8 0 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: LOUIE, LOUIE _ THE 60's SONG!_ I U J DESCRIPTION OF FOLLOWING FILE MATERIAL [Quiz lama92/7&2.05 S0103 . , . .. X "! N0 DUPLICATION§ FEE xxxxxx . FOR THIS PAGE x X>*>m*'>* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Memorgdum I ' Te. '» T0 I DIRECTOR, FBI , DATE! 2/17/64 ATTENTION: FBI LABORATORY %>-/>1FRQM AC , TAMPA 45-New! P! 92. " 443153 ._;_? $vBJB<-'r= umcnownSUBJECT; , PHONOGRAPH" DISTRIBUTED & .- B IMAXon- MUSIC, -2 _nyc,,4;, , r : 1'AmPA_-;u¢,aw.-¬,~_.?»!mam! _ T Transmitted herewith are the following items for examination by he FBI Laboratory: ' ff . --- . 3. hyriis of "Louie Louie" as published by Limax Music. i Ca; _ Record "Louie Louie" under obscene cover!. -fkeported obscene lyrics for "Louie Louie." Under yo Lip: IF ggscene cover!.~ r _ from Sarasota G School, advisingth cap popular withtn=U high school students, and he has been furnished lyrics for the song n which aree determinedvery obscene. g , thatthis record is xi!~, ' popular, is a best seller in the area, and is played by the local Q radio stations. He said the record is a calypso-type song, and the . words are hard to recognize. However, with a copy of the obscene w- ~_ to refer to, it sounds like the lyrics are identical with the I enclosed obscene lyrics. , Radioism Station * WKXY, furnishedwhat Limax Music Companyclaims to;u4D ide the theactual l rics of the lyric¬iZfsong, w ich e isnclosureong do #1seemnot , However, be totheJ __same. REc_23M ,9: Enclosures wére!furnished,to SA by Q __.,_ am-é£.11<n,;¢>-'. ,§!glgN¬LQS4WE,-,.El:111» "£w"%92"""" Wm ' Twp? P-PI-'_? F-',f1r:w@»g6. ML M3"*»s'7 ~" ~ L--~ _ _l__ -_ ________..'-' _,. __ _ " "* -*~ . ;r'v.j|__w-W.- _.. ____ _ -; , ,1?-;j _----~- . __. ~.~. __~,V.. v _ """ , ._____.- __.~.~-- /90 W5ve?» ¢/ oz I ' . Q U" 1 TP 145-New . K/'.92 _»92 Laboratory is requested to determine if enclosed ;92--_. ~ :"92 record, "Louie Louie", can be considered obscene for purposes of prosecution under ITOM statute_ O . .. Q _:._.1, -1».-, ._ '-__.. _._ »: _ 2 ;; y. V _ _< V -_,., I ,_.._u. __- . __ . - _ _, ;-_ , ... , ... - _ . ,1 . ,__... _, .. ' The three-enclosures may be retained by the Laboratory or destroyed, if, after examinetiony it appehrs they wi1l_be or __- ~e no further use. _.~" Q ._..r;,-.. - . ~ 1 <5-r- -,. '92 " - ~: ~. *3-;1 4 I 36.. ix r J 0 :- 5, _ , 92 7 I I ! . * q - >- . ... .4 - gz;;_4.-;_- »_ _ .7 1'. -'_ §-"5- 92<<'. 1. 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' ~- , I0: further intonation, an III roloaae dated 2/18/84 ,._ -- .-___.._,_,_ _ @;_4;,_~',"%; 4,. ,_g_-an . -w_|~ .tzgicatod that the "._00Wl'I.l¢nt' U80 dropped lavqatlgattom it had / 1 . _n conducting 92 . Lara,-ccnp1a!.nts I that aivcpular met-and-roll . -»a.3 _--.,-,,_. ~ .-_4 . ' racordhasobscamlyrtca. ' . 1/ :_ = »s_+<_;_<~~:'*-4*-,_4-~ _~ » -:55 L ~ - - _ 92 _ .' Q 1 ' - - . ' - - " '!.ié'=. 