We Newark Pas·t \. LUME xv NEWARK. DELAWARE. JUNE 18, 1924. NUMBER ?2 Big Crowd Witnessel CARNIV AL TO CONTINUE MAD DOG KILLED HERE SATURDAY; NEW DIRECTOR ARRIVES Newark High School Wet Weather Jin~the Lodgernen of WAR ON STRAY CANINES BEGAN TODAY May Enroll 350 At Dr. Middlebrook Takes Charge at Commencement Newark An intensive I'aid on unmuzzled or ' Sec retary Herdman of the local Board of Health Laboratory Summer School Here; Due to the protracted wet weather unleashed dogs throughout the town IBOHrd of Health, examined the head Dr. Robert Middlebrook, a native of 26 Girls and Boys Compri.e last week, the joint cal'l1ival of the was inaugurated this morning by and found unmistakable traces of Co nnecticut, but fOI' the past few Opens On June 23 Largest CI... in Year.­ le?al Red Men and Heptusophs Lodges Chief Lewis. All owners have been rabies in a pronounced form. years connected with the New Mex­ WIll be continued Thursday, Friday by notices of the impending As fa I' as ca n be lea rned no dogs ico State Bou rd of Heulth, took Splendid Lecture Series Ar­ C atharine Holton w~rned I and . aturday night of this week, ac- dnve. belongin g to town residents were charge of the State Laboratory here ranged Again This Year­ Honored cO I'drng to an announcement made The move was taken Monda~ . by bitten, a lthough sevel'al farmers aid Monday, vi ce DI'. Herbel.t \\Tatson, re- Faculty is Selected Monday. of Health and Town offiC ials I Mo nday that the dog had bitten their' signed. W. A . WI L KIN SON IS HARVEY EWING B~ard REV. None of -t he free prizes were given JOIntly, IlS a r esult of the advent of pets. DI ·. Midd lebl'ook is a graduate of DIRECTOR OF SCH'OOL SPEAKS out Satul'day night, they being held a mad dog in our midst Saturday I Yale, and sel'ved in Fra nce with the ovel' fOt· the cl· . ht Th mOl'l1ing last. On . an,d after today, a ll dogs not A. E. }<'., being wounded il, 191 . He _ os rng nrg . e merry_ The dog, said to be part Airedale, muzzled 01' properly leashed, found on A record br a king Summer School ,, \~;'~;, \~:~~ :::";~;;~':":":'i~~~~: :: ; ~::~.'; :;~'~:;~; :~ : ~:::k~::::~~: ~::,~"&:~~~ i; ~:~; . sf,::;, :;" I::' '~~:~: m~:i:~~~;' ,~;t~h 'r~;;, ::' :::.'t' b~h:,:::p h", f" ," th, ooth ;:,i~:~~t,: :;"~:"t:d;::~";:'~:i:' and h " tage well filled by the young Iddies al'e having plenty of fun. tel' having wandered into town f rom ence of a professional sharpshooter, OLD GLASGOW CHURCH received at the Univel" ity. The schoo l members o[ t he Board of GALENA MAN GETS the hill s to the north. The owner 'hief Lewi s has ag-rlleu to essay th will open on Monda. , June 23, and t he annual TRUST OFFICER POST of t he canine co uld not be found . , role of exec utioneer. REUNIO~~ SUNDAY continue until August 1. Professor W. A. Wilk inson, head of the Depal't- J -- I Expect Large Crowd at AlI- m nt of Education, University of ames D. Davis, Jr., Assumed ;--------------, B k E C Day Meeting; Rev. Delaware, will again direct the school Ilt' t he fact that a young l Duties At Newark Trust PET BEAR STRAYED ro en ggs ost Herson To Speak and Miss Laura Y. lark, head oC the hUI':it in the afternoon made JUIll es DC. °D· ~Mvi 0, nJdt.a.,Y • Gal el'~l , S'J'HA GLES TO DEATH I ' This Mo. torist $125 l'lome Economics Depal·tment of the o( th co untry road almost il11- or _ Th , eig hth annual reunion of t h Women's Co ll e 'e, wil! be the D an of bll" and kept llIany people away, Scores of resid ents in a nd Pencader Presbyterian Church, Glas- \~\' o m e n . It ee lllS probable thaL the probably the large t om- Md., has been appointed Trust Of- around Elkview, Pa., j u t across Lively Hearing Here Friday gow, will be held next Sunday after-I nrollmcnt will xc cd 350. _ "PIlCt'I1l,'I'lt held he r in many year. fice l', of the Newark TI'ust and afe the Chester Co unty lin e, were I When Car Hits Market noon in the hi. toric building. Two The facultl' thi - \'ear is an unusu- I!i\ n -ey IV. Ewing', former Deposit Co. here, a nd assumed hi a frightened last week at t he sight I Wagon on Road se~s ion ' will