Vol. IV, No. 51 U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, T. H. Friday, April 6, 1956 VMF-232 SETS NEW JET RECORD Major Commands Jet Maintenance Assign Officers And Flight Safety To View Mauka Keynote Program Brig. Gen. Alan Shapley, ADC, 1st Mar Div arrived here recently By SGT. WALT MacKENZIE to observe the 1st Provisional Air- SEE PICTORIAL FEATURE PAGE 4 it 5 Ground Task Force as they display modern invasion techniques during Fledgling Marine jet pilots flew themselves into combat readiness Operation Mauka. during March here as they logged 2558 hours for a new Navy-Marine A graduate of the Naval Acad- Corp; Jet record. Red Devils of Marine Fighter Squadron 232, Ma- emy Gen. Shapley is a former Ma- r:na Aircraft Group-I3, racked up the record hours in airborne jet rine Raider and holds the Navy training without a single accident. Cross. the Silver Star and two Le- The FJ-2 Fury jet fighter pilots celebrated their record-breaking gions of Merit for heroism and out- feat in cxhuLerant fashion with standing service during WWII. an cca -spliting flyover at this Flight satety, always the back- Additional observers from the Windward Oahu base. Squadron bone of squadron, reached a air-ground brigade headquarters Commander, Maj. Stephen G. War- new peak in jet performance with !evel and those assigned for ob- ren, announcing the records which no accidents to mar the month. servation of shore party and heli- fell to the Red Devils, pointed out This even though a high percent- copter operations are: that the flights were made as part age of the mechanics, line crews 1st Lt. A. T. Watt, Aide to Gen. of the squadron's normal t:aining and other enlisted personnel were ShaPlev: Lt. Col. W. T. Shaffer, PREVIEW of landings scheduled for Kauai this weekend W 3S afforded program and not as as endurance ilea to the field of jet aviation contest. No flights were made or MC Development Ctr.: Lt. CoL D. a few early risers at Makua when Marines of the I st Provisional Mar;ne and most of the pilots were lest L. Mallory. 3rd Mar Div. Maj. E. E. Air -Ground Task Force stormed the beach there Wednesday from Sundays. than seven months from flight A nucleus six experienced Hammerbeck, 3rd Mar Div; and Mr. ships of the Navy's Amphibious Squadron I. Landing through light of school. W. C. Kressen, civilian BUSANDA. Fury jet pilots ramrodded the surf without incident At 8 a.m., the Leathernecks moved inland a short month's training which saw the Precautions such as a runway FMFPac has assigned the follow - distance where they regrouped for return to their respective ship:. 1'571 duty officer, stationed with base officers as observers: squadron complete sorties, Also during the morning, helicopters landed Marines et Dillingham Air another record. of almost two wheels watch, to observe and cor- Col. J. C. Miller, G-3; Col. B. D Force Base and R5D transport pl.nes landed troops and 75mm how- hours each. In the course of the rect all landings; daily safety and Godbold, 0-4; Navy Capt. W. N. itzers at Bellows Air Force Base. Yesterday the destroyers, Sproston month VMF-232 broke the North emergency briefings under Maj. New, MedO: Lt. Col. W. T. Bray, and Walker, and the Inshore Fire Support ship Carronade shelled the American built Fury jet record by Andrew W. O'Donnell, safety of- Asst. 0-3: Lt. Col. A. E. Hodt. Asst. island of Kahoolawe while MAG-I3's aircraft bombed the same target $79 hours. Maj. Warren flew 100.7 ficer, contributed to the safety G-4: Lt. Col. G. L. Cooper. Asst. hours of the record time. record. Each pilot was required to Force area. Live ammunition was used on this uninhabited island, simulating Engr.; Lt. Col. F. Aldridge, the squadron in complete at least six ground con- pre-D-day bombardment of the Barking Sands area. After the firing, Assisting its CO 1st Anglico. Cdr. E. L. Doyle, training for the month were MAG- trolled approaches, five simulated Force the nearly 20 ships, APAs, AKAs, LSTs, LSDs and APDs, cot under- Dentist; Maj. W. M. Wascom, 13 Commanding Officer Col. Max flameouts and five ground con- Asst. ABC officer: Capt. C R. Poppe. way for Barking Sands. J. Volcansek Jr. and Executive Of- trolled intercepts as part of the Force Engr. Section; 1st Lt. W. E. ficer. Lt. Col. Howard A. York month's training. Bucher, Asst. CEO. Five Army of- who flew sorties with the Red Instrumental in the record ficers will also pace accompany the above High School Seniors Tour K-Bay Devils and aided Maj. Warren with set by the party. Red Devils were MSgt. some of the problems which had Hertert L. McCullough, mainten- Officers from