! < I T? ■ s ,' Zv niTl>ATMAT*8.1Mf ■ V . / ' FAGfe rOUWTCK* t Averagt Daily Circulation The Weather il3imtrl;pstpr rate ForacMt of V. S. U’entlior Boran ■■I . ■.«■« P' I '■ — ■ !■ ' ■ ■■ ■ '■■ ‘ ' ’ " ' ' " Fac fiw Maatk ot Aprfl, 1S42 6om paiw No.-1 of the South ■j ' Company. No. 4 bf the South 'Kdward J.’ Brown,— promotion Membera of Dijworth-Corhell- Portly cloudy, worm ood kuBOid manager of the Hartfoiord _ Courant,----------- Quey Poat, American L^gloi), and Manchegti^r[anchegti^ Are department an- 9 ,2 9 8 Mancheater 7 Are department will aweri^'a atill alarm at 2 o’clock todoy; portly elnody tootgkt; About Town hold lU May drill tonight. ’Ihe will be the tpeakt-r at the monthly auxiliary will meet at North Main M o< tka AadH rioudy. worm- and hamld Sunday, and.North atrCeia, Sunday at 10:30 yeidei^y afternoon for 'an oVer- ‘ 'i . membera will aaaemble at the meeting of the Mancheater chapter Big im id a y liaff ahowtfa Iota In aftamooo. AC^ng oil burner at 487 Center 10m Davta Lodt«» L O. O. hoae houae on School etreet at of the N. A. A. to be held Monday a. ih. to attend the Memorial Day aenricc at the SecoridN^ongrega- ■ntreet which waa extliigulAied \ wtO work tiM ialUiKtocy d « f m on «:30. evening May 36 at 8 o'clock at the Manchester— A City o f VlUage Charm •'cU a of onndMatM at tb« lodfe Villa I.oulaa. All membera are tlonal rhurrh. without loaa. urged to attend. An outline of the ball tonigbt at I o'clock. Aft•^ Mancheater Juvenile Orange will Week-End Ahead VOL. LXVI., NO. 200 (UoaoUkar adaofttotog m PUgo !•> aaattiw refrahaimu will b« meet tomorrow afternoon at two big State meet to be held June 2S MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1047 (Ttl^ELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS a’dock at Ita meeting place, »9l and 20 at Trumbull airport will be Wherever You Plan To Go Main atrcet. given. , Kblbbow Otrla ara runlnded of Memorial Day Wcek-«nd, tha rabtarial tomorrow aftarnoon Londoii W aiter Motfiers Tike Hand in Traffic Situation 8 More Nazis at l:iS In tha Maaonlc Tampia for Be Prepared for Swimming! tha aaml'pabUc litetaltatlon Mon­ Spending and Taxing day ovaninr. Says Prisoner •V Are P m wnlaa o f Troop 17 ara hav- JANTZEN t if a “fljr-up** caiamony Monday affiamooB pit 8t. Jamaa'a cburch Given Beating By Argentina' wtMn thay-win praaent a play, "A ;rams Com pleted Brownla In the Hpuae." The glrla Swim Suits who win antar the Intermediate HORACE / Hall Testifies BacyleWics Next Step in Long Se*, prograih from thla troop ara So­ or phia Ann Delaney,. Caroline Flta- Told-Him Bniifies on ries o f Efforts to Re* I m m a . Marllvn McCarthy. Jeanne .Stori* Your Kiira With Coiifirienriv Legs Result t^atement store Harmony Up to itoillaoey. OaU Poat, Nancy Rohan, C A Lee Swimsation By Assembly Groups JaOqnaline Kelly and Janet Cervlni. Handed to Rondinone Slate Department Nov < Thia troop will have a hot dog toaat at CenUr Springe park on Hartford,^ ^ a y 24— <e)— Harold Buenos Aires, May 24—tZP)—The \ Wadneadgy, May 48. Mre. John T. Large v -/ Suits HaU, Liondm hotel waiter Involved next step in the long series of ef­ Revenue * Raising and Prior ia the leader. Mre. Marie Mrs. Truman Siin’ti Eclipse In Jersey. Lastex, Velvn-Lure and the in a b ^ rre Immigration caae, baa forts to restore harmony between i Appropriation Bills^ Smith'a troop. 24. will have a pic- New Peacliskln Fabric, In one or 2-picce nie at Center Springe on Tueeday. t i M Picture taatlfted/to a Superior court Jury the United States and Argentina JMCIIAL4 styles. appeared today to be up to the Now W eaker Ex|>ected to Provokf May sr. here that a fallow prlaoner at the State department in Washington. Hartford county JaU told him the Bitter Debate Next The Second Congregational ForelgnX Minister Juan Bra- Men’a Club vrill-ipOat thla erening Hats ^ pO^oe bad beaten him while be Uiugiia Infokmed a news confer­ Week, Given Favorable Wbere Furs Are SlOpril In C Modern ence last nIgtR that eight rhore President, More Anxious in tha church parlora. The mlni- Wan being queationed. Naxt agents ^ r e reported two atar, Rav. Iceland O. Hunt, will And Perturbed, Plans Reports by Conunitk Vault In Onr Owtynu ng HaU, awaiting Federal court days ago, bringi^ the total num­ a p ^ on "^ e Prlvllegea and Re- H to tri^ with two othera on a charge tees as House and Thla group of mothers in .Edgevale, O., form a human blockade across a etreet while their rhildreu ber of agents thurs|[ar expelled to To Stay in Missouri aponalbUl^ of Laymen.” All men oF conapiracy to defraud the Unit­ (iO, and that Argent "now con- scamper to safety after alighting from a school bus. 