42 42 SUPPLEMENTAL BOARD REPORT JULY27, 2000 TO: MTA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Los Angeles County SUBJECT: Pletropolitan 2000 ABBREVIATEDCALL FOR PROJECTS Transportation ACTION: APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Authority OneGateway Plaza RECOMMENDATION LosAngeles, CA 90012 Staff recommendsthe following actions for the 2000 AbbreviatedCall For Projects: 213.922.6000 Ao Program$179.7 million in 2000 State Transportation ImprovementProgram (STIP) funds to projects recommendedby both staff and Technical Advisory Committee(TAC) in seven (7) modal categories (Attachments A and B. Program$14 million in AB1012 AdvancedPlanning and Development funds in five (5) modalcategories (AttachmentsA and Co Amendthe FY 2000-01 MTABudget to include $9.6 million for MTA Regionally Significant Projects. Of this amount, $1.6 million is 2000 STIP funds for project administration and Blue Line Safety Improvementsand $8 million is AB1012 funds for the transit corridor projects; D. Approveprojects for nominationto the California Transportation Commission(CTC) for 2000 STIP funds; E. Administerthe AbbreviatedCall For Projects as a project-specific grant programwith the requirementthat project sponsors bear all cost increases; Fo Execute a Letter of Agreement(LOA) with all project sponsors of approved projects to ensure adherenceto all applicable federal and state policies, rules and regulations and to ensure that the scope of each project is documented, can be audited, and can meet the timely use of funds requirement; and Amendthe recommended2000 Abbreviated Call for Projects Program of Projects (Attachment C) into the FY2000-06 Los Angeles County Regional Transportation ImprovementProgram (RTIP); ISSUE MTAstaff completedtheir evaluation of 243 projects, with 168 applications under the 2000 State Transportation ImprovementProgram (STIP) and 68 applications under the AB1012 Advanced Project DevelopmentFunds, both part of the 2000 AbbreviatedCall for Projects. Staff is recommendingMTA Board approval of 73 projects totaling $193.7 million. Of the $193.7 million, $179.7 million is recommendedfor the 2000 STIP and $14 million for AB 1012. Adoptionis required at the July 27th Board meeting in order to meet both SCAGand the CTC’s STIP Amendmentadoption deadlines. POLICY IMPLICATIONS The purpose of the 2000 Abbreviated Call for Projects is to implementthe MTA’smulti-modal programmingresponsibilities for Los Angeles Countyin response to GovernorDavis’ Transportation 2000 Initiative. The Transportation ImprovementProgram (TIP) Call for Projects process was utilized in the 2000 AbbreviatedCall in that funds were awardedon a competitive basis for regional significant projects that successfully demonstratetheir mobility benefits. The MTAreceived 243 applications requesting approximately$1.9 billion. These projects are competingfor $179.7 million in STIP funds and $71 million in AB1012 funds available over the FY 2001-2004 four-year period. AB1012 funds not programmedthrough this 2000 Abbreviated Call for Projects will be available for capital projects in future STIPs. OPTIONS The Board maysuggest funding alternative projects through this 2000 AbbreviatedCall For Projects process. Projects addedto the recommendedlist will result in other projects either movingoff the funded list or projects receiving reduced levels of funding. Unlike other MTA Call for Projects programmingprocesses, there is no local funding to augmentthe process and provide flexibility. The Board could choose not to proceed with the 2000 AbbreviatedCall For Projects. This option is not recommendedas it would not allow the MTAto take advantage of the State funding madeavailable through GovernorDavis’ Transportation 2000 Initiative and would not allow the MTAto exercise its statutory transportation programmingfunction. FINANCIAL IMPACT A total of $193.7 million is recommendedto fund the 2000 AbbreviatedCall for Projects listed in AttachmentC. This amountreflects $179.7 million for the 2000 STIP and $14 million for AB1012 through the Governor’s Transportation 2000 Initiative. The FY 2000-01 MTABudget will be amendedto include $9.6 million for MTARegionally Significant Projects. Of this amount, $1.6 million is 2000 STIP funds for project administration and Blue Line Safety Improvementsand $8 million is AB1012 funds for the transit corridor projects. 