Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Basketball Ironwood beats Bessemer in Redsautosales.com season opener SPORTS • 9 Since 191 9 DAILY GLOBE Wednesday, December 11, 2019 Chance of snow yourdailyglobe.com | High: 3 | Low: -3 | Details, page 2 HOLIDAY PERFORMANCES Hurley bands hold winter concert By RICHARD JENKINS [email protected] HURLEY – It was standing room only in the Hurley K-12 School’s auditorium as proud relatives had a chance to watch the members of the Hurley band program perform in the district’s winter concert Tuesday. The winter band concert fea- tured performances by fifth- and sixth-grades bands, as well as the junior and senior high bands. Prior to the beginning of the fifth-grade concert, director Jesi- ka Cane explained she put the group directly before the senior high band to show the progress students make. She said the fifth-graders were already excellent musi- Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe MEMBERS OF the Hurley junior high band perform during the district’s winter band concert Tuesday in the Hurley K-12 School’s audi- torium. CONCERT — page 5 SPIRIT OF GIVING Christmas show to benefit HIT, Theatre North IRONWOOD – The Historic said she was honored to take the in song and dance, according to Ironwood Theatre and Theatre reigns of this year’s holiday Hellen. North are joining forces to offer show at the theatre, which in “Our idea was to invite any- a Christmas show filled with years past has been mustered by one in the community to share local singers, dancers and a the Claudettes dance troupe. their talents on stage for the hol- good helping of Santas. “Our students at BAHS have iday season,” said Hellen. “We’ll have a whole bunch of been invited to take part in the “There are so many talented dancing Santas,” said the show’s Claudettes Christmas show for individuals around and it’s a director Bethany Ann Hellen. the past few years and always beautiful thing to see them all “In all, there are around 77 per- have so much fun,” said Hellen. come together in the joy of per- formers: singers – youth to “When we (my other instructor, forming. I am looking forward adult from all around the area – Monica Lindquist, and I) heard to this first year and many to and many dancers from sur- the Claudettes were not going to come.” rounding local studios.” be doing it anymore, we knew Maggie Hill is the show’s Two performances are we needed to talk to them about musical director and will accom- planned at the Historic Iron- continuing some sort of Christ- pany the performances on the wood Theatre – Saturday at 7 mas show.” piano. p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Work on the show began in The show is a benefit for both Hellen, a member of HIT’s October and there have been the Theatre North and the His- programming committee and an many rehearsals bringing the toric Ironwood Theatre. owner of a local dance studio, various groups together to join —Larry Holcombe Tom LaVenture/Daily Globe TOYS, CLOTHING and toiletries are sorted by age group onto tables Tuesday for the Santa’s Headquarters event today at the Ironwood Memorial Building. The annual event that provides pre- sents and food for children and families in need this holiday sea- son. Ironwood Memorial Building hosts 14th annual Santa’s Headquarters today By TOM LAVENTURE the gifts from themselves, from [email protected] Santa, grandma and grandpa or IRONWOOD – Volunteers whomever, she said. will be walking area parents “We don’t’ tell them who they through the Santa’s Headquar- have to give it to or who they get ters today at the Ironwood it from,” Ross said. Memorial Building. The Santa’s Headquarter’s The 14th annual event will be committee are people from MSU P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe serving 360 children and 153 Extension, Michigan Department MEMBERS OF the Wakefield Planning Commission share a laugh during their Tuesday evening families along with walk-ins, of Health and Human Services, meeting in the council room of the municipal center. From left are Jim Anderson, Rob Lane, Vice- according to Erin Ross, event co- St. Vincent de Paul Society, Goge- Chair Tara Hamilton, Mayor Dale White, City Clerk Sue Ahonen, and City Manager Rob Brown. chair and an extension educator bic-Ontonagon Community with Michigan State University- Action Agency, the Kiwanis Club Wakefield city, township officials address waning populations Extension. A second Santa’s and the STAR Collaborative. Sev- Headquarters event will be held eral other organizations and By P.J. GLISSON Region, presented the statistics tury, that drop is expected to from 1 to 3 p.m. Thursday at the businesses including the church- [email protected] from the state of Michigan continue here with a loss of 200- Watersmeet Community Center. es, Rotary Club, the Lions Club, WAKEFIELD – While dis- Bureau of Labor Market Infor- 300 people every five years. The “It’s one of my favorite pro- Aspirus Ironwood, Walmart and cussing a draft of their