contemporary itinerary Swiss German edited by Andrea Benelli biblio-165.indd 169 03/07/19 17:50 contemporary itinerary: Swiss German A4 A7 2 A1 Basilea A3 A51 41 A22 A2 A18 15 16 40 Winterthur Baden 17 A1 D A1 1 Zurigo REGIONAL NATURE PARK THAL C A4 LAGO DI ZURIGO 39 Zugo CHASSERAL REGIONAL PARK E Lucerna A6 A1 A1 UNESCO 63 64 BIOSPHÄRE ENTLEBUCH Berna A12 01. Therme Vals, Peter Zumthor 13. Helvetia Headquarters, 25. Frietag fl aship store, 37. Stadion Letzigrund, Frei&Enrensperger 02. Villa Vals, Esch Sintzel Herzog&DeMeuron Spilmann.schsle Architekten 38. Kiss Apartment, Evolution Design 03. Visitor center Viamala gorge 14. New School in Thal, Angela Deuber 26. Limmmatplaz Tramway Station, 39. Residential Building Zug Schleife Iseppi Kurath 15. Kunstmuseum winterthur extension, Baumann Roserens Architekten Valerio Olgiati 04. House for Musician, Gigon Guyer Architekten 27. Europaalle 21, Max Dudler 40. Sportentrum Mülimatt windisch Valerio Olgiati 16. Oskar reinhart collection am 28. Extension to the Swiss National Studio Vacchini 05. Oberalda Chapel, Christian Kerez römerholz, Gigon Guyer Architekten Museum, 41 SBB Switching Stations, 06. Yellow House, Valerio Olgiati 17. Front building of chlirienthalle, Christ & Gantenbein Morger & Degelo 07. Shelter for roman archaeological site, Frei+Saarinen Architekten 29. Eisgasse House, Max Dudler 42. Südpark, Herzog&DeMeuron Peter Zumthor 18. Im birch school, Peter Märkli 30. Freischutzgasse house, 43. St. Jakob Turm, Herzog&DeMeuron 08. Graubunden Museum of fi ne arts, 19. MFO-Park, Burckhardt+Partner AG David Chipperfi eld Architects 44. Markthalle Basel, Diener & Diener Barozzi Veiga Studio 20. Teater 11, Em2n 31. Library of Institute of Law, 45. Kunstmuseum Basel, Christ&Gantenbein 09. Entrance of the Graubünden 21. Business Center Andreaspark, Santiago Calatrava 46. Museum der Kulturen, Parliament, Valerio Olgiati Steiner AG 32. Doldertal Apartment Houses, Herzog&DeMeuron 10. Plantahof Auditorium, 22. Branco Weiss information science Marcel Breur, Alfred Roth, Emil Roth 47. Actelion Business Centre, Valerio Olgiati laboratory, Baumschlager&eberle 33. Hohenbuhlstrasse, AGPS Herzog&DeMeuron 11. Kunstmuseum Liner, 23. Extension Herdem railway service 34. Cocoon, Evolution Design 48. Sportzentrum Pfaffenholz, Gigon Guyer Architekten facility, Em2n 35. Heidi Weber Museum, Le Corbusier Herzog&DeMeuron 12. Stadtlounge, 24. Zolly Residential Tower, 36. Centre for Hearing and Language 49. Novartis Asklepios 8, Pipilotti Rist, Carlos Martinez Meili & Peter Architect E2a architects Zurich Herzog&DeMeuron mappa-Svizzera.indd 170 09/07/19 13:12 17 neunbrunnenstrasse 18 thurgauerstrasse binzmühlestrasse 21 glaubtenstrasse regensbergstrasse 19 käferholzstrasse 22 20 wallisellenstrassew A1L 17 A7 1 emil-klöti-strasse LAGO DI COSTANZA 4 am wasser Bregenz 14 breitensteinstrasse 1 A1 13 wasserwerkstrasse stampfenbachstrasse 24 12 San Gallo 23 3 4 hohlstrasse A13 baslerstrasse 25 B 38 26 gladbachstrasse 11 37 3 17 28 badenerstrasse 29 277 30 albisriederstrasse bergstrasse zürichbergstrassezüürü letzigraben 31 32 birmensdorferstrasse Vaduz 33 zollikerstrasse 3 17 4 A3W A13 35 mutschellenstrasse A 10 34 zollikerstrasse LAGO DI ZURIGO A3W 07 08 09 albisstrasse 1 4 06 36 Coira A13 05 2 04 5 60 61 Vals 03 B532 römerstraße lustgartenstraße 59 58 01 02 62 575 breslauer str. hauptstraße 50. Novartis Offi ce, Peter Märkli 5 B317 51. Wohnhaus Blasiring, Buchner Bründler A35 52. Messe Basel, Herzog&DeMeuron 53. General Trade School, Hermann Baur 54. Roche Pharma Research Building, Herzog&DeMeuron A2 55. Roche Building 1, Herzog&DeMeuron 49 mauerstrasse 56. Warterck Stairway, Baüburo in situ rue des champs48 rue saint-exupéry 50 A3 lothringerstrasse 57. Factory Building, SANAA elsässerstrasse 58. Diogene, Renzo Piano 51 schönaustrasse 59. Vitra Slide Tower, Carsten Höller riehenstrasse lachenweg 60. Blockhouse, Thomas Schütte 52 53 bäumlihofstrasse 61. Vitrahouse, Herzog&DeMeuron A3 grenzacherstrasse 62. Vitra Schaudepot, Herzog&DeMeuron 54 hegenheimermattweg 555 56 63. Westside Bruennen, Daniel Libeskid 47 45 RENO 64. Zentrum Paul Klee, Renzo Piano austrasse 46 st. alban-rheinweg gellertstrasse hardstrasse st. jakobs-strasse 44 birseckstrasse 7 2 42 güterstrasse dornacherstrasse A3 gundeldingerstrasse 43 birsfelderstrasse baslerstrasse brüglingerstrasse 18 mappa-Svizzera.indd 171 03/07/19 17:50 D B C E A 01 02 03 04 A A A A project Therme Vals project Villa Vals project Visitors centre project House for a Musician tipology spa tipology private house Viamala gorge tipology private house architect Peter Zumthor architect Esch Sintzel tipology public architect Valerio Olgiati realization 1996 realization 2012 architect Iseppi Kurath realization 2007 address 7132 Vals address St. Luzistrasse 16, Chur realization 2014 address