THE Kennedy Set to Use GIs MILITANT To Crush Latin Revolts Published in the Interests of the Working People By Fred Halstead that it was obviously not. But, he continued: Frustrated for the moment in Vol. 27 - No. 7 Monday, February 18, 1963 Price 10c his attempts to crush the Cuban “I think the big dangers to Latin Revolution, President John F. Ken­ America, if I may say so, are nedy admitted in his Feb. 7 news the very difficult and in some conference that Cuba is not a m il­ cases, desperate, conditions in the itary threat to the U. S., but a po­ countries themselves, unrelated to litical threat to the social sys­ Cuba. Illiteracy, or bad housing, Printers Vote 4-1 tem prevailing in the rest of Latin or maldistribution of wealth, or America. This threat, said Ken­ political or social instability — nedy, must be met directly in these are all problems we find, Latin America itself. a diminishing exchange, balance of payments difficulty, drop in the To Aid N. Y. Strike Washington is preparing to do price of their raw materials upon this by committing U. S. troops to which their income depends.. So By Jack Katz South Vietnam-type counter-rev­ what I think we should concern NEW YORK, Feb. 13 — In a olutionary warfare in Central and ourselves with — quite obviously South America. The Feb. 9 C h ris ­ superb display of solidarity, print­ is Cuba, but Cuba as a center of tian Science Monitor reports that ers from coast to coast voted four propaganda and possibly subver­ “ the United States soon w ill be to one to increase their dues an sion, the training of agents — these sending a new group of anti­ extra three per cent of their wages are the things which we must so that their union can continue guerrilla experts to the Panama Kennedy watch about Cuba. to pay adequate benefits to their Canal Zone so it w ill be in a posi­ striking and locked-out brothers tion to help Latin-American na­ “ B u t in the larger sense, it is in New York. tions cope promptly with Castro- may at some time be introduced the desperate and in some cases The vote was held on the eve Communist sabotage. ” That is, into some countries just as in internal problems in Latin Amer­ of Lincoln’s Birthday, It was the with any revolutionary uprisings South Vietnam, where special ica, themselves unrelated to Fidel inspired by the Cuban example. United States forces. have Castro whose image was greatly iiiiiiiiimiimiimiiiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii tarnished over a year ago, which “Four such groups of more than sometimes found themselves en­ caused me the concern and why For latest developments on 1, 200 highly trained personnel, ” gaged in battle with Communist I regard Latin America as the continues the M o n ito r, “ already guerrillas. ” the Cleveland newspaper strike most critical area in the world have been detailed to the Canal see story on page 8. In addition to Guatemala and today. ” : [in...... Zone and have worked in several Colombia, guerrilla warfare by Latin American countries. peasants and students is now tak­ Cuba’s Impact workers’ way of commemorating Guatemala and Colombia are un­ ing place against corrupt, U. S. - Before Castro, no U. S. president the true spirit of the Lincoln who derstood to have had such as­ backed regimes in Venezuela, Peru ever made such a candid state­ said: “The strongest bond of hu­ sistance. Now a fifth such counter- and Paraguay. ment about the conditions in the man sympathy outside of the fam­ W agner guerrilla group w ill depart short­ Kennedy, himself, in his press continent which U. S. corporations ily relation should be one uniting ly for the Canal Zone. ” conference described the causes of control. Not until the Cuban Rev­ all working people. ” "It is not beyond the realm of such unrest. In answer to a ques­ olution did they feel it necessary. workers now have superior re­ The decision to hold the nation­ possibility, ” says the M o n ito r, tion about Cuba being a military Now, however, the exploited work­ sources. The publishers must now wide referendum of International “that such anti-guerrilla teams threat to the U. S., Kennedy said ers and peasants of Latin America fight not just New York’s 3, 000 Typographical Union members on have the example of Cuba: the newspaper printers, b u t the 110,- Feb. 6 was made last December only country in Latin America 000-strong ITU membership. ¿uiiiiiiitiiiiiiimiim imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiimiimimimiiiiiifmiiimmiimitiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiirimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiii at the outset of the now ten-week- where there is no hunger among old strike. As the date grew near­ The significance of this vote can the poor, despite the U. S. block­ er, the vote’s importance was ap­ best be