=VS5V Thursday, December 21, 2017 WHNL 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH >YLH[OZ[VYLTLTILY &UHZFKLHIVNHHS¶HPÁ\LQJ 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH 5DUHWDQNHU·VQHZKRPH :HHNLQSKRWRVSDJH ,PDJHVIURPWKHZHHN 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH 2SHUDWLRQ&KULVWPDV'URS 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ(ZOSL`7LYK\L <: (PY -VYJL :LUPVY (PYTHU 9HJOLS *HJOV HU HPYJYHM[ LSLJ[YPJHS HUK LU]PYVUTLU[HS Z`Z[LTZ HWWYLU[PJL ^P[O [OL [O (PYJYHM[4HPU[LUHUJL:X\HKYVUWSHJLZH^YLH[OVUHNYH]LZP[LK\YPUN[OL>YLH[OZ(JYVZZ(TLYPJH>YLH[O3H`PUNHUK &RPPXQLW\SDJH 9LTLTIYHUJL*LYLTVU`H[[OL-SVYPKH5H[PVUHS*LTL[LY`PU)\ZOULSS-SH+LJ>YLH[OZ(JYVZZ(TLYPJHPZHUVU (YHQWV&KDSHOPRUH WYVMP[VYNHUPaH[PVUKLKPJH[LK[VOVUVYPUNHUK[OHURPUN]L[LYHUZMVY[OLPYZLY]PJLHUKZHJYPMPJL>OH[Z[HY[LKV\[PU(YSPUN[VU 5H[PVUHS*LTL[LY`>HZOPUN[VU+*[OLJLYLTVU`UV^[HRLZWSHJLPUV]LYSVJH[PVUZHJYVZZ[OL^VYSK COMMENTARY (4*JVTTHUKJOPLMYLMSLJ[ZVU`LHYJHYLLY I`*OPLM4HZ[LY:N[:OLSPUH-YL` "JS.PCJMJUZ$PNNBOEDPNNBOEDIJFG SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. — Happy holidays! It is a great honor to serve as your command chief. At the end of each year, I take time to re- flect on all Air Mobility Command accomplishments over the year – and this command never ceases to amaze me! This year is no different. AMC enjoyed an extremely successful year be- cause of our Mobility Airmen. With that, I offer you and your families my sincerest thanks. Because of your unwavering commitment to the mission and the support and sacrifices your families make, we are able to generate Rapid Global Mobility for America. As this year comes to a close, I’m especially reflective because this may be my last holiday season on active duty. While I may start to tear up a bit at that thought, I can’t help but smile, not a little smile, but a big toothy one – like a kid opening up the presents they’ve asked for all year kind of grin. I smile because of our amazing Airmen. And with 33 years in the Air Force – 30 on active duty – I have met a lot of Airmen. There isn’t enough space in this article to name all of the Airmen – from new airman 1st class- *OPLM 4HZ[LY :N[ :OLSPUH -YL` (PY 4VIPSP[` *VTTHUK JVTTHUK JOPLM es to seasoned chief master sergeants – who have shaped and molded me L_WSHPUZ[VHPYJYL^TLTILYZVM[OL[OHUK[O(PYSPM[:X\HKYVUHIV\[OV^ into the Airman I am today. PTWVY[HU[[OLPYMLLKIHJRPZ[VOLSW[OL(4*TPZZPVU^OPSLHIVHYKH* As the AMC command chief, I have the distinct privilege of getting to .SVILTHZ[LY000VU[OLMSPNO[SPULH[1VPU[)HZL*OHYSLZ[VU:*5V] know our Airmen, understanding their needs and then advocating to help retirement does come, I will be there cheering from the sidelines as our Air- improve morale and quality of life. Even while facing challenges and adver- men continue to persevere in the face of adversity, deliver hope and democ- sity, our Airmen’s tenacity and innovation remain constant. I’ve been fortu- racy around the world, and develop new and innovative technologies that nate to visit with thousands of Airmen from many of our wings and bases. will carry not just our Air Force, but our nation and world into the future. I can’t fully tell you how inspired I am by our