear Heard Along, There is an angle in this busi­ and was a graduate of Windham 6M MAIN (IT. T K I. MOO picked my first tomatg today.” ness of picking people up — boy located at Main and Eaist Onter On this trip. Rev. Johnson will High school in WUlimantlc. He flians are digging trenches er Groups During Wtur Miss Gloria Sapienza, o f 81 Would you please put this in streets. Of course, it is difficult To Call on , Molotov Farm for Samarin, Forecast Big; Autumn street, is spending a two That generally .means that it will your paper in the next edition.
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