In Memoriam Sue was a spectacular scientist who com- at the University of Chicago, where she bined a searing intellect with deep wis- would later join the faculty (1978) and rise Susan Lee Lindquist (1949–2016) dom, sagacious intuition, and limitless to full professor (1988). While at the Uni- creativity. These characteristics enabled versity of Chicago, Sue married Edward Sue to make connections across dispa- Buckbee and would have two wonderful 1, James Shorter * rate disciplines that nobody else could daughters, Alana and Nora. She also make. Her infectious esprit for scientific launched a remarkable and radical series Lindquist was a visionary and pio- discovery was combined with disarming of trailblazing discoveries. These contin- neer who transformed our under- warmth, positivity, openness, directness, ued when Sue moved her research pro- standing of how protein folding and generosity, which made her an inspi- gram to the Whitehead Institute for rational, nurturing, and indefatigable men- Biomedical Research at Massachusetts sculpts biology, evolution, and dis- tor. These synergistic traits empowered Institute of Technology (MIT), which is ease. She revealed several unantici- extraordinarily effective collaborations where I trained with Sue as a postdoctoral pated mechanisms by which protein between scientists from diverse back- fellow (2002–2007). Sue would spend the folding can buffer, release, and grounds and disciplines. Indeed, rest of her career at the Whitehead Insti- potentiate genetic variation in researchers from diverse backgrounds – tute as Director (2001–2004), Institute response to environmental stress, physicists, chemists, biochemists, biolo- Member (2001–2016), and Professor of thereby enabling the rapid evolution gists, mathematicians, and physicians – Biology at MIT (2001–2016). of beneficial new traits. Her discov- wanted to work in her laboratory. Sue eries provide a rich framework for wrote papers that were accessible to wide Early work from Sue's group established innovative therapeutic interventions audiences and her seminars were capti- how Hsp expression was coordinated and in several fatal diseases, including vating and clear. I was inspired to postdoc regulated in response to environmental Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's in her laboratory during my Ph.D. after stress. She brought Flp recombinase hearing her present a seminar at The technology to Drosophila for the first time disease, and cancer. Imperial Cancer Research Fund at Lin- [7]. Her focus shifted to define Hsp func- Susan Lee Lindquist was a heroic pioneer coln's Inn Fields in London, U.K. hosted tion, which yielded innumerable profound and iconic visionary who revolutionized in late 1998. The pursuit of science with insights. Perhaps the most vivid advance our understanding of how alterations in Sue was invariably filled with verve, cour- concerned Hsp90, an abundant and spe- protein folding can sculpt biology, evolu- age, and good humor. cialized molecular chaperone with a selec- tion, and disease [1]. Among many great tive clientele of metastable signal achievements, perhaps the most striking Born in Chicago in 1949, Sue was the transducers that regulate a diverse array was the revelation of multiple unprece- granddaughter of Swedish and Italian of critical biological processes [1]. She dented mechanisms by which protein immigrants. Her proud parents, Iver and found two surprising roles for Hsp90 in folding can buffer, release, and potentiate Eleanor, were not college graduates, but evolution (Figure 1). First, Sue's group genetic variation in response to environ- they greatly valued education. As early as established that by folding its clients, mental stress, thereby enabling the rapid fifth grade, Sue became enthralled by the Hsp90 maintained signaling pathways evolution of beneficial new traits [1–6]. In question: what is life? This passion and could even buffer the effects of muta- her wake, she leaves a rich legacy of fun- inspired Sue to gain her B.A. in Microbiol- tions in these pathways [2–4]. This Hsp90 damental, path-breaking discoveries and ogy from the University of Illinois at buffer enabled storage of cryptic genetic perduring insights, which provide a frame- Urbana–Champaign (1971), where she variation [2–4]. Compromising Hsp90 work for innovating therapeutic interven- received a National Science Foundation function via environmental stress revealed tions in several fatal diseases, including fellowship. Sue then earned her Ph.D. in this genetic variation and caused new Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Biology from Harvard University (1976) traits to appear, which could be assimi- and cancer. Among her countless honors where she worked with Matthew Mesel- lated [2–4]. Second, Sue's group estab- and prestigious awards were the National son. It was during her Ph.D. where Sue lished that Hsp90 could also potentiate Medal of Science (2009) and the Albany first became interested in how cells genetic variation, allowing new mutations Prize in Medicine (2016). She was elected respond to environmental stress by to produce immediate