

DECLASSIFIED ·""'""- .. , ... Serial if(_ ;-,~'..Ji..J'-) 16•) Copy I .of 10 Copies BT 0065-69 I-IEABQUAHTERS 2nd Ba.tt.ilion ; 2.6·C11 lfa"t":incs, (Rein) 9th harine Amphibious til"igade, l'UF · .F?O San Francisco1 966o2 3/HHH/wel 5750 1 April 1969 · ... .._. From: Commandihg Officer To: COiiUilatldirtg G«teral1 Ninth Marine Nnphibious Brigade, FNF Via: .Con1Ilailding Officer, 26th Ha.rine Regiment Subj; Command Ohrotiolog,v for the period 11-'larch to 31 liiarch 1969 R~: (a) HCO 5750.2! (b) l'HFPACO 5750.8.4 (c) BrigO 5750i1C (d) HegtO 5750~ 1 Dlcl: /( 1) Battalion Landing Team 2/26 Comrtland Chronology ·1. In accordance \·lith the provisions ot reference (a.), (b), (c) and (d), enclosure (1) is submitted herewith. DISTlUBUTIOl~: CG, 9th HAB 01-Q2 CTG 79.4 03..06 CO, 26thHar m-os S&C F:i.les 09-10 ,• e. ~ ~- "' ~ .:.0 ' DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ·',.. •' . .~.. ... _ .. --'-~-......C... ' ....... ; FI-L ::>a:~ i'rancisco, 96602 3/EI-IT-I/wel 5750 1 April 1969 1 harch to 31 Uarch, 1969 INDEX O.iM,~."UL:.ii.TION.AL DJt"fA P.t'UIT II PA~tT Ill J..I:::>TIHG OF SIGNIFIC.<":.. NT EIT'"hJTS PAU'l' IV ,I ·.t DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ·~ e • Battalion :~1ding Team 2/26 LtCol EDHO!'JDSOH, Jr. 1-31Hnr 2nd Ri.ttalion, 26th Harines LtGol EDliONDSON, Jr. 1-31lla.r SUBORDliTi~TE UHITS II&S Cor.rpany ·· ..... F Coupn11.y G COLlPc:>.ny Hort B"0ry, 1stBn, 12thll".l' ( CI-ICrrED 31 £:arch 1969) tsti-·lt (Rein)_, Co 1114 11 , 5th Engr.Eh (2ndi'lt (11c:i.n), Co ucrr, 3rdFngrBn) (Fo~o~ Dcs;gnction) 1st Clearing l?lt (HoL"'l), Co 1iDtr, 5"i;h HcdBn {CllOr-i'ED 31 f.i..'U'ch 1969) 2ndl'lt (i?.oin) Co 11 .{~ 11 , 5th lfi'Bn ( 2ncJ.r·lt, (Rein), Co HC u, 3rd }~{['Bn) (Former Designation) 11 2ndi J:t. (Hcin) 1 Co ..:}.!1 1 5th SPlh ( 2nc.1Plt (Rcl.n), ;:re;S co, 3rd .5I'Bn) (Former Designation) 11 3rd:Plt (Rein) 1 Co H.l 1 5th ~'kBn (4t.bi'lt (Rein), Co Hi,.H, 5t.h TkBn) (Former Designation) Dot, xnBn) 5·~hl-iarDiv (l[c Is) ( CHOI-'PED 31 Hc.rch 1969) (vet, HqBn, JrdHc.rDiv) (Former Designation) Dot, W!Bn, 5t.hHarDiv (rostu) (CHOirEi) 31 liarch 1969) (Dot, HQBn, 3rcUU..rD:Lv) (Former Designation) 2· Enclosure ( 1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • Dct, · HCll)n, 5th 1-IurDiv (Disbursing) (CHOI'I'Iill 31 Harch 1969) (Dct, HQ.Bn, Jrcl HarDiv) .(Fornor Dcsit;nntion) Dct, K1Dn, 5th LlarDiv (Photo) ( CHOPj,jEJJ 31 J.Iv.:,:·ch 1969) ( Dct., HQBn, 3rd HarDiv) (Forrnor Designation) Dot, HQCo, 26th Har (Radio llolay) (CHOPPED 31 liarch 1969) (CHOPPED .31 llc.rch ~ 9 69) Dot, 15th Dental Co, 9th l1~B ( CHOf'I'ED .31 lhrch 1969) Shore F'jxc Control I'art.y, 1stBn, 13"th Ua.rinos ( c:IOF:::'ED 31 H..1.rch 1969) LSU, PSB, 9th l-i:.B (CHOPPED 29 Earch 1969) 2. IDC.:~'l'J:Olj, BL'.r f-fuo.r 1-2 Har USS OKilJJ.,~i.:~ 2G-3tHnr 2/7 CaJIJD.nd Post 4'.. 