OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCI( 3 ~63T o ' .. Vol. 21 - No. 11 SANFRA~CISCO, ~AliFORN!~ . ~151 November1 1962 LE ·.·. Know Your . Friends greem~l1t on _And Your Enemies On.T o Trusts ;rwo ·trust instruni.ents for union-management' joint ad· ministration of Novel;llber 6 is Election Pay-,-a day that is fringe benefits negotiated by Operating En. gineers to e very American of voting age, but particularly Local 3 in the last industry agreement were· agreed upon in October. ' · ._. to men:tbers of Ope•rating Engineers Local 3. · The • -/ trust in~truments wen~ for the Operating Engineers · Voting~takirig a perso~al hand in the selection of the · Apprentice & J o urn e y m an ' · . men who w_ill ·make our laws an:d administer them on the . Training Fund and -for Health trust documents, Local 3 Bus. val~ ious levels of gov~minent-is a privilege· our~· aricestors· & Welfare benefits for pensioned Mgr. Al Clem commented: "The - -· fought: for. and thaC we . ~hould trel(lsure. But for most of Engineers. Negotiating Committee's discus- ·the . electorate. it's · simply that, a free man's privilege; not . · Agreement on the two trusts sions with the employers were an obligati_on. · . · . came well in advance_of January cordial and cooperative. We are - For members o{ Local 3, P,owev~r, _ lt's some•thing more 1, WB3, de~dlines which provided gratified that our members will ) han that; it comes cl(!?~r· t.9 b~, ing .<rb!ndiilg obligation. - that if union and employer .nego- be able to ·get the penefit of .· _If you'r~-::~dtpi- 1se f~y ti1i{ 'statement;· it might be in tiators couldn't acrree on either these trusts without delay and or der .::to"'ask:. :w·rrer( was tl:}e la~·t time you ·read carefully the of -the trust do~u~nents by that that good relations with the em­ date, =little . p.Qo~let ; :which ~very member· should have, cop.tainirl.g both sides would . be free ployers . continue to prevail." . to . the .Sy-Lav'vs of · Operating Engirie.ers :. Local Uniop. No .. 3?· resort to economi.c action. Under the contract,.. employers In announcing signing of the . · · Artic.le ..I of ·me By"Laws ·s-ets' fortli- tli.e "objects, pur-. '--Conti?J ued on Page 9 p.oseii· a-nd prinCiples" o~ Loc·al 3, 'and in Section -1,' Cla u ~e .' -(f) of this article,. the goal is stated.: !'To encourage. all Mem- . ' ~ ' - . -. .... , . _:,.B qUot _Recomme _n~atio n_ s ". ·' !h·e· )~ !Jj~ il'l-1-,t e · ,<!i,!.:~pting ;;En gh~eer s ~-t o$a l.)~ s . v:ot~ng . recom­ ·.· mendations_o ·u. cimdiaates for -sJate and national office ·in Ca-lifornia, ·Jl'as'ed ...on -theh.': 1;ecords. in offiee .as friends ·oi'-Iabot· and ca~dida te screening interviews bef.ore labor's political comn1itte:es. · . -.:: vote as -iou p l ea ~.!> but pt ~ ase ~ot~! , Governor . .. ; .... : ... .. Edmund G. (Pat) Brown Lieutenant-Governor ....... .. : . .. Glenn M. Anderson U. S. Seriator .. .· -:-: .. ... ... ·. .. ... Thomas H. Kuchel Attorney General ...... ..... • . ·. .... .. Stanley' Mosk State Tre.asurer . ........ .. ..... ..... Bert A. Betts Secretary of State . : ..... .. .. .. .- ·.... ... ..· ... D~n Rose Controller_ . ...... .. ... .. .. ... Alan Cranston Supt. of Public Instruction . ... ....... Ralph Richardson Congr,ess District D i ~ tri ct ~ . , 1. Clem Miller (D) 9. W . Donlon Edwards (D) 2. HaTOld T. Johnson (D) Hl. James. P. Thm~ber , Jr~ (D) .3. · John E . illoss (D) 11. William J . Keller (D) >> . H 4. Robert L . Leggett (D) 12. - William K. Stewart . (D) 5 . John F. Shelley (D) RiECEPTION COMMITTEE or- l.:.ocal 3 members - in Hawai i. 14. Chat'lesR. Weidner (D) 6. John A . O'Connell greeted the S. S. Lurline w ith this bani:ler wheri the ship arrived (D) 15. John J. iUcFall (-D) 7. Jeff,ery Cohelan · with General Pres. Hunter P. Wharton and General Vice PrEis. (D) 16. B. F. Sisk (D) 8. George P. Miller (D) Newell S. Carman of the Inti. Uni0n of Operating Engineers . IS. Harlan Hagen (D) · for a meeting of the AFL-CIO - Building Trades Department State 'Senate· ·· e xecutive board. The photo is taken from the ship's r ~ il, look-' · District D is trict ing-down. 2. Ra.ndolph Collier (D) 16. John W: Holmdahl (D) 4. Fral}k S: Petersen (D) 20. Alan Short (D) · 8. Virgil O'Sullivan (I)) 22 . Hugh P . Donnelly (D) 10. Harold W . Moore (D) "-- 2!. James A. Cobey (D) H'ARTON PICKED 12. · J<1seph A. Rattigan·· (D) 26. ·stephen P·. Teale (D) 14. J . Eugene i\IcAtee r (D ) 30 . Ht:gh i\'1 . Bunis (:D ) STAN LEY MOSK Sta·te -A ssembly -:- • BY BLDG. ,TRADES District District 2. Pattline L. Davis (D) 18. Edward 1\'I. Gaffney (D) 3. Leroy F . G (D Top · leiJ,ders of the ]nternational Union of Operating reene ) 19. Chai'les W . 