(XXVII.7) UNITED NATIONS WiM NATIONS UNIES POSTAL ADDRESS ADRESSE POSTALE UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. 1OOt7 CABLE ADDRESS ADRESSE TEL'EGRAPHIQUE UNATlOHS NEWYORK Reference: C N.1478.2001.TREATIES-2 (Depositary Notification) UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE NEW YORK, 9 MAY 1992 ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE LIST IN ANNEX II TO THE CONVENTION The Secretary-General of the United Nations, acting in his capacity as depositary, communicates the following: On 13 December 2001, the Executive Secretary of the Climate Change Secretariat notified the Secretary-General that, at the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 26 October to 10 November 2001, the Parties adopted on 9 November 2001 the Amendment to the list in Annex II to the Convention (Decision 26/CP.7), in accordance with article 16, paragraph 4 of the Convention. A copy of the authentic text of the Amendment in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages is attached (hard copy format only). Pursuant to article 16 (4) of the Convention, "the [...] entry into force of amendments to annexes to the Convention shall be subject to the same procedure as that for the [...] entry into force of annexes to the Convention in accordance with its paragraphs 2 and 3." In accordance with the procedure set forth in article 16 (3) of the Convention, the Amendment to the list in Annex II to the Convention, shall enter into force for all Parties to the Convention six months after the date of the communication by the Depositary to such Parties of the adoption of the Amendment, except for those Parties that have notified the Depositary, in writing, within that period of their non-ace ;ptance of the Amendment. The Amendment shall enter into force for Parties which withdraw their notification of non-acceptance on the ninetieth day after the date on which withdrawal of such notification has been received by the Depositary. 28 December 2001 fy Attention: Treaty Services of Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of international organizations concerned. C.N. 1478.2001 .TREATIES-2 (Annex/Annexe) ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE LIST IN ANNEX II TO THE CONVENTION (Decision 26/CP.7) ADOPTION D'AMENDEMENT A LA LISTE FIGURANT A L'ANNEXE II DE LA CONVENTION (Decision 26/CP.7) UU!!AJ ylsJi ji^il J i^joii uuJi Jj.jw nJljL^t^^. tii MUTAJ ru^vi vij»i JP ury- ^L v-^, j, cUU;VI ^ i ijlil ^ (j)Y iyUJl Jl j^ i,j i i -I f / \ o sj^L. Jl liUlJ^" j^j Jij S_~.U-I <Jj_,j a UP j*dl _>>^!l JU ^I>S/I jty> LjJl ,_^ ^1 oULux^^l Jl Uufj!*ij J>j O) t LTy O.JLJ (j-Ul JujJrl ^.JLkll >jj» j t:uoLJl A7jjj j^ J_j^l *^-'j jvi^j'UJI ^ LTy j^v-l i_iJu; c;lo U-J OLu^Lj oU^jil Lj^-.^il ^1 CJ^JLX^II Lajf^Jjj cUU;^ jliJlj J/tfl ^>j J Oi^j-^l tFCCC/CP/2001/llj 7CCC/CP/1997/MISC.3 u^V 0 Sijljil oL.y*lb LJf J^ i,j ^.L-i ^ sJUilj S^U-l ij^-i-Jl JL^I ouiA .