A PLACE TO CALL HOME Collect your Events Calendar from the Australian Migrant Resource Centre (AMRC), 23 Coglin Street, Adelaide, 9.00am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday, or visit the AMRC website www.amrc.org.au and click on ‘Events’. A PLACE TO CALL HOME MONDAY 22 MAY 6.00 PM SATURDAY 17 JUNE 5.00 PM MONDAY 19 JUNE 2.00 PM – 4.00 PM WEDNESDAY 21 JUNE 5.30 PM – 7.30 PM SATURDAY 24 JUNE 2.00 PM – 4.00 PM HURSDAY 29 JUNE 6.00 PM FOR A 6.15 PM STARt – 7.30 PM SOROPTIMIST NARACOORTE BRANCH LIBERIAN COMMUNITY OF SA (LICOSA) IN AUSTRALIAN MIGRANT RESOURCE CENTRE, THE BOB HAWKE HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT ADELAIDE THE RURAL CITY OF MURRAY BRIDGE, MURRAYLANDS MRC ROTARY CLUB OF EDWARDSTOWN AND NARACOORTE MRC COLLABORATION WITH LIBERIAN MEN SA PRIME MINISTERIAL CENTRE AND THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH MULTICULTURAL YOUTH AND FAMILIES AND AC.CARE ROTARY SERVING HUMANITY SOROPTIMIST MONTHLY MEETING AND LIBERIAN AUSTRALIAN SERVICE FOUNDATION AUSTRALIA, SchOOL OF ART, ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN ALL CULTURE FEST SETTLEMENT CHALLENGES Speakers will include Ms Eugenia Tsoulis, OAM, CEO of the The Rotary Club of Edwardstown invites members of the community Newly arrived refugees speak about their migration 2017 YOUTH POSTER EXHIBITION Australian Migrant Resource Centre; Dr Joseph Masika, OAM; An event featuring local cultural performances, a citizenship to join the club and serve humanity, which includes humanitarian experience, and a former AMEP facilitator speaks about AND AcHIEVEMENTS OF LICOSA AND PRESENTATION OF AwARDS Ms Rosie Antenucci; and Ms Tamara Stewart-Jones. ceremony and an afternoon tea for the whole community. work and community service as well as the opportunity to volunteer the settlement experience. Liberian Men SA 8th annual celebration in recognition Rumours, Level 6, Union House, University of Adelaide, Murray Bridge Town Hall, 13–17 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge SA and be friends of Rotary. of the settlement challenges and achievements of the Bushman’s Arms Hotel, 20 Robertson Street, Naracoorte SA LAUNCH BY THE HON. SUSAN CLOSE MP, North Terrace Adelaide SA CONTACT Simone Zrna, (08) 8539 1182, [email protected] Marion Hotel, 849 Marion Road, Mitchell Park SA Liberian Community of SA. MINISTER FOR EDUCATION AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT CONTACT Jenny Stirling, 0409 103 153, [email protected] CONTACT Anne Jurisevic, (08) 8313 8222 (Wednesdays and Fridays), CONTACT Dr Joseph Masika, OAM, 0431 416 615, SATURDAY 24 JUNE 3.00 PM – 5.00 pM Enfield Community Centre, 540 Regency Road, Enfield AS Kerry Packer Civic Gallery, Hawke Building, [email protected] [email protected] THURSDAY 1 JUNE 6.00 PM Level 3, University of SA, 55 North Terrace, INTERNATIONAL EVANGELICAL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH WELCOME SALISBURY IN PARTNERSHIP WITH CONTACT Talata Sheriff (Chairperson), 0413 962 539, www.adelaide.edu.au/hda www.edwardstownrotary.org BAPTIST CARE, STTARS, LIFE WITHOUT BARRIERS, [email protected] (cnr Fenn Place and North Terrace), Adelaide SA http://www.facebook.com/HealthyDevelopmentAdelaide AFRICAN GOSPEL CHOIRS MULTICULTURAL COMMUNITIES COUNCIL OF SA, https://twitter.com/HDA_SA FRIDAY 30 JUNE 12.30 PM – 2.00 PM CONTACT