------------------------- ,• OPINIONS ---+Joe's back with some real life experience, p. 5. SCIENeE ---+ Environmental aze nlwsfrontf>ow.(l. Under; ,,p ..ll. ~<.. we'%,- ,.::::< W"·c:;; "* \'ol. 12H. No. 1-J. DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY, HALIFAX, N.S. Thursday, january 18, 1996 CASA rocked by embezzlement allegations BY JEN HORSEY Although Usher appeared con­ going to do to CASA what Nick Spending by interim National Director Pat fident that CASA could overcome Leeson did to Barings." Alex Usher, the National Director these problems, he did comment Neither Kelly Lamrock nor Pat of the Canadian Alliance of Stu­ FitzPatrick to be investigated by Ottawa police· that they have not escaped un­ FitzPatrick could be reached for dent Associations (CASA), re­ scathed. comment. turned from a ten-week sick leave "It's going to mean some CASA was created in January, to face questions regarding spend­ Usher had assembled enough in­ will be made available to member crimping here," he said. "As near 1995 as an alternative to theCa­ ing by interim National Director, formation to go to the Ottawa schools on Thursday. as I can tell, we're out $10,000." nadian Federation of Students Pat FitzPatrick. police. Usher regarded this hesitancy CASA's total budget is (CPS). The aim of CASA is to na­ FitzPatrick was suspended from Ottawa Police have agreed to in paying fees as understandable. $128,500. tionally represent student inter­ his duties on January 9th, follow­ investigate two charges; one re­ "What they want is to get this "We're going to be taking a ests on education issues. ing a phone call between Usher garding a fraudulent cheque for cleared up and know that we've very significant hit for one year, Ahern was uncertain what and University of New Brunswick $225, and the other a theft of dealt with this prudently and but it's not fatal. It think every­ impact this turn of events would (UNB) President Kelly Lamrock. $2,000. responsibly .. :if they're convinced body understands that this is the have on the DSU, but she did com­ At the national CASA confer­ Another investigation is pend­ of that, then the fees will come act of one person, " said Usher. ment that "it would be a real ence held in October, FitzPatrick ing in New Brunswick regarding in for the rest of the year and we'll "We're not going to let one per­ shame for this organization to fall was made the coordinator of alleged misappropriation of funds, be fine," said Usher. son do this. Pat FitzPatrick is not apart because of one individual." CASA:s National Conference on where FitzPatrick, in his duties as Higher Education. In late Novem­ coordinator of the National Con­ ber, the board of directors (made ference on Higher Education, had Smoking policy? What up of 5 regional representatives, signing authority on the bank of which FitzPatrick was one) account for the Conference. This smoking policy? appointed him to the position of account, which contained a interim National Director while $10,000 loan from CASA, now BY GAZETIE STAFF Usher, due to illness, was unable contains only $1,500. to fulfil his duties. Usher was uncertain whether The big yellow posters that are hanging in a multi­ FitzPatrick resigned from the that money , was spent on legiti­ tude of conspicuous places in the Student Union position of UNB VP External in mate conference costs; however, Building (SUB) state firmly that a new smoking early November amid controversy he did comment that at this point policy - as it is outlined in those very same posters surrounding his use of the Stu­ only $1,300-$1,400 were ac­ -was passed in the January 7 Council meeting, dent Union credit card. counted for. and that it is effective immediately. Because UNB was handling the "The money that has been mis­ Some concerned people aren't so sure. CASA finances before the office <\PQro,pr\qt~d j~_qqj; f.r.om,..C.t\.SA.jt. If you read those minutes, very carefully, they say was created in Ottawa, UNB and is from the Conference," said that the smoking policy motion is to " ... be refered CASA had a funding agreement Usher, " ... the finances .here are [sic] to the January Annual General Meeting for con­ in which UNB agreed to pay ex­ clean, and the problem was Pat sideration." penses of CASA equal to $9,000 and what he was doing in New Then that motion is amended. - UNB's membership fees. UNB Brunswick." Then the whole thing is passed. also agreed to cover expenses over Both the Dalhousie Student Although amendments to existing policy are ef­ the $9000, with the understand­ Union (DSU), and the Alma Mater fective immediately, the minutes of the January 7 ing that CASA would pay this Society at the University of Brit­ Council meeting