Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1932 Campus Comment, March 1932 Bridgewater State Normal School Volume 5 Number 6 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Normal School. (1932). Campus Comment, March 1932. 5(6). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/26 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. '1 ... I :MARCH ISSUE MARCH ISSUE j -0- --0- APRIL FOOL CAMPUS COMMENT APRIL FOOL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, BRIDGEWATER, MASS. Vol. V ~lARCH. 1932 No.. 6 r-o-;:;;~-;:;;;:~_)_a·~li John Sweeney Sees Campus C. S. P. A. Director , SCHEDULE "One Of Our Boys" I April 30-Northeastern Fresh- I COIDlnent Get Third Place i_ men at Boston. i May 7 Clark University at - W Ql·cester. , The founder and the director I Much excitement has been felt May ll-Moses Bl'own at Prov- the Columbia Scholastic Press Asso­ I I around the school as well as a par­ I idenca I donable thrill of pride at the news ciation is Mr. Joseph Murphy, a grad­ I May 14-Providence Col. J ay- ~ that our Campus Comment got third uate of Bridgewater Normal '19, and I vees (pending). ~ place among the newspapers of Nor­ a forme!' teacher in the Bridgewater I May 21-St. Marks at South- ~ mal schools, Teachers Colleges, and High School. Before coming to N 01'­ I boro. I schools' of education throughout the' mal he attended Abington High School. i_ May 25-Naval Training Sta- ..~ country. 'I tion at Newport. John Sweeney is the man who knows At present he is secretary to the pres­ I June 3-Bryant & Stratton at ~ most about it since he was the dele- ident of Catholic University in Wash­ , Providence. ~ gate which Campus Comment sent to ington, while for the past few years i June 4-Fitchburg Normal at t the eighth annual convention of the he was a member of the faculty at i Fitchburg. i Columbia Scholastic Press Associa­ Columbia. ..: .. ) .....( ....... {l.-.{J ..... I' ..... ()",....()4BI>() ...... ().... ().-.().-.c:) .... I.:~ tion held at Columbia University March 10, 11, 12. The convention this year was well He reported a warm welcome by attended, with over 1400 delegates be­ Bridgewater Alull1ni Joe Murphy, a former graduate of ing present, the one coming the long­ B. N. S. and now director of the As­ est distance being a representative of Associatioll Meetillg sociation who is glad to meet anyone Aime d' Autriche and Richelieu from his Alma Mater and gives them a paper in Korea. The Campus Com- JOSEPH MURPHY "Bridgewater today and tomorrow" as good a time as possible. ment delegate was John Sweeney, is the theme of this year's Alumni as- "There were 1400 at the opening sports editor. Freshnlell p. romise sociation meeting to be held at Hotel Mardi Gras a Success meeting," said Mr. Sweeney, "with Two week-ends ago the campus of Somerset, April 2. several large delegations from Nor­ Columbia University was over-run 00 IDle- A t Thelr · The program be':";nsb~ with a social mal schools present. There were G d T . hour at 11:30. At this time the Nor- "T t 1 d t " "t d with more than 1500 high school and ou e mon e e son pere VlSI €' many interesting speakers on the pro­ Dan'ce mal Orchestra will play. L:uncheon th M d' G . ht wh gram among whom were Dean Ifow­ Prep school students-boys and girls Ap·1·1-1 Fool e gym on ar I ras mg en -who were on hand to attend the will be at 12:45. The meeting will be A nne d'AurIC t . h e an d R'IC h e l'leu, pres- ells of Golumbia, Frazier Hunt of eighth annual convention of the Co- in the afternoon. 1'd en t and' viCe-presl 'd en t 0 f F rench radio station W.J.Z., and John Hier­ If you want to see the Freshman From the pamphlet of the Boston Club, entertained in the hall, a medie- lumbia Scholastic Press Association. 1'1 . f I man, sports columnist of New York at the he m pI otmg a cargo 0 ta ent meeting come these interesting facts val chateau. The chateau effect, sim- Times." For weeks, the office of Joseph M. II' k' f t tl over seas of 1'0 IC mg un, go'o Ie and comments: pIe but superbly effective, was Mr. Sweeney went on to say that Murphy, '26AM, director of the ass 0- "April Fool Dance" which will take "In the School system of Boston are achieved by Mabel Larramie, her com- when Campus Comment was discussed ciation had been buzzing with activ- I ' ity as school publications from all over p ace April 8. over 200 Bridgewater graduates.' h mittee, and Miss Nye thru elaborate in the convention, the