Matti Spellacy, (08) 8217 9545, [email protected] Join us for a wonderful concert of African gospel music NORTHERN AREA MRC IN PARTNERSHIP WITH AUSTRALIAN REFUGEE AssOCIATION, CITY OF SALISBURY, SATURDAY 17 JUNE 6.00 PM performed in English and various African languages. RED CROss, LUTHERAN COMMUNITY CARE, ANGLICARE MOUNT GAMBIER MRC THURSDAY 22 JUNE 9.00 AM – 3.00 pM PARALOWIE R–12 SCHOOL SA, BUILD THE BRIDGE, ST JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF SA REFUGEE WEEK AMEP/ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE/TAFE SA Enfield Uniting Church, 2 Park Street, Sefton Park SA DIVERSITY AND CIVIC PARTICIPATION: AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION OPTIONS, AND MORELLA TUESDAY 20 JUNE 10.30 AM – 3.30 PM Tickets can be purchased on the night: COMMUNITY CENTRE HEALTH PERFORMANCE COUNCIL STORIES AND PRESENTATIONS AND LAUNCH OF THE KAREN AND adults $15, children under 12 years free NEW AND EMERGING COMMUNITIES AMEP classes collaborating to share stories; oral presentations; Information from service providers and the Women’s CELEBRATING REFUGEES KARENNI WOMEN 10 YEAR SETTLEMENT CULTURALLY AND LINGUISTICALLY DIVERSE and show-and-tell items, photos and maps from their countries. COMMUNITY DINNER CELEBRATIONS COMMUNITIES LEADERS’ FORUM SATURDAY 24 JUNE 3.00 PM – 6.00 pM Social Enterprise project. TAFE SA, Adelaide City Campus – various classrooms, ARMENIAN CULTURAL AssOCIATION OF SA Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre, Join us at Welcome Salisbury as we celebrate refugees and enjoy Mount Gambier North School and Main Corner, A forum bringing together community leaders, policymakers 120 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 17–19 Wiltshire Street, Salisbury SA a free community dinner and entertainment. All welcome. 1 Bay Road, Mount Gambier SA and academics for equity in health outcomes for culturally and ARMENIAN MUSIC AND SONG DAY linguistically diverse people. CONTACT Kasia Nanky, (08) 8226 6555, [email protected] The Armenian community coming together to celebrate CONTACT Reagan Bledee, (08) 8256 5700, [email protected] CONTACT Megs Lamb, [email protected] CONTACT Anelia Blackie, (08) 8726 4800, [email protected] their rich cultural heritage through music, songs and dance. Social media links – www.facebook.com/welcomesalisbury Adelaide Pavilion, Veale Gardens, THURSDAY 22ND JUNE 10.00AM SATURDAY 1 JULY 10.30 AM – 3.00 pM https://www.facebook.com/events/688879421273910/ SUNDAy 18 June – SaTURDAY 24 JUNE 10.00 AM – 4.00 PM cnr South Terrace and Peacock Road, Adelaide SA MIDDLE EASTERN COMMUNITIES COUNCIL AND AUSTRALIAN Greek Community Hall, IRAQI WOMEN’S VOICE OF SA MOUNT GAMBIER MRC MIGRANT RESOURCE CENTRE 101 Goodwood Road, Goodwood SA (entry via Rosa Street) CONTACT Jill Fraser, (08) 8226 3188, EID-AL-FITR CELEBRATION MONDAy 5 June – WedneSDAY 28 JUNE KAREN AND KARENNI WOMEN 10 YEAR CONTACT Anna Amirkhanyan, (08) 8217 9521, 9.00 AM – 5.00 pM WEEKDAYS [email protected] IN OUR OWN VOICES FORUM Iraqi women coming together to celebrate Eid-al-Fitr SA REFUGEE WEEK COMMITTEE; SETTLEMENT CELEBRATIONS www.hpcsa.com.au Introduced by The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Adelaide, [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/ACASAInc/ and Refugee Week by sharing their settlement