Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The Inkwell Student Media 1-24-1974 The Inkwell Armstrong State College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/inkwell Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Armstrong State College, "The Inkwell" (1974). The Inkwell. 424. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/inkwell/424 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Inkwell by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Energy Crisis Committee Formed At ASC The Energy Crisis, like ap- over the cnS18. The commit- be produced if the fluorescent morning. In order to com- student cooperation if ration- ple pie, pornography and Wat- tee consists of Mr. Art Pross- tubes were removed and with plete a forty hour work week ing is implemented. ergate, has become not only er, chairman; Dean H. Dean every third light left in oper- college personnel worked from If rationing is put into ef- an American household word Propst, Dean Joe Buck, and ation. Administrative offices 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m, with a fect a city wide map, outling but also a common term on Mr. Richard Baker. requested that fluorescent half hour allocated for lunch. student residence throughout the college campus. In combat- The committee's purpose tubes be removed from fix- The question of gas ration- Savann~, would be posted in iog this problem, Armstrong was to formulate plans for tures where enough light is ing left the committee with the new student center to as- state has formulated a faeul- conserving energy on the ABC provided from the windows. two plans to consider: the sist students in forming con- ty_student energy crisis com- campus and to provide the A trial run of a four day fonnation of a four day class venient car pools. Students mittee. needed steps in completing work week was scheduled week or revising the fall, win- complying with this prgoram In the later part of fall these plans. from December 10 through 14 ter and spring quarter sched- would be given choice parking quarter, Dr. Henry Ashmore, Excess energy distributed and December 17 through 21 ules similar to the summer spaces on campus. President of ABC, annopnced through the use of haIl ligbta for the administration, faculty quarter schedule. The University of Minne- the formulation of an energy was the first cutback of en- and staff of the college. Fri- Car pooling was another sota initiated a computer- crisis committee on the ABC ergy at Armstrong. The com- day was set aside as the most energy conserving suggestion matched car pool for faculty, campus. This administrative, mittee decided that several logical day to close down since from the committee. Dean staff and students. The pr0- faeuJty and staff committee halls were too dark without this would provide a three day Buck, Dean of Student Af- gram is designed to deal with was organized due to the con- the use of any artificial light, shut down of the campus from fairs, related this idea to the the individual needs of the ear eem of the Board of Regenta however sufficient light would Thursday evening to Monday SGA Senate and asked for (Continued on Page 6) armstrong state college MI. Pr.fiI a.. 11935abercorn street ext. u.s._. asc savannah, georgia 31406 PAID CHARLIE ..... .......it Me. 310 DANIELS -- 1 • 25 • 74 Alee Temple • january 24, 1974 vol. 38 no. 13 " TENNIS COURTS TO BE OPEN .. TO GENERAL PUBLIC FOR USE Dr. Henry Ashmore, presi- The courts will serve the general public and ASC stu- dent of Armstrong State Col- college's academic ph y sic a 1 dents on a first come first basis. The general public will lege, announced that, when education courses and the var- be requ ired to pay a fee of completed, the new ASC ten- sity team first with students 40c per person per hour for nis courts will be opened not having priority to the courts use of the courts. only to the college students on the weekdays until five but also to the general pub- p.m. On Saturda~s ."and Sun- Ashmore cited the reason lic. days the courts WIll serve the for opening the courts to the general public and charging a fee as the need to acquire revenue .eo that a hired guard Intern Program Begins can be present on the courts. Humid weatber batts completion of Armstrong's The president stated that the new tennis courts. When finisbed tbe courts will be openedto botb the college students and tbe general courts would be operated with public. To Rourish At ASC the main idea of "priority to students and protection of the The program is structured Governor Jimmy Carter two courts." Dr. Ashmore continu- to operate in the following years ago established a new ed to comment that whatever Heads Federal Study manner. The governor's of- educational program for col- was done would be experi- fice solicits age n e i e sand lege students. The program, mental and there was a need screens students for the in- named the Georgia Intern. _for some revenue from tennis Program bas flourished ternships. Private and gov- courts. WITT TAKES YEAR throughout the state and is ernment agencies that wish to now beginning to prosper on participate submit outlines of According to the Depart- the ABC campus. projects that can be completed ment of Leisure Services there Through this program, stu- in one quarter. After the stu- are presently four locations of LEAVE OF ABSENCE dents can receive valuable on dent applications and agency tennis courts in Savannah. The bead of the Criminal He win also hold conferences the job experience in fie 1d s project outlines have been ex- Nine courts are located at Juitice Department at Arm- and sirninars on the subject such as: Education. Health, amined, each accepted student Daffin Park, four at the Main strong Stste College. Dr. to increase awareness that Court Services, Transporta- is matched with the project Street YMCA, two in Clover- dale and two at Forsyth Park. James Witt, has taken a one more members of minority tion, Economic Development, that is appropriate with his AU the city courts are free to year's leave of absence to go groups are needed in the field Recreation, Natural Resources, major, and an adviser is as- the public with the exception to Marquette University Law of criminal justice. Management, and Offender signed. of six rubicon courts at Daffin Schoolin Milwaukee, WisconM Rehabilitation. A number of The Georgia Intern Pr0.- Dr. Witt, who left for his Park which charge 50c. Under sin. He has taken the job &8 other fields are also open and gram's representative at Arm- the present plan the ASe the Executive Director of the new position January 22, will many will be added as the pro- strong is Dr. Roger Warlick, courts would be charging the Center for the Study of Crim- return to Armstrong when his gram develops. head of the History and Poli- lowest fee in Savannah. inal Justice Agency Organiza- year's leave of absence is over. In addition to the experi- tical Science Department. Dr. tion and Minority Employ- Hopefully he said he will be ence in his chosen field, a stu- Warlick believes that the pro- A motion was presented to ment Opportunities. able to bring new ideas and dent who is accepted for the gram is beneficial to the the Student Government Sen- As the Agency's new execu- new programs to the students program may receive up to a agencies, schools, and students ate on Jan. 21 requesting that tive director, Dr. Witt win who are criminal justice maj- $600 stipend and 15 hours of who are involved. Student Sen- the Senate suggest a fee of 50c r ator Rene' Romag'osa, who " travel extensively to criminal ors when he returns to Arm- credit toward his degree. The instead of 40c for the general justice agencies throughout strong. Dr.· William Megath- amount of money and credit was selected to attend the na- public. The Senators however the U. S. to help set up pro- lin will be the acting head of recei'ved depends on the tional conference on intern delayed any action until fur- programs with Dr. Warlick rrama to recruit more minor- the Criminal Justice Depart- agency and major department ther information could be ob- a, JDeJoben on their staffs. ment in Dr. Witts absence. involved. (Continued on Page 6) tained. January 24, 197~ THE INKWELL ARMSTRONG STATE COLLEGE Page Two •EDITORIALS • m It is the poliCY of the INKWELL to differentiate pe~nal a:: :: and editorial opinion on this page by the use of by-lines lack of them respectively. A by-line is the name of the author of the article printed between the headline and the article. Any article with a by-line expresses the opinion of the author and does not neces- sariI that of the INKWELL in general. Articles without bY-~ ex:-ress the opiniOnof the majority of the editorial staff, Lorenz Praised The Armstrong Student Govemment Senate has been somewhat less than an august body 80 far this year. With the possible exception of the controversy over .~l privi- leges tor the senators, there has been little done bes~des com- mittee reports which are of little consequence. ErnIe Loms, SGA President, has taken a step in the ~right diree~on by presenting the senate with a list of winter quarter obJeetiveL For the most part Lorenz's suggested objectives are on the surface good and deserving of the senate's investigation and.
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