Faculty Activities 2005-2006 May 2006 Cathy Gutierrez Presentations: “Perfecting the Past: Esotericism in the American Renaissance,” Hidden Histories: Eros, Spirit, and Freedom, the Dugan Lectures, Rice University, TX, 2005. “Deadly Dates: Bodies and Sex in Spiritualist Heavens,” Hidden Intercourse: Sexuality in Western Esotericism, Esalen Institute, CA, 2005. Publications: Co-editor, with Hillel Schwartz, The End that Does: Art, Science, and Millennial Accomplishment, volume in the series “Millennialism and Society,” Brenda Brasher, executive editor, Equinox Books, London, 2006. Editor, The Occult in Nineteenth-Century America, The Davies Group, 2006. “Sex in the City if God: Free Love at the American Millennium,” in Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation 15:2 (2005) 187-208. Co-authored, with Eric Casey, “From Eleusis to America: Masonry and the Modern Mysteries,” in The Occult in Nineteenth-Century America, Davies Group: 2006, 214-244. “The Elusive Isis: Theosophy in the Mirror of Millennialism,” in The End that Does: Art, Science, and Millennial Accomplishment, Hillel Schwartz and Cathy Gutierrez, eds., Equinox Press, 2006, 115-133. “The Millennium and Narrative Closure,” in War in Heaven/Heaven on Earth, Stephen D. O’Leary and Glen McGhee, eds., Equinox Press: 2005, 46-58. Rebecca Massie Lane presented "Just Say Yes or No: Implementing an effective acquisition process" in the Ciollections Management Rountable at Virginia Association of Museums in Roanoke, Monday, March 27. Barbara Perry Has accepted a Senior Fellowship at the University of Louisville's McConnell Center for 2006-07; Participated on a panel at the Yale University Law School on women Supreme Court justices; Served as an interviewer for the McConnell Scholarship at the University of Louisville; Raina Robeva · Invited Talks o Biomathematics and Why We Should Teach it to Undergraduates. Presented at the Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology Seminar, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, January 26, Virginia Tech, VA. o Accepting Biomathematics: The Questions, the Dilemmas, and the Challenges. Presented at the Seminar for Application of Mathematics, University of Virginia, February 28, Charlottesville, VA. o On Gaussian Random Fields, the Markov Property, and Spectral Synthesis in Function Spaces. To be presented at the Mathematics Colloquium, Illinois State University, April 13, IL. · Appointed Mathematics Editor-in-Chief for the Biological ESTEEM project, sponsored by the NSF and the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium http://bioquest.org/esteem/index.php · External evaluator for a ten-year review and self-study of the Department of Mathematical Science, Susquehanna University, PA. March 12-14. Represented Virginia at the Southern Coalition Conference on Civic Education in Louisville. April 2006 Rebecca Ambers ● Rebecca Ambers has had two papers published recently: ● Ambers, Rebecca K. R. (2005) “The value of reservoir-bottom field trips for undergraduate geology courses.” Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 53, p. 508-512. ● Ambers, Rebecca K. R., Druckenbrod, Daniel L., and Ambers, Clifford P. (2006) “Geomorphic response to historical agriculture at Monument Hill in the Blue Ridge foothills of central Virginia.” Catena v. 65, p. 49-60. ● She has also been awarded a 1-year renewal of her grant from the Jeffress Memorial Trust, entitled "The Influence of Clay Mineralogy and Mineral Cements on Stream Channel Erodibility." Tracy Hamilton Received NEH Summer Stipend. The award will allow her to undertake research in Paris so that she can complete the final draft of her book, entitled The Artistic Patronage of Queen Marie de Brabant (1260-1321). Marie-Thérèse Killiam Marie-Thérèse Killiam's article on Baudrillard's nuclear museum and the end of culture will be published in Volume 3, March 2006 of the review Kritikos. Lynn Rainville Published an article in Reviews of Anthropology titled “People without History: Recent ● Archaeological Contributions to our Understanding of Ancient Near Eastern History” ● Gave three lectures in the Midwest as part of the national Archaeological Institute of America lecture series, speaking on Ancient Assyrian Urbanism ● Gave a talk at a retirement home in Charlottesville, VA on “Hidden History: Gravestone Variability in Historic African American Cemeteries” ● Interviewed for the local NPR station (WMRA) on saving historic cemeteries ● Served on a panel for the American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU) to discuss NEH grant writing March 2006 Lisa Johnston Appointed to the Sophie Brody Medal Award Committee. The committee’s charge is to administer an award to the U.S. author of the most distinguished contribution to Jewish literature (fiction and/or non fiction) for