1' 937748 BLT ComL1..cncl Post .1 Har Vicirdt.y ;;.T 891773 2~ Har Vicinity :.:r 930764 5-C liar Vi cirri.ty i.T u6"'7772 9 1-:r..r Vicinity l..T 924527 10 Ba:c Vicinity ~~'r 954536 11 Hf'.r Vicinit,y J:..T 954535 12-14 Lar Vicinit,y l..T 96o530 15-16 Har Vicinit3r .~·r 96.3533 17-19 lk.r Vicinity l ..T 973533 20-21 liar Vicinit,y LT 962526 . 22 Har Vicinity l..T 94852$ 2r2J} Hur Vici."lity 1ir 993637 . 25 llar Vicinity ~ 001534 26 hc.r Vicinity ~·.. T 930529 27 T.~.i·lar ucsu 0I.7T'T'~T'~ .. w..~ .... :.~. 28 ...31 Ear 2/7 COl.1iJ.anu !'ost AT 937748 3. ~ OFFICEctS Bt:ccut.ivc O:.:ficcr i-i.?.jor :r. G. GOU'l'Y 1-31Iktr 1st1·t J ...~. HC ELI-lOY l) crsonncl Of'.ficcr 1stLt J. D. JJE::'IETH.O 1-31l~c.r 3 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • S-1 1stLl; J •.·~. HC EillOY 1-31li.."..r S-2 0Sg'~ E. E. i~OJ:..~lJD 1-31l.k;.r 2ndL~ T. D. ;J=EiDT 1h-31lhr S-3 l::f.c.jo:r. J. D. IXI'TG'H 1-5He.r He.jor I', J_,, HCC:;;~DOOH 5-31l1:1.r 3-l~ 1-31Enr S-5 1st.Lt n. I. jj03.G_JJ 1-12tiar ·;i' 2n<ll~t c. .;.:.~. l::O~TES, Jr1. 13-31liar -umrc USIJ ~ t622 s 90 e 5 • DET.".. CIIJ@ UIJI'l'J 1::rcllt (.i:~oin), Co n;• .n, 5th RcconBn ---·· -- -~.- 4 Enclosi.iro (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ''·; •. P.'JlT II On 1 li~rch 1969, the B<.r~talion Lo.nding Tew..1 ,.ms trc.nsferrcd to tho operc,t.j_on:.'l.l control of the 26th l·1.1.rine Rogi."llont f"rom Special I.c.. ncling Porco i.lfa. rn· ort.:or ·i;.o rccl..ign clcr..lcnts of Hcgi.Denta.l I.ancli..11g Tcau 26 certain n:ttached units 'l'terc. redesignated us of 1 Hn.rch 1969 to reflect ~;pproprio.te 5th li:~rine Division parental orgo.nizo.tion. A combined .?.lnphibious/holo-bornc h.ncling \'iC>.S concluded to lo.unch Opcr<:1.tion E/o.G:Gll PURSUIT I vri.thin tho c.roc.::s of opcra.tion of the 2nd futta.lion, 7th Ht:J.l'inos and 1st lhttnl.ion, 26th,l-io.rincs on the a.oove cJ..:.,tc. During Operation l!.:ii..GER PUl1SUIT I, the oncrJY chose to avoid combat, using cve.sive tc.ctics. On S He..rch 1969, the Battc.lion Lnnding To..'\ffi terminated Operation J1~ru;R PUH.SUI1' I r.nd, follmri.ng n tncticc.l r.1ove by truck convoy to the liberty Bridee c.rca, !':t 090000H Hc.rch 196<;,· began Q:perntion E:i~GJ1-q PUrlSUIT II under ·the operatiol:'bl control of the 5th lic.rine Regi;nont. Initiilly, the opcrc.tion involved a search and destroy mission moving e....... st from the Commc:.nd Post of tho 1st &.ttt.lion, 5th l'J:c..rinos (AT 930529) r.cross Go Noi Island. Cornbnt onginocrs '\"tore employed to destroy bl.i.nkers A <'nd fortifications oncount.crecl until n r:J.in-svTollcn river necessitated the W 1-dth<..b:':ri"Io. ..l o:t t.heir hG.?.VY oquip:racnt. During tho J..c..st. reporting period the Bc.ttc.lion Ji..nding 'l'o...'