'Die mother complained the narrow street has be­ o f tha pSureh and pariah are In- ed Statea, appeared yesterday aa alders she has satliM^ed all her' Senate Adjourn Late vltad tdutend and urged to bring a witneaa for one of five defen­ come a speedway and that police have failed to proride protection. Police have threatened to arrest hebiisphere obllgaUona. Bulletin i them for blocking traffic. (AP wirephoto). their frlenda. All who can con- Misimuin Rata ; . / dant# accused of several violent The U. 8. State departW nt has Grandview, Mo,, May 24—<;T) Hartford, May 24.— (JF)— v l^ t ly do ao are naked to coma f. ^ . •w 'b M ' y crimes including assault with In­ to been inaUtent that Argentirtais m clean« t r a i l Ii — Preaidml Truman aald today Current Connecticut General at ateen o’clock to aae the program White Straws tent to murder, blackmail and out Naxi Influences to coiroihnletc I that klo weakening mother tha Cub Pack it carrying on. breaking and entering. Farm Bill CuL fulfillment of her pledges o f eon-I "had k fairly good nl|rtM” but Assembly committees virtual* For Decoration Day! HaU was put on tbe stand by Charges Reporters tlnental solidarity and Bramuglmuglik’s I that there was no./Improve* ly have completed their work CLEANING. /find an attorney for James P, Rondi­ statement was an Indication thaYi ment In her eonditlon. The op major spending ^nd tax­ none of Hartford to tell what he Under Attack Argentina' now Is ready to stand prealdent looking deapondent, ing programs. When the Reyitalixingy^’ Hollander $ 11.95 kneur - of the circumxtanocs o f a on her record of compliance prlth left Wa hotel at Kanana City World Fury«»|i»rtM. statement written by L>eo T. Baay> Told Slander Reds the Oiapultepec agreements. at 8t40 A. M. (E S T ) for House and Senate adjourned to Each lewlcs of New Britain, clearing Summln gup this record, Bra- anothipr day at Mrs. Martha E. late yesterday for what may Rondinone .-df complicity In an at- Catinon Calls Agricul* Rummlng up this record. Bra- Trutotoi’a bedolde. be the final week-end o f the **Wt MoTt Ilia Eartti** tampt to hold up a dice game In ture Measure Worst Soviet Press and Radio suspected German spies, 60 hav. present legislative seoslon. aavaral MHjGB AND FINISH Manchester. been deported. 16 have beer traced Grandview, Mo-. May 24—(flv - revenue-raising . and appropria* REI<^IRtNG. to neighboring countries, 43 remain Ooeroed Into WriUng Bill Sent to Floor Prestdent Truman became more Rons bills, expected to p r o v e s Attacks Some Amer- NcWS TldbitS iinfound and the remainder are By Espart Furriers At Reasonable Price Baaylewlca. who has pleaded anxious and perturbed today a# bitter debate next week, had re­ Groding Straw 9i guilty to aome of the offense# for lean and British Cor* free with United Nations approval ceived favorable coramittos re­ And It Coats No More. Washington, May 24.—OT)—Rep. Culled From (fP) Wires or under arrest for violation of his 04-year-old mother weakened The nmon blots out tbe sun dur­ which the five accused are on respondents at Parleys perceptibly. ing the total eclipse May 20 which ports. trial, had testified that Rondinone Conn^ (D„ Mo.) declared today Argentine laws. CHlIort ’The list of 43 fugitives was re­ While his personal phyeictan waa observed- by sclcnttsts from Highlights of Proposals D U L 4123 “ s ' ^ * iKj ^^i^Jottes coerced him Into writing the state­ the aharply-trlmmed agriculture VHerana who allowed their nS- would not go beyond the aseertlon a plateau at Bocaluva, Braxll. The duced to 42 a short tlnte after the Proposals aubmltted during tha Land Clearing^ ment, and even gave him notea appropriation measure for tP48 is Moscow, May 24.—</P>— tJonal sendee llf.lnsursnce to lapM | foVViin'''mtoUtir' ‘ a^Iwuncid thl that Mrs. Martha E. Truman’s phenomenon lasted 3 minutes and day to the leglslatora by laadbig tailing him wha^t to write. "the worst bill of its kind ever sent The Soviet press and radio have nntU Ang. I to relnsUlc ligure when Federal nniir.police arrested condition was "unchanged,” Mr. 48 seconds. (Picture from NBC committees were hlghltghtod by Your hal Is one of Ihc most Impbriant parts of your 4n- Hall’s teatlmboy, however, waa to the House floor.” . , . J- , V , » , Ihelr policies without new physical television newsreel.) charged today that American ex.^minatioh. .Auto mdintry Gustav Aflolph Seraphin. termed Truman said ahe Vvas growing "a the tollowlnf: Londscopin^ ■semhit*. He fashion wi.Hc — shop inXpur Millinery Salon.
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