Index Abdullah, Zain 51, 100 Alabama 7, 9, 22, 48n28, 95, 103–4n59, accent 94, 115–17; see also language 111; see also Albertville, Guntersville, Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi 17n13, 19 Huntsville African American English (language) 116; Albertville 9, 111 see also language Alex-Assensoh, Yvette 18 ‘African-American Friendship’ 74 Allen, Richard 51 African American organizations 6, 8, Amen, Anpu Unnefer 45 11, 33–4, 88; see also African People’s ‘American dream’ 76, 106–7 Socialist Party, Black Liberation, American English, English (language) 4, Uhuru Movement, Universal African 29, 114–16, 115n67; see also language Peoples Organization American Indians 15 African American studies 8, 26 American studies 7 African burial ground 48n28 Americanization 24, 84, 92, 98–9, 118 African Caribbean(s), Caribbean(s) 4, Americanness 15, 78n47 8, 8n7, 17–18, 24–5, 40, 43, 52, 57, Amin, Idi 66 69, 75–6, 78, 85, 88, 92, 97, 100, ancestor cult 53, 71–2n42 107–8, 108–9n64, 112–13, 115, 118; see Angola 55n35; see also Mbundu also Antilles, Antilleans, Barbados, Ani, Marimba 15 Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica (state), anti-colonial struggle 40, 60–2, 65, 67 Trinidad and Tobago Antilles, Antilles Natives, Antilleans 4, 17, African Cultural Alliance of North 65, 74, 118 America 74 apartheid 57, 66–8 African Methodist Episcopal Church 9, Arabs see Middle East, Natives of 66; see also Livingston Chapel Arkansas 45 African migrant associations see African Arthur, John 82 migrant organizations Asante, Molefi Kete 43–6, 55n35, 70, African migrant organizations 5, 8, 11, 71–2n42, 87, 113 25, 31, 47, 74, 77, 119; see also ‘African- Ashanti 114n65 American friendship’, African Cultural Asians 8n7, 53, 95, 115n67, 95, 109, 115n67 Alliance of North America, ‘Africans Association for Nubian and Kemetic in Boston’, Panafrican Association Heritage 46 African People’s Socialist Party 53n32, Atlanta 3, 9 71–2n42 Australia 4 African studies 7 Awokoya, Janet 86 African Union 52; see also Organization Azikiwe, Nnamdi 61 of African Unity Africana studies, Africology 46 Baltimore 90 Africanness 24, 54, 82, 99, 113 Bamileke 55n35 ‘Africans in Boston’ 13, 13n9, 74 Barbados 8n7 Afrocentrism 5, 6, 28, 42, 42n24, 44–7, Bayot 55n35 46n25, 49, 55n35, 57, 71, 71–2n42, Beethoven, Ludwig van 45 87, 113; see also Asante, Molefi Kete, Benin, Beninese 8n7, 22, 57, 85 Association for Nubian and Kemetic Berliner, David 39 Heritage, Black Liberation, Kemetic ‘black Brotherhood’ 5, 24, 26, 34–5, 42, Institute of Chicago, Uthman dan 51, 69–71, 74–5, 113–14, 120–1; see also Fodio Institute black nationalism, black nationalists Afrocentrist(s) see Afrocentrism ‘black history’ 41–3, 45–6, 48, 50, 60, Akan (language) 87 69–70, 113 black liberation 71–2n42 156 African Americans & American Africans black nationalism, black nationalists 35, colonial period see colonialism 44, 120 colonialism 5, 14, 23–4n19, 43, 47, 53n33, Black Power 63 60–2, 67, 69–70, 72 black studies 46 Columbia, District of see Washington, DC black unity see ‘black brotherhood’ Columbus 74 Blyden, Edward 5, 14, 57, 70 communality 79–81, 88, 93 Boston 8, 27, 29–30, 56, 71, 74; see also communication, intercultural 7, 25, 29, Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury 32, 77, 77n46, 100, 105 ‘brain drain’ 3, 34 consciousness 2, 6, 14, 16, 18–19, 39–41, Brighton Beach 115n67 