T he Courier-CGazette. RnrK I. %>•!> UtZKTTE EM T A lll.l Sil El» lRIO. I Artbiittfiiran £cbcr that Rtobcs in n m ill X Y». lit IN M>v INI'E. RIIC K I.A M I Itlll III E l( ESTA III.I.MII E ll IS T 4 .I he press is the the iO lorlb at (Tivo Dollars a Bear .SINfil l; <<>|*||'' riB d . KIVK CKNTR. V o L . 4 . — N ew S e r ie s . ROCKL AND, MAINE, TEES DAY. SEPTEMBER 1885. N E M B E R 3(5. raised his eyelids and lluttcrcd them slightly. war and blood that in all ag o has been played “ Well, sir,” he answered, with a respectful ested in tliese thinirs liiui'clf, lie said, point­ “ I ninh I 'tand'. « t , perfectly,” said the m a n LARKS ABROAD. “Where am I ?” he asked in weak and trem­ up and down its streets nnd all about Its touch of Ids cap, “ there’s one as goes at elcvcr.- ing to tlie ar» h, and if we would go with him in the pink shirt, after taking another sip from ulous accents. Yon have no doubt noticed staunch old walls. It wa? pleasant to look tweiitv, and ailotli?r at one-fifteen, and another a little wav up an adjacent street, lie would the pot. SOME SINGULAR ADVENTURES that people wlio swoon and come back t » life upon, and if the scene near by afforded pleas­ beyant that at three-tbirty-two, which is a wiry point us out some of the Roman wall. I hi' “ Well, tii' ti," 1 pursued, holding inv note­ IN YORK AND LINCOLN. in a minute or two, always open the discussion ure, how much more the distant. All about clever train. You’ll find the threc-thirty-two a we cordially a s -e n te d to, for we are acquiring book to .jot down lii' answer, “ let’s liave it. witli tiiat interrogation. They seem to have a here the country is level, unbroken and tin - wery clever train indeed, sir.” a perfect passion for Roman rem ain', so oil Gut with it.” How Wc Climbed a Cathedral Tower suspicion that somebody lias moved them. diversified by niountain or hill. There are w o i uEit on \ v-iieaheh c n v. we posted together, our new-found fri.md talk­ “ Gut with wot, 'it ’ the man in the pink “You nrc right lure,” the Judge kindly an­ and What Took Place Therein Eng­ travelers who complain that this dead level is Lincoln is positively opulent in evidences of ing all the while in a thick voice that was 'hil t inquired, in what «cemed to be a tone of swered, bending over him in a reassuring man­ sometimes diliieult to understand and pres­ lish Landscape Beauties—A Hot Day monotonous and unpleasant. Not so was it to antiquity, and 1 could fill these columns from surprise. in Lincoln An Intelligent Glance at ner. “ You haven’t been anywhere since you ns. who had been looking upon the hills of now to Clu i-tmas time were I to tell you the ently came up to a large field, over in the “ Whv. your opinion, of course,” I said, be­ the Crop Statistics of Great Britain. dropped." Scotland to our fill, and now roved the beau­ half we saw there. Here is my not e-book, just ccnterof which stood a ernmbling mass of stom ginning to grow impatient. “ Don’t leave me,” the Englishman in the ties of this cultivated plain until our eyes bulging with interesting facts nnent our prowl- and mortar, put there piece by piece by hand' “ Of wot, sir •" [Fiiteentii Letter | patent leather shoes feebly moaned. grew fairly weak. Nothing it seems to me ings in that ancient city, nearly all of which I long since turned into dust. We secured some “(H the coining crops.” “ Never,” we said, letting fall three or four I rcnlly am pained, as I glance over my last can surpass the charm of this English rural must pass reluctantly by until some more e »n- fngments that weighed fifteen or twenty “ Gli bit s' von, sir." tin* man in tlie pink large sized tears upon Ills upturned countenance. literary nightmare, to liml !iotv lean and scenery. Our vision reached to a far-away venient season. Tlie purveyor of information pounds to take Imine as keepsakes, and went | shirt remarked, “ I haven't no opinion at alt. I poverty-stricken it is in point of areliitcctnal It was easy enough for us to assure him up­ horizon ami rested on trees and shrubbery, back witli the large gentleman, who was an j don’t know notliink about it." on this point. We didn’t know where to go. becomes embarrassed 11 traveling through this information, ami this in the face of my reso- park and meadow, with now ami then a stnail