THE EVENING STAR Woibington, D. C. Business I A-14- - Tuesday, Jw/y J, 1960 AKK Rk ' sh! -fl ON WHEELS (pre > ZLr 1 M |) . Bi By CHARLES YARBROUGH WASHINGTON, D.C. '-W ¦ . * Imports Are Still Lopsided The man on the phone was s Mr. Walker has much to doc- complaining that an bitterly l ument his belief. Not yet a imported car (Renault) was the s year old. Ford’s Falcon and i R official car at the Squaw Valley' the larger Comet are outsell- Olympics last winter and won- ¦ ing all foreign makes, 239,900 > HEIR dered what kind the Rome : to 230,000, in the first five Olympics will use. months. ) Eugene Wall has been ap- His conversation brings to Selling at the rate of > 1.521 pointed technical director mind some recent figures indi- units per selling the Fal- ¦ day, for that Documentation, Inc. cating perhaps the United I con has taken third place in He has been States is making a few gains ini sales in the whole industry and I a manage- the , ment consultant for we export auto business. leads all the compacts. The E. I. The Associated Press recent- Comet has moved into 11th ) duPont de Nemours & Co. ly noted that the trend now place. in Del. May Wilmington, indicates * that 1960 may bring ** * American auto builders their Recalling the fate which be- - largest export market in five fell the revolutionary Tucker years. But even that leaves the automobile, the courage of balance in swinging heavily Glenn Pray, the Tulsa high PEOPLE favor of the imports. school automotive instructor IN The Automobile Manufac- who has bought up the parts J turers Association believes the department of the Auburn- passenger car export figure may Cord-Dnsenberg Co., is an awe- reach BUSINESS 160,000 by the end of Isome thing. the year. Mr. Pray has completed his ? It totaled ‘only 116,520 last transaction, the Associated J. Dewey Daane, vice presi- year. Imports reached 668,070, Press reported last week, and dent of the Federal Reservel help you may drop to about this Bank 450,000 plans to be in production with of Minneapolis, will suc- year. a ‘prestige car” similar to the ceed Robert P. Mayo as As- Fewer imports sold in were Rolls Royce “withinfive years.” sistant to the Secretary of the this than country during April The sale included 20 trailer Treasury, effective July 31. Mr. in the month same last year—- loads of parts valued at $500,- Mayo resigned to become vice the first time the totals have 000, all remaining blueprints, president of Continental Illi- dropped behind the year- dies and matters, full rights to nois National Bank and Trust NOW ALLSTATE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER earlier THAN EVER! figures since the for- : the Auburn and Cord names at Chicago. boom eign-car began. and partial rights to the Dues- E. Donald Preston, secretary ?* ? * of the enberg. Production of the Au- Washington Employes’ i The great of burn Benefit Committee of Chesa- popularity the) and Cord was stopped 22 compact cars by now is much years ago in Auburn and Con- peake & Potomac Telephone than more a trend. It’s a full- nersville, Ind. Duesenberg has I Co., has retired after more than blown revolution. been out of business longer 36 years of service. He joined Shortly before stepping down (than that. the company in September, Find the Allstate Office near on the as president of Chrysler, W.i *• ? * 1923, and lives in Annandale, you map. C. Newburg, talking for an Va. Lee Wallard, a former win- economic forecast booklet Samuel A. Wolpert and S. ner of the Indianapolis 500- published by the First Na- Sterling McMillan, who worked mile race, comes to Bolling and tional Bank of together in the Commerce De- Chicago, gave Andrews Air Force Bases Fri- version. partment here during the Ko- an even stronger day and Monday to present the He said the compacts, the rean War, have formed a new Champion Highway Safety pro- \ (/ firm, \ low-priced larger makes and Predicasts, which pub-) < r gram—Bolling theater at 10 1 lishes economic in the imports are now selling a.m. and 2 An- surveys p.m., Friday; Cleveland. 