-^bil fUiJl ij.U^ i_»l^^l flJ V' J1* -5-i-i^ A'J *• ilj^i JS' oljJJj ;oLii cJlT OJj tiS'jiJJ.I UlJjj^L Uijj nJUti^l S-oLjl SjjjJl ^ Jj^t >_>Jrl .j fJliil JjjJrl r^1 <U^._) tL^V 'u*-Xi ^'^l S-^1 L? ^ ^ iM^"^ jllJl Ji>l ^ V"l J>Ji^ K-»l>Sfl y:jl sLTy ^1 ^J1^ dUij iJU;!>U jliJI ji^l ^ 5jjl_jJl 2-JUJl J^Jju' ^^ - \ ' *I>*NI olJJ ^4 UUJM! (jliil ji^il J ^rjJ.1 UJUll ^f- JjJucJl II* JUj jf Ji>->L -\ 1 (AjLaJ ^! •_« ' "\ oilil v^" V a^iill (J <uLp |-^^Aiil <L5LijVI CjLiij^ iLLo ^j.U'i.U c<J^"^l i3 '^> j-r^" ot Jbu ,l^Lu4 ^Jl LT>J i-^U-l J>j>Jb Jd^^l Jl JjjJl j*^ -r .*J^"VI j^ Jj^l Ji^il j ^rjAit <JI^^I y'L- jp udsit ^j j .FCCC/CP/2001/llj AO Jl AT ol>L!l tFCCC/CP/2000/5/Add.l >Jl (^) teSt (&£j» Ptttt-££ ^fr£il, 2£ji±3if£iiS^T»A «&gj> , £&<;&gj) £0&&2&(f)*S, Jfi-^fc&Ji; 15/CP.4^&£, M^A^S/l^^^^^W^^AJi^ixm-ffi^mS^S^^Sif^if*^ ^rffif^W^ife, ' ^jzAPsrs^awES^aiittiM^TtE «£^» ^i*-wpf^t-^^*^± ?K-«flll^Wil3fe, a,f:JiJ FCCC/CP/1997/MISC.3 |P FCCC/CP/2001/11 -f 3tff: 41 W W^ > JiM^-^^J^^^^iE^Sfiil1^, ^JSScK^|5lfiWM»Jfl«lSffi*PW^^^, ^S^A^SK^^W*!^^*51^^^^, MJOL±^«JimM«*, %S^^H4m7N/S^^^^iXB-^^i^±iltli M^^^»ffl«M <^^j> ^ft-^ffJ^WifJI^, l. &£& [^^> Wft-W«^ttll*±?^; 2. aa^iis «^^» m+Ts^m 3 g;, jfii- <&m Pft^^^^^f^m^^te iEW^^gff^ «^^» Pft^W^SfcS^-^; 3. a^^^^^iA±^^^^^tf;$i!1> aiA±^K-4^^/^^^±^^[s]T- <^^i) Pftft-w^j*teas^^wiH5ii. 1 .EFCCC/CP/2000/5/Add.fl l % 83 frS.% 85 &.U&. FCCC/CP/2001/11. Amendment to the list in Annex II to the Convention The Conference of the Parties, Welcoming the intention expressed by Turkey to accede to the Convention, Recalling Aricle 4, paragraph 2 (f), of the Convention, Recalling further its decision 15/CP.4, Recalling also the conclusions of the Conference of the Parties as agreed at its fifth session and the first part of its sixth session, in the light of the new request by Turkey,1 Recalling also the amendments proposed by Azerbaijan and Pakistan concerning the deletion of the name of Turkey from the lists in Annexes I and II to the Convention, Taking note of the information contained in documents FCCC/CP/1997/MISC.3 and FCCC/CP/2001/11, Underlining that Parties should protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations o:'humankind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, Having cons '.dered the request put forward by Turkey, in particular the new proposal presented at the first part of the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties, that its name should be deleted from Annex II to the Convention, 1. Decides to amend the list in Annex II to the Convention by deleting the name of Turkey; 2. Noter that the entry into force of this amendment to the list in Annex II to the Convention shall be subject to the same procedure as that for the entry into force of annexes to the Convention in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 3, of the Convention; 3. Invites the Parties to recognize the special circumstances of Turkey, which place Turkey, after becorr ing a Party, in a situation different from that of other Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. 1 See FCCC/CP/200D/5/Add. 1, paras. 