92 z " Letter to 8&0, 'I'ampa-V~~ ~-" 1 ' H;-_»?-,.1»: .< s==;-5'.-ta:_- RE: UNSUB~ PEONOGBAPI! B800!!!! "DWI! l_0Utl"' ., -4-., n r-1 Rm. 4 -si 5 **Inv¢atr¢ai1.i:: ; '11, hi ,,j=Oo_amm1ca_t!.0na Quanta V ' 1.»__ ;%¢~'»:- ,1,-1._",...___. r =~_:~'~=1':.j'v .-__». ='-='~'.'-v>-'7-1-*1'v_ "v -.-1 '5-, a. ~-"-=:~.2,- ': ..924__ 5, __-; -:~,-' M»;.; -1",--...~ ":- . ~ fiiiif " ' :!,'?==-~- -e.@.!l_f".'- ~--_--.*."'=--.--.-=,f~:'r*=:-*-r"- -_»,,;_- -:#.:'_"?"r...< :- ' I >1 "-c: *~-=.>- ~-__~;- -» = - ~'Y"*---ii »~ -",~--t".$1=:s:'> ~*f' -~ yarmaatal nu -;~_-,1,-_=,. tlgatloaa tacaua<_,.-.»,~¢___-,.=,,-» ilk! ~.~=.-;;'>-».__-.. 3011 1 ,~¢ ~-.-.. ...1"=r+-".i"*=*~ 1 4--"~,-.~ '; VF: :.':,--.-'-1;--:,---$<- T .*~.'-.33 0! -.92!.f'-i"*§.T'.the 2121.-:~. Iara . -;:, » - *1: v. :4: ,' -1; 1'15,-;_,¢ ..~I ~ - * "1-~ 3&0" ~ A, - - 1'M W é .~¢::'~:-- __.',;;;-:@¢*~:.~:-" ,1 .-_ '1 :-. x ;.-,~-~-.?__-,._-,- .-- , »' '19--~:' -' -5'-§;::._-~_ g";;;-.- ~-we; ;_ .'_- 1'v_.»_" _,-.__ ,¢._-: J -.- 4 ,~_¢ -1 I -K 4 V311?! _ 4°1<l ';_.'-- " 5- _. .. .». 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Z if MohrBe l -e Casper ej- 1 Callahan " D%r;du&hc@~¢%;2zi , éva Ga > R0 Sulhvun Tavel Trotter '_ M Tele. Room Holmes _ e 4 A ?/ 92 M fv I 1 I A_ 1 m-132 , - 9292 l I vnsnxncron--tam mzceun covznnnznr aglaurnn xuvzsncnnm at an >.-:1 <5 lass oascm: conngcguc 1. a . um COUPLAIIITS AT I rerun: ~ noc:-an-non neon us g nu: m: um: connnlnrsLABZI. av CHARGED tut xxncsm antun tn mum an 0 A ~ nzcu dluuAS ucoam» l ~ , azncnn rm nu: 1 9.11 aim: was - rs am. nmzsncmons izcoia nu nu comnucmons xznamznrs am: c cc» ngg nu: nczmzrest nc: scams: msens nu. wgz zucun v m. 1.:Inu to gm uummn: ncuzs ea 0 ggzmmm mo my 92 92 non sum:um: 15 ll! 1 Lxsrplxnc - to m: nzco *' 2/12'--amt: /VIM!/C ~*""a"" - "a/P -- - ""'J"' ,5-gwé/w ___,_.-F? i i -. ~ no'r voommn ._.»' I70 . Mm 4 1954 -.- 92 '- , , -. .~,.. .f_ L -3 I Q t Dl'» ; ac; .'. Iii???- a $£Q$1i%éiH. ~ 57 B5 I964 csGDL Ric O. n . ;* UNITED sums cow INMENT ' :. _~ Memoraium '* vl TO: /AQLECTOR _a r , FBI DATES 3/4/64 ___mm =1 c,"1?mpA45-s4!>! sunjzcrz UNKNOWN SUBJEC1; g w -+3. 92 B PHONOGRAPH" nmx$1.211!IDUIE"MUSIC, RECORD STRIBUTEDDI mrc. ITOM ._-aw n --~£5-' 9r: - :41- ReTPlet 2/17/64 and Bulet 2/28/64. Please note Miami incorrectly carried as office of origin, " 1*-92u Tampa letter oi reference. _ _ §@¢ There is nothing oi pertinent interest to Iinmi in this .§_f case. Miami disregard. .,.. Gll Bureau 1 - Miami Into! bvc ' , n 7 92- Q 3%./21.42;2/ I2 MAR6 I964 ages _ __ ,$-P.; -I I31 V, X .92 6 La n 72 MAR1;193Z , _i "T i, .~' - " = ' 1;. ,- ' _¢l:__' 4 I-Anonngoli ' ' ' ' nzozmu. aunuu or nuvzsnenuou ' - WASHINGTON, 0. c._ % 92 T~= rm, Tampa 45-Ia!! °*"~= larch 4, 1964 *3 ' 1"' 41 / 1 =2. 1: T3; _. - .. ¢- 41- . , . .- ......- . , _.-_,...._,_-.!~_~ .._._, 3,. _,._; _., .. 4 .-. -; I "'92f .. -- W1 .

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