University of South Carolina Scholar Commons Selected Essays on Robert Burns by G. Ross Roy Robert Burns Collections 3-1-2018 Index to Selected Essays on Robert Burns, by G. Ross Roy Elizabeth Sudduth [email protected] Jo C. DuRant Publication Info 2018, pages 205-210. (c) Studies in Scottish Literature, 2018 This Chapter is brought to you by the Robert Burns Collections at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Selected Essays on Robert Burns by G. Ross Roy by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. INDEX Abbreviations, x Ayr Advertiser, 9 Acknowledgments, 201-203 Ballantine, John, 51, 163-164 “Act Sederunt of the Session,” 104 Bannockburn, 17, 27, 61 “Address to a Haggis,” 6, 120, 138 “Bard’s Epitaph, A,” 88 “Address of the People of Bawdry, 14, 18, 99-111 Scotland,” 89 Beattie, George, 138 “Address to the Tooth Ache,” 91 Beethoven, Ludwig von, 28, 78, “Address to the Unco Good,” 44, 102, 162 46 Belfast News Letter, The, 91 “Ae Fond Kiss,” 32, 57 “Behind Yon Hills where Lugar Ainslie, Hew, 137 Flows,” 88 Ainslie, Robert, 165, 167, 171, 175- Bible, the, in Burns and Scott, 21, 176, 182 42-43, 125, 140, 144-157, 190 Alloway [or Aloway] Kirk (“Tam o’ Blacklock, Thomas, 126, 128 Shanter), 73-74, 87, 138, 143, Blair, Hugh, 15, 158, 159 179; as chapbook, 87 Border Tour, 12, 16, 34, 167, 171, Alloway, 7-9 173, 174 Alonzo and Cora, 128 Boston, Thomas, 38, 43, 145 American editions, 184-185 Boswell, Sir Alexander, 118-119 Angellier, Auguste, 6 Boswell, James, 180 “Answer to the Favourite Scot’s Brash, James, 84-85 Song, Tam Glen,” 90, 98 Brash and Reid, 84-98, 126-127 Antiquities of Scotland, 73, 159, “Braw lads on Yarrow Braes” 179 (Galla Water), 89 “As I stood by yon roofless tower,” Bruce, David, 131 71 Buchan, Earl of, 20, 62 “As I walk’d by mysel, I said to Buchanan, C., 135 myself,” 114 Burnes, William, 40 “As on the banks of winding Nith,” Burns Exhibition (1896), 190 119 Burns Federation, 107, 122, 132 Attributions, spurious, 112-125 Burns, Robert: and the Bible, 42- “Auld Lang Syne,” 5, 77-83, 99, 43, 144-57; reading, 21-22; and 116, 196 the French Revolution, 23, 58- “Auld Rob Morris,” 90 72; and religion, 37-54, 104, 206 INDEX 144-157; and politics, 23, 58- Crawford, Thomas, 178 72; editing, 158-180; collecting Creech, William, 15, 34, 100, 180, 181-196; in Japanese, 7; in 184 Portuguese, 7; elegies on, 92- Crochallan Fencibles, 103, 104, 121 97; emigration to Jamaica, 93, Cromek, R.H., 20, 91, 120, 137, 99; death, 100; as songwriter, 165-166, 168, 174 100-02; spurious attributions, Crystal Palace, 139, 141-142 112-125; poems about, 126- Culloden, 3 143; as heir to tradition, 172; Cumming, Angus, 82 American editions, 184-185 Cunningham, Allan, 51, 118-119, “Burns’s Death-bed Song,” 116- 159, 166-167, 174-175 118 Cunningham, Alexander, 35, 60, Burns’s letters, publication history, 67, 112 20-21, 174-180 Currie, James, as editor, 18-21, 24- Burns, Robert, from Hamilton, 90 27, 29, 106-107, 119, 122, 127- “Caledonia,” 90 129, 132, 137, 159-168, 174- Caledonian Pocket Companion, 81 179, 186; the Currie inventory, “Calf, The,” 44, 46 19-20 Cameron, May, 167, 175-176 Daiches, David, 178 Campbell, Ian, vii n. Davies, Miss Deborah Duff, 68 Campbell, Mary (“Highland Davin, Dan, 8 Mary”), 5-6, 137-138, 140-141 Dawson, Bill, vii n. Carruthers, Gerard, vii n. “Death and dying words of Poor Censorship, 159-160, 173 