adults published in the U.S. in the preceding year. This committee awarded its first medal at the 2006 American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Barbara Perry ● Delivered a lecture to 250 audience members and signed books at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta for its Smithsonian Exhibit, "First Ladies: Political Role, Public Image," ● Presented a lecture to an audience of 250 participants on the modern role of First Ladies to The Woman's Club of Richmond; ● Was a panelist on "Separation of Powers" at the American Bar Association's Law-Related Education Conference in Phoenix; ● Spoke on the CCR and the Supreme Court at Sweet Briar Day in Atlanta; ● Was a guest on the Joy Cardin Show, Wisconsin Public Radio, on the Alito hearings; ● Was quoted in Marsha Mercer's Media General News Service syndicated column on media coverage of the Supreme Court. Rob Granger ● An unusual polymeric Palladium (I) di-2-pyridyl ketone complex: Synthesis, X-ray structure, and preliminary CO_2 reduction catalysis studies. Robert Granger, Emma Kate Payne, Nicole Crowder. /Manuscript in Preparation /*(2006 ● “Homogeneous Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO_2 with the compound Tetrachloro(di-2-pyridylketone)platinum(IV); [Pt(dpk)Cl_4 ].” McCauley, D. L.; Caruso, M. M.; Ciric A.; Conley B. L.; Crowder K. N.; Webb, B. C.; James N. Demas J. N.; Karl D. Sienerth K. D.; Granger*, R. M. /J. Am. Chem. Soc./ Submitted 02/02/*2006*. ● Analysis of the Micronutrients Copper and Zinc in a Commercial Orchard and Vineyard by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: A Modern AAS Laboratory Exercise. Kathleen M. Wilson and Dr. Robert M. Granger, II*. /Chem. Ed. /*2006 */11/(1)*, *38-40. ● Synthesis and X-ray structure of a /bis/-(di-2-pyridylketone) platinum(IV) compound; Pt(dpk-O-OH)_2 [PF_6 ]_2. Robert M. Granger, II^† ; Ana Ciric*; Katherine N. Crowder* and Phillip E. Fanwick^¥ . /Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research/ *2005*, 1, 239. February 2006 John Beck ● A paper with an SBC undergraduate as co-author was recently published in the Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research. The title is "Herbal Extracts from Cortex Moutan Exhibit Antioxidant Potential, Inhibit Cell-Induced Apoptosis, and Possess Antimircrobial Activities" The authors include: Yang-Hsi Tsai, Jaime L. Heimbegner, John J. Beck, and James E. Turner. The paper is a result of a collaboration between the Beck research labs and VMI biology researchers cadet Tsai and Dr. Turner. The official information is: Tsai, T-H.; Heimbegner, J.L.; Beck, J.J.; Turner, J.E. Herbal extracts from Cortex moutan exhibit antioxidant potential, inhibit cell-induced apoptosis, and possess antimicrobial activities. J. Undergrad. Chem. Res. 2006, 5, (1), 33-40. Pam Deweese ● DeWeese, Pamela, "Luis Goytisolo" . Dictionary of Literary Biography, V. 322: Twentieth Century Spanish Fiction Writers. Eds. Marta E. Altisent, Cristina Martínez Carazo. New York: Bruccoli Clark Layman Press: 122-131. Deborah Durham Publications: ● “Did you Bathe This Morning? Baths and Morality in Botswana” Chapter in Adeline Masquelier, ed., Dirt, Undress, and Difference: Critical Perspectives on the Body’s ● Surface, pp. 190-212. Indiana University Press, 2005. ● “Just Playing: Choirs, Bureaucracy, and the Work of Youth in Botswana.” Chapter for Alcinda Honwana and Filip de Boeck, eds. Makers and Breakers, Made and Broken: Children and Youngsters as Emerging Categories in Postcolonial Africa, pp. 150-171. James Currey Press, 2005 Book review of Fragmented Worlds, Coherent Lives: The Politics of Difference in ● Botswana, by Pnina Motzaffi-Haller (Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 2002). African Affairs 104, no. 416: 537-538. Papers presented: ● “Why Villages Matter in Africa.” Presentation to Symposium on New Perspectives in Anthropology, Harper’s Ferry, VA, 5 December 2005. ● “Youth and Citizenship in Botswana.” Session on the body politic in Botswana, organized by Judith van Allen, African Studies Association annual meetings, Washington DC, 18 November 2005. ● “Apathy and Agency.” For panel on “Rethinking Agency” organized by Deborah Durham and Jennifer Cole, at the American Ethnological Association annual meeting in San Diego, April 7-10, 2005. Rebecca Massie Lane ● Presented “Internships From Both Sides of Academe” as a member of the conference panel, “The Two Faces of Academic Museums: Addressing Diverse Audiences” at the Southeastern Museums Association Conference October 6, 2005 ● Served as a grant reviewer for the Museums for America grant competition of the Institute of Museum Services, a federal agency, Washington, DC, January 2006. ● Attended Arts Advocacy Day in Richmond, Virginia on January 25.
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