74 per cent of the | new-car drews theater Monday at 10 V inton E. Lee of 1\ fIX market and Vinton Lee z zi that, with the four and 2 General )a.m. p.m. , & new Co., Washington CPA firm, compacts coming up, Motors will send out a fleet of next has been re-elected president year should see this over- ; six mobile diesel service train- of all Benjamin Franklin Univer- locations / group accounting for "at ing units to train mechanics ml on sity Alumni Association. least 80 per cent,” I, diesel trucks and tractors. .1 J. C. has W. Hall been appointed \ George Walker, Ford Army Ordnance has 1 given' manager of the new AAllstate Insurance Center I vice Peoples \ 1 president and stylist, re- Willys two contracts for $9.7, / V f I J Drug Store at 2125 E street cently said the compact-size I i million worth of Jeep vehicles N.W. He formerly managed the CLAIM-SALES-SERVICE I / X cars “will become increasingly ; and parts. Avis Rent-a-Car . ) store at Georgia and New popular and will the has I 9.J ® \ % [ r—- lessen gone into new facilities at x / Hampshire avenues N.W. -1. Bradlee Center I V/ X demand for imports.” ’ i Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. Shopping BBtfliGQAkr --_ (J Leonard R. Viner, president) 3632 Lane King Street, near Quaker | / \ f\ \ /A’ of Arcade-Sunshine, received a Alexandria. Va. ¦** ' ' // \ I , circle plaque from the! Tel King 8-7735 \ [Silver ¦ @ 7 B L ' \ \ American Institute of Launder-| L A I 'Z S A Vn h /if /k \ ing honoring his firm’s 25 years ) j ik 2. Prince Georges Plaza Center 5.1 I / } X \Ak V of Shopping / \ IJUkv, J //$ participation in the institute. 3500 East-West IL' W Highway. / \ / t //f » YOUR A. George Daugherty has be- near Colesville Rd. ik if come manager of the New York Md \ I I it Hyattsville, z \o 1 a,/\ avenue branch store of Tel: UNion 4-3727 ‘ > MONEY'S | paint v .A V "") V V I X Z WORTH X' za ife. / " Y Z I® / J US wf ) Hugh Reilly Co. He has man- Z sSf \ \ J f [lr BY SYLVIA PORTEB • ) aged the firm’s paint depart- \ Vo /JL I a 3. 2525 University Boulevard West ¦\a / uol X A Z Ife |ment for 14 years. MAIn*aP*T YO / LZJ V near Georgia Ave. H* \ ; j /^ \rtSSf 'X Al/ ¦ VKg. Washington Agents of New S' Wheaton. Md. > X \ \v Z Z l / ! England Mutual Life Insurance f Tel: LOckwood 5-1652 ® V ! Zljf- Z New Cycle in Farm Land Prices Co. attending the company’s _ annual leaders conference in 20 of After years skyrocket- prices are now 253 per cent Jasper Park, Canada, include l D Allstate Neighborhood' \ \ 5 Z ing prices for farm land, the above 20 years ago, 68 per cent George J. Black, J. Dent Farr, Office ~ advance slowed to above 10 price has a years ago. jr„ George W. Graves, jr„ It | / creep. It is now • increasingly Henry Hirsh, Arthur Why the upswing? In the M. Lane, j SALES-SERVICE \\ Z probable that into a Frank ® we are new 1940 s the climb was primarily T. Shull 111 and John) sss=sS e for farm land > - '°*' cycle prices. a catchup from the depressed Tipton, all of the J. Hicks Bald- \ X'- Z J win 1. Penn-Mar Shopping Center Z l/ttt iZ In this era it is likely that conditions of the 19305, a re- Agency. xf 3800 Donnell Drive, between rises will be much flection of our farmers’ spec- ' rB/ / price more Ave. Extension tacular Pennsylvania vz gradual, spotty across the prosperity. Actually, N and Marlboro Rd. Washington \ y the price rises were restricted estate willbe the country. prices swelling Tel. REdwood 6-9380 I farmers’ | '-X by memories of their of our population, the continued In this phase it is likely we .1- woeful experiences after World building of rural and ( 3- - AfF'Hr will witness a return to a sem- up areas, War I, the shortage of farm there’s blance of the traditional rela- reason to believe the cSales labor and machinery. drop in farm incomes is ¦"X tionship between the price finally In the 1950 s a whole set SERVICE AT SEARS STORES farm land commands in the new ending. \ / of forces emerged, and while I But in farm marketplace and the incomes land prices as) farm incomes went down, farm well as in farmers can earn from the so many other areas,) 1. 1724 Duke Street, near Reinekers Lane \ real estate prices kept surging i the w land. ) close of the extravagant Alexandria, Va. 1 ® JK x/A from farmers Ss% up. Buying came postwar Tel: 9-2799 Irt this it is that cycle seems apparent. King 1 ''V' 1 K period likely enlarging their existing farms. I \ Z Tomorrow: speculation in farm real estate It came from homebuilders and Money Getting will be Easier, Cheaper Too 2. 2800 Wilson at Fillmore St. V no easy get-rich-quick |i industrial corporations stretih- ' Boulevard, /-*L ftll A li X. I Va. proposition and many fringe Distributed 1960. Arlington, X. Sr I WM* “? a . \ ; ing out into what had been by The will Hall Syndicate. Inc. Tel. JAckson 7-4900 X# I I ISF gamblers be frozen in.
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