Airmen. The Airmen I meet From providing air refueling operations that enabled Air Force bombers inspire me to be a better chief and give me great confidence in our future. to fly around the world in support of Operation Inherent Resolve; to the While this could be my last holiday season on active duty, rest assured first Exercise Mobility Guardian; to airlifting humanitarian aid to Hurri- that I’m very much still going to be a part of the Air Force family. I make cane Maria survivors in Puerto Rico; to providing aeromedical evacuation this promise to you, I will not become ROAD (retired on active duty) in for wounded service members serving in Afghanistan – Mobility Airmen the days or months leading up to my retirement. I will continue to remain delivered in 2017. With our tremendous success over the past year, I look your voice, be your biggest advocate and remain by your side – pushing on forward to what you’ll bring our Air Force in 2018. I wish you and your together to make our Air Force better for the next generation. And when family a joyous holiday season. -VYPUMVYTH[PVUHIV\[IHZLVWLYH[PVUZK\YPUNLTLYNLUJPLZVYUH[\YHSKPZHZ[LYZJHSS[OL:[YHPNO[;HSR3PULH[ COMMANDER’S ACTION LINE 4HJ+PSSVU[OL^LI Website: www.macdill.af.mil The Action Line provides two-way communication between the Facebook: www.facebook.com/ 6th Air Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. Per- sonnel may submit questions, concerns or comments via email to MacDillAirForceBase [email protected]. Instagram: macdill_afb Twitter: @macdill_afb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·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´$VVRFLDWHG3UHVV6W\OHERRN DUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRIILFLDOYLHZVRIRUHQGRUVHGE\WKH SK\VLFDOKDQGLFDSSROLWLFDODIILOLDWLRQRUDQ\RWKHUQRQPHULW DQG/LEHO0DQXDOµDQG$LU)RUFH,QVWUXFWLRQ 2 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, December 21, 2017 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT NEWS/FEATURES 4HJ+PSSJYL^JOPLMZRLLW[HURLYZMP[[VMS` I`:LUPVY(PYTHU9P[V:TP[O UI"JS.PCJMJUZ8JOH1VCMJD"GGBJST When it comes to maintaining the KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft at MacDill Air Force Base, there is one group that prides itself on being the first and final defense of each aircraft. “As a crew chief, I am the last person to touch the aircraft before it flies,” said Senior Airman Austin Holbert, a flightline crew chief assigned to the 6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. “I launch and recover the aircraft. I do all of the necessary servicing and maintenance of my air- craft until a problem comes up that requires a specialist.” With aircraft at MacDill flying every day, do- ing training and real-world missions, the Airmen maintaining them realize the amount of atten- tion to detail they need when it comes to inspec- tions is paramount. Crew chiefs perform a variety of inspections for each aircraft based on how often the aircraft is scheduled to fly. “We do pre-flight inspections every 72 hours, which tell us that the aircraft is good to fly for at least 72 hours from the time the inspection was completed,” said Holbert. “We also do through- 7OV[VI`:LUPVY(PYTHU9P[V:TP[O