THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, JANUARY 55, Id21. 141 The West port Port and Harbour, 1920, 2312, gate Lodge, proceeding thence in a south 9th December 1920. westerly direction for a distance of about 142 chains to the farmhouse known as Green- The Salen (Mull) Pier, 1920, No. ^| 12th yards : proceeding thence in a 'north "westerly November 1920. direction for a distance of about 62 chains to The Watchet Harbour, 1920, No. 2259, 1st the farmhouse known as Corscaplie: pro- December 1920. ceeding thence in a north north easterly direc- The New Shoreham Harbour, 1920, No. 2258, tion for a distance of about 1«W chains to the 1st December 1920. Village known as Ashfield (and including same): proceeding thence in an east north By Order of the Committee. easterly direction for a distance of about 57 (Sgd.) S. J. PAGE, Secretary. chains to Glassingall North Lodge: proceed- 17th January 1921. ing thence in a north easterly direction for a distance of about 30 chains to the house Ministry of Transport, known as Glassingall: proceeding thence in Gwydyr House, an east south easterly direction for a distance Whitehall, of about 100 chains to the house known as London, S.W. 1. Landrick: proceeding thence in an easterly dk'ection for a distance of about 80 chains to the farm known as Stonehill: proceeding thence in a southerly direction for a distance Electricity Commission— of about 32 chains to the old Cottages of January 1921. Kippenrait: proceeding thence in a southerly direction for a distance of about 76 chains to DUNBLANE AND DISTRICT the farm known as Drumdruills: proceeding ELECTEICITY SUPPLY. thence in a south westerly direction for a dis- » tance of about 66 chains to the point of com- (The Production, Storage and Supply of Elec- mencement. tricity in the Parish of Dunblane and Lecropt (2) To enable the Undertakers to acquire by agreement or take on lease and hold the follow- in the County of Perth; the Breaking up and ing lands and premises or interests or easements Interference with Streets and Railways; the therein, viz.:—The lands and property known as Laying Down and Erection of Electric Lines, the Keir Mill (Lower) situated on the Allan Wires, Posts and Apparatus; the Taking and Water in the Parish of Dunblane and Recovery of Rates and Charges; Incorpora- Lecropt and County of Perth and bounded on the west by the Caledonian tion of Acts; and other Provisions.) Railway j on the north by the grounds of Keir OTICE is hereby given that Alex- Mill (Upper); on the east by the River Allan N ander Houston Anderson, The Firs, (or Allan Water); and on the south by other Dunblane; David Corsar Blair, Cluny, Dun- ground belonging to General Archibald Stirling blane; Hugh Marshall, Stirling Arms Hotel, of Keir and to construct and maintain upon such Dunblane; Colonel John Alexander Stirling of lands all necessary stations and works for the Kippendavie, Dunblane; and Alexander Bruce generation and supply of electricity, together Wilson, St. Bryde's, Dunblane, in the County with all buildings, waterwheels, engines, of Perth (hereinafter called " the Undertakers ") apparatus, works and appliances necessary for are applying to the Electricity Commissioners the purposes aforesaid. for a special Order (hereinafter called " the (3) To authorise the Undertakers to break up Order '') under the Electricity (Supply) Acts the following streets (not repairable by the local 1882 to 1919 for all or some of the following authority) (including bridges over railways) and amongst other purposes (that is to say): — level crossings. (1) To authorise the Undertakers to generate (a) STREETS. and supply electricity for all public and private None. purposes as defined by the Electricity (Supply) (b) BRIDGES. Acts 1882 to 1919 within the following area of (a) Railway Bridge at the Junction of Doune the Parish of Dunblane and Lecropt in the and Stirling Roads in the Burgh of County of Perth aforesaid thereinafter referred Dunblane. to as " the area of supply ') viz.:— (b) Railway Footbridge leading from Bridg- That part of the Parish of Dunblane and end to Caledonian Place in the Burgh of Lecropt, including the Burgh of Dunblane, Dunblane. situate within an area bounded as follows, (c) Railway Bridge on the Springbank Mill viz.:— Road leading from Kilbryde Crescent to By a line commencing at a point on the Springbank Mills and to Golf Course in, boundary between the Counties of Perth and the Burgh of Dunblane. Stirling due south of the house known as (c) LEVEL CROSSINGS. Lecropt Manse which is situated about 7 None. chains north west of Bridge of Allan Station on the Caledonian Railway, proceeding thence (4) The names of the streets in which it is in a straight line in a west south westerly proposed that electric lines shall be laid down direction for a distance of about 40 chains to within a period to be specified bj the Prder pro the farmhouse known as Mid Lecropt, pro- as follows: — ceeding thence in a straight line in a west Perth Road, Dunblane. north westerly direction for a distance of about High Street, Dunblane-. • 65 chains to the house known as Keir Water- St. Marys and St. Margarets Drive, Dunblane..
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