\ID. h.?.d oporc.tcd in tho s~;1n.c general urur. on Opcrc-.tion T.~YLOR COl}iON. On Operation E.:~GER. PUHSUIT II tho &.... tt~ion I ...."'.Dding TcGIIL encountered no sustc.incd resistc,.a.J.ce as onom;y- forces ·:'.&'1.in rciuscc.l to stmd ond fight. InstQ.;.d, the cno1\Y· lDc'J.de C:Jdi<.Jl1.Sivo usc of surprise firing devices c.nd snipcr-~nssmont. L_..,_to in Ei ..G:c::;Il. PURSUIT II, the c.rca. of oporc.tion 1'lC.S modified by m c..'ttcnsion to the south, permitting the Bcttc.lion knd.ing Tc..'l.lll to lanvc Go Hoi Isl~d o.nd suoop b6.ck to the i.·Tcst. i1.ftor less thc.n throe days, the task of the Br..tt.....J.ion I.u.nding Toe..in lTL?.S c.go.in ch.r.nc;cd a.s tho unit rcontcrccl its initicl e.roc. of operation for operations in support of clements of tho 51st RegjJ;wnt of the ~lrrrzy- of the Republic of Viotnnm. Spccifica]~y, the Bnttalion k"".ncling '.i.'Oc."1,lll acted c.s n blocking force for tho o.lliod forces pushing \'-rost, on Go Hoi IsJ..,.-md. Thu m.:..jority oi' lbrinc cc.sucl.tics uero the result of surprise firing devices, but the porcontngc of r:ri.nos or booby tr~ps doton~tod versus the mmlbcr discovered l·rcs lmT. This hll:!.y be c:.;::plc.incd by the continous pressure of the t:X.;li t<:>~ion L.:.nding Toc.in 1 o r;1ovcment end the high trc.i11.ing stntus of tho individUal Ha.rinc. It is evident that tho enemy forces were hc.rd prossed by the sign.ifico.nt nwnbor oi' hc.stiJ.y c['J:louflagcd surprise f5r ing devices discovered by the &;t.tC~.lion I...·,.nding Te-."\\tl. \rl.thout incident. 'l'ho &.t.talion I.. n.nding 'l'Q'V:l nlso <'.CC1.Uilulc:lied c. Jargc nmou.11t of enemy UNCIU~~~ . 5 Enclosu~~"(WJ DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED .•(,.. • - ' gonr. ~CQ 5.n1'¢nnaU-on w.:-.s g..;.tharQd .frQ:.t tho ltJ3jodt7 ol t.hil equipment., CJ.lt:l.bling ·tho &.ttclion h"'!llding TcaJn to J:lOI'o oft'oct;i;Yoq perform :its assigned nrl.s:eion. On. 2? liarch, all units wore br.ck-lo~.dcd aboard lanphibious Ready Group shipping to l::crm:i.t them limited rohabilit.:~tiol\t. f,lld \.i.,mQ ~o Pf'QPex'Q ot.or rotr.tion from tho afloc.t phv.so. · ~~t 280900H 1.-ic?.Tch 1969, Compc.ni.cs F r.nd G,. o,J.ong with the A.lfa COJniDCl'ld Group, bog<m helicopter movement nshore. '!he moYCii:1cnt to the Canlll:.nd Post of the 2nd Battalion, 7th 1-mri.nos (j.~T 937748) \<m.S conductod as an nd.mirri.s·crntivo move. The helo-borno oporr.tio.."1 uns.

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