stories. DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT; Exhibition of arts and costumes celebrating 10 years of successful Martin Haese AUSTRALIAN MIGRANT RESOURCE CENTRE; Bonython Park, Adelaide SA settlement of Karen and Karenni Women in Mount Gambier. A project telling the stories of individuals from countries in the SATURDAY 24 JUNE 4.30 PM BOB HAWKE PRIME MINISTERIAL CENTRE; CONTACT Meriam Shabbar, 0401 005 913 AND THE SCHOOL OF ART, ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN, Mount Gambier North School and Main Corner, Middle East – their migration journey, settlement and contribution ADELAIDE TAMIL LANGUAGE SCHOOL TUESDAY 20 JUNE 5.00 PM – 6.00 pM to Australian society. UNIVERSITY OF SA 1 Bay Road, Mount Gambier SA GOVERNMENT HOUSE, SA REFUGEE WEEK COMMITTEE PARENTS’ and STUDENTS’ GET-TOGETHER SATURDAY 1 JULY 3.00 PM REFUGEE WEEK STUDENT CONTACT Anelia Blackie, (08) 8726 4800, [email protected] AND THE AUSTRALIAN MIGRANT RESOURCE CENTRE Banqueting Room, Adelaide Town Hall, King William Street, Performance by students, followed by afternoon tea. RIVERLAND MRC Adelaide SA POSTER EXHIBITION SUNDAY 18 JUNE 12 Noon – 2.00 PM Burnside Primary School, 11 High Street, Burnside SA COMMUNITY CELEBRATION An exhibition of posters by young artists from SA schools ETHIOPIAN WOMEN’S GROUP THURSDAY 22 JUNE 10.00 AM – 1.00 PM CONTACT Nirmala Kuganesan, 0412 229 178, FOR EID-AL-FITR LAUNCH OF MUSLIM WOMEN’S AssOCIATION OF SA and tertiary institutions. ETHIOPIAN WOMen’S SUccESSFUL [email protected] or [email protected] Celebrating Eid-al-Fitr with the local community, including Kerry Packer Civic Gallery, University of SA, City West Campus KNOW YOUR TOWN guest speakers from the council and the Afghani community. SA REFUGEE WEEK 2017 SATURDAY 24 JUNE 5.30 PM Hawke Building, Level 3, 55 North Terrace SETTLEMENT STORY A tour of places of interest in the Adelaide City Council area. Chaffey Community Centre, 86 Nineteenth Street, Renmark SA Ethiopian women sharing their stories and successes BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE HON. MR HIEU VAN LE, AC, THE CHIN COMMUNITY OF SA (cnr Fenn Place and North Terrace), Adelaide SA Muslim Women’s Association of SA, in settlement as well as in life. GOVERNOR OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA LAUNCH OF COMMUNITY BUS CONTACT Rajab Ali, 0409 102 194, [email protected] CONTACT Renee Jolly, (08) 8302 0371, [email protected] Level 4, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide SA www.amrc.org.au (by invitation) Government House, North Terrace, Adelaide SA The Chin Community of SA will officially launch the recently CONTACT Shaista Kalaniya, (08) 8212 0800, WEDNESDAY 7 JUNE 7.30 PM – 8.30 PM St Urael Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, (by invitation) purchased Chin community bus. The community bus will be used SATURDAY 1 JULY 5.00 PM ABC RADIO ADELAIDE EVENING PROGRAM [email protected], www.mwasa.org.au 6–12 Oban Street, Ferryden Park SA for community events, such as transporting children to the Hakha AFGHAN UNITED AssOCIATION OF SA AND Chin Ethnic School and transporting elderly community members THE WALI-E-ASR CENTRE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE INTERVIEW WITH REFUGEE COMMUNITY CONTACT Zeleka Habtegiorgis, (08) 8217 9536, [email protected]
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