^ Last jm&r a gw»t may aa*i»S«siM* st#«tt»:gs irtrs Ii«l4 m foatfu la the full ©f tins ysar &# »*$• «,.§ fifty a»«tt»ga * *w»k wad tli® aggro-gat* wasiitB©© «B0wat««! to #y«r 20V0(X^ f®efl» i»fiag * ttt«- tp:«*l»« w#r« tli# fedlewiag f«rs«a«# with. «rii?itml John J# Olivo • imp®, lare»ay i .< <mtry l#»i#r ®f tk» BraAi^m Chrt«tina front mi «B« ©f «f th« Oturistltn Frsat #s %!»• ttwets, is Jo© tiewiili«s«# th* l#si«r ©f %fe# ®irl»ti*a MeMli«#rs azuS oas of li« is tS»« ©t%y* .i»« f«r th« pfest y«63* «*i a as l«gittaM» a«&as «f of th«w» strtst »«#%itef,s i»»y# h#ld la thlfikiy ptopulftiet!* as -wall "briefly art «sapi®« «f tl*» by smm of t»h@«® •p«ftk©r»» IJariag th#«« str»»t *aapi®s of this llt«r'Atu.r*i As i- i»#®ttlt fig|tts,# f§tr#«st 'brawls, a stftults &»«! oa ««r«ral 00 eat Ions feii« «ita«,ti0a R riot stag©# A Dxatibw of a.rr*stt »#r« »»#•* «BJS is §t«t* iailwawM. eoiwitttosa la g#r»ral instmuess tk» polio* ptr«itt«»#. thtt* »»tl«S«ttiti« g«npf to start «wj*teg« ia §»«M«« if#»'bt%*»d pr-»d«Bi»*atly %• «Nwr»» Is !»»©#««% 1sy-at®ri4«r« TWMWI «nrr««t#i for prot»sti»g m.§» «f %IMI »f»»to8rs» ©a ittasy &ee»tteftf f«©fl» ia tit* ftiiiiwjse r»fut«at«d th« polls* la #l*rg« to M^® »a »rr#st or t© ftssltt .a #itix*& #10 i««ii*»i to mte» th* imjorttf ©f ia®t!«H««» f-h«« r»f««.its war* r*fuwMl* unit "wiBt«i* th« »iifeT#rflir# gro«f« th«,% wert «s#f^B«i¥l# for the eity enou 'b to j»smit outdoor ae^tiu'tt Of all th« r«pdrt« feh&t JtaT# «©M® to fbfet tltt tit».tioa tkia sfrimg &afi »a»«r 'will ¥« •»#!*»• t*t»a t% !*»% y#»rt Bier* i» a eon«i^0r»,c»l# lard f©«liii" /rowing oat of tl.n arrest & tk# IT Oiiristtsaa f'rasters «al 13ns pm&ttom. £» %# ms« %l*t In view of tk# «.»n#tme®d intention to ©rents & «&r*« sltttfttioa i jmt9 it it wg»4 ttiAt p«»f% «»4 vl.^MMWUi «» ll#» %« t*te®& in, t© pppwat ttaMMHs 41i«rd#r« ft»4 .ri<it*» If of tb»*# twb*»r*iT# gre'Ufif «&©• »r# «mt to ©fcut* te©alsl» will 1m grwitly iimtsifli#4» , If % f ©f stwifc an arrest would fee far w*r» *fjfl»etiw in dl tooar&flag tact4 4®%#Mrisg t$i»«» itms th« 1V0U&IUM of a, »«s»au,s ea th» fallowing i»y# J¥«ftworiiy a Sf««*#r would giT# ft fisfitioua mma st*4 address Mad it ntuM ¥# iapj#»ifel® t© serve fais» f* If &«,y eltlata u&shea to *a*k® m arreet hhxsalt, the polis© s»f£l«s®jr Aoule fe# lr.»tiraet«d to atsist suafc, tltisaa w}» sail* upon th# offio®r fojp «id* fkia is lilt 4tt%y «»##r th» law, tet tli.« i«%y l»:i Iwufi i»a©r«< «0r« ia W^l taswli ia Hii#t ^j#-s# meat lags ar« h*ld* *»i, *n»ssg« to hav* -tfe« a#«tljig« W tit* ittttefef imtli#r time «t #esf»#tta eorst«rf* fhi* tiwy ««i M poww t© rsgai&t® tf«ffi#.» ftzii It Is ebrl-ant th*i i#*« tr«ml>l« eaa <m * «i4« «tr##t •#i®.i<>« is&«y* ar# timer p»l*#tri»a« tlma fe # ©I* st©»»3r Aoali wrtw a© at if "t#»8# as»#%iaf.» M it !» • t4»i»'li.ti«a at tli# City alao ©f tJ» of fee thm $%h#r it t©s t® th« im #f law hat* indicated llmt a an»t»r of the ata, ietrwtes are with Wm law «» *toM« «'«!>j#et mi, tiiif tht tket ©as® "fet® Ja.i,ll«4f «pt» it* taerit*« The «4ueatio. ©I" this pf^e£.rtttu It sl^tt fee yoiirted svfc to* that su"bstastiaX ptaiiiliaiwfc ia the oases will f»T9 •& salutary ©ff«0t ia stopping fuiaare aetivlti### .S«s» sikgiijt.r«.t£#«0. Mst year r«*ll**a %h& s»rie»«Di«f &f #iis pro%l«s msd of lnlojji* wmi&em&n$ the «tat«iiW'i*« ©f fere «-©p 1«« ©f i@a« #f tlies# #fialofti»» /J76/** ECISIOH Olff ML3ISTRATS8 COURT Of THE CITY Of J«W DXSfiHM • BORQ OF tumnur ef isxronn , city Far tltt 0©aplRlnss<l Sim *«***•$ . (twist wafi 101 Wont Mtli Sirt«t \ »•• to of at of tto <•••• 14 it * f»rt*# to s*»* •• ms ftrtr trlAl to ia meh mm I* te ia I* WMOA 14k* if atr#«t« m atom did ia la mm 4«tof Is «f Ir* in of Ma *O#» m 2 «• H * it 1* 2t fai 1 •«. : «« tte of Ml m 5a*. ?«% 2 htm aafeu to vwffeaafe ymr «>©ett#e%i*% will *J« TaaV Jut tfca* tfe« vttnaa* titlifteA mtit tht th« t» «Um -/mat "3«nm «M Urn w*tr ikw «o*tit-att««# It to ta ami •> ©-smi'tey *rti»fe^ to Hw» f?#i«l't» m wAl m it it mm ie Bugliwi* f #y wat M iislltoa* than «s^ «M» ham* want <kwa to tfc* I \ i art am te# st«t» of ffiggi t9UM9 mtf mm 00 fete**!