NEWSNews && NOTESNotes Q “Each person wants to be valued and Pogo Press, 2006, 193 p., books. This new approach to understand- remembered as they see themselves.” So paper, $15.95) is a nicely ing their relationship delves into the ends David M. Grabitske’s thoughtful, illustrated volume that cultural influences of the 1930s. Miller careful, and well-researched biography, takes the story from “beginnings” to “her- takes a close look at how the events of Six Miles from St. Paul: The Family and itage,” ending with curiosity about what the day, both political and economic, Society of Sarah Jane Sibley (Mendota, the new century will bring. The book is related to or influenced the writings of MN: Friends of the Sibley Historic Site, available from the Chisago City Heritage the two women. His analysis shows the 2008, 188 p., paper, $14.95). In assem- Association, Box 413, Chisago City 55013. ways in which the women were differ- bling from many sources the story of this ent and yet their writings were, in some eastern-born and bred wife of Minne- Q Fitting tribute to a beloved Minne- ways, similar. Miller explores how much sota’s first statehood governor, Grabitske sota institution, Northern Treasure: The of the mother’s writing was influenced by ably documents her skills and leadership Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and her daughter, an author in her own right, roles in both her family and the larger Horticultural Research Center by Susan and how the writing of each woman was world of Minnesota’s emerging, chang- Davis Price profiles the many gardens suffused with the values of her own era: ing society. This book, which won a 2009 and relates the 100-year history of what The two saw the world through different Award of Merit from the American As- began as the University of Minnesota’s eyes. Miller’s academic, thoughtful look sociation for State and Local History, fruit-breeding farm. Copiously illustrated into what motivated this aspect of the re- remembers Sarah Jane Sibley with the with contemporary photographs by lationship between mother and daughter respect, dignity, and fairness she would John Gregor as well as historical images, provides insight into who these women wish. It is available from the publisher, the 140-page book (Afton, MN: Afton really were. www.sibley-friends.org/Sixmiles.html, Historical Society Press, cloth, $40.00) and in the Minnesota History Center mu- guides readers through the seasons and Q Jim Gilbert’s Minnesota Nature Notes seum store in St. Paul. seasonal events at the arboretum. (Minneapolis: Nodin Press, 2008, 300 p., paperback, $19.95) is a valuable guide to Q Remember when cars had fins, televi- Q In Historic Photos of Minnesota the seasons. Drawing on his knowledge of sion was only in black-and-white, and (Nashville: Turner Publishing Co., 2009, nature, Gilbert has created a month-by- parties were energized by the spin of 45’s 205 p., cloth, $39.95), author Susan month, week-by-week guide to weather, (45 rpm single-tune vinyl records)? In Marks has collected, with the help of wildlife, and the natural environment. Green Stamps to Hot Pants: Growing Up others, an array of images by various The book is laced with photos and factual in the 50s and 60s (Minneapolis: Nodin photographers that give the reader a commentaries—“A Closer Look”—related Press, 2008, 183 p., paper, $19.95), au- glimpse into the past. Compiled from to occurrences during a particular month. thor Genny Zak Kieley takes us back various statewide historical organiza- These informal essays provide interest- to those years and then moves on into tions, the photos show major themes in ing insights into many of the things we the 1960s, reminiscing about hot pants, state history, such as the early days of might witness: birds bathing, corn tassels, transistor radios, the Beatles, and tiny logging, the railroad era, and the Great and constellations, for example. Gilbert’s booklets filled with Green Stamps. Pho- Depression, along with political events training as biologist allows him to explain tos illustrate the fashions, buildings, and and recreational activities. These cap- to the layperson the behavior of birds, the other pieces of memorabilia, interspersed tioned black-and-white images appear in importance of bees, and the beneficial with recollections of family and friends, chronological order from 1850 to 1969, attributes of the dandelion. The informa- representing some of their adventures and each section begins with a brief his- tion offered in this book makes the sea- during these decades. Kieley has done torical overview. sons more enjoyable to experience. her research. If you grew up in the Twin Cities during this era, you will enjoy this Q In nine chapters, scholar John Miller Q Thirteen essays explore modern trip down memory lane. expands the critical discussion of Laura American Indian political and cultural Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane, life in The Sioux in South Dakota His- Q Thrice