Mailie, The,” 14 Chambers, Robert, 69, 159, 168- Donaldson, Thomas, 133 169, 171, 174, 175 Douglas, William Scott, 23, 25n, “Cheap Whisky” or “A Familiar 26n, 27, 28 118, 159n, 169-170, Epistle to Mr Pitt,” 120 174 Choice Collection of Comic and Duffy, John Hodge, 140 Serious Scots Poems, 79 “Dumfries Volunteers, The,” 71-72 Clarinda, see McLehose Duncan, Lesley, vii n Cleghorn, Robert, 64-65, 104, 176, Dunlop, Frances Anna Wallace, 179-180 16n, 19-23, 41-42, 48-49, 62- Collecting Burns, 181-196 63, 65-66, 78, 99, 116, 128- Collection of Strathspeys or Old 129, 150, 171, 175, 193-194 Highland Reels, 82 Dunlop, William H., at auctions, 9 Colton, Charles Caleb, 125 Edinburgh edition (1787), 44, 86, “Comin thro’ the Rye,’ 90 134, 148, 163, 177, 180, 182- Commonplace Books: First, 12-15; 184, 185; Ainslie’s copy, 182- Second, 15-17 183 Constable, Lady Winifred Maxwell, Edinburgh Evening Courant, 59, 61 62, 120 “Cotter’s Saturday Night, The,” 6, Edinburgh Gazetteer, 64-65 40, 93, 139, 141, 149 Edinburgh Magazine, 73, 177 INDEX 207 Edinburgh Review, 73 Fair,” 45-46 Editing Burns, 158-180 Graham, Robert, of Fintry, 35, 50, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 58 59, 65, 67, 72, 168, 174, 177 “Encountering Robert Burns: an Grant, Ann of Laggan, 128-130 Oral History,” 3-11 Gray, Thomas, 93-94, 96 Erskine, Andrew of Kellie, 89 Gray Tracts, 188-189 Erskine, John Francis, 59, 126 “Green Grow the Rashes—O,” 14, Erskine, Ralph, 38, 39n 177 Ewing, J.C., and the Currie Grose, Francis, 23, 73, 86, 89, 159- inventory, 19-20 160, 179-180 “Extemporaneous Grace on a “Gude Night and Joy be wi’ you Haggis,” 120 a’,” 77 Facsimiles, the untrustworthiness Hamilton, Gavin, 53 of, 164 Haydn, Joseph, 28, 102 “Farewell to Eliza,” 89 Heart of Midlothian, The, 42, 153- “Farewell to the Brethren of St. 155 James’s Lodge, Tarbolton,” 77 Henley, W.E., 14, 69, 70, 80, 116, Ferguson, J. De Lancey, vii, 7-8, 172-173 10, 18, 20, 31, 175-180 Henderson, T.F., 14, 69, 70, 80, Fergusson, Robert, 95, 131, 135, 116, 172-173 136, 180; Scotch Poems, 22 Herd, David, 114-115 Fisher, Edward, 38 “Here awa, there awa,” 88 Fisher, William, 51-53, 146 “Highland Mary” (Mary Campbell), Fisher, William Shelley, 140 5-6, 137-138, 140-141 Fitzhugh, Robert T, 10, 16n, 178 Highland Tour, 12, 16-17, 20, 167 “Flow Gently, Sweet Afton,” 5, 23 “Highland Widow’s Lament, The,” Fontenelle, Louisa, 64 71 Forbes, Peter of Dalkeith, 135 Hill, Peter, 34, 132 Fourfold State of Man (Thomas Hogg, James, 167-168, 194-195; Boston), 38, 43 and the Stirling-South Carolina France, Burns and Revolution, 58- edition, 168, 195 72 “Holy Fair, The,” 45, 50, 93, 151, Franklin, Benjamin, 39, 62 158-159 Freemasonry, 103 “Holy Willie’s Prayer,” 37, 41, 52- French Revolution, 23, 58-72, 115 53, 99, 160 Gall, Richard of Dunbar, 136-137 Honresfield Collection (Alfred J. Gerrond, John, 130 Law), 8 Gillon, Alex, ix Illegitimate children, 36, 175 Glasgow Magazine, 88, 89 “I’m wearin’ awa, Jean,” 117, 135 Glasgow Exhibition (1896), 190 “Is There for Honest Poverty,” 68- Glencairn, James Cunningham, 14th 69, 89, 115, 170 Earl of, 15, 35-36; “The Holy Jacobites, 60-61, 71 208 INDEX Jacobite airs, Burns’s use of, 60 MacDiarmid, Hugh, 58, 172 “John Anderson, my Jo,” 6, 87-88, McGill, William, 48-51, 147 103 McGuirk, Carol, vii n Johnson, James, 23-25, 27, 29-31, Mackay, James, 113-115, 118-120, 49, 60, 70-71, 77-79, 81-82, 88, 125, 