Winners of the What ‘government This is what essay contest for schools’ critics happens in a college students really mean voucher school PAGES 10-15 PAGE 16 PAGE 17 Vol. 34 No. 8 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. October 2017 Katherine Stewart FFRF’s 40th: Freethinking, fun, fanfare and friends! Photo by Andrew Seidel A member of the Forward! Photo by Ingrid Laas Marching Band performs Photo by Chris Line Comedian and atheist Paula Poundstone shows off her during FFRF’s Tailgate Party Comedian Julia Sweeney regales the audience with her Emperor Has No Clothes Award and the stool she autographed on the Monona Terrace humorous takes on religious-themed movies during her following her 90-minute comedy routine on Sept. 15. rooftop on Sept. 15. convention speech on Sept. 16. Photo by Ingrid Laas Renowned cognitive scientist Steven Pinker, FFRF’s honorary president, speaks to the crowd of more than 700 on Sept. 16, giving them a sneak preview of his upcoming book, Enlightenment Now. Members from 48 states, plus D.C., the UK and Canada attended FFRF’s 40th National Convention at the Monona Terrace and Convention Center in Madison, Wis. For more photos from the convention weekend, please see the special eight-page pullout section inside this issue. Timely FFRF suit proceeds against church politicking FFRF has filed an amended com- Trump has repeatedly claims “stops” plaint to buttress the Johnson Amend- the Johnson Amendment as it applies ment even as the House has taken mea- to churches. Trump’s executive order sures to weaken it. directs the IRS “to exercise maximum The Johnson Amendment even- enforcement discretion to alleviate the handedly bars any 501(c)(3) organiza- burden of the Johnson Amendment, tion, including churches, from using which prohibits religious leaders from tax-deductible donations for political, speaking about politics and candidates partisan purposes. The House of Rep- from the pulpit.” resentatives on Sept. 14 quietly passed In late August, the Department of a budget provision to defund enforce- Justice, seeking to dismiss FFRF’s legal ment of the amendment as it pertains challenge, contradicted Trump’s con- to churches. (As of the publishing of tention that he’s overturned the John- this issue of Freethought Today, the son Amendment. The department Senate had yet to take up a similar filed a document saying, “The order measure.) does not exempt religious organiza- FFRF filed its original lawsuit the tions from the restrictions on political day of President Trump’s May 4 exec- FFRF’s “You’re Sued” photo illustration was used by FFRF in press releases, news utive order on religious liberty, which See Suit on page 2 releases and videos referring to its lawsuit against President Trump. Page 2 FFRF | FREETHOUGHT TODAY | Madison, Wisconsin | October 2017 Norma Cunningham to celebrate 100th birthday! Norma Cunningham, a long-time doctor — and five grandchildren: puzzles, and cooking. A few years ago, member of FFRF, is celebrating her Andrew, Sarah, Benjamin, Grace, Norma entered the Southwestern Il- 100th birthday on Oct. 28. and Alex. (Joe has just retired from linois Spelling Bee contest and won Norma and her husband, Joseph, FFRF’s Board after serving for more first place, often correcting the host’s are Life Members of FFRF, and both than three decades.) pronunciation of various words. have served on the Executive Board Norma and Joe spent many years Norma spent many happy hours almost from its formation. traveling with their children, going entertaining family and friends over She grew up in St. Louis, where to all 50 states plus Canada; also vis- large elaborate meals at her beauti- she was the valedictorian of the large iting Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Ja- fully set dining room table. She also Cleveland High School class of 1935, pan and China. was a recipe tester for Betty Crocker, and earned a full four-year scholar- Norma used her fluency in Ger- sending in her comments and sugges- Norma Cunningham ship to Washington University in St. man to translate the detailed diaries tions on improving the originals. Louis. Norma earned a Bachelor of 1944. She worked in the Mascoutah and letters of her great-grandfather, She loves flowers, particularly ros- Arts degree in 1939, and the same High School for 31 years, teach- Herman Steines, and great-great es, enjoys visiting the Missouri Botan- year received the Jesse Bar Fellow- ing Latin, German and English. At uncle, Frederick Steines, who immi- ical Gardens, and is skilled at flower ship Award, with which she acquired Mascoutah, Norma was chair of the grated from Germany, records which arranging with blooms from her gar- a Master’s degree in Latin in 1940. school’s Fine Arts department, also they compiled from 1830-1835. den. Norma’s favorite TV program is She also is a member of the Phi Beta served on the Mascoutah Library These documents were printed into “Jeopardy!” She recently got all five Kappa honor society. In addition, she board for many years and as a mem- two large volumes and were donat- of the week’s Final Jeopardy ques- served as co-chair of the Arts & Sci- ber of the Literary Society. ed to