country by the abundance of siglits aud adven­ enDiiisi tsl on tin1 subject of relic', ami who in- J “ Ain’t } on a farmer I asked. “ I am going to die here," the Englishman in lute intention to give you something of glitter­ aud cosy village disposed upon the plain, and tures that are everywhere to hand. The ques­ sisted upon our accompanying him inside the | “ Gli. no, sir," the man in the pink shirt the patent leather shoes went on, in a faint, low ing nnd intrinsic value. This week I hope to here and there a silver thread of water strung tion is not “ What shall I write ab o u t'" but little door we first had seen him issue from, to smilingly rejoined, Tin lionlv a driver of a voice. “ I have climbed and climbed these retrieve my tottering reputation for veracity in negligent hut graceful curves across the “ What shall I not write about •" for indeed it inspect a variety of curiosities that had cum 'oi 'e and cart, sir There it he, sir. hontside the endless, tortuous stairs until my energy is and truth. The present epistle will treat of landscape’s face, while the whole surface of is hard to decide. into hi' possession. ’ door." sapped. It is useless to go further. I am used the wonderfu I cathedrals of Lincoln and Ely, nature glowed in its vivid green, lightened at 'i he first thing we e:.countered was a porter A SNI O I.l i l t.1: PLACE. W’itli this tie* man in the pink shirt tossed olf up. Take thh purse—here is my watch. frequent intervals by bright wild flowers that and when I get done with these, I expect the with n thin. fr. ekled face atnl a pair of exceed­ Tim little door, we found when we got inside, , the remainder of his beer, waved us good-day Now do you make one more effort to find the grew in tlie most wanton profusion. There readers who have been patiently following me ingly impotent legs, that wobbled painfully was the entrance to a small beer-shop, of which and went h« n;!y out. I thrust mv note-book path, but leave me here. Adieu—farewell!” were fields of fresh young grain, and hedge­ through these famous buildings, will know as about in hi' superlatively large trousers, and the large gentleman was proprietor, and who Back into mv pocket, ground off the end Imagination can concelva nothing more rows all in the white of the fragrant haw- of the pint 'tern between my teeth, dashed in,teh as I do of the beauties no less than the were bows at that, lie said be would take our now introduced us along a narrow parage to awful than this scene, transpiring up there in thorne’s bloom. Occasionally a windmill the re-t o| i’ into the tire place, knocked my technicalities of English cathedral architecture. valises to the White Hart Inn “ for whatever the public room, a small apartment with a mid-uir, buried in the recesses of that dark ami dotted the scene, its white wings turning slowly h.it over m\ iyes in a hysterical fashion, But first I’ve got to get you out of York the gentlemen thought w a s right." When a sanded fl ior, several wooden tables and chairs illimitable tower. It was enough to appall the in Ihe breeze and glistening in the sun, while laughed on, - or twite in a broken way, and M lnskr’s ervpt, asking your pa,don for leav­ servant tells you this, look out for him. It of comfortable dimensions, a number of arti­ stoutest hearted. Even the Judge ami I were herds unnumbered roamed the meadows and I went out under the Roman areli and I lid my ing you there an entire week in the gloom and means that you can fix the fee yourself, but if cles of virtu disposed about the walls and rest­ affected by it. But it would not do to abandon cropped lazily at the succulent green verdure. ( fevered brow agaiii't one of its cool, cook the damp and the odor of dead monks’ bones, it isn't large enough to satisfy him aud it ing on shelves, aud several inviting looking hope without another struggle. One thing was Andover it all there hovered a eliarm unspeak­ stones. Fi 1 1 Eit^ and trusting you have not thereby imbibed hardly ever is—he takes good care that you long-stemmed pipes and packages cf tobacco certain—it would be a great annoyance to have able—a something I cannot explain, so differ­ too tenacious a case of rheumatism, for which become acquainted with the fact.
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