understood when trans­ ade; the only country in Latin parent to all — to the workers lated from percentages to dollars. Aid Victims of Miss. Racists! America where every child gets a and to the newspaper publishers. An additional three per cent as­ quart of m ilk a day, even if adults A strike is an economic test of sessment means that ITU dues GREENVILLE, Miss. — Famed cut off welfare and surplus food with plenty of money have to do strength. And in this test, the w ill be increased an additional $4 comedian Dick Gregory personally rolls since the voter-registration without; the only country in Latin to $5 a week. ITU dues were al­ escorted a cargo of food and drive began. America where illiteracy has been ready the highest in the American clothing collected in Chicago for Two Michigan State University eliminated. labor movement, averaging about d istribution to dispossessed Negro students, Ivanhoe Donaldson and That example spreads the rev­ $9 a week in New York. Now they Test-Ban Is Urged families here. Gregory rented Ben Taylor, were arrested Dec. 28 olution and Kennedy is still mak­ w ill be in the $13-to-$15 a week space fo r 6, 000 pounds o f food­ after driving a truckload of food, ing plans to crush that example range. Workers who are prepared stuffs on a cargo plane which ar­ medicines and clothing to Clarks­ out of existence. He is, however, to sacrifice this much for their By Women Pickets rived in Memphis Feb. 11, and dale. Police seized and searched not sure when, how, or if that can union cannot be defeated. then he accompanied the food and their truck and charged them with be accomplished. So in the mean­ NEW YORK, Feb. 12 — Two Mediation efforts by Mayor clothing to Clarksdale, Miss. “ illegal possession of barbiturates” time, U. S. troops are readied for hundred women picketed at the Wagner ended Feb. 11 after 17 Clarksdale is the headquarters of but the Grand Jury refused to in­ counter-revolution on the conti­ United Nations today for a ban days of continuous sessions. The the national food drive for Delta dict. Since then, SNCC workers nent. on nuclear testing. The picketing publishers then forecast a “long Negroes who have been forced off Donaldson and Taylor have been At the same time, Washington is supported the test-ban negotia­ test of economic strength. ” their land because they tried to back twice, each time bringing tions which resumed today in vote. The drive is directed by Dr. still attempting to strangle the The only thing that the mayor’s with them two tons of food. Cuban economy by closing U. S. Geneva. Organized by the Wom­ Intervention succeeded in doing Aaron Henry. Student groups in Louisville, ports to ships engaged in the Cuba ens’ S trike fo r Peace, the demon­ was to separate Typographical The Chicago comedian is con­ Atlanta, Iowa City, Los Angeles trade. Kennedy is also attempting stration drew women from New Union No. 6 leader, Bertram Pow­ tributing to a “Food For Freedom” and Chicago, as w e ll as local York City, New Jersey, and Long to weaken Cuban defenses by ers, from the strikers. Wagner ac­ drive sponsored by the Chicago groups of CORE and the Southern pressuring the Soviet Union — he Island. complished this by binding the Friends of the Student Nonviolent Conference Educational Fund are sent a personal letter to Khru­ After picketing for an hour at participants to a news blackout Co-ordinating Committee. SNCC sending supplies. Collected food­ shchev on the question — to re­ the UN, the women marched u n til the sessions should end. field secretaries, who have stuffs and clothing may be sent move its several thousand m ilitary through midtown Manhattan in In the negotiating lineup were been conducting voter-registration to Dr. Aaron Henry, 4th Street personnel from the island. Such a the cold rain to a Western Union the publishers, all seven of them, drives in Mississippi since Octo­ Drug Store, Clarksdale, Miss., or removal would be necessary be­ office on Broadway. Telegrams and the union’s negotiators. ber, 1961, estimate that 20, 000 Ne­ to SNCC, 6 Raymond Street, urging support to the negotiations fore Kennedy could launch an in­ (Continued on Page 6) groes have been dispossessed and Atlanta, Ga. to end nuclear testing, were sent vasion of Cuba without risking by the women, as individuals, to automatic involvement of the So­ President Kennedy and New viet Union in the fighting. York’s Senators Keating and Javits. In a letter to Kennedy, Paraguay Tyrant Wins Another ‘Election’ they said that now is no time for Wake for Lumumba militaristic talk and urged that Dictator Alfredo Stroessner won position party participated in a concentration camps and the tor­ the moratorium on testing be re­ Paraguay’s presidential “election” Paraguayan election.
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