pending mation and Strategic Initiatives. projected county population for jects of the year, or I wouldn’t be the Dollar Store contribute fund- master plan on Tuesday Wuorenmaa stated in his 2045 is 12,199. doing this for as long as I have,” ing or items to the event, she evening, Wakefield Township report that the county popula- Wuorenmaa was addressing Ross said. “The favorite thing said. officials learned that the popula- tion already dropped 9.3% a joint meeting of the Wakefield about it is that parents can come “We also got a lot more indi- tion of Gogebic County is pro- from 15,342 in 2017 to a pro- Township Board of Trustees and and pick the stuff for their kids.” vidual donations this year after jected to drop by 12.3% between jected 13,914 in 2020, mostly the Wakefield Township Plan- Santa’s Headquarters is a we realized we were a little short 2020 and 2045. due to the closing of Ojibway ning Commission. charitable event but the kids Jerry Wuorenmaa, executive Correctional Facility in Marenis- don’t have to know that, she said. director of the Western U.P. co a year ago. The parents can decide to give Planning and Development During the next quarter cen- GIVING — page 5 WAKEFIELD — page 5 TODAY INDEX Chance of snow — Details, page 2 Business . .6 75 cents Classifieds . .12-13 Tuesday Today’s records Snowfall Comics . .11 Vol. 101, No. 18 High 6 High 51 (1913) 24 hours to 7 a.m. Community . .3 Low 2 Low -26 (1977) Tuesday 11.3 in. Snow depth 23 in. Obituaries . .8 Year ago today Precipitation Season total 69.9 in. Opinion . .4 High 31 24 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 48.9 in. Sports . .9-10 Low 13 Tuesday .84 in. l 2 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2019 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD TODAY THURSDAYTHURSDAAY FRIDAY SATURDAYSATURRDAY SUNDAY Chance Snow Scatteredered Scattered Snow LikelyLikeely Isolated Snow Showers SnowSnoow Snow 3° -3° 15° 5°5 26° 18° 23° 12° 14° 8° Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: 7-147-14 mphmph WSWWSW 2-62-6 mphmph ESEESE 6 mphmph S 9 mphmph ENEENE 8 mphmph WNWWNW Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK 14/6 Todayy we will see partly cloudy Bergland skies with a 30% chance of snow 5/-1 showeshowers,ers, high temperature of 3°, Wakefield Ironwood humidhumiditydity of 68%. West southwest Saxon 3/-3 3/-3 Marenisco wind 7 to 14 mph. Snow 4/-4 accumulationmulation of less than one Associated Press 4/-4 Bessemer inch ppossible. FROM LEFT House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Chairwoman of the House Financial Ser- Upson Hurley 3/-3 Watersmeet 2/-6 3/-3 4/-5 SUNS AND MOON vices Committee Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Mercer Nadler, D-N.Y., Chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 2/-5 Manitowish Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal and 2/-5 SunriseSunri . ...............................................................................se .........................................................................7:34 a.m. Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Adam Schiff, Minocqua SunsetSunse . ...............................................................................et...........................................................................4:13 p.m. 2/-4 MoonriseMoon . ...............................................................................nrise .......................................................................4:05 p.m. D-Calif., unveil articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, during a MoonsetMoon . ...............................................................................nset........................................................................6:46 a.m. news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday. ALMANAC REGIONALREGIONAL WEATHER NATIONALNAATIONAL WEATHER Yesterday Today Thu. Today Thu. Democrats unveil impeachment High ......................... temperature...... 6 Ashlandd 17/9 ss 29/19 ss ChicagoChicaago 25/17 pc 41/31 mc Low ......................... temperature ....... 2 Duluth -2/-8s 13/3 sn DallasDallas 52/34 s 56/37 pc Precipitation ......................... ....... 0.00" Eau ClaireClaaire 24/18 ss 39/30 mc KansasKansaas City 44/35 s 51/36 mc .84’’ EscanabaEscanabba 9/1s 27/17 ss Los AngelesA 67/53 s 73/55 pc charges; Trump left ‘no choice’ MOON PHASES Grand RapidsR 19/11 ss 31/21 mc New YorkY 37/25 sn 33/23 s Green BayB 7/-1s 28/18 sn Orlandondo 79/64 sh 74/66 sh WASHINGTON (AP) – charges say. leaves us with no choice.” Madisonn 16/8 s 37/27 rs PhoenixPhoennix 67/47 pc 65/48 pc House Democrats By his conduct, Trump Trump’s allies immedi- FullFull LastLast N Newew F Firstirst MarquetteMarqueette 12/6pc 22/12 ss SeattleSeattlle 50/42 ra 48/40 ra announced two articles of “demonstrated he will ately plunged into the fight RhinelanderRhinelaander 1/-71/ 7 s 17/7 sn WeatherWeathher (Wx): cl/cloudy; fl/flurries; pc/partly St.
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