ComPhilaPac who to be overcome in the training ance chief; MSgt. Dewey P. will be billeted For a Career Incentive Program aboard ships are: program. Booker, leading chief; M.Sg-t, Cal- Navy Capt. J. A. Heath. Lt. Col. Seventy-five seniors from Kailua and Castle High Schools toured Maintenance was unprecedented vin Ross, line chief; MSgt. Robert A. J. Cronin. Cdr. C. P. Callahan. the Air Station Wednesday afternoon following a lecture on Military for these sensitive jets, S8.1 per Dodge, sergeant major and TSgt. Jr.: Cdr. C. H. Selden, Jr. and Lt. Service given by 1st Lt. John L. Thatcher, Headquarters & Headqar- cent available for the month-this Donald Schoenle, ordnance NCO- 'jg. R. S. Patee. ters Squadron, adjutant. with one aircraft on the ground I-C All awaiting parts for the entire observers were given a gen- The group of teenage boys and girls arrived at the Air Station at Providing technical assitance eral briefing month. The squadron has 22 of to prior to "D" day ac- 1:30 p.m. and sta ted their tour the squadron were Mr. tivities. the swept -wing Furys. Maj. War- Robert (Editor's note. "D" day was from Kansas Tower where the en- the Rutary Club conducted the va- Scott, North American Aviation unannounced at press time.) tire lay-out of the Station was ex- ren lauded the men of his com- Inc. manufacturers rious tours. mand for their diligence and per- of the aircraft plained by Maj. Robert H. Cook, Accompanying the students on and Mr. Robert Ecklund repre- commanding of'icer of Iiqd:HqSq, scverence in keeping the transonic senting the:r tour were Mr. Stewart Al- airborne and for the enviable General Electric Co. Reenlistment Team who headed the tour. jets builder of the safety record which boasted no pi- J-47 jet engine len, president of the Windward which propels the Fury. Will Confer Here Hangar 105 was the next stop Rotary Club, and manager of the lot or maintenance caused acci- where jet, attack and night patrol Kailua Liberty House; Mr. Rich- dents. Headquarters Marine Corps Re- were on The swept-wing jets sucked up planes and a jet trainer ard 3:aruaru Yuma. owner ani CG, enlIstment Advisory Team will visit display, with Marine Aircraft over 1.000,000 gallons of jet fuel TASK FORCE manager of the Kailua Hardware TO YOU AND ALL OFFI- the Air Station May 8 or 9 for Group 13 personnel to explain the to remain aloft for the air school. Store; Mr. Raymond Hirayasu. CERS AND ENL three days. operation of each plane Refuelers made over 200 trips to PER OF owner and manager of Kaiha YOUR SQ A WELL The team composed of Lt. Col's the flight line with fuel. A short DONE 30 Florist. and Rev. Gene Eosseler, FOR THE PAST MONTHS X R G McMasters After spending more than supply of fuel coupled with limited and D. Foos, Jr., pastor of the Lutheran Church in MAGNIFICENT conduct reenlistment 'confer- minutes examining the various oxygen available for a time PERFORM- Kailua. ANCE OF MEN AND ACFT X ences at the station theater for planes, the group visited the Spe- threatened to keep the Red Devils cial Services boat house, then DYER SENDS. the benefit of commanding officers from their record. Cooperation toured the crash crew boat house CO, MAG-13 and personnel appointed for reen- with the Group helped solve these listment and learned how they operate in problems. Runway repairs, blast- MY SINCERE CONGRATU- functions here. LATIONS They emergencies. Kailua Hukilau ing along the flight line for con- TO ALL YOUR OF- will also visit each subordi- The students then separated and FICERS AND MEN ON YOUR nate command. The schedule will struction and weather also threw the girls toured the Women Ma- OUTSTANDING ACCOMP X be announced Near Completion hazards in the path of the Fories. at a later date. rines' ba. racks where their guides, WITH 22 FJ-2 ACFT ASG representing Ka- School for the pilots included Sgt. Rhea Fontaine and PFC Committeemen tactics, instrument flying, naviga- CMM ONE BEING ACOP FOR R-Bay Marge Young, explained the daily neohe and Kailua bus'ness groups° tion. gunnery, simulated flameouts, THE ENTIRE MONTH CMM Blood Donors routine of the detachment. The are cooperating this week to com- ground and air controlled inter- YOU STILL MAINTAINED boys were taken to barracks 1095 plete plans for the second annual cepts. ground controlled ap- AN AVAL OF 88 PER CENT Thanked by Tripler by Marine guides; SSgt. Ted Hop- X YOU 2558 Windward Marine Day Sat. April proaches and radar recoveries. FLEW HOURS per, station operations. and SSgt. AND 1571 SORTIES OF THE Orice again Air Station person- 21.
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