don't clearly state that this is an money back at the end of the year. ish Columbia have notified the amendment to an existing policy (even though there FitzPatrick had been charging organization that they will not is an existing smoking policy) .. .in fact, oddly enough,· CASA expenses using the Student pay their membership fees until they state that it is a proposed DSU policy. Union credit card. Usher is not they can review an audit of You have to wonder if amendments to proposed confident that those costs were CASA:s financial records. Hoopsters flying motions that are to " ... be refered [sic] to the Janu­ legitimate CASA expenditures. The DSU's outstanding fees ary Annual General Meeting for consideration" are "Mr. FitzPatrick appears to amount to $9000. also effective immediately. have told them we would pay [the "There was no way that we The Tigers' Reggie Oblitey (#11) takes it to the hoop amid a troika of UNB defenders in So, if that means that it should be referred to credit card costs]," said Usher. were going to release funds to an weekend action. Dalhousie dumped the Var­ the January Annual General Meeting for considera­ It was the use of the UNB credit organization that was financially tion, shouldn't smoking still be permitted in the SUB card which alerted Usher to questionable," said Erin Ahern, sity Reds 8 6-72 on Saturday and nipped the University of Prince Edward Island Panthers in the meantime? CASA's financial problems. the DSU's VP External. Confusing, eh? I'm confused, are you confused? Lamrock telephoned Usher re­ Usher claims that all of the 85-79 on Sunday. For a complete update on the past week's sporting events, see page 12. But those concerned individuals who brought this garding the credit card bill on information CASA has on this is­ to our attention don't appear to be confused. January 9. Within 36 hours, sue, including an internal audit, Check next week's Gazette for more details. Apathy on campus: Extracurricular activities in decline BY DAVID CAMERON [DSU Council] are trying to be more accountable and FEATURE get more information out there." At about 10:45 p.m. on""- cold Tuesday evening in early DSU Vice President (VP) Academic Chris Lydon said December, first-year arts student Adam Richard stood chose not to vote. In fact, only 1608 ballots were cast in voter turnout will be higher if the DSU and its repre­ outside Dalhousie's Killam Memorial Library. the by-election, which ran from October 11 to 13. In addi­ sentatives continue to become more visible and active For him, it's been another long day. tion to senate by-elections, students were asked three ref­ in informing students. ''I'm a full-time student and I work full-time. I don't erendum questions and two plebiscites on one ballot. But "We have to continue our efforts to inform students have time to get involved, especially when it comes to students were not required to answer all of the questions. where their money is going, what representatives they student;>olitics,'' said Richard. And they didn't. Less than eight per cent of students have, what opportunities they have, and what issues He didn't vote in last October's Dalhousie Student voted to pull out of the Students' Union of Nova Scotia are facing them," said Lydon. Union (DSU) senate by-elections and referenda because (SUNS}. For a result to be valid and binding, at least eight One such issue is the Consortium proposal, a response he didn't have the time to familiarize himself with the per cent of the membership must vote for one particular of the seven Metro universities to deal with actnal and candidates and the issues. side of an issue. In this case, the DSU Council chose to proposed decreases in government funding for education. "I care about issues that affect me as a student, but I stand by the majority (of those that voted) decision to "The Consortium is something that's going to drive just don't have enough ti:I:Qe to learn more about them opt out of the provincial student organization. up everyone's tuition, has the potential to close pro­ or to get involved,'' said Richard. Some observers suggest that the low voter turnout grams. and it has got something that can take away Megan Hannam, a sec'ond-year marine biology stu­ simply reinforces and highlights. the amazing amount whole facets of our university," said Lydon. "Yet, not dent, hurries across campus. of student apathy at Dalhousie. too many people know about if or its consequences." "I wasn't informed on the issues and I didn't want to But DSD President David Cox said describing students Although voter turnout is low, Lydon believes stu­ make any uninformed choices," she said,.
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