issue which· at­ the United States, and even from The committees in charge are: "Eleven superintendents in t e shields, gay banners, pseudo tap- tracted most attention was the Decem­ Alaska, the Philippines, and Hawaii, general chairman, George Morris; state are from Bridgewater." estries and a most royal throne. The ber issue with the cut of Ken are being scanned by judges in their hospitality, Edith Johnson, chairman, "See what Bridgewater is turning massive fireplace was a chef d'oeuvre Murphy and the feature story of R. L. efforts to select the best magazines Doris Grade, Helen McGinn, Irene out! from Ml'. Kelly's de·partment, and the O'Brien on the front page. On the Chapel program of April 14, I,ll,•.. ~.yV~!t: L.ey·· wlll.",t,C'·n D,Wl'G . .l;l.1.Im~t,hil;5 trip and the reception of the paper •••:i:~:~ia~~~;~ ..n,.s~L~:~.~!:!r~~i~:~·~~~~:~:~:a~:l~;t~::~~'!;~s:~r;~;~;~:n':~O:~~tf:;;';~~~~~.~~,~~lt:~~p:1ijiii~~H~~~:!~~!r~~::~~~lau ~f~§;·:fi~1!k~E~:c§:}r~~~ a t the convention. comparatively a new organIzation.. on Ellen Shea; publicity, Esther Sullivan, procession of kings and queens was Morningside Heights. Back in 1924, chairman, Claire Cook, Alma Foley, "Something different" was what I very beautiful. a conference of editors of high school Edith Hayden, Harold Brewer, James was asked to get concerning Com- Among the floats the most astound­ BI Goes A-Training papers in New Jersey was held at Co- Castle; decorations, Lily Stark, chair- mander Donald B. MacMillan; some- ing, yes and subtle, was that of the lumbia. Thirty persons attended. man, Emily Bates, Mary Shea, Jane thing about the· man. I knew I would Nertz Club. A new term has begun for most of From this meeting grew the Colum- Carroll; refreshments, Marie Kelly, have no difficulty, and so, I had the Through the kindness of Helen Mor- us, and the work remains much. the bia Scholastic Press Association and chairman, Mae Beulow, Ida Berezin, very great pleasure of having stor- rison, a former French club president, same. A new term has started for with Mr. Murphy at the helm it has Myrtle' Pray, Olive Fuller; Music, ies told· me about MacMillan and the the club procured flashlight scenes, division Bl, and an entirely ~ew field grown by leaps and bounds so that it Frances Ingram, chairman, Grace Northland by a man who is a dear old one of which is here reproduced. of education has opened up before is now the largest of its kind in the Jacobs, Inas de Greca; tickets, Gene friend and shipmate of his, Mr. Jot them. For thirteen weeks they are Higgins, chairman, Doris Hunt, Pa- Small, ship-builder in Provincetown. going to teach, and learn themselves (Continued on Page 3, Col. 3.) tricia Holmes, Eleanor King, Eileen Let us listen to what Jot says of of the why's, what's and wherefore's Lloyd; clean up, H. Mahoney, chair- him. Dramatic Club of the great and interesting field man, Owen Kiernan, Kenneth Murphy, "I was' born and brought up with Holds Try-Out which hitherto has been much of a Kenneth Coombs, John Bates. him. We played and went to school mystery despite th€'. courses in meth­ News in Brief ods and the six-week period in train­ together. I have worked with him Friday the thirteenth will be a lucky ing school. and have been on expeditions with day for the students at B. N. S., for him, so, I suppose I know him better Bridgewater will not be wholly des­ The Bridgewater Teachers' Asso­ 1\ir. Hunt Put on that day Dramatic club is pre­ than any other rn,an.· I honestly con­ titute of the fair maidens of Bl. ciation will be the sponsor of a pro­ senting its annual Shakspearian play. OIl the Spot sider him a great masterpiece of Mary Lewis and Irma Waarenen are gram to be held in the Horace Mann This year the play is to be "Much Ado Nature. He is always absolutely training here, and teaching the young Auditorium on April 7, when Dr. J. About Nothing." natural; that is why he :fits so per­ pupils who will eventually make Macey Andress, editor of "Under­ (Miss Murray decides he is worse than Tryouts were held March 22 with fectly in all society. Bridgewater's ·future come true. standing the Child" will speak. His Cal Coolidge to interview) the following results: Beatrice, Sally "His battle began when his father Brockton seems to. be a favorite subject is to be "On the Battle Line of Suttill; Benedick, Dorothy Hixon; Don and mother died and left him alone.
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