83 to 85 and FCCC/CP/2001/11. Modification de la Hste de 1'annexe II a la Convention La Conference des Parties, Sefelicitant c.e 1'intention declaree de la Turquie d'adherer a la Convention, Rappelant Paiinea/du paragraphe 2 de 1'article 4 de la Convention, Rappelant en outre sa decision 15/CP.4, Rappelant par ailleurs les conclusions adoptees par la Conference des Parties a sa cinquieme session et lors de la premiere partie de sa sixieme session, a la lumiere de la nouvelle demande de la Turquie1, Rappelant egalement les amendements proposes par 1'Azerbaidjan et le Pakistan au sujet du retrait du nom de la Turquie des listes de Parties figurant aux annexes I et II de la Convention, Prenant acte des renseignements fournis dans les documents FCCC/CP/1997/MISC.3 et FCCC/CP/2001/11, Soulignant qu'il incombe aux Parties de preserver le systeme climatique dans Pinteret des generations presentus et futures, sur la base de 1'equite et en fonction de leurs responsabilites communes mais dif ferenciees et de leurs capacites respectives, Ayant examine la demande de la Turquie, en particulier la nouvelle proposition presentee lors de la premiere partie de la sixieme session de la Conference des Parties, selon laquelle son nom devrait etre supprime de 1'annexe II de la Convention, 1. Decide de modifier la liste de 1'annexe II a la Convention en retirant le nom de la Turquie; 2. Note qre Pentree en vigueur de cette modification de la liste de 1'annexe II a la Convention fera i'objet de la meme procedure que celle applicable a Pentree en vigueur des annexes de la Convention conformement au paragraphe 3 de Particle 16 de la Convention; 3. Invite les Parties a prendre en consideration le cas special de la Turquie qui, apres etre devenue Partie, sera placee dans une situation differente de celle des autres Parties visees a 1'annexe I a la Convention. 1 Voir FCCC/CP/2000/5/Add.l, par. 83 a 85, et FCCC/CP/2001/11. IlonpaBica K cnncKy, coflepjKameiwycji B npHJioxceHHH II K KOHBCHHHH KoHtpepeniftifi Cmopon, npmemcmeysi HaMepeHHe TypUHH npHcoeflHHHTbCfl K KOHBCHUHH, ccbinancb Ha ryHKT 2 f) cxaTbH 4 KOHBCHUHK, ccbinancb donee Ha csoe pemeHHC 15/CP.4, ccbuiancb mcaoice na BtiBOflti KoH4>epeHUHH Cropon, npHHHTbie na ee naTOH CCCCHH H na nepBofi »iacTH ee mecxoft ceccHH B csere HOBOH npocb6w TypUHH1, ccbinaficb manyce na nonpaBKH, npeflnoaceHHbie AsepGaitzwcanoM H FlaKHcraHOM OTHOCHTe/IbHO HCKJlfOHCHHa "TypUHH" H3 CHHCKOB., COflepHCaiUHXCH B npHJICMKeHHHX I H II K KOHBCHUHH, npuHUMoa K caedeHuio HH<J)OpMauHK), coflepnamyiocH B flOKyMenrax FCCC/CP/ 1997/MISC.3 H FCCC/CP/20Q1/11, nodnepKueafi, HTO CToponw flOJiacnw oxpanarb KUHMaTHHecKyio CHcrewiy B HHrepecax HbiHeiiiHero H 6yuymero noKOJieHHH He^oBenecTBa na OCHOBC cnpaBe^nHBOCTH H B COOTB6TCTBHH C HX ()6meH, HO AH4>4)ePeHyHPOBaHHOH OTBeTCTBCHHOCTbK) H HM6K)mHMHCa B03MO»CHOCTHMH, paccmompee npocb6y TypuHH, B nacTHOCTH HOBOC npeflJioxceHHe, npeacraBJieHHoe na nepsoH MacxH IUCCTOH CCCCHH KoniJiepeHUHH Cropon OTHOCHrejibHO ee HcmiioHeHHfl HS npH^O>KeHHH II K K()HBeHUHH, 1.
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