the Missouri Historical Society, tions correct. ences Century Leadership Club of In December 1953, she married the St. Louis City Library, and many Norma has resided at the Silver Washington University. Joseph Cunningham, who was also a relatives. Creek Assisted Living home in Mas- After graduation, she taught in teacher at Mascoutah High School. Her other interests include read- coutah for the past five years, where St. Louis area schools for four years They have two daughters — Kathryn, ing classical literature, listening to she will host family and friends at her before moving to Mascoutah, Ill., in an attorney; and Linda, a medical classical music, working crossword 100th birthday celebration. FFRF welcomes 26 Lifers, 3 After-Lifers, 1 Immortal FFRF is pleased to announce its 26 on” after them. David Nickel, Dennis Porter, Eugene Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Mon- new Lifetime Members, three new Af- FFRF’s 26 new Life Members are: Provost, David Roberts, Melanie A. Rush, tana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Texas, ter-Lifers and one new Immortal. Douglas Barnes, Michael Botlo, James William Sierichs Jr., Pamela Solomon, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and West The three new After-Lifers are: Barba- Blase, Dorothea Case, Brian Cook, Cher- George Vacek and Rick Zawada. Virginia. ra Foster (gifted by John Mosley), Karla ry Day, George Dunstan, Donna Doug- Individual Lifetime Memberships are The new Immortal is Professor Paul Martin and Dr. Steven L. Solomon. Af- las, Robin Ferguson, Richard Gordon, $1,000, designated as membership or Newman. Immortals is a designation ter-Life Memberships are a tongue-in- Linda Jackson, Richard Johnson, Roman membership renewal, and are deduct- for those members who have contacted cheek donation category of $5,000 for D. Johnston, Tim Larmour, Rick McCol- ible for income-tax purposes. FFRF to report they have made provi- those who want their donation to “live lum, Cheryl McCutcheon, Katie Muhler, States represented are California, sions for FFRF in their estate planning. Suit Continued from page 1 campaign activity applicable to all son Amendment: “This executive about it create great harm in percep- groups and individuals are political tax-exempt organizations.” order directs the IRS not to unfairly tion, FFRF contends. Nan Aron, who outsiders.” The Justice Department averred target churches and religious organi- heads the Alliance for Justice, com- The complaint notes that when that FFRF “misunderstands the pur- zations for political speech.” prised of more than 100 diverse non- Trump hosted a six-hour meeting with pose and the effect” of the order. Trump has made similar statements profits, expressed concern that the or- evangelical leaders this summer — “Clearly, it’s Trump who misunder- elsewhere. der “sends threatening signals about which included the laying of hands stands his authority,” responds Annie “I’ve gotten rid of the Johnson how certain religious speech and reli- on the president in the Oval Office Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-president. Amendment,” Trump told Christian gious institutions might be allowed to — religious leaders made policy sug- FFRF concurs that Trump doesn’t Broadcasting Network founder Pat skirt laws imposed on others.” gestions. One such recommendation, have the authority to selectively un- Robertson on July 12. “You know, you The intended message is that the by Tony Perkins, president of the dermine enforcement of a duly enact- couldn’t speak politically before; now IRS will no longer enforce the John- Family Research Council, was to ban ed U.S. law or to engage in invidious you can.” He added that it is “going son Amendment against Christians, transgender people from serving in discrimination against secular tax-ex- to be a great thing for Christianity, be- particularly evangelicals, who are be- the military. Within days, Trump an- empt groups. lieve me.” ing encouraged to electioneer, to the nounced his transgender military ban Nevertheless, as FFRF’s amended News story after news story declared detriment of secular nonprofit groups via tweet and without first consulting brief documents, Trump continues to that Trump was allowing or making it held to a more rigorous standard of military leaders. send “a loud message to the religious easier for churches to engage in polit- enforcement. As a result of the executive order, community” that it may openly violate ical activity. Reuters, for instance, ran FFRF warns, “The president’s churches and religious organizations the Johnson Amendment. Trump told a headline saying, “Trump order frees speech and actions convey a mes- will be encouraged to blatantly and the Faith and Freedom Coalition on tax-exempt churches to be more polit- sage of pure religious endorsement, deliberately flout electioneering re- June 8 that he had delivered on his ically active.” which indicates that religious officials strictions, including during the up- campaign message to stop the John- His executive order and statements are political insiders, while secular coming 2018 elections.
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