flight inspections, which are done every time the <:(PY-VYJL:LUPVY(PYTHU(\Z[PU/VSILY[HJYL^JOPLMHZZPNULK[V[OL[O(PYJYHM[4HPU[LUHUJL :X\HKYVUSVVRZV]LYWHWLY^VYRILMVYLPUZWLJ[PUNH2*:[YH[V[HURLYHPYJYHM[H[4HJ+PSS(PY 6HH CHIEFS, Page 15 -VYJL)HZL+LJ(ZHJYL^JOPLM/VSILY[WLYMVYTZPUZWLJ[PVUZ[VLUZ\YLHPYJYHM[HYLZHML[VMS` 4HJ+PSS(-)»Z2)TV]LZ[V(PY4VIPSP[`*VTTHUK4\ZL\T I`9PJOHYK4HSSVY`(SSU\[[ 8BSCJSEOFXTDPN The rare Boeing KB-50J Superfortress cur- rently on display within the Memorial Air Park at MacDill Air Force Base near Tampa, Florida, will soon be moving a thousand miles north to the Air Mobility Command Museum in Dover, Delaware. One of just a handful of complete B-50s in preservation, this Superfortress started life as a B-50D strategic bomber variant, rolling off Boe- ing’s famous Plant 2 production line in Seattle, Washington as U.S. Air Force serial #49-0389 during 1949. She flew with the 2nd Bombard- ment Wing (Medium) at Hunter AFB in Savan- nah, Georgia from 1950 to 1953. The Hayes Air- craft Corporation then modified the bomber into a KB-50J aerial refueling platform. She returned to service with the 4505th Aerial <:(PY-VYJLWOV[V]PHZ[(9: Refueling Wing. Her last assignment was with 2)1 PZZLLUOLYLH[)PNNZ(-)^P[OTLTILYZVM[OLZ[(9:Q\Z[WYPVY[V[OL\UP[»Z KPZIHUKTLU[;OLHPYJYHM[»ZMPUHSMSPNO[^HZ-LI [V>YPNO[7H[MVYKPZWSH`H[[OL5H[PVUHS See KB-50, Page 13 4\ZL\TVM[OL<UP[LK:[H[LZ(PY-VYJL MACDILL THUNDERBOLT Thursday, December 21, 2017 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM 3 WEEK IN PHOTOS 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ(ZOSL`7LYK\L <:5H]`)S\L(UNLSU\TILYZL]LUZJVWLZV\[[OLMSPNO[SPULH[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL+LJPUWYLWHYH[PVUMVY[OL\WJVTPUNHPYZOV^4HJ+PSS^PSS ^LSJVTL[OL)S\L(UNLSZHZ[OLOLHKSPUPUNHLYPHSKLTVUZ[YH[PVU[LHTMVY[OL(PY-LZ[ZJOLK\SLKMVY4H`HUK 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ(ZOSL`7LYK\L <:(PY-VYJL;LJO:N[1VYKHU(WWSLNH[LHUHPY[YHMMPJJVU[YVS^H[JO Z\WLY]PZVY^P[O[OL[O6WLYH[PVUZ:\WWVY[:X\HKYVUJOLJRZ[OL MSPNO[SPUL^P[OIPUVJ\SHYZK\YPUNHWYLK\[`IYPLMPUNMVYOPZ[LHT H[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL+LJ+\YPUN[OPZIYPLMPUN(WWSLNH[L MHTPSPHYPaLZ(PYTLUJVTPUNVUZOPM[^P[OIYVHKHPYMPLSKLU]PYVUTLU[ *V\Y[LZ`WOV[V KL[HPSZZ\JOHZ^OPJOY\U^H`PZPU\ZLIHZLKVU^PUKKPYLJ[PVU (<:(PY-VYJL(PYTHU[PLZH*OYPZ[THZ[YLL[V[OLYVVMVMOPZJHYK\YPUN[OL MVSSV^LKI`HTVYLKL[HPSLKIYPLMPUNMVY[OLWVZP[PVU[OL`^VYR[OH[ ;YLLZMVY;YVVWZL]LU[H[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL+LJ9V\NOS`*OYPZ[THZ KH`;OPZPUJS\KLZZWLJPMPJHPYJYHM[TV]LTLU[]LOPJSLZWLYZVUULS [YLLMHYTLYZHUU\HSS`KVUH[L[YLLZ[V[OLWYVNYHTHUKV]LY[YLLZ^LYL L[J NP]LUV\[H[4HJ+PSS 4 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, December 21, 2017 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT MACDILL THUNDERBOLT Thursday, December 21, 2017 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM 5 NEWS/FEATURES ;V[HSMVYJLTLKPJHS[LHT[YHUZWVY[Z:HPSVYOVTL I`*HUK`2UPNO[ With time of the essence, the 618th Air Operations Center rerouted a "JS.PCJMJUZ$PNNBOE1VCMJD"GGBJST C-17 Globemaster III preparing to depart from Joint Base Andrews, Mary- land. That C-17 and its crew, under the command of Maj.
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