platted, once moved, and still mother and daughter, exploring both tory: A Twentieth-Century Reader standing, venerable Chisago City has their authorship and influence on each (Pierre: South Dakota State Histori- endured as a “smaller town secure in its other. In Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose cal Society Press, 2007, 326 p., paper, own identity.” With these words, author Wilder Lane: Authorship, Place, Time, $18.95). Drawn from the society’s quar- Moira F. Harris begins her history of the and Culture (Columbia, MO: University terly journal, the essays cover such topics town, its people, businesses, institutions, of Missouri Press, 2008, 210 p., cloth, as the political and social ramifications of and the events that shaped and changed $39.95) Miller examines the writings land heirship, the damming of the Mis- it. By the Shores of Ki-Chi-Saga: A His- of both women, who collaborated on souri River, and shifting federal policies. tory of Chisago City (Lakeville, MN: the beloved Little House on the Prairie Health care, recreation, and education are Fall 2009 331 NEWSNews && NOTESNotes viewed through the windows of a psychi- gnant and compelling photographs with the communities it connects in Cross- atric facility, reservation rodeos, and the locations ranging from Franklin Avenue ing the Canal: An Illustrated History of experiences of a day-school teacher. In his in Minneapolis to Main Street in Will- Duluth’s Aerial Bridge (Duluth: X-com- introduction and afterword, editor Rich- mar. What emerges is a portrait of Min- munication, 2008, 208 p., paper, $21.95). mond L. Clow offers additional context nesota that is at once achingly familiar More than 250 images, including maps, and proposes avenues for further study. and surprisingly new. diagrams, blueprints, paintings, and Delving into another regional popula- photographs enliven this vivid history of tion, Forgotten Lives: African Americans Q In Pilgrims to the Northland: The Duluth’s iconic landmark. in South Dakota (Pierre: South Dakota Archdiocese of St. Paul, 1840–1962 (Notre State Historical Society Press, 2008, 304 Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Q In “You Have Been Kind Enough to p., paper, $17.95) considers more than Press, 2009, 642 p., cloth, $70.00) histo- Assist Me”: Herman Stern and the Jewish 200 years of black history in the state. rian Marvin R. O’Connell offers a detailed Refugee Crisis (Fargo, ND: North Dakota Consulting newspapers, census records, and engaging narrative of the institution Institute for Regional Studies, 2008, 366 early social chronicles, and oral histories, that was integral to Catholicism in the p., cloth, $24.95), historian and archivist Betti VanEpps-Taylor tells the stories of Upper Midwest in the years before Vati- Terry Shoptaugh relates the compel- Lewis and Clark’s companion York and can II. This big book is rich in stories of ling story of an individual who made a acclaimed filmmaker Oscar Micheaux personalities, faith, struggle, and triumph. difference in the lives of many. Clothier alongside those of pioneering women in Stern, a Jewish immigrant to North Da- the Black Hills, isolated cowboys on the Q In 1871, the citizens of Duluth fin- kota, began by helping his own relatives open range, voting rights advocates, and ished cutting a canal through Minnesota emigrate and then, with assistance from professionals recruited after World War Point, turning the isthmus into an island Washington, D.C., expanded his efforts II—in short, fascinating and hard-won in- and splitting the fledgling city in two. to save more than 140 people from the formation about this small but vital group. Almost 35 years later, a safe, permanent, impending Holocaust. The onset of war and truly unique bridge finally reunited in 1939 derailed plans to rescue others. Q Since 1991, refugees of Somalia’s civil Duluth with the community of Park This book is based on impressive work in war have settled across the United States, Point. Tony Dierckins tells the full story Stern’s papers, oral interviews, and pub- most notably in Minneapolis and Co- of the famous bridge, its keepers, and lished work. lumbus, Ohio. Since 2003, photographer Abdi Roble and writer Doug Rutledge have documented these immigrants’ new lives. Through intimate photographs and Editor, Anne R. Kaplan insightful essays, their collection The Design and Typsetting, Percolator Somali Diaspora: A Journey Away (Min- Minnesota History is published quarterly and copyright The Society assumes no responsibility for statements neapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009 by the Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg made by contributors. Û`°Ê7iÃÌ]Ê-Ì°Ê*>Õ]Ê Êxx£äÓ£äÈÆÊwww.mnhs.org. The Code below indicates that copying beyond that 2008, 208 p., paper, $34.95) takes read- Membership in the Society includes a subscription to permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the U.S.
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