WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Entered as becond Ciaaa Matter" ^SEVENTH YEAR—No. 28 JMst Office. Westfleld, N. j. "wESTFIELD, NgW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1957 Every Thursday 32 Page.—10 Cents leerleaders. Basketball Bailey Urges lad To Be Honored "New Face" For Council Drops A-l Zone United Campaign And Apartment Stores uet Set Fund Agencies March 28 Re-elect Officers, Local Red Cross Trustees for 1957 Revised Ordinance To Be High School "We need a new face," Presi- Again Tops Goal Presented at Hearing April 8 dent Charles P. Bailey told mem- embers of the Weatfield Hig] bers of the Board of Trustees of Provisions for a new A-l (medical) zone on Euclid avenue and ,,| basketball squad, th the United Campaign for West- First in State commissary stores in garden apartment zones, will be eliminated from tlcaders, and their coaches, field Social Agencies at its annual For Third Year the proposed zoning ordinance when it is presented for public hearing be honored at a banquet to b meeting last week in its new of- April 8, Mayor H. Emerson Thomas announced yesterday. In a state- i, at the high school cafeterii fice in the Municipal Building, For the third consecutive year, ment given to the "Leader," the mayor reviewed the steps which had 28 at 7 p.m. Coached b; "Whether it be under.the ban- I Lay, the varsity basketba Among tho>» choien to represent the Wertfield YMCA at the the Westfield-Mountainside chap jcen. taken by the Council and ner of a new 'United Fund' or Model Legislature leasion. to be held tomorrow and Saturday »re, ter, American Red Cross, became the Planning Board in preparing id had one of the most success- within the framework of the pres- ions in the history of West left to right, James Dunlavy, George Butterneld, Jay Pierson the first in the state of New Jer- the ordinance and reiterated hia ent organization, we need a new and Ted Gates. Also picked from the local Y were Ed Torgerion, sey to surpass its annual fund belief in "proper zoning with the High School, winning 16 face to counteract the situation a during its regular season, Robert Broisard and Jeff Marshall. All the boys are from West- drive quota, when donations went protection it gives to the general which has grown up since 1938 field with the exception of Marshall, who is a Cranford resident over the $20,693 goal last Wednes- welfare . and the requirement losing three. Arrangements with the advent of the multitude the dinner'are being made b day night. for constant study of the of house-to-house 'health' drives," Upon receiving word that loca iver changing conditions and the parents of both the basketha Mr. Bailey said in his annual re- i and the cheerleaders. Joh donations had gone over the top iroblems of increased growth." port. He pointed out that the introduc- , father of the captaii JACK J. CAMILLO Eight Local Hi-Y Boys by some $1,000, American Red he team, will serve as maste Mr. Bailey went on to point out Cross' eastern headquarters tion of an ordinance does not eretnonies at the dinner, that "more and more people were Alexandria, Va., wired fund drive pre-suppose its final passage in hi speaker of the evening? at saying that the United Campaign chairman Robert J. Hurley, 105' ;he exact form presented" and ling to Mr. Quigley, will b Camillo to Aid was in reality only a joint cam- To Serve In Legislature Rahway avenue, as follows: laid that after additional study i Bach, basketball coach ol paign for support of tho six agen- "Congratulations, the chapter is to the A-l zone "we came to cies represented," and declared he conclusion that with the ex- Ibam University. Mr. Bach at Eight elected delegates from has done it again. First in New Centennial Plans that "the United Campaign should Ask Parents To ension of the 'B' zone . , the ed Fordham University an the \Vestfield YMCA Hi-Y pro- Jersey to reach goal. For us, be in forefront of those working 1 zone could logically be made jerved as an officer in th gram will take their places in please thank all who participated to establish one complete overall Aid ih Roundup imaller ..." In referring to the Navy for five years. Return Named to County Trenton tomorrow and Saturday in soliciting and the community to Fordham, he graduated in fund." for Its loyal support." tores, the mayor said: "My study as senators and assemblymen as All parents of the Colum- 7|md for the next three year In reporting upon progress to- . leads me to helicve they are Group by Mayor they participate in the annual bus School area who have not In acknowledging receipt of the amenrber of the Boston Cel. ward setting up such a fund, tot of major Importance and thus Model Legislature of the New Jer- submitted the names of their telegram, Mr. Harley expressed professional basketball team. Mayor H. Emerson