phenotypes, which as a member of the National Academy of expressing heat-shock proteins (Hsps). could also be assimilated [2,6]. Here, Sciences (1997) and the Royal Society compromising Hsp90 function caused (2015). Sue died of cancer on October Sue returned to her beloved Chicago for a new traits to be lost [2,6]. These powerful 27 at age 67 years. brief postdoctoral stint with Hewson Swift mechanisms of evolutionary change were Trends in Biochemical Sciences, March 2017, Vol. 42, No. 3 169 captured during evolution for beneficial The world feels horribly smaller without purposes [11]. Thus, prions were recast Sue. Her startlingly prescient insights as adaptive conduits of memory and and her sage advice have empowered inheritance [10–12]. so many in science and beyond. She will be remembered long into the future for her In more recent years, Sue focused on game-changing, visionary science, as well tackling two major barriers that prevent as the many wonderful and talented sci- us from living longer, more fulfilling lives: entists she nurtured and trained. It was a neurodegenerative disease and cancer. great privilege to know her and to pursue Sue championed yeast as a powerful science with her. model to study neurodegenerative dis- ease reasoning that protein misfolding is Acknowledgments a universal problem and that profound Thank you to Aaron Gitler, Brooke Bevis, Kent Mat- lack, and David Ish-Horowicz for helpful feedback. I insights could likely be obtained from apologize to all those whose important work could not our most powerful yet humble model be cited owing to space limitations. organism [13]. This endeavor may have 1 seemed like a gamble, but Sue was Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, dauntless, and importantly, she was right. Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Yeast models have now enabled the dis- Figure 1. Susan Lindquist Reflecting on Her Discoveries with Hsp90 and Evolution at the covery of genetic and small-molecule *Correspondence: [email protected] Whitehead in 2006. Photo credit, Justin Knight. (J. Shorter). modifiers that rescue animal models of http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tibs.2016.12.002 disease [13]. I strongly suspect that these findings will lead to urgently needed ther- References found to operate in diverse model organ- apeutics. Indeed, these profound discov- 1. Lindquist, S. (2009) Protein folding sculpting evolutionary change. Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant. Biol. 74, 103–108 isms and are likely ubiquitous in eukar- eries led Sue to co-found FoldRx 2. Jarosz, D.F. and Lindquist, S. (2010) Hsp90 and environ- yotes [1]. (acquired by Pfizer) and Yumanity Thera- mental stress transform the adaptive value of natural – peutics. Sue's group would also make genetic variation. Science 330, 1820 1824 3. Queitsch, C. et al. (2002) Hsp90 as a capacitor of pheno- In another seminal advance, Sue shat- stunning insights into Hsp90, heat-shock typic variation. Nature 417, 618–624 tered the dogma that protein aggregates factor 1, and transcriptional responses in 4. Rutherford, S.L. and Lindquist, S. (1998) Hsp90 as a capaci- – were intractable structures. Sue's group cancer, which also inspire hope for ther- tor for morphological evolution. Nature 396, 336 342 5. True, H.L. and Lindquist, S.L. (2000) A yeast prion provides discovered that Hsp104 possessed a apeutics [14,15]. a mechanism for genetic variation and phenotypic diversity. powerful protein-disaggregase activity Nature 407, 477–483 capable of dissolving protein aggregates We are massively diminished by Sue's 6. Cowen, L.E. and Lindquist, S. (2005) Hsp90 potentiates the rapid evolution of new traits: drug resistance in diverse and restoring previously aggregated pro- death. Sue strongly believed that scien- fungi. Science 309, 2185–2189 teins to native form and function [8,9]. tists had a binding moral obligation to 7. Golic, K.G. and Lindquist, S. (1989) The FLP recombinase of yeast catalyzes site-specific recombination in the Dro- These transformative findings led Sue into serve society and solve important conun- sophila genome. Cell 59, 499–509 the field of yeast prions, which are tightly drums that would have global, wide- 8. Parsell, D.A. et al. (1994) Protein disaggregation mediated – regulated by Hsp104 [10]. Prions are reaching consequences. Importantly, by heat-shock protein Hsp104. Nature 372, 475 478 9. Glover, J.R. and Lindquist, S. (1998) Hsp104, Hsp70, and infectious proteins that can adopt self-per- Sue was not only a great scientist. She Hsp40: a novel chaperone system that rescues previously petuating conformations, which cause was a wonderful person. She would invite aggregated proteins. Cell 94, 73–82 debilitating neurodegenerative disease in group members to her house to work on 10. Shorter, J. and Lindquist, S. (2005) Prions as adaptive conduits of memory and inheritance. Nat. Rev. Genet. 6, humans [11]. Sue's group enabled us to manuscripts at the weekend, and here 435–450 understand how yeast prions assemble you could really get to know Sue and meet 11.
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