*, m& «ht% «ol«qr «* » m* »#B W» tfe* first taw to Mrtri&t witlds lit iKNttte t Vmtm Mm hum «f ath«r **%»» H^H «»d i»»i«i,i6»* ia mtt Wm -99 mem »pm «wwi® «^«»clj## witt, tb«Mi •****»•&*« t 2 «si«k# INMMUUMI tti^r lww» ^##a %«a«git |g M p la ia trm it «U« «s«« ham btm tmmmitlmly imM %hm»$ hi mm ttll ii it gg mm i It ttosali w J«i m ^sgw^w* «t «^ tlao it $mm mm It ^^ tl» •art of mfaf in p&lu ««*tas% tt* CHrtstii»ii# a«fti*it OMIUM «# y to & 4a th* wrMf * world torn «p*rt# ^wts3Ij»i# la n% ltd* mwl that li 4«p«wtiag ts <r«sf$*fe«iy Mho *i#tw# **>§##* rmmsmblm It &M got to »%»f« Sh«r» &SkW» «wih f««&l«i «• ttaty Jaw» b«a» 4«i,it idtfe la «»r torn a»t iw*k«l» *a#JWf ^iag» •*"* # till U i* ill sot tet nl»t S4 sf it 'C3irl*tlj« j«*#* 1% hut hmn writitm It I* * |iurl if to it m£ la Awl fter t\&t iaa»i Ckri«ti«si%# ai for ti»es« ,K'O?k to etil th* not a^roved, wot HlxC by ChrUtiwuii, «h#t;-:.or i'rji©«tar,t» .ai'iolic ;.v nay Tuty* ito aot i|>«»k for QsriatiftB*.* 5Ji«5* ar« aot a tsrittii i, c '• l.rlctlaf eeftfton *ill cofjc* axucl t!.«?» will b© p siad o*ws* #gsi.a If Id i^ C't ' .&ue on oartii# oo-d will tc>" UT profos* th&t tli«#« tl-->i fe| i i 4J,I I>« at lALefiv' at ti?,*, . 1.- « is *IsarL' ef the Cstistes* ie&»os I« lw lark* U!I«M» ia -tli® :aAla we iMM mil only slsty f4»t *M»« ,.# liv» l^f^lly toa«ti,«ir aloR, .osc ? i «i «rf.lsw« t© 4o su. If this- sort of thl*v: ^©g 91i§ v® «Lall not uo «©• PEOPLE, on Complaint of WHELAN, v. [FRIEDMAN. City Magistrates' Court of Hew York, Eighth District, Borough of Brooklyn. ******* Proceeding by the People of the State of New York, on the complaint of Patrolman John Whelan, against Samuel Friedman, wherein defendant was charged with committing the offense of disorderly conduct in the violation of the Penal Law, Sec. 722, subds, 2, 3. Defendant found guilty. Louis L. Stutman, of New York City, for the People Maximilian Moss, of Brooklyn, for Kings Highway Board of Trade. Joseph G. Glass, of New York City, for defendant. Milton Weinstein, of New York City, amicus curiae. Victor S. Gettner, of New York City, Civil Liberties Committee, amicus curiae. DE ANDREA, City Magistrate. The defendant is charged with committing the offense of disorderly conduct in violation of the Penal Law, Section 722, Subdivisions 2 and 3, for the reason that at the time and place hereinafter fully described, the said defendant did un- lawfully, and with intent to provoke a breach of the peace, and whereby a breach of the peace may be occasioned, did hold a public meeting at about 9:15 P.M., on the 7th day of June, 1939, on the easterly side of East 17th Street, about 50 feet south of Kings Highway, in the Borough of Brooklyn, New York City, same being a public street; did congregate with a large number of other persons, and did refuse to move on when ordered to do so by the complainant, a police officer of the City of New York, and that by his said actions and failure to move on the defendant interfered with the free use of the street and sidewalks by persons passing by. The evidence submitted by the People showed that on the date, and at about the hour in question, the defendant was arrested while stationed on a stand or platform at the place aforementioned, addressing some two hundred to three 2 hundred people, all of whom were congregated on the sidewalk; that before the meeting started the complainant informed the defendant that the commanding officer of the precinct, of which the place in question was a part, would not allow meet- ings to be held on any of the streets on Kings Highway between Ocean Avenue and Ocean Parkway; that other streets in the precinct were available, but not 17th Street, in view of its close proximity to Kings Highway, and directed the defendant to move on; that the defendant refused to do so and informed the police officer that the meeting was going to continue anyhow, and that the meeting was going to be held regardless of the order of the police captain, and of the complaining policeman.
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