1\ieyers (D) 4. Harold E. Booth (D) 20. Phillip ~urton (D) - Engineers·had Board of the AFLa prolpinent- :cole !P. a meeting of the Executive s: Pearce Young (D) 21. Jos. Beeman (D) CIO Trades Dept. held in Honolulu, Hawaii, --: 6. liliiiil Paul J. Lunardi (D) 23 . John Francis Foran (D) the week of O ~tober 22-26 . · 7. ·Robert D. Carro·w (D) -- 24. Alfred E. Alquist (D ) The Building Trades' top body met in Hawaii to dramatize 8. Walter W. Powers (D) 25. William R~ Stanton (D ) the Ol'ganizing possibilities in 9. Edwin L. Z'berg (D) . Brother Wharton was elected 27 . Leo J. Ryan (D) the nation's 50th State and to lay '10. Jei·ome R. Waldie (D) 28 . Jack T. Casey (D) ·the- base of stepped-up organiz- _ lOth Vice President of the.Build- . 11. · Jqlm_T. Knox (D) 2!l. Joli-n C. Williamson (D) ing activities by AFL-CIO . The ing Trades Dept. at this session. 12. Ricl1anl J . Gibson (D) 30. Charles I\'L Spencer (D) ses s~on gave the General Presi- Frank Hanley1 assistant to our 13, Cal'los Bee (D) 31. Gordo11 .ii. Winton, Jr. (D), dents of the construction unions · General President, was named 14·. Robert ·W. Crqwn (D) 32. George N. Zenovich (D) an opportunity to meet with their to the Joint Board for Settlement 15. ~ ichoias C. Petris (D) 33. Charles B. GaiTigus (D) . p~ople_ and make a gro'und-floor of. Jurisdictio-nal Disputes 16. Robert ~ - Hughes (D) . '3! . ,. Elvin An ~lel'Sun (D) assessment of the situation. In addition to' their union de- 17. Wm. Byron Rumford (D) <> ;) . iUyr!)n H. Frew (D) • -Representing .the Engineers liberations, the -Bu·ilding T1:ades ·_ :. were Gene ral ~ Pres. (S£E CALIF. lABOR FEOERATIO~'S RECOMMENDATiONS Hunter P. 1Dept..: :Execi.ttive.Boai·d adopted a .. · ·· - ·' oN ··s:r A PROi> ·' ~Wha rton',, and In .t~rnationa l Vice · ..~ s t-r o n-g . ·-resolution --~· suppoi't.ing 'n ' _o'srrloNs~P'Ai:i£ · lol · · :· P t:es. Ne.\v ~li s ~ c'ai:h;.an. ~ ' . -"-COntinued on'Page 10 . -""""""'~--- ·cJ.;JP~ A-ND-.J-AKiE To Po'Lt:s----- Page .Two _ E ~ G I N E E R S N E W S. / -' ' 79.to Rece-ive Chi·ef of P~rty . '• . \ .r C~rtif-icat.es . After many months of hard work the Apprentice Pro~ The Joint Apprenticeship Com­ ·gra.m has started to shape up so ,we can see where we are mittee of Northern · California · going. - _. : . · · . _ . Civil Engineers & La-nd Survey­ . · We now have two curriCulum -outlines-one .for, the Tech- . ors has scheduled. a' Certifica-tion nical Engineers appren~ices and one· fo·r tJ1e -operating En- Di-nner Party and Dance· on Fri- gineers . apprentices. day night, November 2, i962 CJ.t :The Operating Engineers CUl'" . .A · .w· i!';l!rRiftlfll. · Villa Pel u s_.o , Sixth & Oak ricuiu.m 0titline--:. has - the first v 1t11i ":31 Stre.ets, Oakland . thr ee semesters- filled in .. Dr. 0-n :Sc-hools . AU Chiefs of·Party to ' be pre- Sidney M~G~w of the _' cali.:fo~nia - "-- Sen~ed with certificates are iB,­ Del'lt. of · Education, Industrial A \vbrd of advice to members vited to attend. There··· will be Division has ·· it urider his wing · · · - approx;imately 79 w·ho are. to- re­ ' · o-f Local 3 or -members' ;;o-hs: and has . a group of ·people work- ceive certificates. in"' on it to fill it for . the (){her . 1 -Before enter_ing into any Their wives, ei:l'lpioyers,' Joint ~h;e e semesters_and to; keeir il',ll- .. deari-ngs with'· a-ny so-called - Apprenticeship Comf!1itte'e mem: · proving it school - a~vedising that !hey bers, officials· of · O.per·ating En­ It will be · about two years be- . , . will ti·ain people for . the Op-. gineers Local Unio-n No. 3- and of fore· we are certain that we have .. · erafing -· Engineers' craft; be the Bay Counties· Civil Engineers the -best version ·of the kind ·of · · . · · · . · & , La11d S'urveyors AssoCiation material we wish to teach; then .. sure to get in :touch with the wm be p ~e senf, as w~Il" as Dr. ' THE FIRST- CHAIRMAN of the Operating Engineers Joint 1 1 it will be . put int0 book form. · iocal 3 ~ai.n office. Sidney McGaw,. region-al supervi~ · Apprenticeship Commtttee, Arthur ("Buzz") Haskins (center), Dr. McGaw is prese-!ltlY setting · We d0 l)ot r.ecommend' any sor 0f the Bureau . of . Indus_trial ·,was presented by the committee with a hickory gavel and Education of the .Califon1ii De-" sounding plaque at its last meeting. Making the presentation -up a statewide·Educatio-n!Jl Com- of these schools.
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