June 1996 TheSe~aphore Volume 38 Number 10 • Newsletter of the Rochester NY Chapter, National Railway Historical Society Program (or June 20 Ride the Cars For the next three months, the Chapter's meetings will be held at the R&GV RR- Museum DepoL For June 20. plans are to enjoy track car rides starting at 6 PM. Certain to be on the agenda are details of the 25th Anniversary four-day celebration on July 18-21. The 25th Anniversary Com- mittee has prepared a Ilst of priorities of work that should be completed be- fore this event to present the best possible picture for at'e eJCP"cted grand entou- Wage of visitors and guests. Election Results: Work Sessions Proposed Restoration Building Modeled The previously serving Of- Reguulr work ses- ficers and Trustees up for sions are Tuesday Dan ShlJUng,well known for his outstanding dioramas. modeled to eleclJon _re re-elected. evenings and all day scale (HO) the proposed restoration buUding. Ground breaking The complete Board is Saturdays. Arrange- ceremonJes willtake place on Friday, July 19. listed on the COYer sheet ments can be made A fund drtve is underway for which about 40% of the monies needed (P'ge 10) for other times. h.ovebeen raised. - 50.000 25th Anniversary Celebration .0. In honor of the 25th Anniver$8ry 01 our Saturday, July 20: Public Day ~ Rochester f, Genesee Valley Railroad Mu- 40.000 a seum, your Chapter Ms planned a four Train and track car rides. Refreshments. Special day weekend extravaganza. displays and exhibits. Extended hours. Sunday, July 21: Public Day Thursday, July 18: Chapter J"IJght f _30.000 Train and tack car rides. Refreshments. Special ~ Evening at the Museum, featuring rides and speeches and spedaJ ceremonies. displays and exhibits. Extended hours. ~ Come and enjoy. Also special exhibits and ThIs Is your celebration of your Museum. We hope displays and refreshments. you will avaUyourself of the opportunities. We also j "$20,250 Friday, July 19: Media Day need your help to puU It aU off successfuUy. (aU .s:: Don Shilling, 381-3171, to indicate which days tl:l Continental breakfast for invited guests, you can help. _ 10,000 media and benefactors. Speeches by dig- nitaries. Train ride to ground breaking (More detaUs on what Is required was sent in a ceremony for start of new buUding. recent letter and Is summarized on Page 2. Also see Page 9.) The Semaphore June 1996 ' Page 2 List of Donors to the In About 4 Weeks: Membership Committee Depot's 25th Anniver- Around June 1st, Chapter members Report • saryFund should have received a letter from The Thomas A Way, Chairman SIlver Anniversary Committee request. 'As of 1 June 1966 Ing local members' asslstance In pre. Welcome to these new members: Dave Luca paring for the BIG 25th AnnIversary John & June Gehrs Bob McKnight Depot Celebration. 443 Peart Ave John Redden Usted were 26 Items that requIrIng Rochester, NY 14622 323-2981 Sam and Anna Grover attention before July 18. In addJtlon, extra help Is needed for Saturday, July Family membership Dave and Anne Jacobs 20 and Sunday, July 21 to greet A.E. Roach Fred Jenks visitors. Among these duties are: 6919 Harrison Ln •••••• guides, cooks, concessionaires, park. Alexandria, VA George Bauerschmidt lng, NYMT guides, ticket sales, track Frank R. Shepard car operators, and store personnel Keith Blackall 88 Karen Lee Dr totaling at least 34 positions. Mike Bl)lIe Rochester, NY 14619 Ira Cohen Don't 1H!&uhfuJ - Step Forward 427-7105 Bernie Cubitt The following are standing by their &til til Jl{lJjC dIml Roster phones awaItIng your call! JIm Dierks Laurie McFaul Peter Emmel Dave Luca, 288-0318 6610 N. Geneva Rd DeWalDFeller Don Shilling. 381-3171 Sodus, NY 14551 (315) 483-9894 . Bob Filch Chris aauf, 381-8583 Bonrue Ghckman Jeremy Tuke, 359-8944 David J. Monte Verde 36 Rochester Sl Child Goodinan In the Magazines: Scottsville, NY 14546 Dan Gallier 889.5329 Charhe Hanhbarger The R&GV Museum Depot NOTES • Chns Hausler Ral1fan and Rallroacl July 1996 Congratulations to all those Commit. RC\ RO' K,I:!"IU On page 65, you'll find a color photo tee Members who have won tickets to of lM>nJa. Avon £, Lakeville two en. ).;"''"KI= thls year's Chapter Banquet. For those gIne consist northbound on Its flrst Henn~l=h who could not attend. we are award. run on Apr1l 15. Added Interest Is that Bob and ~une Mmer Ing $17.00 Certlflcates redeemable at the view Includes our Rochester and the Chapter Store. Harland Morrill Genesee Valley RR Museum! The Ko- J,m Moore dachrome was by Pete Swanson. Memberah.lp Synopsla: Ralph and Barbara Mosher Pete Swanson also authored an article Full MembershJplRochester: 201 ~onn ShaddJd on The I\rc&:fe £, AttiCd on pages 50 Local Membership: 8 Don Shllhng through 55, Both freight and excur. Family MembershJp: ...........