47–51, 65–7, 70–1, 79, 87, 113; see also Bronx 20, 29; see also Claremont self-consciousness Brooklyn 20; see also Brighton Beach Côte d’Ivoire, Ivorians 8n7, 24, 28 Brown, James 95n54 Cothran, Mary 43 Brown, Michael 10, 75, 101 Crummel, Samuel 5 Brown vs. the Board of Education 62 Crummell, Alexander 63, 63n40 California 3, 93n52, 121; see also San Dakar School 43 Francisco Davis, Angela 63 Cameroon, Cameroonian 8n7, 29, 55n35, de-Africanization see Americanization 78, 91, 106; see also Bamileke, Tikar Delany, Martin 44 Canada 4, 93n52, 107 Detroit 115n67 Cape Coast Castle 56 Diallo, Amadou 75–6 Cape Verde, Cape Verdean(s) 2, 8n7, 92 diaspora(s) 12–14, 21, 67, 80–1, 91–4, Caucasians see Whites, White Americans 119–20 Centre International des Civilisations Diop, Cheikh Anta 43–5 Bantu 43 distance, social 4, 49 Chad, Chadian 8n7, 72 DNA test 47n27, 55, 55n35, 59, 71, 98 Chicago 8, 22, 65, 74, 96 Dominican Republic 8n7, 78n47 Chicago State University 21 Dorchester 28 China, Chinese see Asians Douglass, Frederick 51 Christianity 8, 9, 11, 22, 28–30, 30n22, Du Bois, William 14, 63, 98 44–5, 53–4n33, 71–2n42, 90–1, 114n65; Dunlap, David 48n28 see also African Methodist Episcopal Durkheim, Émile 39 Church, Livingston Chapel, Religion Christians see Christianity, Religion; see education 3–4, 6, 6n5, 9, 13, 18, 21, 24–5, also African Methodist Episcopal 27–8, 31–5, 40–6, 52, 54, 63, 67, 72–3, Church, Livingston Chapel 77, 77n45, 79, 81–2, 86, 90, 95, 102, church(es) see Christianity; see also 103–4n59, 107–13, 108–9n64, 115, African Methodist Episcopal Church 115n67, 119, Cincinnati 84–5 Egypt, ancient 43–5, 46n25, 71, 71–2n42 Civil Rights Act 62 Ekeh, Peter 18 civil rights movement 5, 9, 54, 62–6 Ellis, Alfred ‘Pee Wee’ 95n54 passim, 87, 94, 95n54; see also Brown enslaved, enslavement, slaves see slavery vs. the Board of Education, Civil Eritrea, Eritrean(s) 8n7, 23n19, 31, Rights Act 103–4n59 Civil War 9, 50 Erivo, Cynthia 65 Claremont 29 Ethiopia, Ethiopian(s) 3–4, 8n7, 9, 13, Clark, Msia Kibona 120 16, 23n19, 30, 47, 52, 64, 91–2, 94–5, classes, social 6n5, 10, 18, 26–9, 32, 35, 50, 103–4n59 52, 54–5, 70, 89–90, 108–9n64, 112 Ethnic Group(s) see Ethnicity Clemmons, Jocques 101 ethnicity 13–14, 17–22, 25, 35, 55, 55n35, colonial dependence, oppression, yoke see 80, 86, 88, 96–7, 120 colonialism Index 157 Europe(an) 4, 7, 43–9, 56, 70, 72, 87, 90, history, knowledge of 25, 31–2, 35, 40, 97, 106; see also Finland, France, Great 43–68 passim, 69, 94–6 Britain, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Holocaust see Maafa the, Russia, UK, United Kingdom ‘homecoming’, ‘home-comers’ see Everett, Ronald McKinley see Karenga, repatriation to Africa Maulana Ndabezitha Horton, Africanus 5 Ewe 19 Hsu, Francis 80 Hungary 106 family 81–4, 88–91, 100–1; see also Huntsville 9 kinship, relatives Ferguson 10, 75 identity 6, 12–14, 18–19, 37, 39–40, 42, 46, Finland 106 49, 52, 59, 61–2, 65–7, 80, 86–8, 96–8, France 4, 72, 106 113, 120 Frazier, Franklin 87 Illinois 7, 10, 65; see also Chicago Fulani 46n26 images, cultural 5, 7, 20, 22–36 passim, Fulbe see Fulani 38–9, 59, 69–118 passim Imhotep, Asar 45 Gambia, the, Gambians 8n7, 22, 54n34 Immigration and Naturalization Act 2 Garba, Mohamed 44 Indians see South Asia, Natives of Gardiner, Alan 46n25 individualism 79–83, 88–9, 110 Garner, Eric 101 intermarriage 31, 82n49 Garvey, Marcus 14, 16, 63 Irish Americans 