be held , m o rn .i ~g ~~ nd a.f- ally strong ~ne . It includes six in- or Union ~l. E. Church, Wil- new duties Monday mo rning'. He was of a fu ll grown bl ack bea r wan- I telnoon .. Most .of the VISltOtS WIll structors fro lll the University of D 1- ' but now retir d, wa - the appointed to the posit ion last wee k. dering through fie ld s, along A general conglomeration of broken bnng thell' pi cnI C lunches. aware fo ul' f l'o m outsid e the State I speaker, and delivered a Mr. Davi has had wide banking r oads and peering wi tfull y eggs, swimming in buttermilk, with The Pencader Church' reunion has who w'ere at Ummel' chool la t year: addrcs' LO the graduates. Rev. experience in th is and othel' State. into back porches. Pos 'e were I dressed poul t ry scattel'ed lik e so many gTown in importance each yea l' under and six who will make the acquaint- now live neal' :\orth East, He has held responsible positions at hastily fo rmed and a regul ar islands through it a ll , led to a total successful managements and it now a nce of Delaware teachers for the fir st lI t' is well known by many 'ew- hi home bank at Galena, and the " bear hunt" began. bil l of $125 bein g plastered to t he ac- nlllks with Old Drawyers, St. Anne's time at this se sion. They arc: Prof. pcopl!', and often yi sit in thi following other institutions: First It wa' finally captul'cd un - ('ollnt of Don S. Armitage, a young of Middletown, and the other pi oneer W. A. Wilkinson, A.M., director of the unity. ational Bank, Altoo na, Pa.; Chester- day nea r Kelto n, and loaded into motorist from Charlestown, W·. Va., churches of the State. choo l of Educa tion; Prof. La ura V. 'ng- the cour e o f the exerci es, town Bank, Peoples Bank a t Middle- a wagon fo r the homewa rd trip. I here last Friday morning. The morning sermon will be prp.ach- Cla rk, A.M., direc tor of the chool C"thal'in e Hol ton, the honor stu- town, Del., a nd at Lh e Equitable Trust Bruin , pa ni c stricken at the To be s pec ifi c, t he bill was itemi zed ed by Rev. Aquilla Webb, pastor of of Home Economic; E. B. rooks. of the class, wa awarded the Co mpany, Wilmington. maze of ropes binding him fa t, as foll ows: To the State of Delaware the First Central Presbyterian Ph.D., professol' of P hiloso ph y and Mr. Davis is married and will re- d d . d t 1$100 ancI to John Wood, a fanner, of hurch, Wilmington. In the after- Social Science; F. M. K. Foster, Ph.D., chllol Alumni scholarship of ide in Newark with his family, next co mmence a etermllle s rug- neal' Iron Hill, $25. noon, Rev. Frank H er on, pastor of asso~ ia te pl'ofe. '01' of English ; G. H. prese nted by Eugene Kennedy. fall. At present he i · living in gil', which end ed in death. A As far as co uld be learned from Newark M. E. Church, will occ upy Ryden, A.M .. a sO'iate professor of Holton wa' given a round of Galena. H e takes the position here section of 'o pe foul ed about hi s the vehement testimony offered before t he pulpi t. At both services s pecia l American History a nd Political use as she stepped forward to left vacant by William H . Evan , neck and stl'angled him. I Magistrate Thompson, the teams of mll sic will be g iven by a la rge choir. Science; Mi s Alice M. Krackowizer, thean awa incentl·d. ivThe toe hichghol arrankingshi p i when thef lNatter wak . appointed P o. t- co lmTh eC hambbear ebelrs, ohaynge dand to grainMal- MI' . Wood a nd George Frazer, a near- P Rev.d J Ohl.' II Ma cMd ulTat y,b thpa stol: of assistant profe. SO l' of Education,' Mi s of the Senior lass to pur- ma ster 0 ewar·. dealer in Elkview and was con- I by farmer, .were passing on the Elk- enca er, WI ~r e ~ e .a 0 service. Elsie Sameth, director of Physical . tu dies at the Univer ity of sidered quite a pet. ton Road Just so uth of the Mayer I GREATLY IMPROVED Education; l\li s Gert rude Shipley, SOUSA CONCERT farm, when the West Virginia car, in Primary uper vi 0 1' ; Miss Ma rgaret The attention of all membel's of the I attempting to cut between them skid- Dr.
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