••..... 26 sIon operatlons are CCl\'efed.including TOT~ •................................ 235 Gale Snuth maps of present and 19 15 territories. Sian S"adhammer 'JRAIJ'lS, July 1996 NYMT Schedule Tom Tucher June 16: Phoebe Snow Day Jere~ TuJr.e If you have access to the July Issue of lRAll'lS, take note of Duncan Rich. Naor Wallach July 14: Antique Truck Show ards' photo on P.8ge 26 of lA&L's John Weber Inaugural tra1n to pass our Depot. July 20 &21: 25th Anntv. of Depot Child Whalen Comparing the two photos, It looks Aug 10 & 11: Gandy Dancers Bnan Willetl Uke Duncan and Mr. Swanson re- Open every Sunday from 11 to 5.. Ed Van Hom leased their CllJTlera'sshutters at the same moment, although from slightly Finger Lakes Uve Steamers Meet dlfferent locations. I. your Name here? U not, you June 22 £, 23 from 10 AMto 4 PM • llIe welcome to COME ABOARDI rIVe mlles North of Rt. 318 on Whls- key HillRd, between Lyons and Clyde • The Semaphore . June 1996 Page 3 Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum Freight Information • by Rand Warner, ChaIrman, 425-8587 Chris Hauf, Freight Superintendent Recent progresslFuture plans from MIke Dow, as MIke now has a Home Runs Chris Hauf and others cpntlnue work real raIlroad job in PennsylvanIa. Congratulations to MIke Bryne, OUT on the PC caboose. Rotten wood never still Publicity and Public Rela- 1000 feet of specIal wire has been flooring and decking has been re- tions man for a whole string of public- ordered, received and delivered; to moved. Chris Hauf has replaced the ity hits in the local media recently. pennJt extension of OUT signal system rotten decking with new pressure They have covered 1940's day for blocks north of Switch #6 at the top treated decking and options for ac- Sodus Excursions, Railroaders Wall of of the hill. quiring the proper tongue and groove flooring are being pursued. Neil Bel- Fame, donations, grants, radio, televi- Neil Beilenger and Jim Johnson are lenger and Chris Hauf have removed sion and newspapers. Way to go MIkel! providing their electrical expertise to alI of the grates over the windows the Electrification Project for OUT fu- ture trolley line. restoring the car to Its as built appear- National Coverage ance. George Knab, Chris Hauf and Thanks to Chris Hauf f, Co., we're Passenger Equipment others formulated a plan to remove. getting national coverage via the Inter- the dent in the east side of the Supt. Bob Miner, 671-3589 Net, World Wide Web, photos in caboose. Future work includes the replacement of the missing tongue RAJ LPACE and feature articles on OUT BernIe Cubltt has been out every 25th Anniversary In TRAINS, and Saturday, and other days as weil, and groove flooring, removal of the RAJLFAN. He's also drawing in the removing old rivets in the bad panels dent, and preparation for exterior rallfans with plans for another of his of the Stillwell coach east side. Allthe painting into PC green. famous night photo sessions. panels are off now. Nothing seems to Dave Luca, Jeremy Tuke, and others stop him - neJther wind nor rain nor have started removing the plywood .Beautification sleet nor snow nor hall nor ..... paneling in the BRf,P caboose, so restoration can begin. It Is neat to see Thanks to Jan Dittmer we have lots of Chuck Whalen has "patented" a new the original BRf,P interior as the beautiful flowers blooming along our process for bending tempered Mas0- paneling Is removed. Check It out right 01 way. In front 01 the Depot, at nite Into S-curves for the celling sometime! Plans are well underway to the track bumpers. at our bUlboard, panels over the windows on the Still- restore this caboose back to Its as and across the street from the Depot, well Coach. He Is being assisted by bullt appearance. Dave Luca and Bm Chapin have Rick ISI1IeIsonon the general interior mowed the grass. Chris Hauf and rehab. Bill Umburg continues to work on new Dave Luca have cleared brush and Dave Behnke Is making new exterior windows for the Erie caboose. Plans weeds. panels for the StilJwelIeast side, using are to have the windows installed by his "patented" process which results the 25th anniversary celebration in Communications, in a new roof for the Kershaw snow July. Signals & Power brush machine', cab. The New York Central HIstorical Soci- Supt. Neil Bellenger, 359.9985 Bob Miner Is busily making up lists, ety has provided us some very impor- car by car, for getting our excursion tant information on our flat car. Turns Bob Miner, John Redden f, Co. have train at Sodus ready for the next out, the car appears to have been built picked up ~ral signal relay cllSeS season 01 use.
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