2000 Abbreviated Call for Projects 2 BACKGROUND In January of 2000, GovemorGray Davis launched his Transportation 2000 Initiative. Part of this initiative included the release of capital funds for a FY2000-04 STIP. The CTCadopted the fund estimate, for the four-year 2000 STIPon June 15, 2000. The CTC’sinitial estimate of $1.4 billion available statewide was reduced to $1.02 billion whenCaltrans requested and received additional funds for the State HighwayOperations and Protection Program(SHOPP). Of this amount, about 17%or $179.7 million is available for Los AngelesCounty. In addition to this formula share, there is $71 million available from the passage of AB1012. This measure provides for the advancementof project developmentfunds (environmental funds, plans specification and estimate work). The 2000 AbbreviatedCall For Projects is the first time projects were solicited for AB1012 funds. Funds not programmedthrough this Abbreviated Call For Projects will be available for capital projects in future STIPs. Total funding, capital and project development,for this STIPprocess, is $250.7 million. AbbreviatedCall For Proiects Process The process followed for this AbbreviatedCall For Projects has been extraordinary in that application preparation and project application review times were muchshorter than the usual process conducted by MTAstaff. The Abbreviated Call was also conducted without the benefit of the funding marks, as they were not knowneither at the time projects were solicited or when the project evaluations were completedand the preliminary staff recommendationswere released on June 12th. The funding allocation was not approvedby the CTCuntil its June 15th meeting. Anotherdifference in the AbbreviatedCall for Projects is the limited sources of money.For this Call process, there are no local Proposition C (Prop. C) dollars programmed,nor is there any federal pass-through funds, Regional Surface Transportation Program(RSTP), Congestion ManagementAir Quality (CMAQ),or Transportation EnhancementActivities (TEA). The of local dollars reduces the MTA’sability to provide moreflexible funding to smaller jurisdictions not accustomedto workingwith state or federal dollars or processes. The STIP funds allocated through this AbbreviatedCall process are legally only available for programming to capital projects, hence no Transportation DemandManagement (TDM) projects were solicited. A completed Project Study Report (PSR), or equivalent local documentationwas required for projects to be eligible for fundingconsideration. MTAstaff completed the review of the 243 project applications submitted through the 2000 Abbreviated Call For Projects and madepreliminary recommendations.These recommendations, as well as 17 appeals from project sponsors, were considered by staff and the Technical Advisory Committee(TAC) on June 21, 2000. After considerable discussion and consultation with MTA staff, the TACapproved the preliminary staff recommendationsas listed in AttachmentC. 2000 Abbreviated Call for Projects 3 At the July 20, 2000 Special Board Workshop,the Board considered the preliminary recommendationsby both MTAstaff and TAC. Attachment E is a matrix of Board motions regarding certain project funding requests for STIP2000, and additional projects studies to be considered for AB1012 funding. Staff was asked to report back to the MTABoard on these motions at their July 27, 2000 meeting. NEXTSTEPS UponBoard approval, adopted projects will be transmitted to the Southern Califomia Association of Governments(SCAG) for inclusion in the Regional Transportation Improvement Program(RTIP). A workshopwill be scheduled with successful project sponsors to review and discuss administrative requirements. ATTACHMENTS: A. Specific RecommendationInformation B. Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Recommendations(June C. LACMTA2000 Abbreviated Call For Projects RecommendedProgram of Projects. D. 2000 Abbreviated Call For Projects Project Descriptions of RecommendedProjects E. July 20, 2000 Abbreviated Call For Projects MTABoard WorkshopMotions Prepared by: Heather Hills, WandaKnight, Renee Berlin, Sumire Gant, Karen Heit, Countywide Planning and Development 2000 Abbreviated Call for Projects 4 Deputy Executive Officer Deputy Executi~,e Officd~ " Transportation Development Capital Development and Programming and Implementation and Development 2000 Abbreviated Call for Projects 5 ATTACHMENT A SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATION INFORMATION I. New2000 Abbreviated STIP Call For Projects Prol/rammine: 1. Program$179.7 million to projects in the following seven (7) modal categories: Freeway HOV,TOS, and GAPClosures: The $48.2 million, four year (FY 2001-2004) program of Projects should be approved. MTAfund allocations are recommendedfor five projects; three of the projects require full MTAfunding, and two projects require partial MTAfunding as they are earmarkedfor partial funding under the State Traffic CongestionRelief Plan and had received previous MTACall for Projects grants. There are five additional projects that are earmarkedfor fundingin the State Traffic CongestionRelief Plan: 1) two of the projects are fully fundedand therefore, do not need any MTAfunds; and 2) two are fully funded for Right-of Wayacquisition
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