February 6, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E145 Women’s Christian Association which was or- itol Hill, but with a young child, I can certainly community colleges. Together with her hus- ganized in 1870 by Black women in South understand the desire to lead a more normal band and business partner, she ran Bay Cities Philadelphia. The mission of the Colored life. Again, I thank Jon for his service, wish Beauty Supplies, an entrepreneurial enterprise Women’s Christian Association was to provide him the best in his future, and hope to see focused on hair care products for African residential living in a Christian environment for him in public service again. Americans. Furthermore, her trailblazing expe- young, newly freed Black women coming from f rience as a woman and minority business the rural south and seeking jobs in Philadel- owner led her to a path of advocacy that phia. In 1912, after more than 40 years of pe- TO EXTEND THE PAY LIMITATION would pave the way for countless others to fol- titioning, it was accepted as a branch of the FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS low. Philadelphia Young Women’s Christian Asso- AND FEDERAL EMPLOYEES For more than 20 years, Mrs. Allen has ciation, YWCA. been Owner and Principal of The Allen Group, SPEECH OF The SWBCA was a hub of community activ- LLC, (TAG) a project and construction man- ity and offered a variety of programs including HON. BETTY McCOLLUM agement firm committed to advocating on be- poetry, music and dance. It housed an Olym- OF MINNESOTA half of minority businesses in the engineering- pic-sized swimming pool, a gymnasium and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES construction industry. She is a stalwart leader meeting rooms available for use by civic in the development of minority, woman-owned Wednesday, February 1, 2012 groups. and disadvantaged business enterprise pro- Ultimately the branch became an inde- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise in grams, and has been a consultant developing pendent, non-profit organization. The SWBCA opposition to H.R. 3835, a bill that represents agendas to empower architects, engineers is well respected for its leadership in support more of a political stunt by Republicans than and construction contractors in this field since of the advancement of Black women long be- an honest way to address the shared sacrifice 1971. She and TAG have held management fore the desegregation of national women’s or- needed across the Federal Government in roles in large-scale, complex projects that ganizations. these difficult fiscal times. Members were not have been critical to the future of sound Bay Mrs. Garrott was involved with the YWCA allowed to consider a bill offered by Rep- Area infrastructure. movement from an early age. As a child she resentative CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, H.R. 3858, Among her many accolades, LaVerda Allen took part in the many programs at the that would have prevented members of Con- has received an Honorary Doctorate Degree SVVBCA and as a teenager she taught swim- gress from receiving an automatic pay raise in from the Graduate Theological Union in Berke- ming and tennis. She was later named Direc- 2013. I would have voted in favor of that bill. ley. She is an active and prominent member tor of the Health and Physical Education De- With so many Americans still looking for work of myriad organizations advocating for the partment. Throughout her decades long ca- and struggling to pay their bills, it is only fair rights of children and the mentally ill. She co- reer, she served in many administrative ca- and right that members of Congress put their authored the Nation’s first Affirmative Action pacities, not only at the SWBCA but also at needs first. However, Republicans chose to tie program that called for minority participation YWCA’s across the Nation. Today she is a re- our salary freeze with those of Federal em- by craft, has served on the San Francisco vered matriarch who is nationally and inter- ployees. Previously, they had not been linked. Human Rights Advisory Committee, and was nationally recognized for her contributions in I regret that House Republicans thought it was instrumental in the passage of the San Fran- support of the mission and goals of the YWCA more important to score political points than cisco Minority and Woman Owned Business and her beloved community. showing the American people that Members of ordinance in 1988. She was a cofounder of Mr. Speaker, I ask that you, and my other Congress on a bipartisan basis support the the National Association of Minority Contrac- distinguished colleagues join me in recog- existing Congressional pay freeze. Such ac- tors, served as the chair of the Berkeley chap- nizing Mrs. Anne Marquess Garrott and the tions only serve to deepen the cynicism of ter of the National Association for the Ad- members of the Southwest Belmont Commu- Americans who have grown increasingly fed vancement of Colored People Education and nity Association for their many years of serv- up with the polarization of Congress. Labor Committee during the civil rights move- ice. f ment, and was a board member of the Berke- f ley Chapter of the American Civil Liberties HONORING MRS. LAVERDA O. Union. RECOGNIZING JON TRAUB’S ALLEN PUBLIC SERVICE Therefore, on behalf of California’s 9th Con- gressional District, Mrs. LaVerda O. Allen, I HON. BARBARA LEE salute you for your amazing achievements and HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK OF CALIFORNIA on this remarkable milestone. Thank you for OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES your many continued contributions to equality, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, February 6, 2012 prosperity and justice in our communities. I Monday, February 6, 2012 wish you much more success, happiness and Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise well-being in the coming years. And, once pliment a staff member for years of service to today to congratulate and honor Mrs. LaVerda again, Happy Birthday. the U.S. Congress. O. Allen as she turns 80 years old. On behalf f Last week, Jon Traub ended his service as of our diverse Bay Area community, I would the Staff Director for the Majority Staff of the like to personally wish Mrs. Allen a very happy PERSONAL EXPLANATION Committee on Ways and Means. He’d spent birthday surrounded by family, friends, col- five years in this role working for both Chair- leagues and community leaders. Her efforts to HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. man CAMP in the majority and Ranking Mem- advance equal education and work opportuni- OF MICHIGAN ber McCrery in the good old days when ties for women and people of color have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Democrats controlled the House of Represent- spanned over 6 decades. Mrs. Allen is truly an Monday, February 6, 2012 icon in the African American community, and atives. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, on December Whether Democrat or Republican, I hope all the broad reach of her influence continues to 17, 2010, I regret that I was not present to Members of Congress recognize the important touch communities, both near and far. vote on H.R. 306, H.R. 1162, and H.R. 2606. contributions our staffs make. In general, they A long-time Oakland and East Bay resident, Mrs. Allen moved to Oakland with her family Had I been present, I would have voted work longer hours than we do, they get more ‘‘yea’’ on all bills. into the details of policy-making, and we count in 1943. After graduating early, with honors, on them to make us look good. from Oakland Technical High School, she at- f In his time at Ways and Means, I always tended the University of California, Berkeley IN HONOR OF ROSA PARKS found Jon to be a straight shooter. We didn’t and San Francisco State University, where often agree on policy, but I always knew he’d she received a B.A. in Social Work and an HON. LAURA RICHARDSON M.A. in Education Administration. During her give me a straight answer when I asked him OF CALIFORNIA early career as an educator, Mrs. Allen helped a question and I always knew he had the con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fidence of the Chairman so I could count on to develop curriculum throughout the Berkeley his answer being correct. Unified School District and Peralta Community Monday, February 6, 2012 I wish Jon the best in his future endeavors. College District. She also assisted in devel- Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise I’m always sad to see good people leave Cap- oping the first financial aid program for state today to pay tribute to the late Rosa Parks, VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:21 Feb 07, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.011 E06FEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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