Fravgia 10, Scharans address Viamala, Thisis 0506 07 08 A A A A project Oberrealta Chapel project Yellow house project Shelters for roman project Graubunden Museum tipology religious tipology residential archaeolocial site of fi ne arts architect Christian Kerez architect Valerio Olgiati tipology museum tipology museum realization 1993 realization 1999 architect Peter Zumthor architect Barozzi Veiga Studio address Oberrealta, Cazis address Films realization 1986 realization 2016 address Seilerbahnweg 17, Chur address Bahnhofstrasse 35, Chur 00- itinerario SWISS.indd 172 09/07/19 13:13 D B C E A 09 10 11 12 A A B B project Entrance of the project Plantahof Auditorium project Kunstmuseum Liner project Stadtlounge Graubünden parliament tipology auditorium tipology museum tipology public tipology public architect Valerio Olgiati architect Gigon Guyer architect Pipilotti Rist, architect Valerio Olgiati realization 2008 Architekten Carlos Martinez realization 2012 address Plantahof 1, Landquart realization 1998 realization 2005 address Masansertstrasse 1, address Appenzell address Gartenstrasse, Coira Sankt Gallen 1314 15 16 B B C C project Helvetia Headquartes project New School in Thal project Kunstmuseum project Oskar reinhart tipology office tipology school winterthur extension collection am römerholz architect Herzog & De Meuron architect Angela Deuber tipology museum tipology museum realization 2004 realization 2009 architect Gigon Guyer architect Gigon Guyer address Dufourstrasse 40, address Stregstrasse 1, Thal Architekten Architekten Sankt Gallen realization 1995 realization 1998 address Museumstrasse 52, address Haldenstrasse 95, Winterthur Winterthur 00- itinerario SWISS.indd 173 08/07/19 16:59 D B C E A 17 18 19 20 C C C C project Front building project Im birch school project MFO-Park project Teater 11 of chliriethalle tipology school tipology public tipology auditorium, theatre tipology auditorium, architect Peter Märkli architect Burckhardt+Partner AG architect Em2n congress centre realization 2004 realization 2002 realization 2006 architect Frei+Saarinen address Magrit-Rainer strasse 5, address Sophie-Taeuber-Strasse address Avenida Figueroa Architekten Zurich 6, Zurich Alcorta 2977 realization 2013 address Chlirietsrasse 20, Oberglatt 2122 23 24 C C C C project Business center project Branco Weiss project Extension Herdern project Zölly residential Andreaspark information science railway service facility tower tipology office laboratory tipology storage tipology residential architect Steiner AG tipology mixed use architect Em2n architect Meili & Peter realization 2011 architect baumschlager & eberle realization 2013 Architects address Hagenholzstrasse 56, realization 2008 address Industriequartier Hard realization 2014 Zurich address Wolfgang Pauli Strasse 90, Zurich address Pfingstweidstrasse 27, Zurich 102, zurich 00- itinerario SWISS.indd 174 08/07/19 16:59 D B C E A 25 26 27 28 C C C C project Freitag flagship store project Limmatplatz Tramway project Europaalle 21 project Extension to the Swiss tipology store Station tipology office National Museum architect spillman.schsle tipology public architect Max Dudler tipology museum architekten architect Baumann Roserens realization 2013 architect Christ & Gantenbein realization 2006 Architekten address Europaallee 21, Zurich realization 2016 address Geroldstrasse 17, Zurich realization 2007 address Museumstrasse 2, address Limmatplatz 1, Zurich 8001 Zürich contemporary itinerary: swiss german itinerario contemporaneo: svizzera tedesca 2930 31 32 175 C C C C project Eisgasse house project Freisch tzgasse house project Library of the institute project Doldertal Apartment tipology office tipology office of law Houses architect Max Dudler architect David Chipperfield tipology multi use tipology residential realization 2013 Architects architect Santiago Calatrava architect Marcel Breuer, Alfred address Eisgasse, Zurich realization 2013 realization 2004 Roth, Emil Roth address Freisch tzgasse 25, address Rämistrasse 76, Zurich realization 1936 Zurich address Doldertal 19, Zurich 00- itinerario SWISS.indd 175 08/07/19 16:59 D B C E A 33 34 35 36 C C C C project Hohenbuhlstrasse project CoCoon project Heidi Weber Museum project Centre for Hearing and tipology residential tipology office tipology tmuseum Language architect AGPS architect Evolution design architect Le Corbusier tipology education realization 2004 realization 2007 realization 1967 architect E2a architects Zurich address Hohenbuhlstrasse 2, address Seefeldstrasse 287, address Höschgasse 8, Zurich realization 2009 Zurich Zurich address Frohalpstrasse 78, Zurich 37 38 39 40 C C C C project Stadion Letzigrund project Kiss Apartment project Residential Building project Sportentrum
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