96–7 Garveyism 5, 59 Islam 8, 29–30, 44–5, 46n26, 53, 53–4n33, Ghana, Ghanaian(s) 3, 8n7, 13, 20, 22–5, 90–1; see also Masjid Malcolm 56–98, 58n36, 74, 84–6, 92, 93n52, 120; Shabazz Mosque, Nation of Islam, see also Ashanti, Cape Coast Castle Religion Gilroy, Paul 14n11 Italian Americans 96–7 Goldberg, Whoopi 55n35 Italy 106 Golden, Lily 20, 31 Ivy League 108–9n64 Gray, Freddie 101 Great Britain 106; see also UK, United Jackson, Jennifer 43 Kingdom Jackson, Jesse 96, 112 green card lottery 3, 65 Jamaica (neighbourhood) 10, 28 Greer, Christina 18, 98 Jamaica (state), Jamaican 8n7, 95 Griot Museum of Black History 15 Jew(s) 8n7, 14–15, 93n52 Guinea, Guinean 8n7, 28, 75 Guinea-Bissau 55n35; see also Bayot, Kamau, Wanjiru 120 Papel Kardiner, Abram 111 Guntersville 7, 9, 22, 47, 63n40, 89, 102, Karenga, Maulana Ndabezitha 22 111, 114n65 Kemetic Institute of Chicago 46 Guyana, Guyanese 8n7, 45 Kenya, Kenyan(s) 3, 8n7, 22, 29–30, 65–6, 74, 76, 83, 86, 91, 98, 110, 120; see also Hagins, Ray 71–2n42 Kikuyu, Luo Haiti, Haitian(s) 8n7, 103–4n59, 115n66 Kenyatta, Jomo 61 Halbwachs, Maurice 39 Keyes, Alan 63 Haley, Alex 54, 54–5n34; see also ‘Roots’ Kikuyu 21, 30 Harlem 10, 22, 28, 30, 48n28, 79; see also King Jr., Martin Luther 35, 63, 67, 94, 121 ‘Little Senegal’ kinship 19, 82; see also family, relatives Harvard University 25 Kluckhohn, Clyde 80 Herskovits, Melville 87 Kpelle 55n35 Herzl, Theodor 14 Kwanzaa 22, 22n18 Hill, the (neighbourhood) 9 Hispanic(s) see Latin America(ns) 158 African Americans & American Africans language 13, 17, 20–3, 114–16, 115n66–7; memory, collective (cultural, see also accent, African American historical) 6–7, 9, 35–6, 37–68 English (language), American English, passim English (language) Mende 55n35 Lategan, Bernard 49 Mexico, Mexican(s) 16, 101n57 Latin America(ns) 4, 8n7, 10, 53, 102, Middle East, natives of 7, 8n7, 30 103–4n59, 117; see also Dominican Minneapolis 8 Republic, Mexico, Mexican(s) Minnesota 7, 9; see also Minneapolis Latinos see Latin America(ns) Mintz, Sidney 87 Lawrence-Sanders, Ashleigh 50 Missouri 7, 10; see also Ferguson, St Louis Liberia, Liberian(s) 4–5, 8n7, 20, 29, 34, monuments 48, 50, 55 47, 55, 58, 78, 91, 102, 107, 119–20; see mosque(s) 90–1; see Islam; see also also Kpelle Masjid Malcolm Shabazz Mosque Lincoln, Abraham 51 Mugabe, Robert 61 ‘Little Senegal’ 28, 115n67 Muhammad, Elijah 63 Livingston Chapel 9, 9n8, 47, 63n40, Musa 47 89–90; see also African Methodist museums 9–11, 48, 48n28, 55–6; see Episcopal Church also Griot Museum of Black History, Livingston, Jessie 9n8 Smithsonian National Museum of Lumumba, Patrice 61 African American History and Culture Luo 30, 110 Muslims see Islam, Religion; see also Masjid Malcolm Shabazz Mosque, Maafa 15 Nation of Islam Maat, Sekhmet Ra Em Kht 45 Maine 103–4n59 Nabudere, Dani 43 Malcolm X 5, 35–6, 63 Namibia 19 Mali (post-colonial), Malian(s) 8n7, 22, Nation of Islam 30, 30n22, 53–4n33, 91 24, 28 Negritude 5 Mali (pre-colonial) 47 neighbourhood(s) 8–10, 24, 26–9, Mandela, Nelson 61, 66 34, 50, 64, 102, 105, 111; see also Manhattan 10, 48n28; see also Harlem, Claremont, Dorchester, Harlem, ‘Little Senegal’ Hill, the (neighbourhood), Jamaica Marcus Garvey Pan-Afrikan (neighbourhood), ‘Little Senegal’, University 43 Mattapan, Roxbury, Shaw Martin, Trayvon 101 neocolonialism 5 Martin Luther King Jr.
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