159, 192 90, 101-102, 112-116, 123, Mackenzie, Henry, 22, 44, 55, 92- 137, 152, 161, 177, 179 93, 97, 119-120, 180, 183 Johnston, William, 64 McLehose, Agnes [“Nancy”], 31- Jolly Beggars, The, 72, 76 32, 55-57, 150, 161, 169, 174, Kilmarnock edition, 18-20, 22, 44- 191-193, 196; religion, 42 45, 50, 77, 86, 99, 100-101, McMath, John, 37 112, 168, 173, 177, 181-183, M’Murdo, John, 106-107, 111, 121- 185 123, 164-165, 178-179 Kinsley, James, 7, 10, 70, 108, 114- M’Naught, Duncan, 107, 122, 165 116, 123, 125, 128, 146, 158- Manual of Religious Belief, A, 40 159, 168, 172, 178, 191 Marie Anroinette, 23, 66, 171 Kirk and Robert Burns, the, 37-54 Marrow of Modern Divinity, The, “Kirk’s Alarm, The,” 48-51, 147 38 “Lamentation of Mary Queen of Masefield, John, 158 Scotland, of Scotland, when Maxwell, James, 126, 156 Confined in Lochleven Castle” Maxwell, Robert, Provost, 104 (non-Burnsian poem), 98 Memorial Catalogue (1898), 190 “Land o’ the Leal, The,” 116-118, Merry Muses of Caledonia, The, 135 vii, 18, 87, 99-111, 123-124, Lapraik, John, “Epistles to,” 14, 164-165, 176, 178-179, 185- 126 187; attribution, 107-109, 124 “Lassie all Alone, A,” 104 Miller, Patrick, 179 Law, Sir Alfred Joseph, M.P., 8 Misattribution of poems to Burns, Letters of Burns, vii; portrait of 108-110, 112-125, 135, 150 Burns in, 12-36; editing in the Mitchell, John, 65 19th century, 158-173; editing Moore, John, correspondence with, in the 20th century, 174-180 20-22, 43, 145 L’Hommedieu, Andrea, viii n, 3 n, Motherwell, William, 20, 167-168, 201 194 “Lines Characteristic of Robert “Mouse’s Petition when Caught in Burns,” 88 a Trap,” 97-98 Lobo, Luiza, 7 Musick for Allan Ramsay’s Collect- Lochore, Robert, 93, 95-97 ion of Scots Songs, 81 Lockhart, J.G., 17, 62-63, 46-47 “My girl, she’s airy, she’s buxom “Logan Water,” 70 and gay,” 14, 103, 178 Louis XVI, execution, 23, 66, 171 “O, my luve’s like a red, red, rose,” Love and Liberty, 72 5, 172 “Lovely Lass of Inverness,” 90 “My Nanie, O”, 13 Lover, Samuel, 141 Myers, Frederic W.H., 139-140 INDEX 209 Namba, Toshio, 7 Ramsay, Allan, 21-22, 55, 78-79, Nicol, William, 16, 17, 34 81, 93, 95-96, 113, 129, 131, “Now westlin winds and slaught’r 135-136 ing guns,” 91 “Red, Red Rose, A,” 5, 172 “O poortith cauld,” 67 Reformation, in Scotland, 102, 104 “O wat ye wha’s in yon town,” 88 Reid, William, 84-85, 86, 88, 92, 98 “Ode for General Washington’s Religion, Burns and, 37-54, 56, 93, Birthday,” 62 104, 144-157 “Ode to Spring,” 170 Reputation, Burns’s, in poetry, 99, “Of a’ the airts the wind can blaw,” 116, 126-143, 184 57 Riddell, Maria, 19-20, 33, 161, 180; Oliphant, Caroline, Lady Nairne, her memoir, 33 117-118, 135 Riddell, Robert, 31, 33-34, 66 “Open the door to me, Oh,” 89 “Rights of Woman Spoken by Miss “Ordination, The”, 44-46, 93 Louisa Fontenelle on her Orpheus Caledonius, 81 Benefit Night, The,” 64-66 Oswald, James, 81 “Robert Burns, A Self-Portrait,” 12- Paton, Elizabeth, 175 36 Peebles, William, 44, 49-50 Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, Percy, Thomas, 22, 88, 101 Alloway, 7-8 Pichot, Amedee, 136n Rogers, Charles, 117 Pilgrimage to the Land of Burns, A; Roscoe, William, 66, 127 containing anecdotes of the Rosamond, The, 63-64 bard, etc., 137-138 Rosina, 82 Pindar, Peter, 88 Roy Collection of Robert Burns, the Poetry, Original and Selected, 84- G.
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