Thomas de- :ould be eliminated." But as tp the Jack J. Camillo, local attorney sey YMCA youth and government children who will be five years his own appreciation of the sup- returned to Fordham as coach clared that the special study com- iroposed garden apartment zone and acting magistrate of the program. of age on or before Dec. 1, port given the drive by local resi- i, During the summer Bach mHttee had nearly finished its n East Broad street and Spring' town of Westfield, has been ap- 1957 for kindergarten enroll- dents and the efforts expended by nployed by the State Depart- work with the "almost unanimous Representing the local Hi-Y leld avenue, he said: "I am firm- pointed by Mayor H. Emerson ment, have been requested to some 1,200 volunteer workers. Al- DR. HUBERT ALYEA it in its recreational program feeling that the United Fund ia groups in the youth and govern- ly of the opinion . , . it repreienti Thomas to represent Westfield on call Mrs. S. Spector at We. though the local goal has been at- oreign countries. He spent th right for Westfield." In his capa ment State Senate will be George good planning and is in the best bhe Union County centennial com- 2-2863-W or Mrs. M. Harris tained, the 1957 drive for funds two summers in Puerto Ric city as mayor, Mr. Thomas said, Butterneld, 751 Harding street interests of the town." mittee, which is formulating plans at We. 2-1530-R. will continue throughout the West this next summer will be in for a county-wide parade and pa- he had appointed a smaller, unof- and Ray Botts, 754 Pair Acres field-Mountainside area until each Atomic Energy The Mayor's statement in full, |i and Peru, conducting, bas- geant denoting "100 years of ficial committee to work out a avenue. Local Assemblymen will residence and business, has been 'ollowa: ull clinics and coaching teams. progress" in the county. Sev- plan to set up such an organiza- ibe Ed Torgeson, 712 Coolidge contacted. Final results of the Lecture Planned It might too lielpful to first nionft" the special guests for ?ral meetings have been held at a tion. street; Jeff Marshall 114 Clare- drive will not be known until the point out that the introduction of mont place Cranford; Bob Bros- N.Y. Pastor To evening will be Coach John county level to prepare for the In view of the possibility that end of March. an ordinance is simply the legal, sard, 714 Fallacies avenue; Jim ind his wife and assistan participation of all municipalities the United Campaign might join prescribed method of placing be- Dunlavy, 22 Tamaquea way, and Assistance in auditing the re Public Invited cH Rupert Miller and his wife, )f Union County, Councilman with such a fund, the member Preach Tonight fore the public the governing Ted Gates, ,630 Glen avenue. Jay turns was provided by personnel squad members who havi Herbert Welch of the second ward agencies in caucus agreed to re- To Demonstration body's ideas for required new leg- Pierson of 842 Bradford avenue of the Peoples Bank & Trust Co, united include the 1956-57 has also been designated by liay- nomlnatc the present 'board's pub- islation. Such action does not pre- will !bt as assistant clerk of the They were: W. N. Sortor, Eleano men: Captain Malcolm >r Thomas to represent the Town ic trustees and officers, accord- Third In Series "Atomic Energy - Weapon foi suppose its final passage In the Senate. Mellek, Florence Morris, War ?, Dave Craver, Jody Free louncil on the committee. ng to Howard C. Wick, chairman At Baptist Church Crampton, Peter Hare and Marian Peace" will be the subject of a lee exact form presented. jtoin Guthrie, Ken Hite, of the nomination committee. Re- Delegates from Hi-Y groups Pelger. Members of the Westfiel ture-demonstration to be given b; '"At the time an ordinance It A meeting has been seixduled throughout the state will become m Kingsbury, Roger Love electejl as officers were: President Dr. Jainea -U. Robinson jml police force, under the ililx'ctiot Dr. Hubert Alyea, professor introduced, a date is get (or * by Mi\ Camlllo Saturday at 2 legislators for the two days. They public hearing and it ig Council's Spencer Thompson. Other the third speaker in the famou of Chief Albert Pfirrmann, pro chemistry at Princeton Untverslt p.m. in the Wateunk Room, Muni- will meet in the Senate and As policy to give most serious con- members who will be guests (Please turn to page 2) preachers series, held during th vlded police protection at Ik' at the annual meeting of the YS :ipal Building at which time all semfoly chambers, hear a message sideration to all ideas presented 'by i! William Abbott, Tom Dudley Lenten season this year, set fo Cross headquarters, 321 Eln' CA nt Roosevelt Junior )f the local charitable, civic, fra- from a youth governor and go Interested parties.
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